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From the videos I have seen it looks like it should be what Aoc should have been.I read so much negative stuff about it being vaporware.Is there anyone who could investigate it to see if it is fake?How long has this game been in production?I remember hearing about it a couple years ago in passing.
It wouldnt take but a few minutes browsing this forum to find the answers to those questions.
Like I said,from what I have read on this forum there is alot of conflictingting information .Good and Bad.It is hard to know what to believe.
Well the game takes awhile to come out. For some reason people think it doesn't exist. Didn't hl2 take 6 years to complete?
It exists. Their European publisher just recently released a business statement to their stock holders saying they'd be distributing the game for Aventurine. The quality the game is in, we don't know (reports say its great, from the visits to the studio) but we do know it exists.
Also, AoC was never EVER even attempting what Darkfall is doing. The closest AoC and Darkfall were was more active combat, but AoC's combat was never anything special, and by the time it made it to release was simplified from 8 directional to 3 directional. Laughable.
Darkfall Travelogues!
No one knows to tell the truth.
It is not real yet and a publisher doesnt mean anything, take Gods and Heroes, the game had publisher and beta...
The best thing is see all the hype and promises as just words... if it become real, one day you will play it, if it not, you wont feel like an idiot.
No one knows to tell the truth.
It is not real yet and a publisher doesnt mean anything, take Gods and Heroes, the game had publisher and beta...
The best thing is see all the hype and promises as just words... if it become real, one day you will play it, if it not, you wont feel like an idiot.
Its mostly in regards to the people who say the game is just a few guys in their basement making fake screenshots. There's a publisher, a very large and well respected publisher. The game exists. The trolls can dance all they want but they can't say the game isn't real with all the evidence stacked against them now. Boo hoo, the game took 5 years to make, give me a break that's not long.
Darkfall Travelogues!
No one knows to tell the truth.
It is not real yet and a publisher doesnt mean anything, take Gods and Heroes, the game had publisher and beta...
The best thing is see all the hype and promises as just words... if it become real, one day you will play it, if it not, you wont feel like an idiot.
Its mostly in regards to the people who say the game is just a few guys in their basement making fake screenshots. There's a publisher, a very large and well respected publisher. The game exists. The trolls can dance all they want but they can't say the game isn't real with all the evidence stacked against them now. Boo hoo, the game took 5 years to make, give me a break that's not long.
What are you talking about?
Gods and Heroes had publisher, videos, screenshots, beta etc .
Are you calling me a troll?
hehe, you should give me a break.
Darkfall is real now? Not yet
It will be real someday? Who knows, better not hold your breath, just, as I said, remember Gods and Heroes.
People played Gods and Heroes, but the game is not real, it is not available, no one can buy and play... like Darkfall today.
No one knows to tell the truth.
It is not real yet and a publisher doesnt mean anything, take Gods and Heroes, the game had publisher and beta...
The best thing is see all the hype and promises as just words... if it become real, one day you will play it, if it not, you wont feel like an idiot.
Its mostly in regards to the people who say the game is just a few guys in their basement making fake screenshots. There's a publisher, a very large and well respected publisher. The game exists. The trolls can dance all they want but they can't say the game isn't real with all the evidence stacked against them now. Boo hoo, the game took 5 years to make, give me a break that's not long.
What are you talking about?
Gods and Heroes had publisher, videos, screenshots, beta etc .
Are you calling me a troll?
hehe, you should give me a break.
Darkfall is real now? Not yet
It will be real someday? Who knows, better not hold your breath, just, as I said, remember Gods and Heroes.
People played Gods and Heroes, but the game is not real, it is not available, no one can buy and play... like Darkfall today.
Not calling you a troll. I'm calling the people who think the game is all a fabrication. Gods and Heroes existed. It just didn't get released.
I'm getting at this. The game exists. It's coded, its being worked on, you can play a version of it. Its not just pre rendered screenshots in some guy's basement like most trolls here say. It has a publisher, its set to release. It exists. So did Gods and Heroes. It's real. Its just not released.
Using your logic, until Age of Conan released, it didn't exist either .
Darkfall Travelogues!
No one knows to tell the truth.
It is not real yet and a publisher doesnt mean anything, take Gods and Heroes, the game had publisher and beta...
The best thing is see all the hype and promises as just words... if it become real, one day you will play it, if it not, you wont feel like an idiot.
Its mostly in regards to the people who say the game is just a few guys in their basement making fake screenshots. There's a publisher, a very large and well respected publisher. The game exists. The trolls can dance all they want but they can't say the game isn't real with all the evidence stacked against them now. Boo hoo, the game took 5 years to make, give me a break that's not long.
What are you talking about?
Gods and Heroes had publisher, videos, screenshots, beta etc .
Are you calling me a troll?
hehe, you should give me a break.
Darkfall is real now? Not yet
It will be real someday? Who knows, better not hold your breath, just, as I said, remember Gods and Heroes.
People played Gods and Heroes, but the game is not real, it is not available, no one can buy and play... like Darkfall today.
Not calling you a troll. I'm calling the people who think the game is all a fabrication. Gods and Heroes existed. It just didn't get released.
I'm getting at this. The game exists. It's coded, its being worked on, you can play a version of it. Its not just pre rendered screenshots in some guy's basement like most trolls here say. It has a publisher, its set to release. It exists. So did Gods and Heroes. It's real. Its just not released.
Using your logic, until Age of Conan released, it didn't exist either .
Ok, as you know I didnt said Darkfall is fabricated.
My logic today after Gods and Heroes and some other games is, wait till open beta or at least experience ( or someone that I know experience ) the game to start to really belive the game or the game potential.
For me a game exist when it can be experienced or Im totally sure it will be experiencied, just a different point of view.
And so the dreamers dream and the realist know.
No one knows to tell the truth.
It is not real yet and a publisher doesnt mean anything, take Gods and Heroes, the game had publisher and beta...
The best thing is see all the hype and promises as just words... if it become real, one day you will play it, if it not, you wont feel like an idiot.
Its mostly in regards to the people who say the game is just a few guys in their basement making fake screenshots. There's a publisher, a very large and well respected publisher. The game exists. The trolls can dance all they want but they can't say the game isn't real with all the evidence stacked against them now. Boo hoo, the game took 5 years to make, give me a break that's not long.
What are you talking about?
Gods and Heroes had publisher, videos, screenshots, beta etc .
Are you calling me a troll?
hehe, you should give me a break.
Darkfall is real now? Not yet
It will be real someday? Who knows, better not hold your breath, just, as I said, remember Gods and Heroes.
People played Gods and Heroes, but the game is not real, it is not available, no one can buy and play... like Darkfall today.
Not calling you a troll. I'm calling the people who think the game is all a fabrication. Gods and Heroes existed. It just didn't get released.
I'm getting at this. The game exists. It's coded, its being worked on, you can play a version of it. Its not just pre rendered screenshots in some guy's basement like most trolls here say. It has a publisher, its set to release. It exists. So did Gods and Heroes. It's real. Its just not released.
Using your logic, until Age of Conan released, it didn't exist either .
Ok, as you know I didnt said Darkfall is fabricated.
My logic today after Gods and Heroes and some other games is, wait till open beta or at least experience ( or someone that I know experience ) the game to start to really belive the game or the game potential.
For me a game exist when it can be experienced or Im totally sure it will be experiencied, just a different point of view.
Even this is hard to do now though. I was in beta for Gods and Heroes and most of us thought it would be a niche game that was ready to be launched to that niche but they killed it off in the late stages of beta. So it can happen, where a game is basically ready to launch and still not make it out there door. I think Darkfall is real, what I am a skeptic about is if it really has all the features as advertised.
You enjoyed the Gods and Heroes beta?
I was really waiting for GnH, but it was the only beta of a game I had interest that could not get in.
Sorry to ask, but do you remember details about the combat and game universe?
Im skeptic about Darkfall release ( I already said why ), but Im sure if it is real it will not have all the promised features.
You enjoyed the Gods and Heroes beta?
I was really waiting for GnH, but it was the only beta of a game I had interest that could not get in.
Sorry to ask, but do you remember details about the combat and game universe?
Im skeptic about Darkfall release ( I already said why ), but Im sure if it is real it will not have all the promised features.
It had been so long and I actually won my beta invite from one of those luck of the draw contests from this very site. Most of the combat can still be seen on youtube videos I imagine. I enjoyed the minion and party systems and thought they were pretty cool. Like I said it wasn't going to be a 500k subscriber game but it would definitely have found its niche in todays market.
No one knows if it's legit.
The problems start when you try to find games these people have made before, you will find NONE.
When you try to find any other games anyone designing this game have worked on, you will find NONE.
When you try to find a business or publisher who has ever supported this game or company, you will find NONE.
When you try to find out the building they supposidly work in, you will find 0 pictures of them at work.
No one seems to have played a closed beta.
No real gameplay video's, just some video's that anyone could have made that just show some simple landscapes.
7 years in development.
Designers have other jobs besides working for darkfall.
When you think about it, 2 things are possible.
1. This is a scam and it was just build as a hype machine.
2. This is an actual game and the designers are truthful but have no experience or knowledge on how to design a game and the game will come out one day as a low budget title or will never come out.
Hi polar!
Not calling you a troll. I'm calling the people who think the game is all a fabrication. Gods and Heroes existed. It just didn't get released.
I'm getting at this. The game exists. It's coded, its being worked on, you can play a version of it. Its not just pre rendered screenshots in some guy's basement like most trolls here say. It has a publisher, its set to release. It exists. So did Gods and Heroes. It's real. Its just not released.
Using your logic, until Age of Conan released, it didn't exist either .
Lets get some things straight here.
-The game does not have a publisher, they are publishing it themselves.
-There has never been a public version to play it, there has been 1 grainy video of a person you can see running a man for 20 seconds. The rest are hardly cideo's to write about, often they are just screenshots or low resolution landscapes anyone could have made.
-It is not set to release, not once in the course of this games development has there been a definite date set.
About Gods and Heroes. Gods and herous had tons of high res gameplay video's, they had a lot of concept art and in game screenshots showing off gameplay. They had a publisher (SoE), and they had another one I forgot the name off. They had designers who worked on previous games.
Darkfall has none of that on the other hand.
Hi polar!
What does this prove? Nothing.
This is just a wall, and the other picture is a woman (or man with long hair) in front of a screen where you can't even see what she does.
You can't even find out who they are.
If that's your rebuttle, pretty sad.
What other games have they worked on or what publisher or company is supporting them?
No screenshots, tell me............
*drumroll* please.
You can't.
You where saying?...
Till next time...
I don't have to rebut anything, polar. All I have to do is wait. If it comes out then it comes out and the vaportrolls will be proved wrong. If it doesn't then *shrug* and move on to the next game.
You where saying?...
I'm not looking that up.
Just answer the question.
What other game have they worked on, what other company did any of these designers work for, what publisher does this company use?
Unless you can just simply answer this, I conclude this is vaporware.
Oh so people, including the press that have acctualy seen the game mean nothing to you? Then I guess you have already made up your mind and no evidence is going to change that... Appart from release anyway.
Till next time...
Ok that's your opinion and I respect it as such but please tell me how you come to that conclusion? Just curious.
Till next time...
Press? What press?
You linked a domain registration from Razorwax, a building in OSLO, Norway. Razorwax has never made one game.....................
Apparently they are working on Darkfall in Greece now...........
I see some "questionable" fan (not even a journalist) from a low budget site went to a building and chatted with a person in Greece.
You where saying?...
That last link was a gem.