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1. Automatic cash back with Ship Insurance, nationals PvP will at last be affordable expendable fun.
2. Pirates pillage will transform the game for Pirates by adding the first two towns loaded with fun.
3. Pirates are getting the new Buccaneer class in R1.4, a very powerful evil Freetrader!
4. Pirates chances of winning the map will greatly increase by increasing the number of points that the Pirates earn to more than 3/port.
5. Girl-Play! new faces and some new hairdos for female characters.
6. Upgrade for the conquest UI. UChat support which enables cross-server messages as well as messages to and from all SOE games.
7. New end-game content Epic Mission. Fortaleza da Luz is a level 50 environment along the line of Bey’s Retreat.
In future patches fair PvP is planned for the crowds that are not into unfair ganking & shallow PVP areas for newbies.
R1.5 is sheduled for testbed in only two weeks.
Aye, The future looks bright, the future is Potbs me hearties!
Maybe this should be posted on the AoC boards so those that purchased POTBS can actually see it........
Ship insurance i like that, i thought the skirmish system was going to be in 1.5 though. Did you forget to post it or is it going to be in a later patch?
Skirmish has been pushed back in favor of fixing some current PvP & RvR issues.
The new Epic Instance is an all AvCom instance. Bay's was a mix of AvCom and ship combat.
"Future patches"? This should be priority number one for FLS. I think most of the people left because of their support for griefing and ganking.
"Future patches"? This should be priority number one for FLS. I think most of the people left because of their support for griefing and ganking.
i don't understand the complaint of ganking, havn't you played wow or any other open pvp mmo before? if your in the pvp zone then how the ---- are you going to complain about being engaged in pvp combat?
I was a freetrader and all my riggings were for speed, i never once had a problem with getting away from pirates. The problem with pvp is the huge risk factor which limits the amount of people willing to pvp, they already added more reward to it and now it looks like they are taking some risk away with giving 50%++ money back when you sink. Things are definitly better than they were back in feburary
"Future patches"? This should be priority number one for FLS. I think most of the people left because of their support for griefing and ganking.
i don't understand the complaint of ganking, havn't you played wow or any other open pvp mmo before? if your in the pvp zone then how the ---- are you going to complain about being engaged in pvp combat?
I was a freetrader and all my riggings were for speed, i never once had a problem with getting away from pirates. The problem with pvp is the huge risk factor which limits the amount of people willing to pvp, they already added more reward to it and now it looks like they are taking some risk away with giving 50%++ money back when you sink. Things are definitly better than they were back in feburary
In WoW the combat isn't instanced so if I'm getting ganged up on I can call for help. Also, in WoW, getting killed in PvP doesn't require me to grind horrendously boring content for days just to regain what I had before getting ganked. WoW also provides PvE servers for people that *never* want to get ganked. Blizzard realized that people play games for fun...not to get punished by teenagers overdosing on angst.
PotBS caters to players that can only enjoy a game by causing other people grief.
That has nothing to do with the fact that you were in a pvp zone and were legitimently killed. All you did was reinforce the reasons why your upset with being killed "ganked" on the OS. Your complaints sounds to me like when you bought the game that you weren't looking for any risk, in which case i don't blame you for not liking the game, however there are actually a lot of players out there including me that want a risk factor in the game. When i'm playing wow i don't get any adreneline going when someone is trying to kill me but in PoTBS you really get worked up when someone attacks you because you can lose everyhing, thats somthing i look for in games and i'm sure that i'm not the only one.
Also by the time you reach lvl 30 you should be using a ship built for speed so you can get in and out of ports and pvp combat as fast as possible. If your careless and go onto the OS alone in a tug boat than yea you will be destroyed. In a pvp sense the game is no different than EvE, once you step into that red circle everything is fair game.
Looks like they are making some nice new improvments to POTBS!
Okay this is a nice sentiment but
a) if one is going into a zone to do quests they aren't ther for pvp to its a true gank because they wont be fighting back as they are there for quests. So the decision is "do i logout or do i try to run the red zone so I can complete the quest story I was working on to find out what happens to the maiden in distress" . Not much of a decision there to be made.
b) the ship they are using for quests will most likely be a PVE ship which is heavier and slower and not a sloop or something so he will likely get sunk if he is caught which is also likely.. cause he is slower and in a ship that can be seen farther away and not there for pvp so he is not likely gonna be wanting to fight or even be bothered with it. So the decision again is "do I go do the quests in the red ring or do i go play another game and logout yet again"
c) people logging in finding their town red have to either port to another town where the ship they have is possibly inappropriate for the gameplay or log out. Still not very good looks like he is going to be in the wrong ship again so he's probably gonna log out yet again..
so if you like to pvp then its a great game pvp zone however the player base is mixed and the open blue sea of nothingness is NOT content. Until they solve this problem going into pvp rings is only voluntary in so much as the guy subscribed to play a game and doesn't want to sit there paying a subscription fee to logout every other day. After two weeks of logging out and an experience with a griefer I realized I was waisting my money as the red rings were always where I wanted to go and do my quests. It got annoying and it got old very very fast and running away from where I want to go was not something I had fun with.
I had more PVE enjoyment when I played Lineage 2 which was an open pvp game this game had things set up in such a way as you can rest assured someone is gonna go after you because the map is tiny and those rings are very very small making it very hard to do anything BUT pvp which is fine I guess but then they really should remove the story lines and stop telling people that its got great PVE content which of course attracts PVE'ers.
Lastly is the complaint about "puddle jumpers" the one saving grace for PVE'ers to get to their port and actually do the content and hopefully not get sunk. This was at one point condoned as an appropriate action by both the player base and FLS now pvp'ers want the PVE'ers to stop puddle jumping so they can kill them. This is when I realized this is not about willing participants this is only about pvp'ers killing any player including the ones that dont pvp. It was pretty dismal to read that complaint about puddle jumpers.
Forgot to mention in R1.4 Freetraders & Buccaneers get a new passive skill to reduce cargo loss by 50% on surrender & also increases ship battle speed by 2%.
Traders & mission takers should easily be able to avoid getting caught if they don't want to fight.
It's not too hard even now because you can attack an npc ship to give you a whole minute of immunity to attack on exit which is usually enough time make it through any red circle.
Who is FLS fighting back against?
Pretty much themselves at this point.
Excessive early lost subscriptions.
Pretty much themselves at this point.
Figured as much ( ' ;
I repeat my original post which doesn't change the fact that I'm not in the red ring to pvp and therefor am truly being ganked and still will be logging out because of the annoyance at attempting to run the red ring in a slow ship which will be slower then a pvp ship even with buffs..
the logic presented of "dont go there if you dont want to pvp" doesn't work on me sorry. PvP is NOT voluntary with the way content is locked in those rings. PLUS they are dealing with PVE"ers who dont know HOW to pvp. Ganking is defined usually as going after someone you over power for an ssured win in groups larger then the individual you are going after and with superior ships. So now they will gank the FT /bucanneer and sink him and have their jolies and get nothing (cause he was on a mission and had an empty cargo hold anyhow cause he was trying to get to the port..) and SEND him back to his starting point with 1 durability point less and NO closer to the mission he was trying to get to. Yes that's fun... /end sarcasm. Do you know how insanely frustrating it is to encounter this EVERY time you login? Obviously not .. its why people quit this game. ONe huge reason that no amount of manipulation of lost cargo or lost time will fix.
Excessive early lost subscriptions.
Since they haven't done anything to address the reasons that people left so quickly I don't think that's true.
Excessive early lost subscriptions.
Since they haven't done anything to address the reasons that people left so quickly I don't think that's true.
i assume you mean ganking, well that can easily be avoided but you are wrong to say they are not doing anything, reducing the cost of PvP by 50% with ship insurance will be a significant step in the right direction.
Hey good news...I might have to give PotBS a try after this comes out. Good to see they aren't bailing on the game, I was worried they would just cut and run.
Excessive early lost subscriptions.
Since they haven't done anything to address the reasons that people left so quickly I don't think that's true.
i assume you mean ganking, well that can easily be avoided but you are wrong to say they are not doing anything, reducing the cost of PvP by 50% with ship insurance will be a significant step in the right direction.
This wont reduce ganking. Gankers dont gank for loot they gank to gank to grow their epeen larger. It will only reduce the cost of being ganked and changes nothing for those who are likely to be ganked. I'm sorry but for fixing the effects of ganking it changes nothing. It does however fix the cost of dying in actual pvp for those who were having issues of not pvp'ing because of the fact that it was a grindfest so there will be more people out and about pvp'ing (whatever more is at the present time). It wont make anything else different however gankers will still gank weaker people and PVE"ers will still have the same issues that existed before the cost reduction.
Ultimately, the conflict we face is between the needs of endgame PvP play and the needs of new players. If we over-emphasize the former, we drive new players away. An ideal solution would introduce new players to PvP in a non-threatening way, so they can get past the 'victim' stage without a lot of hardship and move on to the 'participant' stage. To a large degree, we're spending the entire 1.6 milestone on just that -- how do we make new players participants rather than victims?
Newbie port protection is, thus, a pretty crude tool we're using in the interim while we address these fundamental issues of risk and newbie experience.
So there you have it - form your own conclusions if you havn't already.
Personally i see it as positive signs for the future.
Took a while to learn one of the same lessons that Fury suffered; new players being introduced into matches with veteran players.
And that is why...
Conservatives' pessimism is conducive to their happiness in three ways. First, they are rarely surprised -- they are right more often than not about the course of events. Second, when they are wrong they are happy to be so. Third, because pessimistic conservatives put not their faith in princes -- government -- they accept that happiness is a function of fending for oneself. They believe that happiness is an activity -- it is inseparable from the pursuit of happiness.
although peopel are just trying to apply this to "newbies" its not just a newbie issue this is the problem. I wasn't a newbie .. I was 50 more then once and had beta tested for over 6 months I left when I was 45 due to furstration over content being locked in red rings and having to take a light fast ship everywhere which made it impossible to actually do any of the content because it required a ship with a bit of armour and the ability to hit somewhat harder then a sloop .. Suffice it to say that I needed a triton or defiant at the point that I left in order to do pve content. I prefered a defiant but the issue with a defiant is that in spite of any speed buffs or even speed gear I was still going to be slower then said gankers. The triton was a bit faster but I was not a naval officer which made it a rather dicey decision to use in PVE as it was actualy better for naval officers who liked to pvp and privateers. One sloop (fastest ship in the game) with no armour and not much crew and rather low on guns is going to have issues with anything BUT running. So unfortunately from what I am seeing it has not shown me that they are making it so that i am not a guaranteed "gank". My ship of choice was actually a xebec to be honest the traders sloop or regular bermuda sloop was to paper thin for me and not worth the extra slight increase in speed over the guns/crew and armour. It still was not a level 45 mission ship and I would be looked at very oddly if i said i was going to do missions in my MC Xebec.
Freetrader in Sloop = I can get away but usualy means to everyone and their dog that "i'm carrying cargo into a red zone come get me" and is NOT a PVE ship lol well unless you like sinking against a bunch galleons and warships in a mission geared towards a person level 45 or 50..
Freedtrader in a triton (now called minerva i think .. i still call it a triton its a triton with a new model.. that is not cookie cutter...) or defiant or deliverance = Gankers can catch me so I likely wont do the missions cause I'm just gonna get sunk on the way there anyhow.. loose a durability point and still not be any farther ahead except back in a port of my nation probably half way across the map in said ship ... still empty and still no farther ahead.
was my aim to pvp? no
do PVErs necessarily even know HOW to pvp? Probably not. Chances are very high I do not unless I do both which is only a small cross section of the PVE crowd. So about 80% of PVE"rs aren't going to want to be cannon fodder for pvp'ers.
Was my PVE mission ship capable of keeping me on my course and getting me into the port where my mission is inside the red ring ? No it sunk and put me back at the port that I probably started at
Did I have fun doing this? No
Did the gankers get their rocks off? Yes
Is this worth me paying for? No
What brings in numbers and subsciption money in games with large audiences? PVE'rs (in this case they all quit leaving what remains of hard core pvp'ers who are happy just pvping day in and day out and grinding for cash so they can pvp some more.
So finally you stop paying for something after you spend X number of months just waiting if that is your a PVE'r. If your a PVP'er who likes ship combat your likely still playing this game and having fun. However your also complaining about lack of population , but at the same time you also asked us pve'rs to go away..
Hot update: Release 1.5 is live on testbed.
So all you players that got pushed out it's time to come back, get off your backsides & come play Potbs.
too little, too late, the game is dead jim....get over it