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I've been trying Everquest out for the past month or so, old time player coming back. I've been getting into groups eventually with one of my characters, used to have three accounts. I was using multi accounts in EQ way back in 2000, seems everyone has multiple accounts now.
So I'm in a group and I swear each time I get at least one sometimes two people with some raid gear who end up laughing at me when they notice I'm in 5 year old gear or the free stuff given out for the promotion. I'll ask a question such as, what is that new bar (the timer for the fast regen) and get called a newb or worse. I will get a group invite and ask how to get there, get called newb or worse. Just a few examples of the EQ community.
Now I like to think this is the minority, but similar experiences occur each time I log in. Seems people in EQ these days are all hate filled, unhelpful, e-peen stroking, basement dwellers. Why is this and how does the community expect returning players to stay when treated poorly?
Returning players should be given gear, invited first to groups, treated like guests in your home. Because without us EQ will continue to move towards cancellation.
What did you expect?
The EQplayers who are left are raiders and multiboxers.
They never moved on when WoW or lineage came out. They've been playing the game for 10 years almost.
They won't exxplain the game to you after 10 years of explaining noobs what to do. EQ is quite an unfriendly atmosphere.
To the original point, the EQ "community" has suffered - but so has every game. I was in a group last night in which a level 73 trained my group not once. Not twice. Three times until we had to disband our group and relocate to a new camp.
You can have a really great time in EQ, especially now with the population increase among new players and returners, but do different things. Avoid progression or classic guilds in which guild leaders tell you what gear you can use, which zones you can level in. EQ is not about limitations; it is about options, progress, and character development as you see fit.
Edit: Develop a network of in-game friends. I am not trying to reach the max level. I have stopped leveling and just started getting some AA-points that will help my character and group. Many of my friends, but not all, have also stopped leveling. It is fun.