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Hi i had to restore my computer to yesterday because of gay windows
so i start up conan download a patch then boom
i get this application has failed to start because d3dx9_96.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
as much as the next guy i dont wanna download the god dam 13gb again any ways i can correct this
hmm updating update your drivers might help.
Download the newest update for Directx. Also try reinstalling your video card drivers.
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You wouldn't understand
It depends on what you mean by 'restore'. Do you mean the 'system restore' option from the menu or the rather more drastic 'system disc restore' using your windows installation DVDs?
I couldn't find any pages about 'd3dx9_96.dll' but found this fairly similar one.
Hope it helps.
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Brilliant seems it was a directx problem