People will tell you that it opens up after level 20. And I think most new MMOs are going to spoon-feed you the objectives for quests now; people just don't have time anymore. I expected combat to get boring for everyone, how long it takes however depends on the person. Good review, thanks for your opinion (I'll say it now before fanbois come in and say "WTF YOU NOOB you can't write a review you didn't get past 20!").
Honestly doesnt matter anymore. Dont like the combat? Well gee, combat is going to be boring in the next MMO for you then. The truth is, the game is a success and will be a building block for other mmos from here on on, despite what any naysayers try to stir up, I believe they did the same thing with WoW, and now looky looky what kind of a subscribe base it has now. And Ascension I'm not calling you out here at all, just pointing out what u found in the OPs review, case in point, first thing people want to use as a defense mechanism is the "post 20" content, when really it doesnt matter since the game is and will be a "hit".
People will tell you that it opens up after level 20. And I think most new MMOs are going to spoon-feed you the objectives for quests now; people just don't have time anymore. I expected combat to get boring for everyone, how long it takes however depends on the person. Good review, thanks for your opinion (I'll say it now before fanbois come in and say "WTF YOU NOOB you can't write a review you didn't get past 20!").
Actually it was a SHIT review in my opinion. Mentions that he got to level 20 and he felt the same. Didnt mention what level he got to or any so called zones. Try the zones from 55 - 70...
Its limited gameplay experience.. Where is the grouping, the city building .. large scale pvp, the names of the large zones later on...
It was a GOOD review, it just wasnt the result YOU like. He covered all essential topics, quests, mobs, combat... sure you can always look at more or play even higher level. But if I dont like a game in the first 30 levels, why wait to have the fun when you are level 70? Makes no sense.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Its ridiculous, do you think if a person would steal another review he would chose something more elaborate? Did it ever come to your mind that it may be the SAME person?
What's wrong with you guys? Some seem to have a hobby trying to discredit people at random, checking every stupid post and threads to slander them. Poor, very poor. Either confront what a person SAYS or STFU. We dont need Blockwarts to play private policemen, thank you very much.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
I uninstalled the game about 5 mins ago and cansled my subsctiption.
Yes thare are always going to be bugs when a game first launches but i belive lot of the bugs that are being encountered should have been sorted out before the game launch in the beta stage.
While playing the game i felt like i was playing an rpg not a mmorpg.Open world this game is not it felt very liner to me and basicly bord me because of this.I also felt like i was playing guild wars on steroids with wows talent system the only thing unique to this game that i felt thare was is the combat system.
I have to say overall after playing the gaem for couple days im hugely disaponted and would not recomend this game to any1.
Its ridiculous, do you think if a person would steal another review he would chose something more elaborate? Did it ever come to your mind that it may be the SAME person?
What's wrong with you guys? Some seem to have a hobby trying to discredit people at random, checking every stupid post and threads to slander them. Poor, very poor. Either confront what a person SAYS or STFU. We dont need Blockwarts to play private policemen, thank you very much.
And do you know this for a fact? NO. gets your facts straight before you start bashing other people on here k bud? The OP never stated this was a thread of his posted from another forum, therefor it could very well be credit being taken from someone elses review. Close thread please.
People will tell you that it opens up after level 20. And I think most new MMOs are going to spoon-feed you the objectives for quests now; people just don't have time anymore. I expected combat to get boring for everyone, how long it takes however depends on the person. Good review, thanks for your opinion (I'll say it now before fanbois come in and say "WTF YOU NOOB you can't write a review you didn't get past 20!").
Honestly doesnt matter anymore. Dont like the combat? Well gee, combat is going to be boring in the next MMO for you then. The truth is, the game is a success and will be a building block for other mmos from here on on, despite what any naysayers try to stir up, I believe they did the same thing with WoW, and now looky looky what kind of a subscribe base it has now. And Ascension I'm not calling you out here at all, just pointing out what u found in the OPs review, case in point, first thing people want to use as a defense mechanism is the "post 20" content, when really it doesnt matter since the game is and will be a "hit".
Well, I'm not using the "post 20" argument, I'm saying most people do from what I've noticed. I never had any doubts this would be a success, I still agree it will be successful. But it's still hard to judge what will happen since it's only 4 days since release. It could be great now, but get boring for many people in, say, 8 months. Even then if the sub count drops, it WONT be a failure. So the OP doesn't like it. No big deal.
-------------------------------------- A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
People will tell you that it opens up after level 20. And I think most new MMOs are going to spoon-feed you the objectives for quests now; people just don't have time anymore. I expected combat to get boring for everyone, how long it takes however depends on the person. Good review, thanks for your opinion (I'll say it now before fanbois come in and say "WTF YOU NOOB you can't write a review you didn't get past 20!").
Honestly doesnt matter anymore. Dont like the combat? Well gee, combat is going to be boring in the next MMO for you then. The truth is, the game is a success and will be a building block for other mmos from here on on, despite what any naysayers try to stir up, I believe they did the same thing with WoW, and now looky looky what kind of a subscribe base it has now. And Ascension I'm not calling you out here at all, just pointing out what u found in the OPs review, case in point, first thing people want to use as a defense mechanism is the "post 20" content, when really it doesnt matter since the game is and will be a "hit".
Well, I'm not using the "post 20" argument, I'm saying most people do from what I've noticed. I never had any doubts this would be a success, I still agree it will be successful. But it's still hard to judge what will happen since it's only 4 days since release. It could be great now, but get boring for many people in, say, 8 months. Even then if the sub count drops, it WONT be a failure. So the OP doesn't like it. No big deal.
I know and I agree, just understand the whole "post 20" crutch your talking about, but in the end its not what matters.
Its ridiculous, do you think if a person would steal another review he would chose something more elaborate? Did it ever come to your mind that it may be the SAME person?
What's wrong with you guys? Some seem to have a hobby trying to discredit people at random, checking every stupid post and threads to slander them. Poor, very poor. Either confront what a person SAYS or STFU. We dont need Blockwarts to play private policemen, thank you very much.
And do you know this for a fact? NO. gets your facts straight before you start bashing other people on here k bud? The OP never stated this was a thread of his posted from another forum, therefor it could very well be credit being taken from someone elses review. Close thread please.
And you kill yourself with your own sword. He never stated he did, and yet he never stated he didn't. The possibility is there that yes, he took the actual review, but what's a possibility worth? Nothing unless there's proof. And yeah closing the thread wouldn't hurt anyone
-------------------------------------- A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Its ridiculous, do you think if a person would steal another review he would chose something more elaborate? Did it ever come to your mind that it may be the SAME person?
What's wrong with you guys? Some seem to have a hobby trying to discredit people at random, checking every stupid post and threads to slander them. Poor, very poor. Either confront what a person SAYS or STFU. We dont need Blockwarts to play private policemen, thank you very much.
And do you know this for a fact? NO. gets your facts straight before you start bashing other people on here k bud? The OP never stated this was a thread of his posted from another forum, therefor it could very well be credit being taken from someone elses review. Close thread please.
And you kill yourself with your own sword. He never stated he did, and yet he never stated he didn't. The possibility is there that yes, he took the actual review, but what's a possibility worth? Nothing unless there's proof. And yeah closing the thread wouldn't hurt anyone
And every Poster on these forums with a review has always made note that it was posted somewhere else "except in this case" and therefor it cannot be taken seriously by this OP.
So that sword I tried to kill myself with I never got repaired, thus it only shattered and here I stand.
And every Poster on these forums with a review has always made note that it was posted somewhere else "except in this case" and therefor it cannot be taken seriously by this OP.
So that sword I tried to kill myself with I never got repaired, thus it only shattered and here I stand.
You still haven't answered why someone on the fence would care if he actually wrote that himself or if he copied it from another forum.
And every Poster on these forums with a review has always made note that it was posted somewhere else "except in this case" and therefor it cannot be taken seriously by this OP.
So that sword I tried to kill myself with I never got repaired, thus it only shattered and here I stand.
You still haven't answered why someone on the fence would care if he actually wrote that himself or if he copied it from another forum.
In none of my posts did I state that I care about any of you people that are on the fence, love the game, or hate it, because if anyone was paying attention, the topic I'm on is plagerism, has nothing to do with the review itself.
I dont give a damn about anyone on any fence or hates it or loves it, take it as you may.
The major drawbacks of age of conan is of course the community ( one of the worst i have ever seen), the world design, the no pvp ruleset and no risk vs reward thus results in meaningless pvp.
And most important one that is a game breaker for me:
It is to simple, it is a simplistic mmorpg that holds your hand and never lets go principle.
A good game, but by far not the best in my opinion.
Should span my attention for 3-5 months depends on the content patches and what upcoming mmorpg's or other games from other genres come.
----------------------------------------------------------- the old days, the days of gold.
representer of euhporium, shade/amity , high member of the council.
UO,M59,EVE,L2,AC,GW,WOW,LOTRO,SWG pre cu/nge,COH/COV, VG,TR,L1, POTBS,Neocron 1 and 2, DAOC pre TOA and age of conan
playing: EVE ONLINE Waiting for Earthrise, FE, bioware mmo, guild wars 2, DFO , mortal online , the chronicles of spellborn
sometimes i wonder why ppl think linear gameplay is gamebreaking... just imagine yourself in a game like VG, very big and beautiful.
U enter the world...
"ow hey that vulcano looks nice lets explore a bit and head towards the volcano while im exploring"
"ow boy this looks nice.. ah there is the volcano, awesome!"
5 min. later....
"right.. that was nice, but lets do something useful now like lvling"
games with big worlds where u just wander im the middle of nowhere is nice.. for like 30 min max. I get bored doing nothing but wandering around just looking at the gameworld. I just dont understand why ppl would want to spend hundreds of hours wandering around doing nothing but exploring. In "linear" worlds u dont have to walk ages in the middle of nowhere to a quest or a village. Also i saw someone complaining that u always start in Tortage.. well in most games u start at the same place all the time.. simply because the low lvl mobs are there.
MMOs currently playing: - About to play: Lord of the Rings Online Played: Anarchy Online (alltime favorite) and lots of f2p titles (honorable mentions: 9Dragons, Martial Heroes, Dekaron, Atlantica Online)
well lets see, the first 30 minutes is completely single player. Then to level 20 its partially single/multiplayer. After level 20 you become more and more dependent on each other, to achieve goals.
I'm guessing the the instances are built up at the beginning, to allow people time to get familiar with the game . Also to learn/play without having to be too dependent on other people. Imagine having quests where you MUST team with someone to complete it. Or you MUST form a band to take down low level NPC's.
I think its great that everyone can be selfish and just play, learn and enjoy the game at the lower levels. We will have plenty of time for Guild/Raid drama later on.
I would say a majority of players are usually lower levels. So it makes sense to have more instances to handle the numbers.
Just play the game, don't have any misconceptions, this is not YOUR dream mmo. This is Hyboria, and the weak stomached can GTFO.
Its ridiculous, do you think if a person would steal another review he would chose something more elaborate? Did it ever come to your mind that it may be the SAME person?
What's wrong with you guys? Some seem to have a hobby trying to discredit people at random, checking every stupid post and threads to slander them. Poor, very poor. Either confront what a person SAYS or STFU. We dont need Blockwarts to play private policemen, thank you very much.
And do you know this for a fact? NO. gets your facts straight before you start bashing other people on here k bud? The OP never stated this was a thread of his posted from another forum, therefor it could very well be credit being taken from someone elses review. Close thread please.
Thats very suspective thinking. In dubio pro reo. Its as the juristiction of ALL just civilizations work: not the accused has to prove his innocence! A person is to be held just unless prove is AGAINST him, twisting this cornerstone of civilized behavior upside down is downright fashistoid thinking. Its making people suspects without proof, cornering them in need of justifying them when again rumor and hearsy. Shame on you.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
With the reasons the OP gave for leaving AoC...why play any MMO? There is no MMO out there that can fit "his bill" rofl....what a troll
Look who is calling who a troll lol.
I have to agree with the op, the game is way too instanced so far, it does not even feel like a MMO, it is far closer to Guild Wars than the other MMO's out there, Of course I am only in my mid twenties, but still, I am not impressed right now at all.
Its ridiculous, do you think if a person would steal another review he would chose something more elaborate? Did it ever come to your mind that it may be the SAME person?
What's wrong with you guys? Some seem to have a hobby trying to discredit people at random, checking every stupid post and threads to slander them. Poor, very poor. Either confront what a person SAYS or STFU. We dont need Blockwarts to play private policemen, thank you very much.
I didn't imply anything by it, I just pointed it out because I thought it was interesting. I haven't even played AoC yet so I'm neutral to the game.
Most people have been posting that the game is ultra linear, non-explorer friendly, and anti-immersive because of this. Thanks for the heads up, I really wanted to give the game I go, but I won't be wasting my time after hearing these exact things I wanted to avoid in a mmorpg.
No one really cares that you arent buying it. My copy arrives tommorow and I can't wait.
Thanks to all the negative bs I wont be disappointed if the game sucks . But it seems alot of people are loving the game too so Its hard to know who is bull and who is for real.
I'll post my review of the game when I know everything there is too know .. When Im lvl 80.
I mean lets face it would you take someone who just started playing football seriously if they gave you advice on how to play lmao.
When someone level 80 gives a review then I will take them seriously with a grain of salt.
Honestly doesnt matter anymore. Dont like the combat? Well gee, combat is going to be boring in the next MMO for you then. The truth is, the game is a success and will be a building block for other mmos from here on on, despite what any naysayers try to stir up, I believe they did the same thing with WoW, and now looky looky what kind of a subscribe base it has now. And Ascension I'm not calling you out here at all, just pointing out what u found in the OPs review, case in point, first thing people want to use as a defense mechanism is the "post 20" content, when really it doesnt matter since the game is and will be a "hit".
Actually it was a SHIT review in my opinion. Mentions that he got to level 20 and he felt the same. Didnt mention what level he got to or any so called zones. Try the zones from 55 - 70...
Its limited gameplay experience.. Where is the grouping, the city building .. large scale pvp, the names of the large zones later on...
It was a GOOD review, it just wasnt the result YOU like. He covered all essential topics, quests, mobs, combat... sure you can always look at more or play even higher level. But if I dont like a game in the first 30 levels, why wait to have the fun when you are level 70? Makes no sense.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
The OP's review was copied and pasted from this
Well then, dont have enough motivation to write our own reviews do we? Close thread.
Well then, dont have enough motivation to write our own reviews do we? Close thread.
Why would anyone care who actually wrote the review if it's well thought out and contains useful information for people still on the fence?
Well then, dont have enough motivation to write our own reviews do we? Close thread.
How do you know that isn't his IGN account and he frequents both sites regularly? It could very well be that he posted his review in both spots.
Its ridiculous, do you think if a person would steal another review he would chose something more elaborate? Did it ever come to your mind that it may be the SAME person?
What's wrong with you guys? Some seem to have a hobby trying to discredit people at random, checking every stupid post and threads to slander them. Poor, very poor. Either confront what a person SAYS or STFU. We dont need Blockwarts to play private policemen, thank you very much.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
I uninstalled the game about 5 mins ago and cansled my subsctiption.
Yes thare are always going to be bugs when a game first launches but i belive lot of the bugs that are being encountered should have been sorted out before the game launch in the beta stage.
While playing the game i felt like i was playing an rpg not a mmorpg.Open world this game is not it felt very liner to me and basicly bord me because of this.I also felt like i was playing guild wars on steroids with wows talent system the only thing unique to this game that i felt thare was is the combat system.
I have to say overall after playing the gaem for couple days im hugely disaponted and would not recomend this game to any1.
Its ridiculous, do you think if a person would steal another review he would chose something more elaborate? Did it ever come to your mind that it may be the SAME person?
What's wrong with you guys? Some seem to have a hobby trying to discredit people at random, checking every stupid post and threads to slander them. Poor, very poor. Either confront what a person SAYS or STFU. We dont need Blockwarts to play private policemen, thank you very much.
And do you know this for a fact? NO. gets your facts straight before you start bashing other people on here k bud? The OP never stated this was a thread of his posted from another forum, therefor it could very well be credit being taken from someone elses review. Close thread please.
Honestly doesnt matter anymore. Dont like the combat? Well gee, combat is going to be boring in the next MMO for you then. The truth is, the game is a success and will be a building block for other mmos from here on on, despite what any naysayers try to stir up, I believe they did the same thing with WoW, and now looky looky what kind of a subscribe base it has now. And Ascension I'm not calling you out here at all, just pointing out what u found in the OPs review, case in point, first thing people want to use as a defense mechanism is the "post 20" content, when really it doesnt matter since the game is and will be a "hit".
Well, I'm not using the "post 20" argument, I'm saying most people do from what I've noticed. I never had any doubts this would be a success, I still agree it will be successful. But it's still hard to judge what will happen since it's only 4 days since release. It could be great now, but get boring for many people in, say, 8 months. Even then if the sub count drops, it WONT be a failure. So the OP doesn't like it. No big deal.
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
Honestly doesnt matter anymore. Dont like the combat? Well gee, combat is going to be boring in the next MMO for you then. The truth is, the game is a success and will be a building block for other mmos from here on on, despite what any naysayers try to stir up, I believe they did the same thing with WoW, and now looky looky what kind of a subscribe base it has now. And Ascension I'm not calling you out here at all, just pointing out what u found in the OPs review, case in point, first thing people want to use as a defense mechanism is the "post 20" content, when really it doesnt matter since the game is and will be a "hit".
Well, I'm not using the "post 20" argument, I'm saying most people do from what I've noticed. I never had any doubts this would be a success, I still agree it will be successful. But it's still hard to judge what will happen since it's only 4 days since release. It could be great now, but get boring for many people in, say, 8 months. Even then if the sub count drops, it WONT be a failure. So the OP doesn't like it. No big deal.
I know and I agree, just understand the whole "post 20" crutch your talking about, but in the end its not what matters.
Its ridiculous, do you think if a person would steal another review he would chose something more elaborate? Did it ever come to your mind that it may be the SAME person?
What's wrong with you guys? Some seem to have a hobby trying to discredit people at random, checking every stupid post and threads to slander them. Poor, very poor. Either confront what a person SAYS or STFU. We dont need Blockwarts to play private policemen, thank you very much.
And do you know this for a fact? NO. gets your facts straight before you start bashing other people on here k bud? The OP never stated this was a thread of his posted from another forum, therefor it could very well be credit being taken from someone elses review. Close thread please.
And you kill yourself with your own sword. He never stated he did, and yet he never stated he didn't. The possibility is there that yes, he took the actual review, but what's a possibility worth? Nothing unless there's proof. And yeah closing the thread wouldn't hurt anyone
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
Its ridiculous, do you think if a person would steal another review he would chose something more elaborate? Did it ever come to your mind that it may be the SAME person?
What's wrong with you guys? Some seem to have a hobby trying to discredit people at random, checking every stupid post and threads to slander them. Poor, very poor. Either confront what a person SAYS or STFU. We dont need Blockwarts to play private policemen, thank you very much.
And do you know this for a fact? NO. gets your facts straight before you start bashing other people on here k bud? The OP never stated this was a thread of his posted from another forum, therefor it could very well be credit being taken from someone elses review. Close thread please.
And you kill yourself with your own sword. He never stated he did, and yet he never stated he didn't. The possibility is there that yes, he took the actual review, but what's a possibility worth? Nothing unless there's proof. And yeah closing the thread wouldn't hurt anyone
And every Poster on these forums with a review has always made note that it was posted somewhere else "except in this case" and therefor it cannot be taken seriously by this OP.So that sword I tried to kill myself with I never got repaired, thus it only shattered and here I stand.
You still haven't answered why someone on the fence would care if he actually wrote that himself or if he copied it from another forum.
You still haven't answered why someone on the fence would care if he actually wrote that himself or if he copied it from another forum.
In none of my posts did I state that I care about any of you people that are on the fence, love the game, or hate it, because if anyone was paying attention, the topic I'm on is plagerism, has nothing to do with the review itself.I dont give a damn about anyone on any fence or hates it or loves it, take it as you may.
The major drawbacks of age of conan is of course the community ( one of the worst i have ever seen), the world design, the no pvp ruleset and no risk vs reward thus results in meaningless pvp.
And most important one that is a game breaker for me:
It is to simple, it is a simplistic mmorpg that holds your hand and never lets go principle.
A good game, but by far not the best in my opinion.
Should span my attention for 3-5 months depends on the content patches and what upcoming mmorpg's or other games from other genres come.
the old days, the days of gold.
representer of euhporium, shade/amity , high member of the council.
UO,M59,EVE,L2,AC,GW,WOW,LOTRO,SWG pre cu/nge,COH/COV, VG,TR,L1, POTBS,Neocron 1 and 2, DAOC pre TOA and age of conan
playing: EVE ONLINE
Waiting for Earthrise, FE, bioware mmo, guild wars 2, DFO , mortal online , the chronicles of spellborn
I'm currently level 37, myself, and while I like AOC - its does feel like im playing a single player RPG
EQ2 fan sites
sometimes i wonder why ppl think linear gameplay is gamebreaking... just imagine yourself in a game like VG, very big and beautiful.
U enter the world...
"ow hey that vulcano looks nice lets explore a bit and head towards the volcano while im exploring"
"ow boy this looks nice.. ah there is the volcano, awesome!"
5 min. later....
"right.. that was nice, but lets do something useful now like lvling"
games with big worlds where u just wander im the middle of nowhere is nice.. for like 30 min max. I get bored doing nothing but wandering around just looking at the gameworld. I just dont understand why ppl would want to spend hundreds of hours wandering around doing nothing but exploring. In "linear" worlds u dont have to walk ages in the middle of nowhere to a quest or a village. Also i saw someone complaining that u always start in Tortage.. well in most games u start at the same place all the time.. simply because the low lvl mobs are there.
MMOs currently playing: -
About to play: Lord of the Rings Online
Played: Anarchy Online (alltime favorite) and lots of f2p titles (honorable mentions: 9Dragons, Martial Heroes, Dekaron, Atlantica Online)
well lets see, the first 30 minutes is completely single player. Then to level 20 its partially single/multiplayer. After level 20 you become more and more dependent on each other, to achieve goals.
I'm guessing the the instances are built up at the beginning, to allow people time to get familiar with the game . Also to learn/play without having to be too dependent on other people. Imagine having quests where you MUST team with someone to complete it. Or you MUST form a band to take down low level NPC's.
I think its great that everyone can be selfish and just play, learn and enjoy the game at the lower levels. We will have plenty of time for Guild/Raid drama later on.
I would say a majority of players are usually lower levels. So it makes sense to have more instances to handle the numbers.
Just play the game, don't have any misconceptions, this is not YOUR dream mmo. This is Hyboria, and the weak stomached can GTFO.
Watch Led Zeppelin, Darkfall Tribute
Watch Johnny Cash, Darkfall Tribute
Its ridiculous, do you think if a person would steal another review he would chose something more elaborate? Did it ever come to your mind that it may be the SAME person?
What's wrong with you guys? Some seem to have a hobby trying to discredit people at random, checking every stupid post and threads to slander them. Poor, very poor. Either confront what a person SAYS or STFU. We dont need Blockwarts to play private policemen, thank you very much.
And do you know this for a fact? NO. gets your facts straight before you start bashing other people on here k bud? The OP never stated this was a thread of his posted from another forum, therefor it could very well be credit being taken from someone elses review. Close thread please.
Thats very suspective thinking. In dubio pro reo. Its as the juristiction of ALL just civilizations work: not the accused has to prove his innocence! A person is to be held just unless prove is AGAINST him, twisting this cornerstone of civilized behavior upside down is downright fashistoid thinking. Its making people suspects without proof, cornering them in need of justifying them when again rumor and hearsy. Shame on you.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
With the reasons the OP gave for leaving AoC...why play any MMO? There is no MMO out there that can fit "his bill" rofl....what a troll
I have to agree with the op, the game is way too instanced so far, it does not even feel like a MMO, it is far closer to Guild Wars than the other MMO's out there, Of course I am only in my mid twenties, but still, I am not impressed right now at all.
Its ridiculous, do you think if a person would steal another review he would chose something more elaborate? Did it ever come to your mind that it may be the SAME person?
What's wrong with you guys? Some seem to have a hobby trying to discredit people at random, checking every stupid post and threads to slander them. Poor, very poor. Either confront what a person SAYS or STFU. We dont need Blockwarts to play private policemen, thank you very much.
I didn't imply anything by it, I just pointed it out because I thought it was interesting. I haven't even played AoC yet so I'm neutral to the game.
Thanks to all the negative bs I wont be disappointed if the game sucks . But it seems alot of people are loving the game too so Its hard to know who is bull and who is for real.
I'll post my review of the game when I know everything there is too know .. When Im lvl 80.
I mean lets face it would you take someone who just started playing football seriously if they gave you advice on how to play lmao.
When someone level 80 gives a review then I will take them seriously with a grain of salt.