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I have great things to say about this game



  • RoadruNNer1RoadruNNer1 Member Posts: 12

     To: GS-Jeffoo 


      Nice try lol  Not even a sieve could filter all the BS you are trying to pass off.  If you are so innocent of wrong doing, why is it that so many people have had run ins with you?

      Your nothing but a little more than a crazed lunatic with some education, that is all.  I personally had some interaction with you on the game that was a far cry from anything but civil.  I started to play about 2 months ago, and when i finally leveled enough to go into the maze your buddy or should I say you yourself (GS-Jeffoo) with one of your many alternate players kept attacking me in the game, not allowing me to play at all.  Hmm, who's guilty now?  when I asked to talk to a GS in chat you responded and told me to post my complaints on the forum. But little did I know that you were methodically deleting any and all of my posts.  Interesting behaviour for someone that claims that everyone deserves their fates in the game.  I had no previous knowledge of who or what you were in wokf.  so, as far as I am concerned you had no plausible reason to mistreat me in such a manner.  So, yes my first conclusion would be that you are nothing more than an individual that has control issues, anger issues, insecurity issues, and no upbringing that can be seen.  Whoever you are YOU (GS-Jeffoo) are in great need of a psychiatrist and medication at best.  

      Are you that disconnected to the real world to think or even imply that EVERYONE is making up lies about you?  Are you insane?  If you are you wouldn't know, as it is common knowledge that individuals such as yourself are always the last to know, due to the fact that you are in denial.  Well, i see it pointless to continue this thread as it is painfully obvious that you aren't playing with a full deck. 

      On the bright side,  this game is more than likely your therapy, and if this is true than bravo! you have accomplished your aim at the expense of all others!  Now, Thats what I call selfish and psychopathic behaviour.  But hey, I understand.  You can lead a horse (GS-Jeffoo) to water but you can't make him drink!  lol 

      Oh btw, you couldn't more wrong about your assessment of the law, perhaps it is you who watches a little too much court  tv.  Are you that ignorant to think that because you may own a company that you are exempt from US law?.......  LMAO   So, let me get this right, what you are saying in short is that you are not bnound by US law?  that you and wokf are untouchable?  LMAO   Your mental condition is far worse than my previous assessment.  Forgive me for my gross error .  And before you try and categorize me as one who you had banned, save it!  lol I was never banned from anything.  What I disagree with was your behaviour towards me.    Bottom line is you need some serious therapy and if you can't afford it, or are too ashamed to go seek help, you can always seek out other professional help.    In the end you are the only one who stands to gain from getting help, and all the people in your real life would probably be very thankful as well.  I am glad I do not know you in real life!  If you have a family, or live with anyone I pity them, as you can only be worse with them.  Truth be told, I am sur ethat you are resented by most people in your circle..........  

      Whatever makes you happy! I am still playing the game and you do not know who I am, so do not worry about you trying to harass me on the game.  Thank god for small miracles!! 

  • JeffooJeffoo Member Posts: 41


    LOL I am so not even going to waste any more time on reading that inane appears more of the same with the small minority of troublemakers in this game ALL of those I have had run ins with as it's my job to deal with them.

    And as far as my being "uncivil" to's how the conversation likely went, since I don't know or much care who you are in game.

    you: GS can I have sum muny?  U so rich

    me: we're not allowed to just give out money can I help you with anything else?

    you: no B**ch I just need muny.

    me: it's money and I told you we don't do that.  There are plenty of ways to earn money in this game.

    10 minutes later....

    you: GS..I need muny!!!!! why you not give me muny?

    me: I told you we don't do that. 

    you:  F**k U I thought GS were supposed to help people.


    you:  GS?

    you: GS?

    you: GS? muny Plz  I sorry I yelled.

    you: GS?

    you: GS Plz


    you: GS? PLZ MUNNNNY


    you: GS?

    you: Yo GS

    you: GS S**k!

    you: answer me

    you: ima sue you for not answering me


    That's usually how most of the conversations go with people I am "uncivil" to. 


    Oh..for the record...the person on C7 in the screens that day did have his access to that character removed by me...

    OH and the thread with your people's original post on this matter has been locked by the admin of this forum.  That should say something, eh? 

    And I will close with this...for someone as allegedly schooled in law as yourself, I am surprised you'd waste so many billable hours on this thread.

    Well enjoy the game and if you need help I will help you as I would any other customer whether I know who you are or not.




  • RoadruNNer1RoadruNNer1 Member Posts: 12

      Nice try, but no dice. LOL   But , I have to give it to you. It's a fine display of creative writing.  LMAO 

      You are getting your panties in a twist, calm down.   I am not angry nor bothered by your rhetoric.  For the record, I never speak to anyone in that manner so, NICE TRY! 

      I can see how you managed to get away with your infractions against people.  Creative thinking and writing.  Not bad for an amateur.  It will take much more than that to explain your behavior . If in fact there is a legitimate 

      I do believe that you've gotten yourself into quite a quandary at the moment.  LMAO   

      Admitting that you have a problem is a hard thing for you to do.  It seems everyone is aware of your unbalanced reasoning, and questionable mental faculties.  Do you in all honesty believe everyone is out to get you?  Come on now, thats a little far fetched.  I myself am not.  I do not hate you personally, just the things you do as far as I'm concerned. 

      I have surfed the internet and have found much evidence that supports most peoples claims of your in game tampering and malicious in game behavior.   Not to say that I side with anyone.  There are always two sides to a story.  So, in all fairness, and I do believe in fairness without partiality, I am inclined to listen two all arguments at hand. 

      I have to admit, your rhetoric does seem to have a recurring theme, that even a child can see through.  This is not a perfect world, but i would think you would at the very least try and make it a better world by kind acts.  I suppose that is asking a bit much from you, as you apparently have your heart set on destroying everyone that opposes you in the game.  Do you see the pattern?  Quite the egotistical behavior.

      And to answer your question, no i do not think I am wasting my time.  If can help just 1 person then it is worth all the time in the world.  But hey, thats just me!  

        Food for thought..................    Being content with what the day brings forth; and being freed from like and dislike; being without envy; being willing to accept success or failure with a cheerful heart, after having done your best you are not bound....

      Good luck in life, nothing comes easy, even doing the right thing can be a seemingly daunting task.

  • JeffooJeffoo Member Posts: 41


    I am so not worthy of all this time and attention you seem to want to lavish on me. 

    I am very happy...very content with life, the game, etc.


    Afterall I am not the one in a forum flaming people and a game that I claim to hate.  Although, the trolling by a couple of you guys amuses me, it is getting rather one cares at all.  The players in the game are happy.  The banned few and their alternate accounts are not.  It's to be expected.



  • warlord6663warlord6663 Member Posts: 12

    ever since all of them got banned the game is a much better pace and people r rejoicing, and im tired of having to listen to your feeble attempts at whining and complaining, STFU and move on, you broke the rules and messed up, you pay the consequences, go play another game and get banned there too why dontchya

  • BladeKnightzBladeKnightz Member Posts: 3

    The OP forgot to posted some important information about his school/guild and the actions they did in-game.

    I have played the game for awhile and experience what the OP and his guild did.

    His guild was said to be the strongest in the game and so they did whatever they see fit in-game. They would constantly pk, harass and grief other players for their own purposes. If a player in another guild/school was against their school, they would try to grief/harass that guild into submission.

    All day long, they would run around lower level maps, and randomly pk everyone in the map. People constantly complain about their actions.

    Other players also accused them of cheating their way to the top. I dont know if this was true, I just saw it in chats.

    Their actions from what I seen made many people quit the game. Effectively, it seem like they were killing the community of the game.

    What I saw was that they try to completely take over the game/server. I mean even in GM events, they would argue with GMs if they didnt win the event saying that the GMs did something wrong for them to lose.

    After some of the players were banned, the community grew again and people came back to play again and to this day is doing well.

  • JeffooJeffoo Member Posts: 41


    Well said.  Now you will be accused of being an alt of mine or to prove it with screens.




  • JeffooJeffoo Member Posts: 41's taking a long time for a response here. 


    They must have realized that after 8 days of shouting in the game on alts that no one cares.



    they realized they were in a losing battle.




    they are trying to assemble more pieces of fiction, trying to change forums posts and creating screens, etc.


    Either way it's great to have some new people in the game and Pmming me saying they came into WOKF from these threads.  :)


  • HolloweenHolloween Member Posts: 7

    You are a bigger idiot than I gave you credit for. If you think we "create" screens. Prove it. I told you there are ways to check for photoshopped pictures and yet you have nothing to say about my screens.

    Guess that means either they are real and you have not yet thought of an excuse


    They are real and you have no excuse.

    As for no longer replying (or so i thought) it's because we've done what we came to do, tell the truth. But by all means keep trying to defend yourself


    So yes if you want to continue this, then say something about all my screenshots. Did I magically make them out of nowhere? Are they photoshopped?

  • JeffooJeffoo Member Posts: 41

    All I am saying is you all have created some nice bits of fiction.  soswidow was proven to have done that with several of his posts.  Whether you edited the SS or not, there's nothing of consequence in them really.  I am not in any of them "abusing" anyone.  Claims that I was also this character or that character other than my GS are patently untrue and you sure as hell didn't prove any of those were me.


    Face it were banned for legitimate reasons.  Having your alts in game spamming your little thread of SS for 9 days in a row hasn't helped your cause at all.  About all it's managed to do is irritate the rest of the community who is glad you and your fellow rule breakers are gone.  In fact the more you post about this same circular argument and spam it in the game you supposedly hate, the more of a you prove yourself to be.

    You are supposedly so happy in Requiem.  Go enjoy it. 


  • HolloweenHolloween Member Posts: 7

    *Sigh*, I really do grow tired of this. So to clear things up:

    1. No, they are not edited, created out of air/magic in anyway. If you have even just a tiny bit of photoshop skills you would be able to see that that itself is the original picture.

    2.You claim the screens show no harassment...So be it, who am I to change your own thoughts jeffoo.

    3.I was banned for allegedly "griefing" certain members. That is all. Whatever you tell others or make up to make it seem more "legit" is out of my control. No, I did not say racist remarks(prove it with a screenshot, and yes I will check for edited bits). And no, I did not use profane language, unlike some. Again show some proof.

    4. I have not been in WOKF since after a week after I was banned. I was quite happy in requiem yes, but like most mmorpg's its a grindfest. As for "me spamming my little thread of SS", again false, as I have not even so much been playing games. If you haven't noticed besides this thread, I don't really give a hoot elsewhere and just reply here. New job, new things in life, and for the most part I think I grew out of the mmorpg "phase" thing lol.

    For what its worth, the game (WOKF) was enjoyable while it lasted.Hope that answers whatever questions or accusations there may be. Goodbye.


  • JeffooJeffoo Member Posts: 41

    Sweet.  I am glad you have moved on.  Great work.  It seems as if the rest of your little buddies have too.


    Nice to see one of your members can grow up.  Good luck in the future.



  • EpicNoobEpicNoob Member Posts: 1

    This game is way too sucks at the moment. If you guys really want to enjoy a game, don't ever try this game. Unless you like to being control or follow people's order, GS got too much power in this game and they ruined the whole gameplay. If they don like you, they can just give free stuff to his followers ( those players without dignity) to elimates those they don't like. If they can't defeat them in a fight or war, banned all of them. lol what a game!

  • MikeTheSaintMikeTheSaint Member Posts: 74

    Wow, I click a link to try and find out a few peoples opinions on a game and end up with 4 pages of lovers tiffs. This thread should carry a warning so anyone who is interested in the actual game itself wont get caught up in this petty domestic.

  • AkulasAkulas Member RarePosts: 3,029

    Lol thanks for the laughs. I know about games like this with people like this. Glad I got a warning this time.

    This isn't a signature, you just think it is.

  • xxxVIPERxxxxxxVIPERxxx Member UncommonPosts: 8

    Funniest thing to all this is, I warned people almost 6 months ago, and many of us reported Jeffoo then, and nothing came of it...

    He sucks to much GM cock, so he will never go anywhere. He controls the game, he controls the forums. Post or say anything bad about the game, himself, the GM's or the other GS's, it magically vanishes from the boards, and emails are ignored.

    And, from what I've seen lately in game, it's even worse.


    Typical of a company to hire a mental case, and let them have access to everything. They ruin the game...


    Game is a piece o' shit...Don't waste your time!



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