Ok this is a game based on Robert Jordans, "The Wheel of Time" book series. I have seen the website for it but now I can not find it again. The game had not yet gone into production due to a lisence dispute but if any of you know the link would you please let me know. Its something I would like to keep an eye out for.
Ask and ye shall receive: http://www.dimensionalware.com/wotrpg.php
Richard J. Cox
"There were much of the beautiful, much of the wanton, much of the bizarre, something of the terrible, and not a little of that which might have excited disgust."
They sure have The Vision ^^ But ill be damned if they can get a following even with the WoT branding. They got some version of perma-death, unconsensual pvp (i think, their site is kinda vague heh), real pc thieving, the WoT version of jedis (channeling powers), farming?, and lots of fun stuff...
But, it remains to be seen if it will in fact be released at all, the site looks kinda malnourished... i think they need a big helping of $'z
I'd try it out though, sounds pretty interesting.
The books are among the best I've read, except for the final few books which seemed to just drag on with little new to say. Still, I might check it out.
I scanned through the site, but didnt find any mention of what it might cost. Does anyone have any clue what they might be asking, if this gets off the ground?
I think they'll be asking for muulah, money, credatz, banana-peels, baht, whatever you use to trade with
Dunno how interested id be in how many banana-peels though, games have weird pricing and i seem to pay up whatever they ask for, its not like i use the money on better stuff really...
Stealin n Lubing since 1976