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I was reading the article taken from here
and I found this.
TBC introduced smaller raid zones. Originally raid zones were built for raid sizes up to 40, Blizzard reduced this to 25 and added two zones for a raid size of 10. It was quickly realised that the 10 man zones were extremely popular and had many of the complexities of 25 man zones (Take Zul’Aman compared with Gruul’s Lair). In order to take what worked for the new raid zones in TBC, Blizzard has created several raid zones that have the option of either raiding it with 10 or raiding it with 25, with the only change being the difficulty tuning. Essentially, the strategy will remain the same, with the same event scripts. This is a big step for the game that currently has a huge separation between guilds that can complete 25 man raids and guilds that continue to complete 10 man raids with no desire for larger style events. Additionally, if you look back on what I talked about with the quests, it will no longer be the 1% of the game that can witness the final demise of Arthas (assuming slaughter him). Instead, since it can be completed on a 10 man (again another assumption), then it opens the content to a lot more of the player base.
is that really true is is that a prank?
I would love to see end game content beyond Gruul and Magtheridon. If this the case that would be awesome,but I'm not going to hold my breath.
sounds legit.
also its a good idea anyway. i always wondered why devs went down the 20+ raid party sizes. nothing to stop them from adjusting it for groups of 10, 15, 20 or 25 (as it would only take slight adjustment in mob respawn rates, difficulty (varies on how they do this from game to game) and in some cases the number of mobs (script for 5 but spawn 1 for 10, 2 for 15...and so on))
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds
-Solid non level based game
-Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
10 men raids is a blessing.
It's always a battle in our guild to do the 10 men raids while the 25 men raids are just annoying.
far less chance of a drop, too difficutl to explain, you can't bring new people that easy.
Blizzard should also realise guilds will progress faster than in TBC though.
So newer content every 6 months is a must.
I did read that WotLK raid dungeons will have 10 or 25 man content with difficulty leves change dependent on raid size. I'm not sure if they were going to make the TBC content both 10/25 man, I think it was just the new content.
The basic premise is true. Blizz is indeed going to have both 10 man and 25 man versions of all the new dungeons in WoTLK. No one really knows how the content of those dungeons will be different although Blizz has said they will have different loot tables. The 25 man loot table will be better than the 10 man loot table. By how much is another question.
The 10 man raiding size was awesome. I dont know if any of you played when 60 was the cap (Im assuming some of you did) but 40 man raids sucked. It was very hard to get all 40 people to listen to you, the instances were very long, and breaks usually took about 30 minutes. And, The chance of getting that epic loot you want is much slimmer, because 39 other people could want it.
I was standing around much more in 40 mans then I was actually killing stuff in them.
40 man raiding became a grind. I prefer 5/10 man conent over larger raids. In the larger ones you always get people who don't listen to what you are saying or are dueling at the back. 'Hug the zerker' is always lost on them... as is "loot the corehound"
The only good experience I had with a large raid is that it was a social event. Good jokes were exchanged, met people from other guilds. That being said...about 1/2 hour into it when all jokes were told and the raid leader droning orders over voicechat, I was hoping for something like my dog needing to go outside or a telemarketer's call.
Smaller is better in all other regards, gets things more organized, increases chances of good items and success.