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I've been playing Age of Conan. It's a great game; awesome graphics, cool & innovative combat, quests, etc...
BUT...*drumroll*... for some reason I decided to quit and reactivate my Everquest account!
That's EverQuest ONE, mind you!
Unlike many, Everquest was NOT my first massively multiplayer experience. I was always a huge PVP-monger and was playing Ultima Online when the EQnerds were doin' they thang in Norrath back in 99'. The crazy thing is, as beautiful as AOC is, i've been having more fun with that 10 year old hunk of broken polygons, which is EQ! I haven't even been Pvping! I'm on a BLUEBIE server! What's happening to me?? Must....update....patch........
Any other EQers been back in norrath lately?
Ugh... my hardware has gone completely to waste. Oh well, I guess I can take Crysis breaks in between EQ1 sessions....
(- = -)
A trip to memory lane is a good thing ... filled with nostalgia and memories. Too bad that at some point the reasons that made us so annoyed that we quit creep at the surface again.
My comment has nothing to do with AoC or EQ1. I just remembered myself doing the same thing, some time ago. It was like a second honeymoon. Too bad it didn't last more than that.
I do this same thing all too often. EQ is byfar my favorite MMO....just if it didnt require such a huge time commitment and there was more fun/beneficial solo content .
Yeah, but every mmorpg is a "honeymoon" in that respect! Nostalgia definitely played a role in my EQ1 reactivation, but I haven't even been to the old zones yet and am having a genuine mmorpg *blast*. I'll get bored at some point, I'm sure. That's why we lurk around're all looking to fill that abstract "MMO" void. "Haters" will become Fanboys and vice-versa, as people have new experiences they become temporarily partial...
I'm just surprised that EQ1 has evolved mechanically so much over the years! I miss the old days, but am happy to see how *beefy* EQ1 has become. I can't wait until the servers are back up, and it's not so I can go to Qeynos and immerse myself in nostalgia.... I WANT EXP! :P
Did the same thing... or will do the same thing after my 30 days. Ive got EQ2 up and running. Theres things about it I really dislike, but theres more about AoC that I dislike... so unless they do something to make me go "wow, Im so staying with this game" Ill just cut it as a loss. Atleast AoC didnt leave me wishing I had my 40$ back like Vanguard did.
EQ2 became a great game about a year after release. I actually left EQ2 mostly due to the low population... even on the "highest" populated servers. You'd think that Everquest One, it's predecessor, would have fewer people playing, but that's not the case...
Love the ice giants in eq2 though, awesome graphics!
Keep checking in on Vanguard. It's changed a lot.
Also, I'm glad I didn't buy AoC. Sounds pretty bad. =/
nethervoid - Est. '97
20k+ subs YouTube Gaming channel
Age of Conan is by no means a "bad game". It just needs more work.
I've gone back to CoH every new Issue except this last one.
Yeah I was really tempted to go back again to make a Epic Villain but then I would get to level 20 on it in short order and be faced with the same daunting grind that was the reason for me quitting every previous time.
As much I love CoH I don't think I wil ever return to it.
Same thing with FF11. I'm very tempted to start it up again with every new expansion to try the new areas and classes but stop and realise why I quit in the first place.
Yeah, there are some MMOs(personal taste inferred) that are easy to rejoin and not immediately feel overwhelmed with the problems of the past but you are probably already subscribed to them.
EverQuest is still (and will likely long remain) the king of static content PVE MMO games. It has some superb quality, despite its age, and an enormous amount of content depth.
Very true, but 14 expansions will do that.
Thats the only reason I don't play EQ anymore really, I got tired of buying those damned things.
Heh. I just did the same thing. That's hilarious!
muddah, all the expansions are free. go log on to your account and see
Now is the best time to return to Everquest.
Folks, if you have a veteran account, you can get incredible gear by doing:
/claim when you log-in.
Today, I did /claim on a level 26 druid, and the gear was better than on my other account (level 60 druid).
The Combine server is perhaps the best for "new" players, but most people have "veteran" accounts on other servers because Combine is the newest server.
I wish I could get the "free gear" but my account was active before the promo was started.
Still wouldnt mind trying EQ, just dont want to download the whole thing.. >.>
AoC sounds like a GREAT game with elements that I hate like (1)extremely rapid character advancement and (2) tons of instancing.
Luckily, i don't need you to like me to enjoy video games. -nariusseldon.
In F2P I think it's more a case of the game's trying to play the player's. -laserit
I will pass.
I still have memories about the long grind & campfest of EQ .. that was NOT fun.
I have gone back and take a look some weeks ago. My char was still there. Now I can't get pass the really dated graphics & really really antiquated interface. I don't think i will ever go back for good.
The graphics are kinda dated, but the new zones actually are quite stunning. The new zones in EQ look better than EQ2, IMO. I recently just got a new computer so I'm downloading Vanguard to test out how my graphics card performs but I'll likely stick with EQ1.
EQ is crap now.
Multiboxers, inflation, hacking, and raid l33tness and can you spell G.R.I.N.D.
Your post sounds like a SoE commercial though, so I'm not sure if I should believe you you are actually a player that went back.
Actually every post you ever made reads like a commercial for EQ............
Smedley, is that you????
Yes, this is John Smedley! You're in OUR world now.
LOL sun
I reinstalled EQ recently for the Legends celebration. I admit, I felt a bit sentimental. Went back to all my old haunts and checked out the revamped zones. It also totally reminded me how incredibly docile and spoiled we've become. Where you actually have to think about where you're going and how to get there. Also, I was more careful as I realize the death penalty and that grey mobs still attack you, and actually have a chance to kill you. It's amazing how bad we get when you're not pushed to excel.
However, I'm older now, and have gotten too used to the conveniences and just don't have the time to put in the effort. Back in the day, this was the game and I enjoyed it thoroughly but I'll stick with EQ2 and VG. A little misinformation earlier in the thread as EQ2 has about twice the playerbase of EQ. It was very nice to run down memory lane for a while.
"Granted thinking for yourself could be considered a timesink of shorter or longer duration depending on how smart..or how dumb you are."
hehe yeah gotta love it when the greys pwn ya
I haven't been on for a few weeks but last time I was on Stromm and Bristlebane, there seemed to be WAY more players than the highest load server I could find in EQ2. I'm unsure of the actual statistics.... but the guild hall constantly had a couple hundred people in it, my guild (Legends and Legacies) had atleast 15 people on at most times, and zones like BoT had 30+ peeps. Doing /whos 1-10, 11-20. 21-30, etc, all were capped off. Might have had something to do with that promotion though, maybe things have changed?
Glad you gave it a go ,though! I'm thinking about trying out EQ2 since Vanguard is boring the hell out of me after only a few days. Also, the PvP server is almost completely baron . About 300 people on at peak hours doing /whos .
Do you know if Nagafen is getting healthier? last time I was on I was turned off due to lack of players (and ironically wento to EQ1).
EQ was lame back when it came out, kept my attention for all of maybe 2 days, and it is more than likely the same heap it was then today.
Quitting AoC for EQ is like trading in a dollar to get back a quarter. AoC isn't the greatest MMO to grace the industry but it's light years better than EQ.
Good luck with that.
LOL..... I jumped back into EQ with the free play and had the same nostalgiac reaction as you did. I'm not closterphobic by any sense of the meaning but I am still to this day spoiled on the shear size of EQ. Thats why EQ2 was such a dissapointment to me like so many other games, small zones that guide you like a rat in a maze, very little "real" exploration. I was surprised to witness the amount of players in EQ, more players than alot newer games out today. I won't continue to play though, the time it takes to fully involve myself in EQ..well...I have a family now., EQ is/was a vocation.
But before I left, I did something I always wanted to do for all the anger and frustration imposed upon me and my mates. I killed that son-of-a-bit** General Varsoon.
LOL..... I jumped back into EQ with the free play and had the same nostalgiac reaction as you did. I'm not closterphobic by any sense of the meaning but I am still to this day spoiled on the shear size of EQ. Thats why EQ2 was such a dissapointment to me like so many other games, small zones that guide you like a rat in a maze, very little "real" exploration. I was surprised to witness the amount of players in EQ, more players than alot newer games out today. I won't continue to play though, the time it takes to fully involve myself in EQ..well...I have a family now., EQ is/was a vocation.
But before I left, I did something I always wanted to do for all the anger and frustration imposed upon me and my mates. I killed that son-of-a-bit** General Varsoon.
lol grats on general varsoon I have to admit I spent a few hours camping Qeynos guards one day to avenge my old dark elf :P.
But yeah, EQ is still the same game- if you didn't like it to begin with, you'd probably get bored of the same things that drove you away to start. Lots of people complain about the grind and raiding. If anything EQ has actually become a little wimpy when it comes to leveling. People can hit cap in less than a week. I rolled a Bard on Bristlebane and someone powerleveled me to 40 in just a couple days. My Sk on stromm went from 50-66 in less than a week casually grouping. I've only raided once in my entire EQ career- somewhere in the planes of power-, and it was fun but I can see how once your capped out it could be boring. Looks like most level 80s are working on AA's though, which is convenient because they don't mind grouping with lowbies .
The only thing keeping EQ from being "the one" for me is lack of PvP. I'm a PvPer at heart (talkin' UO, Shadowbane, and DAOC). I tend to play EQ in spurts of a couple months., I start to wonder what the point is if I can't pwn people. Sure you can link your uber lewts to other players, but showing off gear doesn't constitute valid competion for me.
And AOC has PvP but there's no reason to pvp in that game. Similarly to WoW, the PvP feels just like counterstrike. Zone in, load up, run, die, rez, kill, repeat. I miss good ol' world PvP with meaning. I'd rather play a high-quality PvE game (I.E EQ) than a PvP game without incentive to PvP...
Now I'm just casually floating around in between games... maybe I'll return to DAOC or something. The only "modern" game with genuine player versus player combat is EvE, and I just can't get into it . I enjoyed WoW pvp for a while but I dislike controlled PvP environments. If only there was a perfect game... haha