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Let's face it love it or hate it WoW is the king of the hill when it comes to MMO's they make the most $$ have the most players by far. By every means it's the game to beat when it comes to MMOs.
My question is what game do you feel has a chance of knocking WoW off the top of the hill to become the new King?
My research (which isn't much) makes me come to this conclusion that there is no game to date that can knock WoW off and become the new king. I don't think there is anything in development that would be able to do so either.
There is one game that may put a dent into the shiny purple armor of the WoW Juggernaut and that is Warhammer but I only see a slight dent or maybe a few dings in the armor.
Another possibility is for an eastern mmo to become extremely popular on the western front perhaps Lineage 2? Although again i don't see much more then a dent in that toony shiny epic breastplate of the Death knight known as WoW. It seems to me west and east gamers differ greatly when it comes to MMO structure and playing. It also seems that more eastern players are more acceptable to crossing over to the western front then the other way around.
With all due respect to my eastern gamer bros i do think the Korean gamers are the most geeky dedicated hardcore gamers on the planet.
So what's your opinion, suggestions and/or questions about this topic?
Right now as we speak what's on the horizon that can knock the champ off the hill?
Nothing...Nada...Zip...Zilch...Big "0"
Can't stand WoW, tried the trial and hated it. But it's gonna take something really special to kill that beast.
There is nothing in the forseeable future that will knock WoW off the top spot. The only likely contender is WAR, but really, we shall have to give it a few years to realistically see how it will fare. I suspect that it will be very successful, but that it won't knock WoW off the top spot. Reason? Simple, WoW has now entered the piblic's conscious as a mainstream product. Its success has been put down to a social phenomenom, that is unlikely to be repeated. Love it or loathe it - WoW is here to stay.
As for some of the asian style games becoming popular in the west? Due to cultural differences, successful eastern-style games, such as Legends of Mir, Lineage, etc will not be anywhere near as successful in the west.
Aion looks far better then any game out there atm or comming out this year or next. and if they get pve and pvp right and advertise it probely i think it will have a better chance then then War to steal Wows subs.
I find it funny u mention L2 but not Aion, most ppl wont go near L2 bcs its not wasd and u cant jump.
It just takes one good asian mmo to make that dent your taking about and it most likely to be Aion above anything else atm.
No single game will. WoW is the Counter-Strike of MMOs.
It'll take a lot of other games to pick away at its userbase but it will never go away. Get over it and stop expecting that some MMO will come out and sweep WoW out of the way.
I dont care if WoW is played by 3 people, 11 million people or where there are now, or 6 billion people.
Its not the game I want to play. End of story.
To be honest, I'd be happy if WoW stayed King of the MMOs for quite some time. It caters for a specific player base which I would prefer continued playing WoW. I think most developers/game producers/marketing comapnies realize that it will very difficult to knock WoW of it's throne. It certainly won't be done overnight.
To compete with WoW, any new product needs to be pollished, able to run on any machine, a leveling system that lets you gain rewards accessable by anyone, a varied end game content accessable by anyone.
Most 'matue' gamers think different. They want, good gameplay, an immersive environment, skill based not level based, crafted items that are better than dungeon drops (I'm using the word dungeon to represent any grouped instance/non-instance) and a player eceonomy that flourishes.
"The only thing that can kill Barnes."
-Sgt Elias, Platoon
Hi I'm Ravkeen!
Emilia_Emi Lvl 56 Witch
Now Playing : Black Desert Online
"America is not at war, the US Military is at war, America is at the mall."
WoW is King , no doubt. Months before I was banned from Star War Galaxies 1/9/05 aside from giving the Imp players a tough time I also supported the game against a slew of WoW beta boys talking up the incoming greatness of their game.
It became my game destination of choice the day after my ban and there I enjoyed the game to the same degree as I enjoyed its spanking of my former gaming host, SOE who could not forgive my RP forums posts after 6years of Multi account patronize. The only reason I left was to enjoy another well known book and movie franchise , Lordof the Rings. But my children still enjoy an active account on WoW.
Unaware of the Jestor?
Friends enjoy his classic Vblog -
dont make me cut u this kinda talk never gets old.
this is like asking what will replace McDonalds. nothing will.
ppl will keep wasting their money on a subpar product and think its the very best that the genre can offer them, simply based on inertia and conformism.
just like McDonalds.
The only game with a real chance is the new MMO blizzard is developing. I am hoping it is a Starcraft game in the veins of WOW but with space ship combat.
If so, it can be super successful.
WAR is the only MMO that has a half-decent shot at trying to knock WoW off, after all it has EA marketing muscle as well, if WAR doesn't you won't see WoW knocked off for many years to come.
O_o o_O
I am looking forward to WAR, but I am realistic. The only thing that will likely knock WOW anywhere is either time and/or the next MMORPG that blizzard puts out. There may be a little down turn with Starcraft II release, but after a couple months everything will be back to normal. So gents I say if you want WOW dethroned you should be hoping for a new game from Bliz, because they know and own the market.
I suppose I throw in a poll for fun.
"You dont win a war by dieing for your country, you win a war by getting the other poor bastards to die for theirs!"
-General Patton
WoW will die when enough people get tired of it. Lots of people are getting tired of it. While it's a great game, it really does get old pretty fast.
It's like the AOL of games. Remember when AOL was the king? Why? It was the gateway drug to the internet. WoW is the gateway drug to MMOs. Once the newbs get done teething on that game, they'll want something with more punch. It's already happening quite a bit.
nethervoid - Est. '97
20k+ subs YouTube Gaming channel
You shouldn't capitalize King of the Hill...I thought there was going to be a new MMO based on King of the Hill - the show, with Bobby and Hank Hill. You got me interested.
dont make me cut u this kinda talk never gets old.
It might never get old but it does get pointless and it is now.
Hi I'm Ravkeen!
Emilia_Emi Lvl 56 Witch
Now Playing : Black Desert Online
"America is not at war, the US Military is at war, America is at the mall."
If Wow is McDonnalds then the question is who will be Burger King
It's not a question of anything knocking out WoW. It's a question of designers being original enough to make games for all of us who hate WoW's guts, and be happy to work in the shadow of WoW simply because they couldn't care less about a game they didn't like.
For instance, I seriously want a fantasy sandbox MMO with permadeath (the real kind) and no spawning, and I want a sandbox social simulator MMO with an economy (not just a 3d chat room).
Yes, you can kill me now.
But my specific taste in games is not the point. The point is, I'm not alone. There are millions of us who just don't play MMORPG's at all because we think the whole genre stinks. In other words, when games start being made for people who don't enjoy WoW, some of these will sooner or later become hugely successful in their own right, and little by little, the old WoW tyrant will be forced into the sidelines. That's how gaming has always progressed (when it progressed). Not because a killer game entered the scene to slay the older killer game, but because the definition of gaming was transformed in the interim (in this case MMO's).
"My research (which isn't much) makes me come to this conclusion that there is no game to date that can knock WoW off and become the new king."
So with no real research, you came to the same conclusion most this genre did. Congratulations. But why make yet another thread about this "Dead Horse" topic?
Have you ever looked at forums and websites like
today's youth is by far dumber than they have ever been and nothing complex will capture the attention of our future society unless it is dumbed down and watered down easy to play with vast rewards. It's a symptom of a bigger issue. The day that California validated Ebonics as an american dialect was the day the the corner stone for validating stupidty and simplicity as a way of life.
And your remark about it is broad generalization and over simplification.
That means you, yourself are part of the problem then.
no the millions of the worlds youth prove the generalization correct. I simply put words to the problem. Most of us started playing MMOs that had depth and where difficult when it took months to complete a quest like the class specific epic weapons in EQ 1 now epic gear in WoW are the new greens. People actually gauge there personal real life importance to the gear there avatar has. People are so engrossed in such a functionally retarded game like WoW that the wall between reality and fiction is so thin they forget whats really important.
I highly doubt there are millions of you. Certainly these "millions" of you never go to play the sandbox games of UO or Eve.
The success of AoC more or less tell us which way the developers are likely to go.
You go where the gold/credits/money is.
Success has to be measured in finances in business endeavors.
Even if a game gave gamers everything it wanted out of an MMO, yet didn't sell well; only the developers and loyal fans would call it a success.