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Is anyone playing this? It seems pretty intresting but I don't know if it's that good. Seems like it. What is the level cap? Also is their a lot of people playing? Thanks.
I played this about 3 or 4 months ago. It is ok at best. It has an extremely detailed face editor (like Age of Conan) in the character creation screen.
the classes are very cookie cutter with little variety for players to customize. You purchase skills, just like Lineage 2. so if you have the special experience points you can learn every skill in the game if you wanted.
The game is absolutely loaded with quest. You will never run into a grind moment, which is rare for any asian MMO. The crafting system does a decent job at keeping you busy. However, buying items from their auction house may be a pain, because the Cubizone website doesn't make it easy to purchase items with cash.
2 things that killed this game for me were bland instance and extremely slow introduction to new abilities. My friend was playing a beast warrior tank class, and he literally only had 5 special moves at level 30. 2 of those moves could only be used in a special tiger tank form. Therefore he really only had 3 moves he had easy access to. I was a priest and only had about 5 moves at around level 35ish.
The instances are utter crap. The outdoor scenes are much prettier than what is inside an instance. The instance only introduces elite mobs with double health and damage. The really bad part about instance is that high level players will want to run low levels through them so they can get special crystals as loot. so that challenge of going through a level 25 instance is usually spoiled due to some high level wanting to join your team. If you have plenty of friends, you may be able to avoid this. Sadly, when recruiting, people of the same level will leave your team if you don't pick up an available high level.
Honestly, if you are looking for a good asian MMO, Rappelz is probably the best choice out of all of them. The only thing I did not like about that game was its instanced dungeons also. The game is clean, flashy, and has some unique features.
Ahhh thanks for the detaild info. Helped a lot. I might try it out I don't know quiet yet. It's between that and Rohan online. But Idk. I'v played Rappelz before it was fun. But Idk about goin back.
I agree with pretty much everything you've said except this. True the game is loaded with quests until level 35 or so then the quests become few and far between. After this the game becomes a huge grind that even puts Lineage II to shame. Not to mention that after level 30 the game becomes fully open PvP and the only way you can be even remotely competetive is to either buy stuff from the Item Shop or pay the extremely over inflated in game prices for the same items. Not to mention that on at least one server the Chinese guilds have pretty much taken over and if you're not Chinese you're pretty much a moving target.
I played for a while but these overtly unbalanced issues drove me away. I did unjoy the game until I hit the mid 30s or so but after that it became more of a job than a game. I played Lineage II for over 3 years and found this game to be too much of a grind just so you know where I'm coming from. I recommend PW if your just looking for something to play casually for a short while (2-3 months) but wouldn't recommend it if your looking for your next MMO home.
It is orginally made for the Chinese market so everything is pretty much Chinese myth based. The races, and skills, the land, the monsters, the quests are all somewhat Chinese. But for me it's a good game. But not for the English market because they don't really understand the myths. The Chinese community have very detailed guides on how to raise you charactor, how to PK, how to level the fastest, which skills to learn and much, much more. I think the English community needs to develop more, before more people try it. But I'm a bit biased because I am Chinese and I love the game. But for what's it worth you should go and give it a try.
One day the world as we know it will come to an end. It also happens to be the day you die.-me
"Do to the lack experienced trumpeters the end of the world has been postponed." Unknown
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