Umm, no. No they are not. And that is ultimately TR's biggest problem. Give a great MMORPG concept to a bunch of 1st year college programming students, lead by someone who is there in name only, and you get TR.
Umm, no. No they are not. And that is ultimately TR's biggest problem. Give a great MMORPG concept to a bunch of 1st year college programming students, lead by someone who is there in name only, and you get TR.
I'm wondering if you've seen/played this game other then reading about it on websites.
Since Tom took over, things are more focused, devs are more involved, and the game overall is thriving. It's no where near where it should be, but the frank and openness of the Devs has convinced me to stick around. Today's Friday Feedback had some pretty nic additions.
new weapons
duel color armor paints
'real' number descriptions
It's not the end-all-be-all of MMOs, but the Devs have stepped up and showed a lot of gusto lately.
Umm, no. No they are not. And that is ultimately TR's biggest problem. Give a great MMORPG concept to a bunch of 1st year college programming students, lead by someone who is there in name only, and you get TR.
I'm wondering if you've seen/played this game other then reading about it on websites.
Since Tom took over, things are more focused, devs are more involved, and the game overall is thriving. It's no where near where it should be, but the frank and openness of the Devs has convinced me to stick around. Today's Friday Feedback had some pretty nic additions.
new weapons
duel color armor paints
'real' number descriptions
It's not the end-all-be-all of MMOs, but the Devs have stepped up and showed a lot of gusto lately.
im with indira, i was going to say "what devs?" but then i remembered they douched the dev team recently and got new ones that i have actually seen in-game. not that i have seen any big improvements over what i saw in closed beta (which means crap devs), so dungeon runners has better devs than TR.
if you are going to question indira as far as if they played the game or not i may question the solidity of anything you say since you plainly dont know the difference between DUAL and DUEL (or how to spell nice), and yes there is a major difference. where is this gusto btw? things that "may" happen in the future are 0's until they actually happen, its just blowing smoke up your skirt. dual color armor paint...if i wanted to play dressup i would buy a barbie and not pay 15$/mo to watch the "great community" complain about the game all day. on a side note i would imagine the paint thing is a REALLY simple thing to do since obviously the gear is atleast using 2 palettes to begin with, it is not the same as completely redoing the gear. also the wep choices suck as it is, or there would be no NEED for new ones. didnt occur to anyone that in the future things like weps jamming will be distant memories did it?
have you played this game? it is a disaster.
as i stated before; im betting as soon as they had the boxes on the shelf they moved most of the people working on it onto aion (the worlds are remarkably similar) and left a skeleton crew behind. when the skeleton crew got sick of having 10x the workload they stopped caring and that is why they all got replaced.
without using any refrence to the future you can not say this game has anything going for it , and the past makes it look like a real sad story. the amount of progress the game has made is laughable its been almost a year and they havent fixed things most games would have had fixed in a month if not a week. to say "it is an ok way to burn time" would be 1 thing, to call it a game worth 15$ a month that has a really bright future is a flat out lie.
Originally posted by Jpizzle I'm wondering if you've seen/played this game other then reading about it on websites. Since Tom took over, things are more focused, devs are more involved, and the game overall is thriving. It's no where near where it should be, but the frank and openness of the Devs has convinced me to stick around. Today's Friday Feedback had some pretty nic additions.
new weapons duel color armor paints 'real' number descriptions
It's not the end-all-be-all of MMOs, but the Devs have stepped up and showed a lot of gusto lately.
Yeah, B.S. dude. Tom has done literally nothing in his short tenure. The game is more focused? No, it isn't. The first producer letter from Potter was just a regurgitation of Long's producer letter Feedback Friday deal from mid April.
The devs are honest? Yeah, I'll give'em credit. They totally are. They totally prove day in and day out how detatched from the game they are. Did you see their priority list? New User Experience is their #1 priority? WTF? And a LFG tool? Really?
And that list sucks. How long do you think it took them to take a shotgun, whip up a model and texture, and then just alter some DB variables to make them different? Wow, it only took them eight months to add a single new weapon! Pat on the back right there.
And the dual color armor thing has been asked for since f(*&*(%ing closed beta. Again, eight months and they have a completely minor cosmetic change implemented. Yeah, they're on fire.
Let's see what TR lacks:
1. Any. Endgame. Content. Anything. Just one thing. Just one. Eight months and counting = nothing yet.
2. PAUs? Vapor.
3. COCPs? I guess they're "supposedly" getting close but they were supposed to be released in D10 and are they being released in D10? Nope. Oops.
4. Command Opportunities? Nope, still cancelled.
5. PvP Map? Ha, for test server only. Great decision there. Great.
Destination Game's management of Tabula Rasa is simply the most atrocious I have ever seen in any MMO to date. They could not prove themselves to be any more incompetent. The fact that we're eight months after launch and a max level player still doesn't have one single thing to do makes that remarkably evident.
All the TR dev team is talk and push it crappy minor changes that fail to retain players. I'd be amazed if they even had 40k subs at this point. And that's being generous....
I don't think there's anything the devs could do to make you happy.
I think you make valid points about i being 8 months later, but I have faith in the horizon. Is it going to be perfect for everyone? nah. No game is, but there's a lot of positive things.
And what makes you think CO CP won't be in D10? They're saying the PvP version will be. the PvE version will come later, but BFD.
As far as the new user interface, I agree with them. I have a nephew that tried the game, and he got rustrated b/c there was so much being thrown at him from the get-go it confused him. They need to impleish the training more for new players. And liek they've said, that doesn't take a lot of time or resources.
They have more then 40K subs. they may not RETAIN a lot, but the game is constantly busy w/ new players. I really think the influx coming in, is a lot bigger then you give credit. But, ya... people don't play for long.
Umm, no. No they are not. And that is ultimately TR's biggest problem. Give a great MMORPG concept to a bunch of 1st year college programming students, lead by someone who is there in name only, and you get TR.
I'm wondering if you've seen/played this game other then reading about it on websites.
Since Tom took over, things are more focused, devs are more involved, and the game overall is thriving. It's no where near where it should be, but the frank and openness of the Devs has convinced me to stick around. Today's Friday Feedback had some pretty nic additions.
new weapons
duel color armor paints
'real' number descriptions
It's not the end-all-be-all of MMOs, but the Devs have stepped up and showed a lot of gusto lately.
5 months in closed beta. Played for a little over a month right after going live (definitely proof that I am an optimist who put a lot of faith into the devs). And I did the 3 day free trial very recently.
You're a nice guy, Jpizzle. I know you like TR--it is fun if you play very casually. But I like to devote hours a day to the MMORPG's I play. I also like the developers of the games I'm playing to earn my respect by keeping their promises and by implementing quality-of-life improvements to their games on a reqular basis. The TR devs have not earned my respect. And, man, I did give them chances to do so, time and time again.
Gaius, I don't think there's anything the devs could do to make you happy.
Are you always this pretentious? By all means, go ahead and tell me how and what I think. You know best.
All they have to do is three things to make this game not blow ass:
1. Endgame. I don't even give a shit what they add at this point.
2. Decent PvP.
3. A crafting system.
Clearly my lofty standards are so complex and unachievable that TR has absolutely no hope. What's sad is that the three items in my list are completely basic things that should have been in the game at launch.
I personally really liked Tabula Rasa on the combat system (early on).
The reason I didn't like it later was as you hit more advanced versions of your class imho they were:
1) broken
2) not really what they should have been.
Toss in the fact that there wasn't really a crafting system (not important to some but I actually like to create things in a game). That goes back to Ultima Online for me.. crap crafting system makes a game difficult for me to play.
I think they needed or need to do more with classes.
Like as an example.. when you can become a 'ranger'... I always wondered why I couldn't have one of those cool looking energy bows that some npc's had.
I haven't played for a while so if they added those for players.. please forgive me.
Anyway I always thought TR had a very solid foundation.. that I wish they had built more of a game on.
Yes there was broken things and the crafting sucked. But my overall impression of TR was that it needed .. more.
If they aren't willing to invest the resources /shrug.. I haven't ever reactivated or even checked back on it much. Yet its a game I would have played for a long time.. if there was more to it.
Gaius, I don't think there's anything the devs could do to make you happy.
Are you always this pretentious? By all means, go ahead and tell me how and what I think. You know best.
All they have to do is three things to make this game not blow ass:
1. Endgame. I don't even give a shit what they add at this point.
2. Decent PvP.
3. A crafting system.
Clearly my lofty standards are so complex and unachievable that TR has absolutely no hope. What's sad is that the three items in my list are completely basic things that should have been in the game at launch.
Right, but you're overly judgement about everything they do add. You say end game, but if it doesn't fit into the small hole that you consider end game, you blow it off w/ more negativity and rationalize how it isn't. Like you've done w/ CO CPs.
And it's funny that you missed where I said ">>>I<<< don't think" and make it accusatory.
Just give up already. A game without an endgame is not a finished product at all. I'd rather play a game full of quest holes, forcing me to grind my ears out just as long as there is a goal to reach ie. ENDGAME. People are paying to get nowhere fast.
I can list on two fingers the games I still thought were fun once I hit the "end game." I personally would prefer the game itself not suck balls all the way up, if I have to pick between that an a deep end game.
I'd rather have fun for a month or two in a game and move on than have to work my ass off at something that bores me to tears so that I can get to "the real game." TR honestly seems like one of those "fun for a month or two" games to me. And I'm perfectly OK with that. I don't expect to be playing every MMO I pick up for the next six years.
Life is too short, and too many new things I want to check out come out anyway.
I don't want to write this, and you don't want to read it. But now it's too late for both of us.
Jpizzle, Just give up already. A game without an endgame is not a finished product at all. I'd rather play a game full of quest holes, forcing me to grind my ears out just as long as there is a goal to reach ie. ENDGAME. People are paying to get nowhere fast.
Playing for the endgame is like living for the weekend. Seriously, there is something wrong about people that want to rush throught the leveling and expect to have "fun" with end-game item grinds.
Umm, no. No they are not. And that is ultimately TR's biggest problem. Give a great MMORPG concept to a bunch of 1st year college programming students, lead by someone who is there in name only, and you get TR.
Umm, no. No they are not. And that is ultimately TR's biggest problem. Give a great MMORPG concept to a bunch of 1st year college programming students, lead by someone who is there in name only, and you get TR.
I'm wondering if you've seen/played this game other then reading about it on websites.
Since Tom took over, things are more focused, devs are more involved, and the game overall is thriving. It's no where near where it should be, but the frank and openness of the Devs has convinced me to stick around. Today's Friday Feedback had some pretty nic additions.
It's not the end-all-be-all of MMOs, but the Devs have stepped up and showed a lot of gusto lately.
Umm, no. No they are not. And that is ultimately TR's biggest problem. Give a great MMORPG concept to a bunch of 1st year college programming students, lead by someone who is there in name only, and you get TR.
I'm wondering if you've seen/played this game other then reading about it on websites.
Since Tom took over, things are more focused, devs are more involved, and the game overall is thriving. It's no where near where it should be, but the frank and openness of the Devs has convinced me to stick around. Today's Friday Feedback had some pretty nic additions.
It's not the end-all-be-all of MMOs, but the Devs have stepped up and showed a lot of gusto lately.
im with indira, i was going to say "what devs?" but then i remembered they douched the dev team recently and got new ones that i have actually seen in-game. not that i have seen any big improvements over what i saw in closed beta (which means crap devs), so dungeon runners has better devs than TR.
if you are going to question indira as far as if they played the game or not i may question the solidity of anything you say since you plainly dont know the difference between DUAL and DUEL (or how to spell nice), and yes there is a major difference. where is this gusto btw? things that "may" happen in the future are 0's until they actually happen, its just blowing smoke up your skirt. dual color armor paint...if i wanted to play dressup i would buy a barbie and not pay 15$/mo to watch the "great community" complain about the game all day. on a side note i would imagine the paint thing is a REALLY simple thing to do since obviously the gear is atleast using 2 palettes to begin with, it is not the same as completely redoing the gear. also the wep choices suck as it is, or there would be no NEED for new ones. didnt occur to anyone that in the future things like weps jamming will be distant memories did it?
have you played this game? it is a disaster.
as i stated before; im betting as soon as they had the boxes on the shelf they moved most of the people working on it onto aion (the worlds are remarkably similar) and left a skeleton crew behind. when the skeleton crew got sick of having 10x the workload they stopped caring and that is why they all got replaced.
without using any refrence to the future you can not say this game has anything going for it , and the past makes it look like a real sad story. the amount of progress the game has made is laughable its been almost a year and they havent fixed things most games would have had fixed in a month if not a week. to say "it is an ok way to burn time" would be 1 thing, to call it a game worth 15$ a month that has a really bright future is a flat out lie.
edit: nevermind. I already got banned from this site once for flaming a troll. You're far to unimportant and dismissable.
Yeah, B.S. dude. Tom has done literally nothing in his short tenure. The game is more focused? No, it isn't. The first producer letter from Potter was just a regurgitation of Long's producer letter Feedback Friday deal from mid April.
The devs are honest? Yeah, I'll give'em credit. They totally are. They totally prove day in and day out how detatched from the game they are. Did you see their priority list? New User Experience is their #1 priority? WTF? And a LFG tool? Really?
And that list sucks. How long do you think it took them to take a shotgun, whip up a model and texture, and then just alter some DB variables to make them different? Wow, it only took them eight months to add a single new weapon! Pat on the back right there.
And the dual color armor thing has been asked for since f(*&*(%ing closed beta. Again, eight months and they have a completely minor cosmetic change implemented. Yeah, they're on fire.
Let's see what TR lacks:
1. Any. Endgame. Content. Anything. Just one thing. Just one. Eight months and counting = nothing yet.
2. PAUs? Vapor.
3. COCPs? I guess they're "supposedly" getting close but they were supposed to be released in D10 and are they being released in D10? Nope. Oops.
4. Command Opportunities? Nope, still cancelled.
5. PvP Map? Ha, for test server only. Great decision there. Great.
Destination Game's management of Tabula Rasa is simply the most atrocious I have ever seen in any MMO to date. They could not prove themselves to be any more incompetent. The fact that we're eight months after launch and a max level player still doesn't have one single thing to do makes that remarkably evident.
All the TR dev team is talk and push it crappy minor changes that fail to retain players. I'd be amazed if they even had 40k subs at this point. And that's being generous....
I don't think there's anything the devs could do to make you happy.
I think you make valid points about i being 8 months later, but I have faith in the horizon. Is it going to be perfect for everyone? nah. No game is, but there's a lot of positive things.
And what makes you think CO CP won't be in D10? They're saying the PvP version will be. the PvE version will come later, but BFD.
As far as the new user interface, I agree with them. I have a nephew that tried the game, and he got rustrated b/c there was so much being thrown at him from the get-go it confused him. They need to impleish the training more for new players. And liek they've said, that doesn't take a lot of time or resources.
They have more then 40K subs. they may not RETAIN a lot, but the game is constantly busy w/ new players. I really think the influx coming in, is a lot bigger then you give credit. But, ya... people don't play for long.
Umm, no. No they are not. And that is ultimately TR's biggest problem. Give a great MMORPG concept to a bunch of 1st year college programming students, lead by someone who is there in name only, and you get TR.
I'm wondering if you've seen/played this game other then reading about it on websites.
Since Tom took over, things are more focused, devs are more involved, and the game overall is thriving. It's no where near where it should be, but the frank and openness of the Devs has convinced me to stick around. Today's Friday Feedback had some pretty nic additions.
It's not the end-all-be-all of MMOs, but the Devs have stepped up and showed a lot of gusto lately.
5 months in closed beta. Played for a little over a month right after going live (definitely proof that I am an optimist who put a lot of faith into the devs). And I did the 3 day free trial very recently.
You're a nice guy, Jpizzle. I know you like TR--it is fun if you play very casually. But I like to devote hours a day to the MMORPG's I play. I also like the developers of the games I'm playing to earn my respect by keeping their promises and by implementing quality-of-life improvements to their games on a reqular basis. The TR devs have not earned my respect. And, man, I did give them chances to do so, time and time again.
Are you always this pretentious? By all means, go ahead and tell me how and what I think. You know best.
All they have to do is three things to make this game not blow ass:
1. Endgame. I don't even give a shit what they add at this point.
2. Decent PvP.
3. A crafting system.
Clearly my lofty standards are so complex and unachievable that TR has absolutely no hope. What's sad is that the three items in my list are completely basic things that should have been in the game at launch.
I personally really liked Tabula Rasa on the combat system (early on).
The reason I didn't like it later was as you hit more advanced versions of your class imho they were:
1) broken
2) not really what they should have been.
Toss in the fact that there wasn't really a crafting system (not important to some but I actually like to create things in a game). That goes back to Ultima Online for me.. crap crafting system makes a game difficult for me to play.
I think they needed or need to do more with classes.
Like as an example.. when you can become a 'ranger'... I always wondered why I couldn't have one of those cool looking energy bows that some npc's had.
I haven't played for a while so if they added those for players.. please forgive me.
Anyway I always thought TR had a very solid foundation.. that I wish they had built more of a game on.
Yes there was broken things and the crafting sucked. But my overall impression of TR was that it needed .. more.
If they aren't willing to invest the resources /shrug.. I haven't ever reactivated or even checked back on it much. Yet its a game I would have played for a long time.. if there was more to it.
Are you always this pretentious? By all means, go ahead and tell me how and what I think. You know best.
All they have to do is three things to make this game not blow ass:
1. Endgame. I don't even give a shit what they add at this point.
2. Decent PvP.
3. A crafting system.
Clearly my lofty standards are so complex and unachievable that TR has absolutely no hope. What's sad is that the three items in my list are completely basic things that should have been in the game at launch.
Right, but you're overly judgement about everything they do add. You say end game, but if it doesn't fit into the small hole that you consider end game, you blow it off w/ more negativity and rationalize how it isn't. Like you've done w/ CO CPs.
And it's funny that you missed where I said ">>>I<<< don't think" and make it accusatory.
Just give up already. A game without an endgame is not a finished product at all. I'd rather play a game full of quest holes, forcing me to grind my ears out just as long as there is a goal to reach ie. ENDGAME. People are paying to get nowhere fast.
I can list on two fingers the games I still thought were fun once I hit the "end game." I personally would prefer the game itself not suck balls all the way up, if I have to pick between that an a deep end game.
I'd rather have fun for a month or two in a game and move on than have to work my ass off at something that bores me to tears so that I can get to "the real game." TR honestly seems like one of those "fun for a month or two" games to me. And I'm perfectly OK with that. I don't expect to be playing every MMO I pick up for the next six years.
Life is too short, and too many new things I want to check out come out anyway.
I don't want to write this, and you don't want to read it. But now it's too late for both of us.
Playing for the endgame is like living for the weekend. Seriously, there is something wrong about people that want to rush throught the leveling and expect to have "fun" with end-game item grinds.
No. Just b/c so many others jump on a bandwagon, doesn't mean I need to.