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2046 Roundup has started, AI changes and more pedestrians

Quoting Sam Redfern, lead developper and designer of the game:

It's nearly 6 months since the last official update, and the most significant feature you might be interested to know about is the introduction of pedestrians. 

The introduction of characters-on-foot allows players to get out and run away from a broken car before it explodes, engage in carjacking fun, and also to turn over a 'turtled' car. I spent some time working on pedestrian-specific features, for example they can crouch down behind cover and the game automatically figures out an angle from which they can fire rather than blasting away into their cover.

I have also spent significant time improving the Artificial Intelligence of NPC cars and pedestrians. They now have much improved pathfinding, as well as tactics - getting their peds to seek out and fight from behind cover, getting their cars to move themselves to their optimum range for their weapons, getting them to avoid becoming isolated in a combat.

If you're interested in reading up on some of the in-game happenings from a roleplaying perspective, our player-run bi-weekly (in game = bi-monthly) Darkwind Gazette is a good place to start: 
Darkwind Gazette

The 2046 season has just started, and runs for the next 12 weeks. So now is a great time to try out the game again, and try your chances in our 13 different leagues and ladders, all of which are free to play in. This season sees the introduction of pedestrian combat leagues, including a paintball one. 


A warm thank you to the community as well for providing brand new vehicle texttures, this was needed and it has become a reality.

You guys rule. 

Darkwind: War on Wheels

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Concerns expressed are only mine.

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