Based on your answers to the questionnaire, you most closely resemble survey respondents within the Upbeat typology group. This does not mean that you necessarily fit every group characteristic or agree with the group on all issues.
Upbeats represent 11 percent of the American public, and 13 percent of registered voters.
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!
Universal health care LOL. Are you serious? how about Universal homes for everyone! or Universal Food for everyone. Hell why stop there. Universal loss of freedom for everyone! Universal taxed to death for everyone! Socialism is never right.
Profiting from sickness is a much better method to achieving a healthy society.
Oh wait, the data is inconsistent.
Ummm, I'm gonna have to get back to you on this . . . . . . . . .
EDIT: I'm a liberal by the way. Big surprise I know
Disaffecteds are deeply cynical about government and unsatisfied with both their own economic situation and the overall state of the nation. Under heavy financial pressure personally, this group is deeply concerned about immigration and environmental policies, particularly to the extent that they affect jobs. Alienated from politics, Disaffecteds have little interest in keeping up with news about politics and government, and few participated in the last election.
It isn't very accurate though, I am under no financial burden, not doing that hot but I am not in debt either, I do not worry about immigrants nor do I feel like a victum, I am very cynical towards the government though and I never pay attention to current events.
Part of the problem is that they are opperating on a liberal or conservative dicotomy.
Personally I really dislike government regulation of business, I would prefer moving towards simple contract enforcement, but that doesn't mean I think everything works dandy in a free market, it doesn't, most poor people will always stay that way, I just find something wrong with stealing money from people to give it to others.
But I also I prefer minimal social regulation, a strong seperation of church and state, also removing the tax exempt status of churches, legalizing drugs and prostitution, consentual death matches, removal of all censorship on TV and radio etc, pro choice, anti marriage (civil unions for any number and gender combinations).
I am just really resentful of being told what to do so I like to minimize it, that wasn't an option though.
Don't you worry little buddy. You're dealing with a man of honor. However, honor requires a higher percentage of profit
Based on your answers to the questionnaire, you most closely resemble survey respondents within the Upbeat typology group. This does not mean that you necessarily fit every group characteristic or agree with the group on all issues.
Upbeats represent 11 percent of the American public, and 13 percent of registered voters.
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!
Profiting from sickness is a much better method to achieving a healthy society.
Oh wait, the data is inconsistent.
Ummm, I'm gonna have to get back to you on this . . . . . . . . .
EDIT: I'm a liberal by the way. Big surprise I know
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
I got Disaffected,
Basic Description
Disaffecteds are deeply cynical about government and unsatisfied with both their own economic situation and the overall state of the nation. Under heavy financial pressure personally, this group is deeply concerned about immigration and environmental policies, particularly to the extent that they affect jobs. Alienated from politics, Disaffecteds have little interest in keeping up with news about politics and government, and few participated in the last election.
It isn't very accurate though, I am under no financial burden, not doing that hot but I am not in debt either, I do not worry about immigrants nor do I feel like a victum, I am very cynical towards the government though and I never pay attention to current events.
Part of the problem is that they are opperating on a liberal or conservative dicotomy.
Personally I really dislike government regulation of business, I would prefer moving towards simple contract enforcement, but that doesn't mean I think everything works dandy in a free market, it doesn't, most poor people will always stay that way, I just find something wrong with stealing money from people to give it to others.
But I also I prefer minimal social regulation, a strong seperation of church and state, also removing the tax exempt status of churches, legalizing drugs and prostitution, consentual death matches, removal of all censorship on TV and radio etc, pro choice, anti marriage (civil unions for any number and gender combinations).
I am just really resentful of being told what to do so I like to minimize it, that wasn't an option though.
Don't you worry little buddy. You're dealing with a man of honor. However, honor requires a higher percentage of profit