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Ok can you help out here guys with a problem.
Today i bought a new graphic card (a ati radeon HD 2600) and all went good, i instaled the drivers, tried a few movies, and few games and all worked fine, and then i did a restart and the monitor did not turned on anymore, with a orange light insted of the green. I tried taking the card and put again, restart the computar, see all the cables, and then tried my previous card and it worked....what seems to be the problem? and what can i do to make it work? thanks for the help
try going back to a lower driver abd see what happens.
The drivers didn't update till you did that restart catalyst 8.5 buggy with some MB's .
ok i will try that, lets see if that is the problem
If not get back to me could be 4 other things this is just the easiest :P
ok im back, did a system restore previous to the drivers and it did not work
Read the PM i sent ya
try: turning off the switch on back of the machine and hitting the power button (drains excess charge)
double check the cables (i know it seems redundant).
switching the spot the monitor is plugged into.
kinda need more info, is it "posting"? does the monitor say "no dvi input" or anything? is it about to load the o/s and then going black? might have to uninstall the old drivers maybe? was old card nvidia? also might want to kill those drivers and used either hacked ones or old ones (or the latest ones from site if you havent used those yet).
good luck
You might also want to boot into safe mode and check what device the vid card is set to output to. I know my 8800s have had an occasion or two where they decided I wanted my TV as my monitor.