__________________________________________________ In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08 - Rest In Peace; you will not be forgotten
I might as well join too. Considering I've been a POES for about 4 months. So ha. Btw very nice pic deviliscious. I like the outfit. Btw im not a creepy stalker who has no life. Or am I? No I'm not.
Anywho, the whole guild thing seems counter-productive to me. But good thinking.
I might as well join too. Considering I've been a POES for about 4 months. So ha. Btw very nice pic deviliscious. I like the outfit. Btw im not a creepy stalker who has no life. Or am I? No I'm not. Anywho, the whole guild thing seems counter-productive to me. But good thinking. Runescape blows!!!!! Rip Runescape December 17,2007 We will miss you. But we will move on too.
Welcome to the POES!
Ha! I knew you were a POES all along! Now if you were actually a creepy stalker would you come up and say, " Hi I am a creepy stalker? " lol! but anyhow I only call the people who are actually stalking me stalkers...so I don;t think you are a stalker.. yet anyways! hahahahah!
mabye you should just start a guild. easier to keep track of it all.
Guilds are too much of a hassle to keep up with.. keep it simple. You can be a pissed off ex scaper and not have any responsiblities .. just speak your mind lol.
for you guys asking to join POES post on this thread to let mike know since it was his idea. LOL! Though you don;t need to ask, if you are pissed off at them for their bad decsions you are already one!
i played RS till combat level 97 maxed quite a few things, i loved the game i just cant get back into it after ive played WoW and GW for so long, i will never diss runescape because it is a beautifully crafted game for the most casual of gamers, i just wish they would make a version of it for hardcore gamers, maybe increase difficulty a small bit.
for you guys asking to join POES post on this thread to let mike know since it was his idea. LOL! Though you don;t need to ask, if you are pissed off at them for their bad decsions you are already one!
I feel so honored
__________________________________________________ In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08 - Rest In Peace; you will not be forgotten
I'm ashamed to say im a runescape vet too played since 2004, my frist account got scammed (called murdera2k4 lol) made a new one to murdera2k5. i quit after trade updates but i go on occasionally but only to talk to old friends who have mostly left . I miss the good old days at level 20 when i thought 1k was loads of cash and i used to mine and smith copper and sell for cash lol. aah, good memories, i've tried to play loads of games after can't get into any and end up coming back to rs to be dissappointed again by Jagex's diabolical "updates." Anyway...
"If they can make Penicillin out of mouldy bread, they can sure make something out of you," - Muhammed Ali
ah i no the feeling... after i had a 'main' account as they were called, i decided to make a pure or 2. i had my ranger and melee pure. and they were goood. i put alot of effort into them only for these updates to come out and kill everything. i try to look for another game to play but nothing seems to fill the void. i get so bored and i hate jagex for getting rid of the wildy. ah well whats done is done i guess
anyone know any other good games to play? im bored out of my mind....
Why can't you all just accept that fact the reason Jagex removed the wildy was because of RWTers?
Because we are not niave 13 year olds and know wnough about business and gaming to know that this is only something a child would believe. There are many games that have Dealt with RMT's before, this is not something new to the genre. Jagex chose the worst possible way to do this rather than dealing with it in a way that would not hurt the game itself. What was their reason for choosing the worst possible option rather than the tried and true methods?
ah i no the feeling... after i had a 'main' account as they were called, i decided to make a pure or 2. i had my ranger and melee pure. and they were goood. i put alot of effort into them only for these updates to come out and kill everything. i try to look for another game to play but nothing seems to fill the void. i get so bored and i hate jagex for getting rid of the wildy. ah well whats done is done i guess
anyone know any other good games to play? im bored out of my mind....
Yea makes you feel like getting 94+mage on multiple accounts as being a complete waste of time. I am playing Guild wars until Guild wars2 comes out. It is a nice game, good community, great customer service. Though it isn't technically an mmo, it was Arena nets first attempt at anything like one, and I have to say they did a great job with it. Just think Jagex has had almost a decade to work on their game and this is the best they can do, when all of these other guys put out so much more in less time. GWs is alot more pvp based though, with a better storyline but it requires grouping to really have fun with it. If you get with a good guild you can have alot of fun there... you buy the game then it has no monthly fees, you get to play it as long as you want, which it actually makes it less than even one years runescape membership. I think I paid like $30 for the first guild wars, Runescape is now $72 a year??!
Hey Devilliscous, couldn't help looking at the pic since you directed me to it - was that a good idea as I bet the scum of society as I call them will follow too. Nice pic and yes you are younger and healthier than me but too bad I do what I can to be healthy!
Hmm, am I a POES, maybe not as I have had to play so much alone being from New Zealand in a different time zone and my nephews had to go to bed about when I was only on the game a bit. Thus like many adult friends we hated the wild with a vengance as 13 yr old and younger thugs always went to kill you there trying to do clues or work on stats or quests - the only yay with updates was stopping wildy so people like me finally could go make lots of nats without going to zanaris & back. So do I belong in POES too or shall I keep thinking i'm a MUCK MONGER playing in RAT SHIT.
If we keep fighting we have hope of improvement, if nothing gets done we know Jagex don't care about their income!
for you guys asking to join POES post on this thread to let mike know since it was his idea. LOL! Though you don;t need to ask, if you are pissed off at them for their bad decsions you are already one!
I feel so honored
SInce we seem to have a new wave of POES here I am directing them to this thread where it started. LOL!
You should be honored Mike, I would have never thought to give a name to our group of outraged players.
SInce we seem to have a new wave of POES here I am directing them to this thread where it started. LOL!
You should be honored Mike, I would have never thought to give a name to our group of outraged players.
I only wish to be honest about Jagex. I really am disgusted about their lies. I myself, am proud to join POES group. I will defend and support causes of the POES, especially the ones about the conspiracy and lies of Jagex. Good luck to all.
Hmmm... How do I know you know me, and aren't just some stalker freak? Prove it! lol
You pkd DI at mage bank drunk on cam. You were wearing a light blue strappy tank top with a monkey on it and little hip hugger shorts, which I have to mention you looked very GOOD in. Oh yea and there is this..
Well you already know me, and I'm quite pissed off lol. But I'm not an Ex-Runescaper yet because I foolishly paid for a year's membership about 6 months before the bad updates came out. 35 days left on the membership, and when that's done, so is me ever visiting that website again. (Can't help myself, I want to get whatever fun is left in Castle Wars and Clan Wars left while I'm still stuck with the membership.) Once it expires though, there's really no point in me renewing, even for my favorite minigame, Castle Wars. At least they finally fixed the glitches in the Castle Wars arena they so stupidly introduced anyway...
Once my two-week lapse is complete, the 1$ raise in price will be even more of a reason to stay away. I have no idea why Jagex would do that, because anyone who thought "Well, maybe they fixed it enough to come back" will look at the price and say "They raised the price to pay themselves to provide me with shit updates?! WTF?!" and probably just leave and never return. Very bad move on the business level, not just the gaming level...
By the way, the newest quest is a load of shit. Don't know why I even bothered to do it and die 4 times for a lousy 300k. I mean, you don't even fight the monster... Whats the point of giving the stupid thing a level if you can't fight it?!
Stupid programmers, they have no business talent, and no creativity left either apparently.
Welcome to the POES everyone ! I thought that the PVP updates might breathe new life into the game, but They also have a habit of screwing up every update they do these days. Seems like this one was no exception.
Can i join the vet club? =P
Of course
Welcome to the POES!
In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08 - Rest In Peace; you will not be forgotten
HA! you have all been POES all along .. you just didn;t know it yet :P
mabye you should just start a guild. easier to keep track of it all.
I lost all my dignity a long time ago.
I might as well join too. Considering I've been a POES for about 4 months. So ha. Btw very nice pic deviliscious. I like the outfit. Btw im not a creepy stalker who has no life. Or am I? No I'm not.
Anywho, the whole guild thing seems counter-productive to me. But good thinking.
Runescape blows!!!!!
Rip Runescape December 17,2007
We will miss you. But we will move on too.
Welcome to the POES!
Ha! I knew you were a POES all along! Now if you were actually a creepy stalker would you come up and say, " Hi I am a creepy stalker? " lol! but anyhow I only call the people who are actually stalking me stalkers...so I don;t think you are a stalker.. yet anyways! hahahahah!
Guilds are too much of a hassle to keep up with.. keep it simple. You can be a pissed off ex scaper and not have any responsiblities .. just speak your mind lol.
for you guys asking to join POES post on this thread to let mike know since it was his idea. LOL! Though you don;t need to ask, if you are pissed off at them for their bad decsions you are already one!
i played RS till combat level 97 maxed quite a few things, i loved the game i just cant get back into it after ive played WoW and GW for so long, i will never diss runescape because it is a beautifully crafted game for the most casual of gamers, i just wish they would make a version of it for hardcore gamers, maybe increase difficulty a small bit.
I feel so honored
In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08 - Rest In Peace; you will not be forgotten
I'm ashamed to say im a runescape vet too played since 2004, my frist account got scammed (called murdera2k4 lol) made a new one to murdera2k5. i quit after trade updates but i go on occasionally but only to talk to old friends who have mostly left . I miss the good old days at level 20 when i thought 1k was loads of cash and i used to mine and smith copper and sell for cash lol. aah, good memories, i've tried to play loads of games after can't get into any and end up coming back to rs to be dissappointed again by Jagex's diabolical "updates." Anyway...
"If they can make Penicillin out of mouldy bread, they can sure make something out of you," - Muhammed Ali
ah i no the feeling... after i had a 'main' account as they were called, i decided to make a pure or 2. i had my ranger and melee pure. and they were goood. i put alot of effort into them only for these updates to come out and kill everything. i try to look for another game to play but nothing seems to fill the void. i get so bored and i hate jagex for getting rid of the wildy. ah well whats done is done i guess
anyone know any other good games to play? im bored out of my mind....
Why can't you all just accept that fact the reason Jagex removed the wildy was because of RWTers?
Epic awesome me
Because we are not niave 13 year olds and know wnough about business and gaming to know that this is only something a child would believe. There are many games that have Dealt with RMT's before, this is not something new to the genre. Jagex chose the worst possible way to do this rather than dealing with it in a way that would not hurt the game itself. What was their reason for choosing the worst possible option rather than the tried and true methods?
Yea makes you feel like getting 94+mage on multiple accounts as being a complete waste of time. I am playing Guild wars until Guild wars2 comes out. It is a nice game, good community, great customer service. Though it isn't technically an mmo, it was Arena nets first attempt at anything like one, and I have to say they did a great job with it. Just think Jagex has had almost a decade to work on their game and this is the best they can do, when all of these other guys put out so much more in less time. GWs is alot more pvp based though, with a better storyline but it requires grouping to really have fun with it. If you get with a good guild you can have alot of fun there... you buy the game then it has no monthly fees, you get to play it as long as you want, which it actually makes it less than even one years runescape membership. I think I paid like $30 for the first guild wars, Runescape is now $72 a year??!
Hey Devilliscous, couldn't help looking at the pic since you directed me to it - was that a good idea as I bet the scum of society as I call them will follow too. Nice pic and yes you are younger and healthier than me but too bad I do what I can to be healthy!
Hmm, am I a POES, maybe not as I have had to play so much alone being from New Zealand in a different time zone and my nephews had to go to bed about when I was only on the game a bit. Thus like many adult friends we hated the wild with a vengance as 13 yr old and younger thugs always went to kill you there trying to do clues or work on stats or quests - the only yay with updates was stopping wildy so people like me finally could go make lots of nats without going to zanaris & back. So do I belong in POES too or shall I keep thinking i'm a MUCK MONGER playing in RAT SHIT.
If we keep fighting we have hope of improvement, if nothing gets done we know Jagex don't care about their income!
{edited out} And yea you would be a Poes Because You are pissed off at them as well.
I feel so honored
SInce we seem to have a new wave of POES here I am directing them to this thread where it started. LOL!
You should be honored Mike, I would have never thought to give a name to our group of outraged players.
SInce we seem to have a new wave of POES here I am directing them to this thread where it started. LOL!
You should be honored Mike, I would have never thought to give a name to our group of outraged players.
I only wish to be honest about Jagex. I really am disgusted about their lies. I myself, am proud to join POES group. I will defend and support causes of the POES, especially the ones about the conspiracy and lies of Jagex. Good luck to all.
Borat would say: Wowowoooowa! Naughty, Naughty!
yo guys, thanks for promoting me to hard core member..i appreciate it
Let me join the club since I’m an 01 rsc vet and hate jagex with a passion for what they did to the game.
Welcome to the POES!
Well you already know me, and I'm quite pissed off lol. But I'm not an Ex-Runescaper yet because I foolishly paid for a year's membership about 6 months before the bad updates came out. 35 days left on the membership, and when that's done, so is me ever visiting that website again. (Can't help myself, I want to get whatever fun is left in Castle Wars and Clan Wars left while I'm still stuck with the membership.) Once it expires though, there's really no point in me renewing, even for my favorite minigame, Castle Wars. At least they finally fixed the glitches in the Castle Wars arena they so stupidly introduced anyway...
Once my two-week lapse is complete, the 1$ raise in price will be even more of a reason to stay away. I have no idea why Jagex would do that, because anyone who thought "Well, maybe they fixed it enough to come back" will look at the price and say "They raised the price to pay themselves to provide me with shit updates?! WTF?!" and probably just leave and never return. Very bad move on the business level, not just the gaming level...
By the way, the newest quest is a load of shit. Don't know why I even bothered to do it and die 4 times for a lousy 300k. I mean, you don't even fight the monster... Whats the point of giving the stupid thing a level if you can't fight it?!
Stupid programmers, they have no business talent, and no creativity left either apparently.
Welcome to the POES everyone ! I thought that the PVP updates might breathe new life into the game, but They also have a habit of screwing up every update they do these days. Seems like this one was no exception.