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yes, I know, many of you will not want to say, which is why I will give a cookie to anyone who says what the stupedist thing they've ever done.
Mine would probably be playing football outside in a tornado
edit: also, i once jumped out of a suite seat to catch a fly ball heading towards me.
I once tied a short string with a black-kat firecracker on the end to my penis.
I was drunk, I was dared, it hurt like hell...............................
.……..,-"::::::::::::::::|::::::::::::|::::::::::"~-,_::|::: : : : : : |: : ::::::::/:/ You my dear fellow, are an idiot
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Oh, like you're the first one to think that........................
I walked across Onondaga Lake in Syracuse when I was like 14. It was the first year it ever froze, I think.
I was dared by my friends.
The lake covers an area of 4.6 square miles, has average depth of 35 feet and a maximum depth of 63 feet. Its volume is about 35 billion gallons. It is approximately 1 mile wide and 4.6 miles long
you're kinda
i wonder if do you already have kids before you do that
you're kinda
i wonder if do you already have kids before you do that
Nope, had my kid after that. I didn't blow anything off, I just had some massive swelling for a few weeks.
One time I tripped over a pillow....
In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08 - Rest In Peace; you will not be forgotten
Dear God!!!! What are you, some kind of sadist pervert? That's disgusting, man!!
I stuck my fingers out of my car's window and push the alarm button. I was checking if the alarm would force the windows to close even though something was jamming them........... it did.
Luckily i disabled it while all five of my fingers were still attached to my hand.
Dear God!!!! What are you, some kind of sadist pervert? That's disgusting, man!!
I know, I just couldn't help it! I was so ashamed of myself afterwards that I locked myself in the basement for a week! I was just so shamed of myself
In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08 - Rest In Peace; you will not be forgotten
If I hadn't restrained myself it would probably have been to post it here.
registered at
-I will subtlety invade your psyche-
Volunteered to be shot in the face with a paintball gun.
My face was numb for hours. I was sober as a judge, and there was no money involved. Just lots of stupid.
Logged on and started reading this forum.....
"Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves." ~ Ronald Reagan
Flew into a region full of terrorists and stayed at a hotel 200 feet from a Mosque during Christian festival to be with my sweety Which may have been slightly bad timing, not sure that qualifies as stupid since it involves love
I pulled out of my ex and shot my load on the ceiling and the wall some how and was spending ages trying to find it.
Talking about SWG much?
That seems like a perfectly good waste of time! You could say.. Oh hell.. I dont want to die. My wife would kill me
Ate some bad mushrooms, stripped out of my clothes, snapped my phone in half, and tried to jump out of a third story window.
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i voted democrat once.
Make a difference!
set myself on fire (very stupid thing to do)
smashed my e-guitar at a show to realize i didnt have any money to replace it...
ran over my PS3 with my car by accident
bought SWG
jumped out of helocopter without a parachute and died
luckily i respawned and was back to spawning Jetmax boats in the middle of the street and killing pointless amounts of civilians with rpgs...
I hope some day we can all put aside our racisms and prejudices and just laugh at people
Does Xex know you escaped? He really needs to use better chains......
Pre-ordered an mmo.
O_o o_O