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LFG-Former SWG Player

phantom59phantom59 Member Posts: 1

MMO experience-

Star Wars Galaxies- played and loved pre-CU and, to a lesser extent, the CU. Despised NGE

World of Warcraft- Got very bored and disliked the way the class system was.

PVP preferences-

 I like a system that is unforgiving, large scale and not always forced, preferably world and faction oriented.

Classes, professions, skills, ect.-

The main thing I'm looking for is a game with a very loose skill system, where I'm not confined to a single class and it's standard trees. To give you and idea of what I'm talking about, in SWG I was a bh with some points in pistoleer and cm, making me deadly one on one and in group pvp. But in WoW, no matter what I did, I always felt like I was, "shield guy", "Heal Guy", "damage guy" or  "magic guy", as if I had just signed a life-long contract to do only one thing for eterinity.

TL;DR- What is a good game for a SWG vet?

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