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Well i'm a big fan of Realistic WWII Games, and i already tried this game out a couple of times (Trial and Welcome Back soldier or something) but everytime i played i got bored after a while but after a week i wanted to play the game again .. now i got some questions for the veterans out there;
1. Can you fly an airplane or aim with a flak, at gun or tank with your mouse? or do you need to use your joystick? if so, how do you do that? i've been messing around with my keymap but i couldnt find a way to use my mouse instead of my joystick to fly a plane. i've seen on the forums that it's possible.
2. Are there actually artillery in-game? or are they going to implent it? what about paratroopers?
3. Do you really have to buy the game/serial ?
4. Are there any promotions or trials going on atm? i wan't to give it a last try before i'm going to make my decsission to p2p for this game.
5. What's so fun about this game? What keeps YOU playing this game?
every trial period i played i got bored after a week or a few days, i dont know why but i think its because playing the game all alone is pretty boring so if there are any trials i'm going to try to join a squad to see how that feels like, if it's ALOT fun then acting like rambo then i will probally buy the game and try it out for a month or so
Thanks in advance,
Adam K.
im on the 14day free trial right now. A few posts down there is a thread about it.
I was told you "can" use your mouse for ground vehicles quite well. Unfortunately being new, this has been a pain for me remapping my keys. Especially all this Z axis and Y axis crap for the joystick. Ill prolly just go out and buy a cheap $20 joystick anyways. I heard using the mouse to fly airplanes though is a different story and very difficult.
Argh, somehow the forum trashed my last post... ugh it was long to. OK, gonna be a bit shorter but I'll try to cover all the points as well as I can again!
1 - Yes it can be done, you need to first setup your mouse in the game for the Turret Traverse and Elevate with the keymapper. Then exit the game and go into the ww2ol directory, in the data directory and then the cfml directory. In there you will file the calibration files for all vehicle types. Find the one you setup your mouse axis for and open it with Wordpad. Find the line that reads...
<mouseaxis>x</mouseaxis> and the y one as well change those you read...
<mouseaxis emulatejoystick="1">x</mouseaxis>
2 - Currently there is no true artillery in the game, but the dev's do plan on adding it to the game. They need a new Server which they call "Ordnance Server" which can take over tracking of long distance ballistics. Our clients track our own shots fired, but they time out after a few kilometers depending on the round being fired. The new server will track long distance shots even after our client has stopped so that if say a bomb or artilley round lands near people it can report the event to them. It is planned but its a ways off yet I think. Until then we just use some of our other ATG"s and AAA's as simple short range artilley pieces.
3 - Yes its a legal issue I believe with their old publisher, you have to have a valid serial or cd-key, its part of making an account. The nice thing is that you get a free month of playing from it so the cost of having to buy a cd-key is offset by a free month of service.
4 - Yep there is a 14 day free trial on right now. Check out the following link:
5 - This game runs on Teamplay, aside from the Harcore nature of the game, the Grand scale and scope of the battlefields its essentially the community and the squads I hook up and battle alongside that keep the game from getting slow or boring. Once you get used to who is stationed where and uses which communications channels it becomes very easy to hop into just about any fight and help the team out somehow. Hooking up with a squad is definately the way to see the best of what this game is, if you spawn into a fight and it seems like a bunch of lonewolf's or rambo's running around you might get lucky and have a good time, but most likely you'll just get angry because if the other side is coordinating and your not they will wipe the floor with you. Easily.
It really is the community and the requirement of teamplay to make an impact on the war that I like the most. It makes for epic battles and once you learn your way around and get to know a good portion of the team you play with its really tough to get bored, even if your just resupplying tanks or something, because your planning, or joking, or razzing, with each other etc.
Hope that helps.
[quote]Originally posted by Demarii
[b]Argh, somehow the forum trashed my last post... ugh it was long to. OK, gonna be a bit shorter but I'll try to cover all the points as well as I can again!
1 - Yes it can be done, you need to first setup your mouse in the game for the Turret Traverse and Elevate with the keymapper. Then exit the game and go into the ww2ol directory, in the data directory and then the cfml directory. In there you will file the calibration files for all vehicle types. Find the one you setup your mouse axis for and open it with Wordpad. Find the line that reads...
<mouseaxis>x</mouseaxis> and the y one as well change those you read...
<mouseaxis emulatejoystick="1">x</mouseaxis>
2 - Currently there is no true artillery in the game, but the dev's do plan on adding it to the game. They need a new Server which they call "Ordnance Server" which can take over tracking of long distance ballistics. Our clients track our own shots fired, but they time out after a few kilometers depending on the round being fired. The new server will track long distance shots even after our client has stopped so that if say a bomb or artilley round lands near people it can report the event to them. It is planned but its a ways off yet I think. Until then we just use some of our other ATG"s and AAA's as simple short range artilley pieces.
3 - Yes its a legal issue I believe with their old publisher, you have to have a valid serial or cd-key, its part of making an account. The nice thing is that you get a free month of playing from it so the cost of having to buy a cd-key is offset by a free month of service.
4 - Yep there is a 14 day free trial on right now. Check out the following link: [url=]
5 - This game runs on Teamplay, aside from the Harcore nature of the game, the Grand scale and scope of the battlefields its essentially the community and the squads I hook up and battle alongside that keep the game from getting slow or boring. Once you get used to who is stationed where and uses which communications channels it becomes very easy to hop into just about any fight and help the team out somehow. Hooking up with a squad is definately the way to see the best of what this game is, if you spawn into a fight and it seems like a bunch of lonewolf's or rambo's running around you might get lucky and have a good time, but most likely you'll just get angry because if the other side is coordinating and your not they will wipe the floor with you. Easily.
It really is the community and the requirement of teamplay to make an impact on the war that I like the most. It makes for epic battles and once you learn your way around and get to know a good portion of the team you play with its really tough to get bored, even if your just resupplying tanks or something, because your planning, or joking, or razzing, with each other etc.
Hope that helps.
Thanks! Another question though, sometimes some bases are empty and need to be resupplied, does this happen automaticly or does someone has to get a truck and resuply the base? if so, how does that work?
Both actually.
Players can drive vehicles from the rear towns and manually resupply equipment that has been used up at frontline towns.
But there is also an automatic 3 hour resupply on all equipment. What that means is that if you tank out a tank and lose it 3 hours after you took that tank out the system and did not return it the system will replace that tank, if you did return it obviously that stops, and also I believe they made it so that if players manually resupply or overstocked tanks and the 3 hour timer comes up if you have already a replacement in the lists (ie: at max capacity) it will not replace that missing tank.
Hope that makes sense.
Can't have my WWIIOL Sig cause making love with sheep is against the rules =(
"2. Are there actually artillery in-game? or are they going to implent it? what about paratroopers?"
What do you mean there isn't any artillery in game. Sure there is. The Destroyers in game have 5 5inch guns (127mm calbre). They have 125 rounds of HE. These things clear up enemy infantry/tanks easy. Destroyers also have 2 37mm guns, 4 20mm guns and 8 torpeados. It is hell to be defending a town when 1, 2 or more DDs are off shore pounding everything. Granted, you only see them near coastal towns.
Another form is the 75mm howitzer in the hull of the French Char. You can lob shells at enemy towns easily with this gun. And for the germans, Flak36, the 75mm gun on the PZ4 and 75mm gun on the Stug3 can be used to pound enemy defensives from a long ways. I have also seen many german players use the PAK36 as a smaller infantry gun firing at groups of enemy infantry with HE.
Lets not forget the infantry class "Grenadier" with his rifle grenade launcher. Once, when this inf type was new, I did a little experment. When the french were overrunning a german held town, I spawned in as a grenadier and positioned my self 150m from the german Army Base (there last held flag at that time) in hard cover. I let all 10 RGs fly over the wall into the compound of there AB. When I was out, I despawned at our friendly depot with a surprising 5 enemy inf kills with another 2 wounded. I never saw an enemy during that mission. Since I didn't get killed and I despawned at a friendly depot with a mission, I could spawn back as the same inf type since it was reserved for me. Needless to say, I went back to the same spot 3 more times getting 8 more kills until a german SMGer found my spot and shot me from behind. That guy that shot me probably didn't realize what he stopped by shooting me.
Now the only problem currently in game for artillery units is that you can only fire shots to a maximum of 3km (the maximum line of sight in game). When the Rats get a Ordanence server, then the maximum range for weapons will be its historic range (i.e. 5inch guns will reach 12km)
Hope this helps
This game is really only for people who like a lot of downtime. Not badmouthing the game or anything, its just I am on the 14 day free trial and dam, travered the dam terrain riding on a tank for 20 minutes until we finally found something.
33.333333333333336% of me is a huge nerd! How about you?
Where can i find squads that are willing to take players on a trial? couldn't find any in-game
Are you kidding? Squads in game are always hungry for new blood. To find one, all you need to do is spawn in a town with defenders and type over the open chat "I'm looking for a squad". Just sit back and watch the response. You should get several responses.
BTW what side do you prefer to play?
Curruntly i'm a German Corporal and i'm planning to buy the game, but i'm still not sure.. got another few questions;
- Everytime i use the infantry it always seems like my toon (the infantry) is ice skating instead of walking, is it me or does everyone have this?
- How do you advance trough the german airforce ranks? i just can't use the BF110-C i heard you need atlesat 1 kill, some time and RTB to get exp
Infantry are generally always in Running mode to goto walk mode press "T", the skating part is likely to change in the future once the Toto the head infantry Rat gets free time to add more 1st person animations for side to side and turning moving. It actually used to be worse. Also I believe the network layer might be tied to how many infantry movement states they can update at the moment. Not sure on that one but it is very likely. So I wouldn't expect to see more refined infantry animations and movement till after the new update system is in place. Thats a guess, I don't know anything, but I think its a solid guess.
Best way to get rank in the Airforces without using the Low Rank aircraft like the Hawk 75, Hurricane mk1, and bf110 is to either tailgun for another pilot going out and hope he's good. Or go to the rear airfields and look for "Non-mission" 109's to spawn in. If you goto an airfield and click on Crew/Equip without taking a mission first you see the non-mission equipment left there, they have no rank restrictions, you can spawn one of those in then either despawn it and take a mission, or fly to a forward airfield and take a mission there and keep the plane, because it will reserve that plane for you after you spawn out.
The bf110 can be a tough bird to fly. The secret is to make all your attacks in a dive, stay very fast and get the heck out of dodge once things are looking even remotely "even" for the enemy side. Because that means in a moment or two you'll likely be dead.
Good luck, and you better hope you see me before I see you. I fly up in the crazy north for the RAF.
Can't have my WWIIOL Sig cause making love with sheep is against the rules =(
Who told you that? Because it is definately still part of the game.
Notice I mentioned starting at the rear AF's. The forward AF's generally lose their supplies fast but I'm sure if you go far enough back you'll find Non mission equipment. It is still there I just popped into game and checked myself.
Thanks for the awnsers, but i got another question
Why are all campaigns played in Belgium/France/Holland? Why not in other countries?
Stosstrupp Gold
a german speaking World War II Online allied squad
110th Infantry Regiment
2 DINA, III Corps, ArFr, AHC
Life is too short to play bad games.
So there's no plan yet for a russian theme?
I'm sure they would like to eventually, but they will likely do North Africa first and in doign so use the new Terrain system they are designing, then they said they'd like to go back to the current Europe theatre and redo it using the new terrain system and then I'd imagine they'd start thinking about the Eastern front and Pacific Theatre.
Oh not sure if you noticed this but you can back out to a world map view in the game, it used to load up to the map and it used to rotate and show all the different continents and possible theatres but I guess they decided until they actually had more Theatres to select they'd bypass that feature, but it does show that they've always planned to have multiple theatres for this game, right from the start. Just a matter of getting it there now I guess.
Demarii the non mission aircraft isn't a part of the game i logged on french today since i have no rank with them to check and see and i tried every single behind the line Airfield they had and it only lets me take non mission h75's.. so they have removed it like I said. Cause somone told me to try it when i first started playing and i remember not seeing any non mission anything besides 110.. so he's going to have to multicrew sadly..
Can't have my WWIIOL Sig cause making love with sheep is against the rules =(
Well the planes are still there in the same number, so they must have put a Rank limit on them recently because several months or so ago I ranked up in the Luftwaffe during the time when a good majority of Axis pilots went on strike against the game.
It was pretty rough as the RAF generally outnumbered them all the time in those days, it was way too difficult to fly the 110 against those odds so I went and found a non-mission 109 and flew it up and gained my ranks with that. I can't imagine how much it would have sucked not to be able to do that, and I, for the life of me can't think of any good reason for them to change that rule. It makes absolutely no sense to me. I still have my doubts as to the validity of your claim so I'm asking for verification in the Hangar.
Looks like it was mentioned by someone in a complaint or something so the Rat's recently made the change. What f@#$ing stupid idea. They need to give their head a shake imo. Jeezus...
Can't have my WWIIOL Sig cause making love with sheep is against the rules =(
Trust me I'm no noob, I was referring to the times when the majority of players hopped over to play allied and run the map and so everyone who stuck it out on the axis side was fighting 6-12 vs them over every other town. I prefer a challenge so I went to fight for them even though I have flown for RAF for nearly 2 years and lead 60 Wing in the N AO for about 6 months. Under those kind of circumstances you don't want to be the favourite morsel in the RAF's diet, no matter how good your are or how fast you come in there are just too many listening to reports and climbing over you to take that advantage away.
I can understand them taking the stupid sitting at the RAF training field as infantry to gain rank, but I think its overly dramatic to remove the ability for noob's to spawn something more competitive then the worst fighter planes in the game. I guess you could consider it wasting 109's but I have a different perspective... go look at Mendig's Spawn list... its full isn't it, and all the non-mission 109's are there too right? Of course nobody is flying from those rear Airfields... so who cares if some noobs are grabbing them and flying up to the front to fight... bah I don't know, I guess we just have to agree to disagree on this one I don't think its a good move. I can come up with a half dozen ways I used to use non-mission spitfires to entice rookies into joining Flights, or running escort, training or bomber interceptions... now they gotta lift in Hurricane's which can't catch anything flying except a Stuka, and pretty much need their own fighter cover if 109's are operating in the area... I don't know I just think this decision went a bit too far as far as limiting noob's ability to find enjoyment and try out different parts of the game.
Oh well, life goes on, and so does the game. S!
Can't have my WWIIOL Sig cause making love with sheep is against the rules =(
Your right, but I was talking about a particular instance where having that option is useful. And that's only one. I don't have to look that far back to come up with more. But if I do look far back, say to the days when the AO's and High Altitudes were ruled over by the large air-only fighter squadrons like my own that you gain a totally different perspective on things.
It's pretty tough to gain rank for example if those noobs can't even leave their own airspace because the enemy is Denying them traffic through that airspace or out of their airfields. Those guys will never even see the frontlines. That's the whole point of a BARCAP. And its what used to happen before policy and command changes took place which essentially slaved all the Airforces into serving the ground forces directly.
But I"m not gonna get into that discussion, I've had that one too many times and I'm not interested in debating it again here. Just want to point out that its not always so easy to gain rank with nooby equipment. Not saying it should be, but it was nice that they had another option so they could join the air fight rather then be stuck getting preyed on by the fighters overhead.
I am a big wwii history buff and really like the idea of this game. I was there on the first day of release and "tried" to play it. It was by far the worst release of a MMORPG in history and even CR's admitted it. The game IMO is just to clunky and the graphics suck bigtime. They need to goto John Carmack and get on their needs and beg him for his graphcis engine or goto india and pay a wageslave to design them a good one. Gettign burned by the release and looking at the horrable graphics/effects just turned me compelely off FOREVER on this game. I would only consider coming back if they sold it to ID software and Mr. Carmack re-built it from scratch.
Can you imagine a WWII mmorpg based on the Doom2 graphics engine?