If someone has played WOW, he knows most mmorpgs out there, he will maybe even come back to wow since the standard of qualitiy is quiete high in wow ...thats the truth. The differences between the average mmorpgs are only tiny to wow doesnt matter if you play cash shop mmos or traditional mmos. the only difference is that traditional older mmos have more freedom i.e. you decide the stats of your character. but all in all its always very similar, except that wow offers a well developed game and easy usage as well more content to most mmos, excluding the major ones.
There is only a handfull mmos out there which are totally difference i.e. planetside/ww2online, daoc with realm vs realm, eve online with his huge world and rich economical content..just to mention the main ones.
If you have only played WoW please stay off this forum cause you're ruining it with your incessant posts. Not all games are like WoW. Hell not any are actually. If the "zones" you all are refferring to are like EQ2 then sign me up!!!! A seamless world is all well and good but by no means "nessassary"!
funny but AoC reminds me exactly of a cross between WoW and EQII. Just with more bugs and less content.
You do realize that Blizzard didn't do anything on their own. World of Warcraft is just like all other games.Blizzard stole ideas from LOTR, Warhammer, Anarachy Online and Dungeons and Dragons. All they changed was limiting the requirements so that even the poorest of the poor could afford too play the game by not needing too upgrade their PC. Then changing the difficulty of the game so no matter howdumbtarded stupid you are, you can still wake up and even if you can't dress yourself, you can play WoW. Look at EQ, that game took a lot more skill too play. Every race had a sub race and there were sub classes and attributes. In WoW, everything is set and done for you. Every priest in the game essentially is the same. The only difference is the gear. The game is soo easy it's incredible. That's why 80% of the WoW population is either dumb 12yr olds or retarded 40yr olds who dropped out of highschool and work for Wal-Mart. It was meant too be simply and easy. It's an item grind type of game, since the PVP is terrible, all you do is log on and grind for items.
It would be better if nobody ever compares a game too WoW... why not chose a game that's actually good? Like comparing AoC to EQ. Comparing AoC too WoW is dumb, since WoW is a horrible game. It's also just a combination of other games. All blizzard did was take ideas for other successful games and combine it all into one. Although they failed and could only get a couple ideas too work. But the game is ok, not amazing, but ok.
Well its hard not to have bias opinions of what makes a good MMORPG but you should definitely stray from thinking they copy each other. Each game is influenced through others of the same genre, just like an author of a book series having influences on his work. A good example would be HP Lovecraft being an influence of Steven King, sure they didnt write the same stories but the concept was the same. The only games that should be compared is remakes. Blizzard didnt steal anything from anybody, the basic philosophy is that ideas should be spread to better the field as a whole.
If you have only played WoW please stay off this forum cause you're ruining it with your incessant posts. Not all games are like WoW. Hell not any are actually. If the "zones" you all are refferring to are like EQ2 then sign me up!!!! A seamless world is all well and good but by no means "nessassary"!
funny but AoC reminds me exactly of a cross between WoW and EQII. Just with more bugs and less content.
If it wasn't for games like Vanguard and AO, WOW would be considered one of the worst launches for a mmo. At launch WOW was horrible lag, memory leaks, couldn't even pick up loot, the Druid class was totally broken and a slew of other issues it had. It took them 6 months to actually fix the majority of their issues from launch. Anyone who denies it had a bad launch certainly doesn't know what they are talking about.
As far as content goes, what it took Blizzard how long to make an expansion and when they did the majority of people were disappointed because it was more of the same content they have been playing for years. As stated many times, Funcom will be splitting into 2 groups , one to handle the live content and the other to start working on an expansion. So people like me who play AOC don't have to wait an eternity to actually get more content. There wasn't a ton of content at WOW's launch because why give customers more content when they can barely play our game at launch as it is.
Well we all know WOW was a copy of Warhammer right from the start. Blizzard wanted to make Warhammer but got shown the door which was Game Workshop's biggest blunder because WOW sold millions over time. So bascially Blizzard said " How dare you shun us! We will clone your game and call it Warcraft and then tell people Tolkien was our inspiration! "
If you have only played WoW please stay off this forum cause you're ruining it with your incessant posts. Not all games are like WoW. Hell not any are actually. If the "zones" you all are refferring to are like EQ2 then sign me up!!!! A seamless world is all well and good but by no means "nessassary"!
a bit weak but i agree, lol
Or if you've only played wow, start all of your posts with
WoW Player:
LOL, i've played a lot of games including wow, and i agree that a seamless world is by no means necessary.
"Sometimes, things that may or may not be true are the things a man needs to believe in the most. People are basically good. Honor, courage, virtue mean everything. Power and money, money and power mean nothing. Good always triumphs over evil. Love, True Love Never Dies." Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
If you have only played WoW please stay off this forum cause you're ruining it with your incessant posts. Not all games are like WoW. Hell not any are actually. If the "zones" you all are refferring to are like EQ2 then sign me up!!!! A seamless world is all well and good but by no means "nessassary"!
a bit weak but i agree, lol
Or if you've only played wow, start all of your posts with
WoW Player:
LOL, i've played a lot of games including wow, and i agree that a seamless world is by no means necessary.
Theres only 1 reason whay AoC does not have a seemless world and is limited to 48 ppl per zone... first forget the crap FC tells you. The reason for a zoned world is XBox360. XBOX360 only has 512MB RAM and a seemless world with all the details you see in AoC is jsut not possible on Xbox 360.
It doesn't take 8-10 million subs to make a good game, if fact most of the games I have played if that many people started playing it would actually ruin the game. Only reason they have that many people anyways is because they sold thier soul to the devil. Yes WoW is evil! I personally know of several people whom the game has ruined thier lives. Divorce, maddness, and even suicide! It's evil I tell you!
If someone has only played WoW then No he actually has no idea about other games as wow has removed all the complexity and depth of other games and , I admit created a game that is fun to play but I for one love the depth and complexity of other games that had come before WoW. After WoW games all since then had seemed to lose thier depth and complexity that I so loved. We can all thank WoW for the sudden flux of casual friendly games now that even 2nd graders can enjoy! Currently I am playing Lineage II and I absolutely love it. I played it back in BETA and wasnt to thrilled but something has def changed now after 4 years. It is not casual friendly in the least and never was (thank god) And everyone I have met are all so much older and mature than WoW, and no they don't have 10 million subscribers.But thanks to WoW im sure developers are gonna continue to develop casual friendly games that require little or no thought . I relize it is all about the money that can be made by millions of subscribers. Most of the games I played before WoW would be ruined if millions of people suddenly decided they wanted to play. Hell I have actually seen a lot of games where thier players actually went of forums like this and gave bad reviews to prevent too many people from playing them. This is just the way I feel mind you as I reliaze a lot of new MMO players have no idea what I'm talking about and therefore they are all gonna love WoW and those type of games that are gonna be released now. I am an older gamer and as a true MMO fan I have played virtually every MMO that has come down the pipes in the last 15 years or so, so I know what I'm talking about! Flame away !!
If you have only played WoW please stay off this forum cause you're ruining it with your incessant posts. Not all games are like WoW. Hell not any are actually. If the "zones" you all are refferring to are like EQ2 then sign me up!!!! A seamless world is all well and good but by no means "nessassary"!
Telling anyone who has played wow to stay off the forums should get you banned. What a stupid idiotic troll post this is.
I wonder from where are people pulling that only 48 players in zone ?
What when devs said ok we will support 48x48 siege battles (btw thats 96 players for the kids that still did not learn how to multiply ) everyone assume a map can support only 48 players ...
They made it clear zerg wont prevail in AoC, now is 48 vs 48 ok, i dont know there are no guilds with level 4 citys that could clame battle keep but what we do know that they said 48 vs 48 is not set in stone so they may even lower it if needed.
The instaces are used not becouse server cant support lots and lots of players (its same cluster) but becouse they did not made waste maps aka vanguard aka ghost town but smaller hand crafted maps with lots of details that just would not support 500 player waiting for mobs to spawn ( bring back memories at wow launch yupii it was great getting to quest area and seeing 50 players waiting for mob to spawn )
p.s. As Eve fan i wish they would made 48vs48 as the only epic thing we get now is epic lag and nothing else. ( it not even funny pressing you skill button and waiting for 2 minutes to be actually triggered server side )
You do realize that Blizzard didn't do anything on their own. World of Warcraft is just like all other games. Blizzard stole ideas from LOTR, Warhammer, Anarachy Online and Dungeons and Dragons. All they changed was limiting the requirements so that even the poorest of the poor could afford too play the game by not needing too upgrade their PC. Then changing the difficulty of the game so no matter howdumbtarded stupid you are, you can still wake up and even if you can't dress yourself, you can play WoW. Look at EQ, that game took a lot more skill too play. Every race had a sub race and there were sub classes and attributes. In WoW, everything is set and done for you. Every priest in the game essentially is the same. The only difference is the gear. The game is soo easy it's incredible. That's why 80% of the WoW population is either dumb 12yr olds or retarded 40yr olds who dropped out of highschool and work for Wal-Mart. It was meant too be simply and easy. It's an item grind type of game, since the PVP is terrible, all you do is log on and grind for items.
It would be better if nobody ever compares a game too WoW... why not chose a game that's actually good? Like comparing AoC to EQ. Comparing AoC too WoW is dumb, since WoW is a horrible game. It's also just a combination of other games. All blizzard did was take ideas for other successful games and combine it all into one. Although they failed and could only get a couple ideas too work. But the game is ok, not amazing, but ok.
You call WoW dumb, yet you claim that WoW stole from LOTRO (which came AFTER WoW) and Dungeons and Dragons, which makes you dumber than WoW and by your own claims dumber than a "12yr old" and a "retarded 40yr old who dropped otu of highschool and work for Wal-Mart". /jest
I am playing AoC and was enjoying it until they messed up with the last patch. The gameplay is far superior to WoW's, but to call WoW stupid and mindnumbing is to call every other MMO title out there except for AoC the same:
WoW's gameplay is by no means inferior to AO's (which you had implied had some depth..), in fact it is much more complex even with the perks (the shadowlands expansion for AO) that made AO more complex than the auto-attack fest it had been. EQ2 and WoW share the same complexity, so that leaves.. games like FFXI and Everquest, which are nowhere near as complex as WoW in terms of raw gameplay.
A lot of educated people play WoW: I've met scientists (i.e. mathematicians, computer scientists, physicists) and some kids that were still in college finishing their degrees. Because WoW is a common household name, it is very accessible (no, not because of it's "easy" gameplay) explaining why you have so many kids playing the game, although I really could say the same about AoC's community...
WoW is a paradigm for upcoming MMORPGs: It's a prime example of how a successful MMORPG should be done through functionality and ultimately content. It was the best of it's time and managed to add enough content to create an endgame experience that most games lack (although it didn't BEGIN with much endgame content, or PvP content for that matter...). So why not use it as a benchmark? Profits speak louder than the opinions of enraged dorks on this biased site, so .. I really added nothing.
I'm never going back to WoW and personally couldn't stand another minute of it, but I could never convince myself that it's much worse than anything else out there. If you want a real intellectual challenge go get a meaningful PhD, or solve a real life problem; games are for ENJOYMENT not intellectual feats.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
Conan is a game where PvP doesn't even have rules. Just bash each other and have "fun". I'd say we are back to the middle ages of game development.
So how does this compare to WOW PvP right after launch? This is from the original ign.com review:
- "PvP could also use some more fun factor, to be honest. Currently, you don't get any experience, or additional abilities, or money, or items from fighting the other faction or dueling other players, so it ends up feeling tacked on. They have plans, which include PvP arenas, but it's pretty undercooked for now."
You do realize that Blizzard didn't do anything on their own. World of Warcraft is just like all other games. Blizzard stole ideas from LOTR, Warhammer, Anarachy Online and Dungeons and Dragons. All they changed was limiting the requirements so that even the poorest of the poor could afford too play the game by not needing too upgrade their PC. Then changing the difficulty of the game so no matter howdumbtarded stupid you are, you can still wake up and even if you can't dress yourself, you can play WoW. Look at EQ, that game took a lot more skill too play. Every race had a sub race and there were sub classes and attributes. In WoW, everything is set and done for you. Every priest in the game essentially is the same. The only difference is the gear. The game is soo easy it's incredible. That's why 80% of the WoW population is either dumb 12yr olds or retarded 40yr olds who dropped out of highschool and work for Wal-Mart. It was meant too be simply and easy. It's an item grind type of game, since the PVP is terrible, all you do is log on and grind for items.
It would be better if nobody ever compares a game too WoW... why not chose a game that's actually good? Like comparing AoC to EQ. Comparing AoC too WoW is dumb, since WoW is a horrible game. It's also just a combination of other games. All blizzard did was take ideas for other successful games and combine it all into one. Although they failed and could only get a couple ideas too work. But the game is ok, not amazing, but ok.
If someone has played WOW, he knows most mmorpgs out there, he will maybe even come back to wow since the standard of qualitiy is quiete high in wow ...thats the truth. The differences between the average mmorpgs are only tiny to wow doesnt matter if you play cash shop mmos or traditional mmos. the only difference is that traditional older mmos have more freedom i.e. you decide the stats of your character. but all in all its always very similar, except that wow offers a well developed game and easy usage as well more content to most mmos, excluding the major ones.
There is only a handfull mmos out there which are totally difference i.e. planetside/ww2online, daoc with realm vs realm, eve online with his huge world and rich economical content..just to mention the main ones.
funny but AoC reminds me exactly of a cross between WoW and EQII. Just with more bugs and less content.
I miss DAoC
Well its hard not to have bias opinions of what makes a good MMORPG but you should definitely stray from thinking they copy each other. Each game is influenced through others of the same genre, just like an author of a book series having influences on his work. A good example would be HP Lovecraft being an influence of Steven King, sure they didnt write the same stories but the concept was the same. The only games that should be compared is remakes. Blizzard didnt steal anything from anybody, the basic philosophy is that ideas should be spread to better the field as a whole.
funny but AoC reminds me exactly of a cross between WoW and EQII. Just with more bugs and less content.
If it wasn't for games like Vanguard and AO, WOW would be considered one of the worst launches for a mmo. At launch WOW was horrible lag, memory leaks, couldn't even pick up loot, the Druid class was totally broken and a slew of other issues it had. It took them 6 months to actually fix the majority of their issues from launch. Anyone who denies it had a bad launch certainly doesn't know what they are talking about.As far as content goes, what it took Blizzard how long to make an expansion and when they did the majority of people were disappointed because it was more of the same content they have been playing for years. As stated many times, Funcom will be splitting into 2 groups , one to handle the live content and the other to start working on an expansion. So people like me who play AOC don't have to wait an eternity to actually get more content. There wasn't a ton of content at WOW's launch because why give customers more content when they can barely play our game at launch as it is.
Well we all know WOW was a copy of Warhammer right from the start. Blizzard wanted to make Warhammer but got shown the door which was Game Workshop's biggest blunder because WOW sold millions over time. So bascially Blizzard said " How dare you shun us! We will clone your game and call it Warcraft and then tell people Tolkien was our inspiration! "
a bit weak but i agree, lol
Or if you've only played wow, start all of your posts with
WoW Player:
LOL, i've played a lot of games including wow, and i agree that a seamless world is by no means necessary.
"Sometimes, things that may or may not be true are the things a man needs to believe in the most. People are basically good. Honor, courage, virtue mean everything. Power and money, money and power mean nothing. Good always triumphs over evil. Love, True Love Never Dies."
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
I've never played WoW.
I win!
a bit weak but i agree, lol
Or if you've only played wow, start all of your posts with
WoW Player:
LOL, i've played a lot of games including wow, and i agree that a seamless world is by no means necessary.
Theres only 1 reason whay AoC does not have a seemless world and is limited to 48 ppl per zone... first forget the crap FC tells you. The reason for a zoned world is XBox360. XBOX360 only has 512MB RAM and a seemless world with all the details you see in AoC is jsut not possible on Xbox 360.
Yes XBOX360 watered down AoC. FACT!
I would have agreed with you if the memory footprint of AoC wasn't close to 2GB.
No, I believe it has more to do with the original limitations of the modified dreamscape engine.
It doesn't take 8-10 million subs to make a good game, if fact most of the games I have played if that many people started playing it would actually ruin the game. Only reason they have that many people anyways is because they sold thier soul to the devil. Yes WoW is evil! I personally know of several people whom the game has ruined thier lives. Divorce, maddness, and even suicide! It's evil I tell you!
I don't know about that. Your sig looks kinda evil to me. Maybe you're the evil one trying to trick us
If someone has only played WoW then No he actually has no idea about other games as wow has removed all the complexity and depth of other games and , I admit created a game that is fun to play but I for one love the depth and complexity of other games that had come before WoW. After WoW games all since then had seemed to lose thier depth and complexity that I so loved. We can all thank WoW for the sudden flux of casual friendly games now that even 2nd graders can enjoy! Currently I am playing Lineage II and I absolutely love it. I played it back in BETA and wasnt to thrilled but something has def changed now after 4 years. It is not casual friendly in the least and never was (thank god) And everyone I have met are all so much older and mature than WoW, and no they don't have 10 million subscribers.But thanks to WoW im sure developers are gonna continue to develop casual friendly games that require little or no thought . I relize it is all about the money that can be made by millions of subscribers. Most of the games I played before WoW would be ruined if millions of people suddenly decided they wanted to play. Hell I have actually seen a lot of games where thier players actually went of forums like this and gave bad reviews to prevent too many people from playing them. This is just the way I feel mind you as I reliaze a lot of new MMO players have no idea what I'm talking about and therefore they are all gonna love WoW and those type of games that are gonna be released now. I am an older gamer and as a true MMO fan I have played virtually every MMO that has come down the pipes in the last 15 years or so, so I know what I'm talking about! Flame away !!
Telling anyone who has played wow to stay off the forums should get you banned. What a stupid idiotic troll post this is.
I wonder from where are people pulling that only 48 players in zone ?
What when devs said ok we will support 48x48 siege battles (btw thats 96 players for the kids that still did not learn how to multiply ) everyone assume a map can support only 48 players ...
They made it clear zerg wont prevail in AoC, now is 48 vs 48 ok, i dont know there are no guilds with level 4 citys that could clame battle keep but what we do know that they said 48 vs 48 is not set in stone so they may even lower it if needed.
The instaces are used not becouse server cant support lots and lots of players (its same cluster) but becouse they did not made waste maps aka vanguard aka ghost town but smaller hand crafted maps with lots of details that just would not support 500 player waiting for mobs to spawn ( bring back memories at wow launch yupii it was great getting to quest area and seeing 50 players waiting for mob to spawn )
p.s. As Eve fan i wish they would made 48vs48 as the only epic thing we get now is epic lag and nothing else. ( it not even funny pressing you skill button and waiting for 2 minutes to be actually triggered server side )
Futilez[Do You Have What It Takes ?]
You call WoW dumb, yet you claim that WoW stole from LOTRO (which came AFTER WoW) and Dungeons and Dragons, which makes you dumber than WoW and by your own claims dumber than a "12yr old" and a "retarded 40yr old who dropped otu of highschool and work for Wal-Mart". /jest
I am playing AoC and was enjoying it until they messed up with the last patch. The gameplay is far superior to WoW's, but to call WoW stupid and mindnumbing is to call every other MMO title out there except for AoC the same:
WoW's gameplay is by no means inferior to AO's (which you had implied had some depth..), in fact it is much more complex even with the perks (the shadowlands expansion for AO) that made AO more complex than the auto-attack fest it had been. EQ2 and WoW share the same complexity, so that leaves.. games like FFXI and Everquest, which are nowhere near as complex as WoW in terms of raw gameplay.
A lot of educated people play WoW: I've met scientists (i.e. mathematicians, computer scientists, physicists) and some kids that were still in college finishing their degrees. Because WoW is a common household name, it is very accessible (no, not because of it's "easy" gameplay) explaining why you have so many kids playing the game, although I really could say the same about AoC's community...
WoW is a paradigm for upcoming MMORPGs: It's a prime example of how a successful MMORPG should be done through functionality and ultimately content. It was the best of it's time and managed to add enough content to create an endgame experience that most games lack (although it didn't BEGIN with much endgame content, or PvP content for that matter...). So why not use it as a benchmark? Profits speak louder than the opinions of enraged dorks on this biased site, so .. I really added nothing.
I'm never going back to WoW and personally couldn't stand another minute of it, but I could never convince myself that it's much worse than anything else out there. If you want a real intellectual challenge go get a meaningful PhD, or solve a real life problem; games are for ENJOYMENT not intellectual feats.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
- "PvP could also use some more fun factor, to be honest. Currently, you don't get any experience, or additional abilities, or money, or items from fighting the other faction or dueling other players, so it ends up feeling tacked on. They have plans, which include PvP arenas, but it's pretty undercooked for now."
Couldn't have said it better...