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Simply luck that they managed to have servers be as stable as they are, and the combat to be so fun in pve.
1. They have no clue how to itemize a game. +casting concentration, and +off hand chance on quest items, amazing. 1-50 and no cloth armor for HoXs, but assassins sure didn't get left out =P. +perception on items. Seriously is that a real item stat? cloaks with +0.00% immunity? it's not even like they are obscure cloaks.
2. Content. Was the game even tested past level 30? unless you find grinding mobs in overcamped areas to be fun. The quests simply aren't enough. They -had- potential, but a real issue is that quests don't reward exp for the individual steps at times. And i think they assume your supposed to earn more exp during the quests then you actually do. Terrible respawn timer on quest npcs is just the tip of the iceberg.
Add on the terrible itemization, and tons of worthless items.
Then lets look at crafting, ignoring the broken gems. A level 50 green weapon is stronger then a level 50 BLUE CRAFTED weapon. Why?
3. Customer service. Worse than in any game i've ever seen. The only company i've ever heard of that actually deletes petitions on a massive scale instead of actually helping players, not ignoring because the servers lagging, or crashing, but rather having their characters crippled because of it.
Go onto the doomsayer server, theres a guy spamming in ooc because no gm will answer his petitions for 5 days. I've had my petition deleted because of a item which crashes me. Terrible support.
4. Tons of bugs. I'm sorry but i'm at my limit for bugs. using a 2h axe on my hox it oftentimes starts floating away from my body as if my hands are 2-3 feet longer then they are. I've had body parts go missing when i change from a robe to a shorter robe at times. Cotton doesn't harvest, some broken quests. These are fine. Small issues.
But then you get issues with gems crashing you if you socket them and then gms refusing to assist you.
Tons of terrain which you cant just "run across" but rather have to jump on because you get stuck.
Quest npcs which are insanely long respawn times, or areas which are overpopulated with mobs and respawn too quickly.
Tons of broken feats, and other abilities.
5. PvP casters sprinting easier and getting less penalized. The fact that you cant combo while moving and unless two melee are duking it out or your fighting someone you cc'd your not gonna get combos off.
The fact that you can't combo while moving. The fact its so easy to move and escape when getting attacked.
Seriously did anyone ever play ranged classes in beta? it seems to me like the system was designed around people just standing there and taking it... or melee classes who just stand there and combo each other till one dies... it simply doesn't happen that way. And it should have been known to funcom ages ago that it doesn't.
But once the "omg amazingly fun awesome combat and fatality system" wore off. I'm really left asking... what is there in the game worth doing? I really don't know yet... I struggle to find any quests to do. I struggle to find -any- items to get(seriously who thought scaling due to level and basically not at all from gear was a good idea, i feel like i i could have simply killed the same mob and never looted a single item and id be just as good as someone who quested, crafted, and instanced, and i don't feel it should be that way.
sigh i was really loving this game, i just was at my breaking point, and then i ran face first into this customer service fiasco.
If i wait in queue for a gm to assist for 4-5 hours, then the gm doesn't respond, i don't recieve a msg saying why, or anything of the sort. while recieving updates that im going to be helped, and that i'm getting closer to being helped. When actually i'm not.
Great system btw i love it ...... NOT
FFxi Retired
Coh/Cov Retired
Guild Wars/Retired
VSOH/ retired
AOC/retired that was fast
Waiting 4 DCUO ,and FFXIV
The support is overloaded due to all the people playing. Remember they had to add nine more servers last week to handle the load? They probably expected the game to do well but 700k total units sold so far was probably much more than expected. Did you know you don't have to stay on the same char you petitioned with right? Did you know if you type /petition classes you can get your petition flagged to speed up the response time?
I play a HoX, tho I use a 2h sword. No glitching issues I've found so far.
I've found the terrain you can't just run across and have to jump is the uneven terrain. This makes sense from a realism standpoint as you would have to hope through uneven ground sometimes. Though sticking to roads I've never had to jump to keep moving.
AoC is a pretty smooth launch all things considering. WoW had the terrible problems of stuck while looting, your toons at character select being nekked, servers crashing, etc during their launch. When EQ1 upgraded its graphics engine for Luclin they were doing daily patches for weeks to try and get things working. Though I haven't had any of the problems you've had, I probably would be bitter too if I had the trouble you had.
Great system btw i love it ...... NOT
Thanks for sharing, it take some deal to accept what one loved isnt as we hoped. But take your flamesuit now, heh. We all know whats coming.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
You're a pretty picky type, aren't you?
This is the best signature ever. Well, it is really up to you to decide. :x
Yeah you were really looking forward to it from what I recall...that's not a good sign if you've reached a breaking point. Eh we still have to wait and see how this game ultimately ends up though.
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
Fix itemization to get rid of all the worthless items, or at least give more items which are worthwhile.
Also end game content, reports are in and 80 instances aren't even itemized
I am not sure what you mean by professinalism here. They have posts in official forums as to what they know about. The GM told me the Awakening II mage quest has a known issue in it and they are working on it. Not sure what you want to have them let you know, /petition status tells you where the in queue you are though it's a ballpark figure. I was still at 47 when a GM helped me with my bugged Awakening II quest.
Ah could be your particular HoX with that one weapon found a graphic glitch. I have a friend that when she plays her HoX and puts on the umm E-something Tunic (destiny quest reward) her legs disappear above the knees. Don't worry should get a nice blue upgrade when you finally take down Strom.
Yeah I've noticed terrain a bit twitchy. Only when I'm out in the world and not on a road. If you type /stuck it will pop you out of a nook if you can't get out. I think they were trying to avoid the clipping issues (like in WoW) and a few spots snag you. I have a habit of just going right across a river rather than going around to the bridge and a few times I've had to hop out too. Doesn't bother me much though, only got stuck in the side of a bridge once (is how I found out about /stuck).
As for your last statement I'm confused. AoC's servers are bad coded but WoW's were just overcrowded? Current estimates show 700k units sold to date, 111k CE's in there. That is a LOT of people suddenly flooding your servers. They opened up 9 more servers last week to handle the load. So WoW's servers not being to handle their lauch, was due to bad coding too. They didn't expect that many people and the game engine couldn't handle it.
Game is only little over a week old, no server crashes yet. I'm sure some of your concerns will get addressed in the future, right now they are working on keeping servers up and game running. Then they will smooth out the kinks I'm sure.
I am disappointed the voice overs went away after Tortage though....
700k sent out 400k sold
you are really picky. it is just a game chill out.
I'm not sure what game you've been playing or reading about but it has not been a smooth launch at all for AoC. While its not Vanguard proportions of bad its not smooth sailing on the scale of WoW or even Lord of the Rings online (which had the smoothest launch in mmo history even better than WoW). There are just some issues that should be fixed long before launch...things like imbalanced classes, minor bugs that don't completely ruin a player's experience, & lag are however a given for any launch. AoC has had far worse problems than this many of which are related to issues they should of had addressed a long time ago since they had been claiming for months they were 'just polishing'. Seems more like glossing over to me.
I won't call AoC some epic failure because I dont think it is...but I wish fanbois would stop glossing over things and calling anyone who disagrees with their opinion a liar.
anyway uh sorry to hear the downer Bladin I know you were looking forward to the game.
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
*edit* and i still have to say, ignoring the bugs and the lack of support, or sieges not being enabled, or level 80 stuff not being itemized(since they are adding sets of armor for all classes within 2 weeks). The game still does lack a lot of content for leveling, and from the higher people i know, it doesnt get any better.
I have to say this 700k is not alot of users for a game that just released...also yes you have to teh right to be picky when you buy a game for 50.00-89 dollars then pay by the month for it. I am sorry but nobody is being real about the comments made, we all know that we wasted money on another crap release and yes it is getting old but O well get over it just don't take up for Funcom's peice of crap game. I have admitted it now just follow and drop this game and quit telling people it's a good game when it has serious issues, you are costing hard working people money. Play this crap if you want but tell the truth when you comment please some people don't have the time nor money to waste on it. Stop wishing for the game to be something it will never be!!!
That seems to be a recurring theme in the vast majority of new releases. I have no idea why games are released that aren't ready to be played to the end. Releasing a MMO premature is the quickest way to kill even the best game. Eventually, hopefully, publishers will learn...
That seems to be a recurring theme in the vast majority of new releases. I have no idea why games are released that aren't ready to be played to the end. Releasing a MMO premature is the quickest way to kill even the best game. Eventually, hopefully, publishers will learn...
Yeah, and the funny thing is, each zone easily has enough room for some more quests just for killing some things, or finding some of the random boss mobs which don't serve a purpose. Or anything along those linesHeck a AWESOME BIG MAJOR GREAT FIX.... would be to..... MAKE EPIC QUESTS SEPERATE FROM NORMAL AND GIVE THEM EPIC REWARDS.... THAT WAY I CAN DO EPIC STUFF GET EPIC REWARDS!
Epic would be a great option if it worked like this, the fact that its a worthless addition right now makes me sad.
To the OP, i feel your pain. It's ashame that most dev companies just don't get it. If you really want to read how AOC is suckville, just head over to the O-forum and feast your eyes on the bitching and moaning that is taking place.
Fanbois are telling people that have lvled to 50 and have run out of content and quest to lvl, they should just wait for FC to implement new quests and such in the coming months. Thats pathetic in my book.
FC has had five yrs. to create AOC and fill it up with enough stuff to atleast lvl a toon to it's highest point, which is 80. If they would have spent less time worrying about blood, tits and ass, and more about actual gameplay depth and such, they wouldn't be in the mess they are in now.
AOC and pretty much every other class based lvl fest mmo runs into these type of problems. This is why an open sandbox mmo in my opinion is so much better. You don't need a dev to make your content to have fun and become immersed in that particular game world.
Que in SWG, for an example. Origional game, very open sandbox, hardly any dev created content, just pure player interaction and player made content via pvp and other things. Now look at what it has become, a shitty version of all the rest of the class based lvl type of mmo.
Go to their o-forum and you will read the same crap. People are running through the dev made contentt so fast they have nothing to do.
FC is no differant that SOE. They both releese games that are unfinished and want the paying customer to fund the rest of development.
Ok I have to say something about adding lots of servers.. thats NOT always a great sign for a game. WoW had horrible problems with overpopulation in the start, and added large numbers of servers... lucky for them more and more people keep signing up, thats a win.
Lineage2 on the other hand... ran into a diffrent problem. they had a true open beta in the US, OPEN open beta. the first 3 days they had their basic 2 servers, on the 4th day they had 5 servers (i joined) on the 2nd week they had 8 servers. This was great for the first 1-3 months the game was out, then people quit.
The game went from 8 servers, 5 being so crowded it could take you 30min of trying to log in over and over to get in game, to 8 servers, 6 of them being underpopulated to the point they were laughed at by the 2 high-pop servers.
So one of 2 things will happen to AoC. either the game will be a crazy success, and they will have to keep adding servers till they can fit whatever-million people on their servers. or you will have 1-2 real servers, and a bunch of underpopulated servers where only people that are too attached to their high level chars to leave stay (not as likely with L2 because it was an asian grind MMO).
I'm not a doomcryer or naysayer. Just gotta comment that adding lots of servers when a game first launches has NOTHING to do with the staying power of the game, just the hype (and offer of free game time). the question is retaining initial player base, and expanding as time goes on.
MMOs don't advertise as much as other mediums, they rely on word of mouth and such. This means the true test of an MMO is later, after hype has settled down. when people start telling their friends about it. A good game will spread like a plague from person to person, each trying it and suggesting it to friends. A bad game will sit stagnet and slowly wither untill only its core remains, and then depending on what the big guy in charge says, it will either keep running (SWG anyone?) or completly die (E&B)
Everything creates huge amounts of negativity on the internet, that's what the internet is for: Negativity, porn and lolcats.
I gotta say it, I'm sorry I really liked this game in beta, and I liked it for a while after release, but now it's just boring. The combat system requires attention, which at the beginning was fun, but now it's just tedious. I reached level 45 in four days, three of them being the early access days, then it was like BAM! Brick wall.
Time to grind.
I ground mobs solo, because there's very little point in grouping, and so very few people want to group.
I finally hit 50 today!
I did the next part of the, actually pretty decent, Destiny Quest line, which earned me less than a quarter level of xp and now I am looking at my xp bar and thinking....
Dear God! I don't want to even bother trying to grind my way through another 10 levels, let alone 30.
Maybe I am just getting too old to enjoy games that require this much dedication.
If you don't like the grind, I suggest a grind-lite game. certain games have almost no grind at all, like Guildwars, and some have a very easy grind (WoW comes to mind first but there are others).
Some people enjoy it, in lineage2 you could expect to get around 1-2% of a level per hour 70+ (max level was 75 back then, things sped up a bit when they added better farming areas in the patch that increased cap to 78.. and later higher) and getting max level... it was an accomplishment... at first. hardcore grinders can earn some fame in those games in their early days (i still know the names of the first 3 people to hit max level in NA, and get their A-grade weapons), which is later lost when everyone else catches up.
Its similar to raiding in WoW. the grind there is easy, but being in a guild that can take out hard raids can earn you some fame just like in L2 (DnT and neph)... once again untill everyone else learns the raids and can do them.
I was in neither group, i never hit max level in L2 and i was never in a high-end raiding guild in WoW. however i enjoyed both lvling (not the actual grind, but the accomplishment at each level) in L2 and Raiding (but never fresh content) in WoW.
longwindedpoint. A grind isn't bad, it just may not be for you. there are MMOs for everyone and you shouldn't get discouraged when you run into one you don't like. Keeping an open mind is key to enjoying games (that, and waiting for free-trials)
Everything creates huge amounts of negativity on the internet, that's what the internet is for: Negativity, porn and lolcats.
majinash the difference was AoC was NOT made to be grinded, which is why my hoX can clear areas solo, and then have to wait for respawns. If another person is at the camp, then it's slow going. Let alone the fact that pvp slows it down even further. Instead of a grind game, it's simply a quest game...without the quests.
L2 on the other hand, is nothing but a grind. Kill mobs, get rare drops. The end. The areas are designed for it. The game is designed for it. That's what L2 is.
Lol, this is quite a reversal...
Weren't you the one habitually calling "troll" anyone posting anything negative about AoC?
Man, you should have created a new account for this, just like everyone else. What were you thinking?
EA, the instancing. All of which are beneficial to the game. These issues are totally seperate. Theres a difference between being a troll and being negative. And if your trolling because of instancing still, then you obviously haven't played the game, because if it wasn't instanced, nobody would be out of tortage yet because we'd be a group of 1000 waiting for 5 minutes respawns.
True that L2 is a grind game at heart. But don't forget its also a hardcore PvP game... with penalty. and while AoC may not be up to asian grind levels, or even intended to be, it still seems to have turned into one. And while you may not like it, others may. I'm not saying it makes your point any less important, I fully agree. L2 was released with classes only getting new skills untill level 60, despite the max level being 70 (yes, it was capped at 70 even though it was designed for 75 from the start). Thats 10-15 Levels of getting almost nothing from leveling, including gear (they only had level 40 req gear at the time, B-grade and A-grade didn't come out till later).
Even though NA was getting a delayed korean game, it was still completely unfinished game despite charging players. Including HORRIBLE duping bugs that let people get 100,000,000 adena within days of open beta starting. The longer I played L2 the more things I found missing, weeks and weeks into the game. AoC has only been out a few days and already people are running into these problems.
But I think its important to keep the diffrence between how you feel about a game, and what a game is clear. "I don't like this game" or even "I hate this game, I'm not having ANY fun" is very diffrent from "this is a bad game".
I could go on for hours about the bugs L2 had when it launched, enchanting exploits, duping, Flagging exploits, a complete lack of half the things listed the game would include, some of which wern't added for more than a YEAR (ride a strider? fly a dragon?) Even some CLASS CHANGE quests (very important quests in L2) were completely broken when the game launched, force players to rely on GMs to simply GIVE them the items they needed (which many GMs wouldn't do). But despite that, and the mostly empty servers, I don't think the game is "bad" its just not for me.
Everything creates huge amounts of negativity on the internet, that's what the internet is for: Negativity, porn and lolcats.
So many people came here and ripped into the beta testers when we offered our final opinions of our experiences in the beta and with the gameplay itself. The fact of the matter is this: Age of Conan was rushed out the door. Pretty much every single bug I have read about here and in other places have been in existence for months now. The queues with CS are because they are overloaded: Broken Quests, Broken Mobs, players getting stuck in the geometry, and more. Had they taken the time with polishing the game many of these frustrations could have been avoided.
Itemization has never worked properly with Age of Conan. Yet, we were promised by Funcom that it would be addressed before launch and was in fact already addressed on internal builds. Other things promised were DirectX 10 and spellweaving. Apparently the latter is in once you hit level 50 lol, but directx 10 is still not functional and will not be for several months.
I have said it before and I will say it again. There is really no one to blame except everyone that just believed that the testers had an axe to grind. Sure, wait and see how it pans out, continue paying to beta test a product that was rushed to market feature incomplete, buggy, and far less than what the developers had stated. As long as people continue to pay for crap then they will get crap.
EA, the instancing. All of which are beneficial to the game. These issues are totally seperate. Theres a difference between being a troll and being negative. And if your trolling because of instancing still, then you obviously haven't played the game, because if it wasn't instanced, nobody would be out of tortage yet because we'd be a group of 1000 waiting for 5 minutes respawns.
Lol, that's a matter of conscious choice...
Hmm.. "should we make a large open world with lots of content and staring areas for starters (forgive my pun) so everyone can have a reasonable chance of finding their own place in a persistent open world... or should we just not bother with all that and make it really small and instanced... oh well, people will buy it for graphics and IP anyway."
"What about content past starter levels? Oh don't bother with that as well.. our cost-benefit analysis says we'll profit more if we leave the game empty later on and ride it out on box-sales from first impressions reviews based on our carefully sculpted starting area. Right on!"
I reserve my right to informed criticism and a bit of old-world cynicism.