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Ok. Ive decided to biuld myself a pc. I would like to start off with a barebones kit, I checked tigerdirect but Im not sure If they have the best deals.
I want to put in
a 200, 250gb hard drive
a intel 2.8 processor
cheap sound card
video card around $130-$150 used for gaming in doom 3, ut 2k4 peferably a nvidia card
dvd rom, cd-rw
1gb ram
Now Im not sure on how many fans or what kind I shoud get what cables I need and anything else Im missing. Im basicaly asking someone to find the items for me to buy to make my pc, I know thats kinda not your job but help would be nice. and im trying to stay under $1000 but the lower the better. I aslo need a good looking case like an alienware one or something cool
Under 1000 with those specs should be doable I beleive. If your not going for top quality. is probably the best place to find the parts to build your PC.
Hard Drive(200g should be more then enoughunless u DL major amounts of music and porn)
Vid card, Ill give you my type. Runs games great
cd/dvd(im not to familiar with cd/dvd drives so this is only a guess)
Motherboard(you forgot)
1gig ram(2 sticks)
This gives you $847. But you also need a cheap sound card. $20-$50 or you can use onboard. As well as a PSU(Power supply unit) which is about $45 for a decent one. Then you got cheap things).
would this ram work?
also donno how many fans i shoud get or what cables i need... I guess ill pick out a case and link it here
power supply
that is good right? the more the better?
and yes. i have crosiar xms ram in my pc now 2x256 modules works great
still need advice on a sound card...
my 420W runs my comp perfectly. So anything above 500 for your system is overkill. My system is almost the same as yours (speed wise) except im using a 1.7ghz proccessor.
A basic SoundBlaster soundcard should work. I actually use onboard audio.
ok then, how about this case?
I can replace the power supply right?
or this case
ARG I cant decide on a case! soo many cool ones on newegg
I think I will get this case
and replace the power supply with this one
I am wondering about this it says "Motherboard Compatibility: ATX/Baby AT
does that mean anything?
You really don't need a 500watt power supply unless if you have one of the higher end video cards. 400-450watt should be enough.
Ok. I think this is what I will get. BUT I still dont know what kind of case and power supply I shoud get. Im looking for something clear or something like an alienware case... hmm...any adivce?
anyway heres what im putting in it
Thinking about getting this
Video Card
Hard Drive
Sound Card
Im new to this so Im just wondering if all that will work together and what kinda case and power supply I shoud get.
Can use the onboard sound card.Thats what i use because i fid the difference on low volume same and at high volume i get a headache.
Buy a R9800pro its a bit more then 200 but worth it.
Why are you buying a old prescott. If you are going with a intel, at least go with 775 socket. I think you would much happier in gaming with AMD64 3000+(
EQ2 Qeynos Guild-
As a gamer that have build his last 4 systems and build for others i always say if you are a gamer the biggest budget should go into a card.
For instance you buy a intel 4 3.2GHZ or the athlon 3200+ and slap in a MX card .It will still ru much slower then if you used a athlon 2000+ with a FX6800 ultra.
In gaming after a certain point the RAM and processor starts giving diminishing return because they are way more then required.Espically true of processors that are just getting faster and faster with nothing to test them really.
So my advise is always go for bargain buys when it comes for to processors(anything above 2GHZ is more then fine) and RAM(1GB is all you need.just make sure its DDR and the brand makes little impact),then take all you saved from this and splash it on the BEST Graphics card you can get with that money.
Do this and you will not be sorry.How often have i played Planetside and SWG and heard some guy moan the game is bad because he has a intel 3.2GHZ with 2GB RAM .Then you ask what card you got and he says "oh not sure did not bother when i asked Mr.X to build the system was bothered about the processor let me check".
Checks.Its a geforce 4 MX.Uh oh.
Now I just need help picking out a mother board a GOOD one for gaming and downloading stuff... to go with this prosessor
This Memory
Also need recomendations on a nvidea card under 200$
Trust me, AMD > Intel when it comes to gaming. And whoa, i don't really think you need to spend that much money on 1GB RAM.
Just remember, for Gaming, Video card comes first, then processor, then memory.
EQ2 Qeynos Guild-
AMD 64 3000+-
Msi k8n neo-
EQ2 Qeynos Guild-
And still not sure on a video card....
The 5700 Ultra will be fine for a while.
Yes, the msi k8n is ATX and your case is also standard ATX. It should work fine. Another nice case is the Raidmax 868- Thats what I used with that mobo.
EQ2 Qeynos Guild-
ok last thing hopefully, Do I need to buy any fans or cables? The case comes with 2 fans 1 side, 1 top and a 350 psu
that should be sufficiant yes
just need one in the ATX and one on the processor then unless you clock the processor you should be fine
- Actually, your wrong pirrg - En1gma
And video cards... There are realy expensive ones and realy cheap ones that both have 128mb or 256mb
my question is does 128 or 256 realy matter? i see a geforce 5700 with 256 for 130$ and then i see a geforce 5700 with 128 for like 180$ and i get confuzed...