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Biulding my own pc... need help lots

Ok. Ive decided to biuld myself a pc. I would like to start off with a barebones kit, I checked tigerdirect but Im not sure If they have the best deals.

I want to put in

a 200, 250gb hard drive

a intel 2.8 processor

cheap sound card

video card around $130-$150 used for gaming in doom 3, ut 2k4 peferably a nvidia card

dvd rom, cd-rw

1gb ram


Now Im not sure on how many fans or what kind I shoud get what cables I need and anything else Im missing. Im basicaly asking someone to find the items for me to buy to make my pc, I know thats kinda not  your job but help would be nice. and im trying to stay under $1000 but the lower the better. I aslo need a good looking case like an alienware one or something cool



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