Yea. Think about Duke Nuken Forever. Check 3D Realms website and you will discover what vaporware truly means.
Too many MMORPG junk have been released with 4-5 years of development i cant blame them for delay things.
If you are new here: "Dont mind the trolls or fanboys". We are just killing time.
2nd person today that i am going to correct their spelling...whats going on?
ok its "It could be WORSE"
anywho yeah Duke Nukem is in a sad state but arguably so is Darkfall.
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds
-Solid non level based game
-Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
Why is so dificult to made it? I can name so many developers who made good FPS games in 1-2 years.
yea Duke Nukem..the trolls dream ...
every other troll post has to be about Duke Nukem in the Darkfall Forum..
The funny thing is: I'm betting they do have a build somewhere, but that the guys are just being anal about getting it "perfect." It's sorta the extreme reversal of the "perpetual beta" mentality where in this case it will probably never get released because the developers find some flaw in it they hate so much that they'd rather not release it at all. It's this sort of mentality that often can lead to a "death march" situation. Getting your software in a reasonable form is one thing, trying to get it perfect is another (that's why we have versioning).
-- Brede