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Hi all! I took some screen shots of a couple of zones after Tortage. Just keeps getting better. The game is definitely not linear after 20. It's just zoned, and they are really big zones.
Edit: If the zones fill to max capacity, which I've yet to see, another instance of the zone will be created to keep the lag down.
The first 35 screen shots are of the wildlands and a crafting/gathering area (I forgot what the place was c alled
Oh btw, I was chasing that cow around a field and chased it into a river LOL
Thanks for the screen shots!
Wow! Your experience was completely different than my region wise in the game but both feel pretty epic to me. I like your final Tortage Fatality, I did the same
'Cry Havoc, and Let Loose the Dogs of WARRRRR!!!'
Those pictures look good thanks for posting them! We need a couple of trolls to come see this thread so they can see playing past level 5 is worth it.
cool pictures
Thanks! Just wanted to post these while eating dinner.
I have to go find some silver! Cya! =D
Cheers for the pics Mordria, sure looks brilliant.
I would like to know what type of class you chose? I really cannot tell from the screen shots. And how is the solo play? Thanks,
I'm a guardian, and they solo great
I am level 25, and I concur..the game is only getting better.
Except, since I hit like level 16 no "NEW" Combos, just updated ones. I was hoping for more......
Liek omgzorz, u must be a haxorz, cuz u can't leave the path in AoC, it's liek all lineer n stuff.
Hehe, very nice screenshots.
They should stick this in here so for everytime someone cries about the game being linear you can just point them in this direction. Oh, that's's linear because it has quests
What graphics card are you using, Mordria?
Serious death penalties makes every close call an adrenaline rush, and every minor achievement a major victory. This alternative rule-set should be in all MMORPGs.
I really wish I could play this game, it looks pretty fun. Sadly when looking to upgrade my computer I learned that it can't handle more than 1 gig of RAM... no AoC till i can afford a new one.
Everything creates huge amounts of negativity on the internet, that's what the internet is for: Negativity, porn and lolcats.
I bought the overpriced NVIDIA GeForce 8800 Ultra 768 MB.
But it works extremely well so...
I guess you get what you pay for
My fps rarely drops below 40 playing on Max settings.
lol.. yeah no kidding. There's allot to do in the game if you just talk to everyone just like in Oblivion. All kinds of interesting quests
Nice shots, Aquilonia sure was the best place.
In Cimmeria I was lost in a super dense white background, like extremely dense fog, and do what I want I wasnt able to make it look better. I wonder if Cimmeria is supposed to look like that. Do you have screens from there?
Despite the beauty something about the landscape didnt catch me, like lacking some "soul", but thats maybe purely subjective.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
It really gives you a good perspective of what type of feel they wanted the game to have.
Yeah, I remember it being like that over there.. was all foggy. I don't have any yet, but.. I'll post some when I get there
Amazing shots, Hyboria really is a beautifull world!
lol... silly