...hi im gettin this game at the end of the month, played it over at my freinds house alot and love it, for the patch? i kant seem to find out how big it is so i kan estimate how long it will take me to dl, if anyone knows the size or dled it before for 56k, please help me out, thanks
If you are talking about the Through the Looking Glass patch (1st big patch) it was around 101 MB. Normal weekly updates/fixes are usually around 4-5 MB
When I travel I play on 56k, but I do the updates at home through cable.
I don't know if the download is avaiable anywhere else but through the updater. You might want to check the CoH FAQ.
Hope this helps.
Hz: Sobuk il Radd / retired
AC2: Kaled il Radd / retired
CoH: Mr E-Man, Energy Arc, IG-2112MD & Master TimeLord - Freedom Server
CoH: Mr E-Man, Energy Arc, IG-2112MD, Slayer Faith, Master TimeLord Mr E-Being
CoV: Mr E-Villain, Dark Willow, Cold Satisfaction, Mr E-Mech, Mr E-Lectric
Freedom Server