To the OP I would agree but I can also agree with some of the negative comments. The game is not perfect. I have played two different char types so far and have not moved beyond Tortage. I do enjoy the game so far. I was on the fence about the game but went ahead and bought it anyway and so far I am glad I made the investment. As far as the comment about beyond level 40 being repetive well what MMO isn't? I was playing LOTR until Conan arrived and a number of times I got to lvl 40+ and just got bored with playing. Finding groups at that level became a little more challenging. Anyway, everyone has an opinion about the game for/against.
I say enjoy the game if you like and if not try to have patience for your particular flavor of MMO to be releasedand I hope it succeeds. More than likely the rest of us may be playing it as well.
OP, your bashing AoC on the grounds of wanting WAR to "win" leaves much to be desired in the field of maturity on your part...
I assume this is your first time to these boards so let me say "welcome"
Apparently, by your own admission, you're part of the problem. Bashing games because you want another game to "win" is just lame. That's WoW fanboi mentality right there. WAR IS going to win, btw. But that's because of the excellent design of its game mechanics, not because of a bunch of "rah! rah!" fanbois.
first of all thanks for the detailed reply. Nice change in the flood of one word replies. I, as someone who is very satisfied by the game, have hard time understanding people who didnt like it. Of course there are bugs, broken mechanics etc but overall the game is good. at least this is what i think. Many say its not seamless, that it kills the immersion. for me its not an overkill, would have been better but not that important.
Originally posted by Isane
Falfeir just my opinion and gut feel, having played near every MMO released the ammount of choice has ruined the genre to an extent and I am not easily impressed having played games in the past where I have had real fun died a lot to the point of despair and maybe i'm a bit of a masochist. lol, that may be so but i think the reason is wanting every mmo to be like your first mud/mmo which is unrealistic. You are not the same person, to begin with. my understanding is With every mmo, content for "been there, done that" increases. one thing shouldnt change though: having fun. to have fun there has to be challenge. i think you and i differ at this point, you dont see any challenge in this game. Maybe you rolled in the mill for too long in the past and know that the bait doesnt worth the trouble. me? i have to somehow find 3 g for my horse. Gameplay is too prescriptive all content is quest based 100% from what iv'e seen so far everything can be soloed no mechanics bring people together and I dont really want to be a guild slave 4 days in. Limited models very limited IP but i guess that is Conan. true. but this is what the masses want. this was successful. funcom made the game with one thing in mind: money. deviating from average joe has its merits and flaws. As for no mechanics to bring people together, hopefully we'll be having some border love in the future. Longevity is about game design so i would like to be playing the game for say 18 months and still not be max level . Still have skills or abilities to improve on areas to hunt in where i felt threatened. (Carebear features in games make this just too easy, features that have put the genre back). Lets forget Add ons, the add an extra 10 levels and an expansion is just lazy and poor design.(Don't confuse this with my not wanting to pay for additional content Money is not an issue here.) again average joe but i definitely dont want L2. I also want to play a game i enjoy 18 months and still have things to do but defining with months of gameplay is a little bit wrong. they say 250 hours gameplay, for me its 2 years, for some its 2 months. I am not out of content but , I am just not enjoying what is available from A MMO perspective. Nothing in the design has caused any sense of community to form( Maybe it is much more fun PvP and I am on a PvE server). So I can level but I can't really explore the classes are not inspiring me a linear skill tree wih everything out to see now, there may be more. But that sense of discovery doesn't exist, I may have a downer on class based games if I think about it. again what people want, they want to be herded. previous title from this company is skill based. i liked that way better. now it says i cant hold long sword. let me handle it, let me spend skills in it, allow me to do the foolish thing. they tried it before didnt profit much. what i said here doesnt make it ok if its a downer for you of course but hopefully shed some light on the "why" Combat maybe I am being unfair, for me it is simplistic to master I have a set of combos which i vary slightly i don'ty seem to die... That doesn't mean it isn't hard though but for me not. in AO s combats i managed to read comics. the combat is different and fun, at least for me. Quests simplistic (i guess you can turn all the hints of but that doesnt delay the simplicity if you have a memory for landscape which funnels you), Question Marks and Exclamation Marks Ohhh very very nice maps which now have shaded out areas just in case you haven't missed the flashing red light. true but if they havent done that someone would have and people start alt+tabbing to the respective site. we have wonderous examples. besides have you seen any better quests in another mmo? An example is the Gem quest in old taranta climb the walls (sorry you do not have the right climb skill so prescriptive.... Why does it not let people climb and fall, I will tell you why because if they did that the code would have to check against your skill bt it doesn't so is it really a skill (linear). Just falling and thinking ouch that was stupid would be nice... not possible
wrong, i have fallen many times ( many meaning 3/40ish). think of it as "you dont know where to start with" World Size. I don't care about quests I will try to walk over land to a town. Not possible the land mass does not exist. i dont like this one neither but can live with it. Raid: just Lazy End game Guilds : I like to make friends' no time to do this. It's a mad rush to get to 80 (whats that all about), I'm lev 42 and I feel i haven't started playing the game, I haven't explored or acheived just followed a forced path oblivion or the witcher deliver this. i, too dont know the reason of the rush but guessing that they see it as a challenge. hope they are having fun. about exploring, i love the places i go, they used altitude greatly. i think what you wanted was a seamless world. sorry its not. Invested Time: A guild can build a city or town so they can acheive they can maybe siege another guild city/town. Thats good for guilds. Go play a MUD like Gemstone and get to level 80 you will feel you have acheived/ Survive PvP in Meridian 69 you will feel you have acheived/ Go from Nanto to Yanshi in AC1 before the bots arrived and you will feel a great sense of acheivement. but guilds are formed by players. be a part of something greater than you, say "i was there when it happened" also im sure there will be things that are very hard to achieve in this game. advanced horse training seems like forever to me and thats something you can just buy. now, what those things will require, (time, skill, planning etc) i dont know. I have no feeling yet that I have done anything in AOC, I can see guilds achieving you mentioned WOW and I hate that game with a vengence. AOC doesn't come close and you really don't realise how much that hurts me to say it. For people who have too much time : There is no contradiction here at all when i talk longevity I talk about a game delivering over time, when I talk about people Valueing their time I am referring to what they are really achieving, if you have nothing better to do you may play it even though it is mindless. still not getting this, if you think leveling is easy and you didnt feel like achieving then thats not an achievement. you found the game too easy? everything you try, you succeed easily? if so then its really a problem. Future releases won't fix the game it will be more of the same the way the game plays is in it's design and it's current strict nature will be difficult to change. Or require a lot more land mass and open content sadly the IP will restrict this. I don't normally bother to express my views so don't take this the wrong way, but I cannot understand how people get away with releasing something which is such a dissapointment. I can only conclude that this one will pas me by a shame because i have so much to contribute, but the game has to be worth iot before I will waste my valuable time. Your post was worth responding to what you consider needs fixing is actually a design decision so yes those wont be fixed. again im sorry, i hope coming releases cater for you but the game is good, just not your cup.
enjoyed reading.
Bugs and broken mechanics not a real problem not something i raised as an issue no gamestoppers.
I am not unrealistic in any way, dumbing down games is not a good thing if people want to be herded why dont they just play single player games. I generally just think overall this game adds nothing new and doesn't encourage me to play in any way. I haven't logged in since the last post above and have felt no urge to do so, i just need to remember to cancel that subscription else i will as always get hit with an extra bill.
I have gone back to an old game and am having a blast, so it is all good and very challenging my mind appears to be required again. (I just spent three hours helping a friend out , we died and lost a few days of items but that is required to progress we have learned and grown and can now move onwards and upwards something that I would never see in AOC, as any loss would send the player base into a panic)
Oh and as for the 3g and the horse , I am sure that the nature of the game wiill deliver you a horse after quest Seven Hundred and fifty two just like every other player so I wouldn't worry. You will get your horse like everyone else.
________________________________________________________ Sorcery must persist, the future is the Citadel
Falfeir just my opinion and gut feel, having played near every MMO released the ammount of choice has ruined the genre to an extent and I am not easily impressed having played games in the past where I have had real fun died a lot to the point of despair and maybe i'm a bit of a masochist.
I doubt you dont' have the time in the world to make this feat... you probably played the most known ones would be better..please don't use a this as an argument since you would know that you're far from truth when you state "near every MMO released" even the list of released mmo's on this site is huge and just think about those that is not even listed in here.
forgot to mention credit to the OP for an interesting perspective as regarding WAR vs AoC. But I still think you will try WAR when it comes out I think it might be worth trying at least.
Alright so I've been a WAR fanboi for quite some time and I've been bashing AoC on numerous occasions on these boards (see my posting history if you have any doubts). I didn't bash AoC because I knew anything bad about it (I was not in BETA). I simply wanted MY game (WAR) to "win". I know that is not a mature reason but I'm sure many here can relate and I wanted everybody to understand from what perspective I'm writing this. Further info: I am currently in WAR Beta but won't compare AoC to WAR as I'm respecting the NDA. My computer: Dell XPS 630 - Quad core 6600 - 4gigs DDR2 - Gforce 8800 GT 512mb - Windows Vista Premium 32bit. That system currently retails for about $1200 to $1400 depending on some options. Alright, so Funcom huh? Ouch I was there for Anarchy Online Launch so I was prepared for uglyness. But I was bored and since I pretty much buy every single MMO that comes out I figured meh! May as well give the competition a try so I can "bash with experience". I was not prepared for this. First of all the game looked absolutely amazing. And I don't mean just "good". I mean generations ahead of its time. And the fact that my system runs it anywhere between 40-80fps (city vs. outdoor) on MAX settings is a blessing. Alright, so I didn't hate the graphics. Big deal, the servers will probably crash every few minutes and there will be hours upon hours of downtime right? WRONG! The servers have been up almost permanently (one 5 hour downtime exception that bothered me). For a release that is quite a feat. Of course I may just be lucky and servers are only up when I'm playing but considering I'm playing a lot I can safely say it's been a smooth lauch (as smooth as launches go). Alright, so the game looks great and is stable. Surely there must be tons of broken quests. Wrong again! I've done dozens of quests and they are working just fine. Plus many of them are actually quite entertaining and tell a great story. But the community is full of tards right? "Sadly" no. OOC is the new barrens chat but other than that I have met lots of great people already. The player base is defintely more mature than WoW and that's great news all around. How about the classes? All crap right? I've tried 9 out of the 12 classes so far and besides the Dark Templar I like em all. WoW a priest that nukes so he can heal better? What a great concept. You mean I'm no longer forced to spam 1 button and play healbot? Who would have thunk? Seriously the classes are great. Sure some balancing is required but honestly WoW has been out for what 3 years and classes need balancing. Or hey! Ask an EQ1 wizzy (9 years game life) how their class balance is compared to zerker and rogue dps on raids. Yeah, Funcom is doing alright ....ack can't believe I said that. BLASPHEMY! Alright, well combat must really suck then right? Well, you probably have guessed by now how this review is going. Sorry! I will NEVER EVER play and autoattack MMO again. Combat rocks! After level 10 a whole new world opens up and boy oh boy I can't believe we played MMOs the way we have all these years. Okay, I'm not going to bore you much longer. I just need to say a couple mroe things. First of all a big sorry to my previous attitude towards the game. A big congratulations to Funcom. AoC will be my MMO for years to come. THQs WH40K is the only thing on the horizon right now and that's at least 3-4 years away. As for WAR. I won't be playing it. I'll keep testing it here and there and fullfill my duties as a beta tester and I do hope it will do well as I like the license but my home is now Hyboria. I can't believe I'm about to say the following but ... THANK YOU FUNCOM !!!
If you bashed a game simply as you said "you wanted WAR to win" chances are your not even old enough to be playing AoC because only a child would say or think that way most adults who are gamers sure don't pick a mmog to love or hate I am a fan of all mmogs I don't care what it is or who makes it if SOE makes a great mmog I am gonna play it regardless same as any other company.I don't pick side and anyone who does is a full blown idiot or a child that does not know any better.
Ppl like AoC thats great in the end it benifits ALL mmogs for one game to be sucessful no matter if you love or hate it because it raises the bar for curent and future mmogs which only benifits ALL of us mmogers.
That is a great review OP, only way it could get better would be if it was posted in WAR forums !
I'm enjoying AoC. I'll still probably leave for WAR as RvR sounds awesome to me. Everything depends on how much i enjoy AoC endgame pvp.
How about restating the statement - Everything depends on how much enjoyable WAR will be.
To the OP I would agree but I can also agree with some of the negative comments. The game is not perfect. I have played two different char types so far and have not moved beyond Tortage. I do enjoy the game so far. I was on the fence about the game but went ahead and bought it anyway and so far I am glad I made the investment. As far as the comment about beyond level 40 being repetive well what MMO isn't? I was playing LOTR until Conan arrived and a number of times I got to lvl 40+ and just got bored with playing. Finding groups at that level became a little more challenging. Anyway, everyone has an opinion about the game for/against.
I say enjoy the game if you like and if not try to have patience for your particular flavor of MMO to be releasedand I hope it succeeds. More than likely the rest of us may be playing it as well.
See you on the battlefield.
I assume this is your first time to these boards so let me say "welcome"
Apparently, by your own admission, you're part of the problem. Bashing games because you want another game to "win" is just lame. That's WoW fanboi mentality right there. WAR IS going to win, btw. But that's because of the excellent design of its game mechanics, not because of a bunch of "rah! rah!" fanbois.
I am not unrealistic in any way, dumbing down games is not a good thing if people want to be herded why dont they just play single player games. I generally just think overall this game adds nothing new and doesn't encourage me to play in any way. I haven't logged in since the last post above and have felt no urge to do so, i just need to remember to cancel that subscription else i will as always get hit with an extra bill.
I have gone back to an old game and am having a blast, so it is all good and very challenging my mind appears to be required again. (I just spent three hours helping a friend out , we died and lost a few days of items but that is required to progress we have learned and grown and can now move onwards and upwards something that I would never see in AOC, as any loss would send the player base into a panic)
Oh and as for the 3g and the horse , I am sure that the nature of the game wiill deliver you a horse after quest Seven Hundred and fifty two just like every other player so I wouldn't worry. You will get your horse like everyone else.
Sorcery must persist, the future is the Citadel
Falfeir just my opinion and gut feel, having played near every MMO released the ammount of choice has ruined the genre to an extent and I am not easily impressed having played games in the past where I have had real fun died a lot to the point of despair and maybe i'm a bit of a masochist.
I doubt you dont' have the time in the world to make this feat... you probably played the most known ones would be better..please don't use a this as an argument since you would know that you're far from truth when you state "near every MMO released" even the list of released mmo's on this site is huge and just think about those that is not even listed in here.
forgot to mention credit to the OP for an interesting perspective as regarding WAR vs AoC. But I still think you will try WAR when it comes out I think it might be worth trying at least.
If you bashed a game simply as you said "you wanted WAR to win" chances are your not even old enough to be playing AoC because only a child would say or think that way most adults who are gamers sure don't pick a mmog to love or hate I am a fan of all mmogs I don't care what it is or who makes it if SOE makes a great mmog I am gonna play it regardless same as any other company.I don't pick side and anyone who does is a full blown idiot or a child that does not know any better.
Ppl like AoC thats great in the end it benifits ALL mmogs for one game to be sucessful no matter if you love or hate it because it raises the bar for curent and future mmogs which only benifits ALL of us mmogers.