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Supper hero MMO's arn't a dime a dozen like mmoprgs so the exepectations in this game are very high. The only one out there right now is Cox . What do you want different from Cox and what do want that's the same?
Well things I like about COH.
no looting, fast action, graphics, many character image options, the invention system, secondary effects on powers
Things that I think A hero game should/shouldn't have
XP should be given for mission completion not senseless slaughter. Not only would this help with power leveling, but it encourages players to think and take the direction of least risistance. Which in return greatly increases the varity of missions that the devs could make.
If your going to have a level system the system shouldn't enforce arbitrary differnces in strength. What I mean is if I fight a skull slicer it shouldn't be any stronger just because it's 10th level instead of first. If I'm still fighting skulls at 10th level the difficulty should be increased because the mobs work better together, have better attacks/defenses and more of them. They shouldn't be stronger just because they get % buffs due to their level.
I hate arch types, but if you must have them then the base damage/hp/defense/acc should all be the same. Arch types should define their roles/strengths through aquistion/choices (powers) not from different bases. Having different bases is what really has made COH such a balancing nightmare. That way if there is a balance problem you can change a single power instead of some over incompasing nerph.
Diversity of powers. As much customization as possible and maintain a balanced and clean game.
Here is where many people are going to disagree with me, but less characters slots per server. Names concepts quickly start to become secondary in the game. No one needs to have 20 heroes on the same server. Create a game were people want to continue to play there charcters and open the advancement system to the point that it essentually never ends. You want every power in the game, fine work towards that end. Make power aqusition get more expensive the more you aquire and powers an event in themselves to train aquire.
Everyone should be able to play with everyone else. If I have 18 powers I should be able to play with Laser Bob and his one or two blasts. Xp should be given according to our advancement.
No death penalty, no teleportation. The game should be your knocked down and recover given time or help. If your alone and you get knocked out either you wake a prisioner or you simply fail the mission.
No healing. hero's should have defenses and regeneration.
I am sure there is more I haven't thought of currently, but this would be the top issues on game play that I would focus on.
CoX likes:
-Avatar customization was phenomenal. CoX is the ONLY MMO I've played where I haven't seen a clone of myself running around the world.
-Lack of "equipment". Character development was done so by improving individual powers as you see fit, farming Evil Lair #23 and looting [Magical Purple Tights of Doom] with +1000 Fire Damage from Doctor Doom of Eviltown.
-Variety of skills/abilities/spells/etc. My Corruptor is most likely different from other corruptors because of the power sets I chose. And even then, if another Corruptor chose the same power sets, we could have any different possible combination of skills and/or enhancements. My character felt unique to every other character. Also, CoX incorporated almost every possible thing that can be used as a weapon into character creation. From hurling chunks of ice, to magical powers, to guns, to medieval weaponry, to magical weaponry, to ordinary items (axes, shovels, wrenches, etc.), this allows great character customization.
CoX dislikes:
-Lacking in variety of environments. Of course an urban setting is the setting most associated with super heroes/villains, but it gets old after awhile.
-Lacking in variety of mission types. Saving little Johnny from a Burning Building X, Robbing the Bank, or Killing Hero/Villain gets repetitive after awhile. I'd like to see more twists to the missions. Like "Kill evil villain, but there are too many innocents around so you can't use AoE powers lest you accidentally hurt an innocent, or maybe you're in a factory with highly flammable chemicals around, so fire and/or heat powers have a chance of blowing the place". Make the situations more dire as you progress. It keeps the game interesting, and also adds a more heroic (or villainous) feel to the missions.
-Lack of customizable skill/abilities/powers graphics. Yea, I know, I may be getting a little too over the top with this one. But does an energy blast HAVE to always be blue? Can my fire blaster make flames so hot that they burn blue? What if my fire corruptor shoots otherworldy hellfire that happens to be an unholy green tint?
That's all I got for now...
I would like less emphasis on alts, and more emphasis on providing a sense of ownership over one, maybe two characters. It would be great is character progression never maxed to the point where you have a bunch of story Arch you could still run, but its pointless to do so. I already have a 50 VEAT that's slotted out with IO set, and really the only improvements now would come from purple sets.. which are randomly attainable. Sure there are accolades, but they are not very difficult. Gameplay need to be more defined with targeted goals after you reach a level cap, not random rolls.
Part of CoV is horribly dated at this point. For one, look at the UI when you compare it to the flexibility you have in other games. The developers will shamelessly tell you that the feature players are asking for will never happen because of how things are hard coded into the game engine. I hate how limited macros are, how you're stuck with a UI that becomes painful to look at over time, partical effects that can't be changed, gameplay that becomes tedious because there is little variation due to next to no scripting in missions. Champions has a lot of room to blow CoX away, and I'm looking forward to it.
If you powers consists of animalistic nature, you can run on all fours.) Thats what was stated.
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Yeah, and the environments are also different in Champions. I think they have like 5 different areas? Only one is urban...others are desert/Canada(lol)/forest/otherworldy
Shoosh...You fail...
What I want from a Super Hero MMORPG is choice. Lots of choices. OK I pick a class, give me lots of choices for powers from that class. When I lvl give me the choice to improve an existing power (such as giving my firebolt a longer range or AoE explosion, not just some damage increase or end reduction) or gain a new one. I want good, effective choices for a travel power. If you give me lots of choices for a travel power but make it so hard to get around that I have to fly to effectively get to certain areas, you didn't give me much of a choice there did ya? When I take down a bad guy, I want the choice to take his loot or leave it for someone else (after I have chosen to leave it though). When I get some loot, I want the choice to use it or sell it. I want the choice to improve it if I use it or give it to someone else when I am done with it or sell it or even delete it if I wanted. I want the choice to PvP. I want the choice to solo the whole game, end content and all or group with friends. I want choices!
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