I Players trying to make up their own game WITHIN a game?
While you made me laught and i tend to agree with you on the RPG antics, there is one point you have to concede. in a sandbox mmorpg. and it is not just SWG is any sandbox mmorpg; players are supposed to make their own game within the game itself.
Yes I do concede that........they are indeed meant to set their own goals and objectives. However if what they are doing has nothing to do with the game they are playing then why bother? Certainly there is nothing wrong with making things up. Its all totally harmless afterall but I think the line gets crossed into "I am a sad twat" territory when you log into a game to do something that has nothing to do with it. Then again maybe it is just the game itself that is sad because it clearly doesnt give the players the freedom they need to do what they want.
The OP is clearly annoyed that SWG doesnt have the ranking system he wants. Making one up doesnt solve the issue though. The fact that he enjoys that kind of makes me feel sorry for him to be honest. I dont mean to be mean but I think you have to be in a pretty desperate state of mind to start pretending that something is there when it isnt, simply to cover over the fact that the game just isnt what you want it to be. Why not go and play with some star wars figures or something? Or just accept the fact that SWG doesnt have a ranking system and get on with playing the game as it is.
If I logged into Counterstrike and tried to get people to pretend it was a roleplaying game where the terrorists are actually demons and the SAS are demonhunters and by killing the demons you get special demonhunter ranks......well.....I would expect people to take the piss out of me for being a very sad individual.
Despite your attempt at justifying your douchebaggery, the only thing that is sad here is the fact that you obviously have such low self esteem that you feel compelled to insult other people to make youself feel better. If you dont like "imaginary" RP systems...then dont take part in them. Its that simple. The fact that you feel the need to go that extra mile and insult the people who DO enjoy something you dont only reveals the kind of person you really are.
Yes you are correct. I am pure evil. I was born in the lower regions of Hell and as a result I find it hard to result from stooping to a lower level of behaviour. I try my best to be a nice and fluffy person but I very rarely succeed in that task.
However as much as I try to open myself to a feeling of guilt at my horrific and mentally scaring attack on yourself, I just cant seem to quite get the feeling to manifest. I really have tried but I guess my demonic upbringing and self-loathing just seems to block any feelings of remorse or regret. Its a shame really as I wish I could experience such feelings as other mortals do. I promise to keep trying though.
No I dont like imaginary RP systems. I like roleplaying in games but what you are doing has nothing to do with the game you are playing. It has no impact on it at all. Feel free to deny that if you think you can. Of course I dont mean to infringe on your personal ways of enjoying yourself. However you have openly advertised your "imaginary RP system" on the internet and have therefore openly invited me to attack your silly, pointless and innefectual system.
Yes I have chucked in a few insults and a bit of name calling too. Well its all just extra ammo that all members of the JRT are encouraged to use when facing members of the NFRS. Feel free to strike back at your oppressors or simply take the high road and refuse to stoop to such low levels. You are a Jedi arent you? Surely your training should allow you to combat evil beings such as myself, especially as I have such a low self esteem. Be warned though for I am about to rise to level 10 in my ranking system so you will find me VERY hard to defeat. Here goes.........
He didn't say you were evil in any way, he basically said you're a prat.
----- The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.
I Players trying to make up their own game WITHIN a game?
While you made me laught and i tend to agree with you on the RPG antics, there is one point you have to concede. in a sandbox mmorpg. and it is not just SWG is any sandbox mmorpg; players are supposed to make their own game within the game itself.
Yes I do concede that........they are indeed meant to set their own goals and objectives. However if what they are doing has nothing to do with the game they are playing then why bother? Certainly there is nothing wrong with making things up. Its all totally harmless afterall but I think the line gets crossed into "I am a sad twat" territory when you log into a game to do something that has nothing to do with it. Then again maybe it is just the game itself that is sad because it clearly doesnt give the players the freedom they need to do what they want.
The OP is clearly annoyed that SWG doesnt have the ranking system he wants. Making one up doesnt solve the issue though. The fact that he enjoys that kind of makes me feel sorry for him to be honest. I dont mean to be mean but I think you have to be in a pretty desperate state of mind to start pretending that something is there when it isnt, simply to cover over the fact that the game just isnt what you want it to be. Why not go and play with some star wars figures or something? Or just accept the fact that SWG doesnt have a ranking system and get on with playing the game as it is.
If I logged into Counterstrike and tried to get people to pretend it was a roleplaying game where the terrorists are actually demons and the SAS are demonhunters and by killing the demons you get special demonhunter ranks......well.....I would expect people to take the piss out of me for being a very sad individual.
Despite your attempt at justifying your douchebaggery, the only thing that is sad here is the fact that you obviously have such low self esteem that you feel compelled to insult other people to make youself feel better. If you dont like "imaginary" RP systems...then dont take part in them. Its that simple. The fact that you feel the need to go that extra mile and insult the people who DO enjoy something you dont only reveals the kind of person you really are.
Yes you are correct. I am pure evil. I was born in the lower regions of Hell and as a result I find it hard to result from stooping to a lower level of behaviour. I try my best to be a nice and fluffy person but I very rarely succeed in that task.
However as much as I try to open myself to a feeling of guilt at my horrific and mentally scaring attack on yourself, I just cant seem to quite get the feeling to manifest. I really have tried but I guess my demonic upbringing and self-loathing just seems to block any feelings of remorse or regret. Its a shame really as I wish I could experience such feelings as other mortals do. I promise to keep trying though.
No I dont like imaginary RP systems. I like roleplaying in games but what you are doing has nothing to do with the game you are playing. It has no impact on it at all. Feel free to deny that if you think you can. Of course I dont mean to infringe on your personal ways of enjoying yourself. However you have openly advertised your "imaginary RP system" on the internet and have therefore openly invited me to attack your silly, pointless and innefectual system.
Yes I have chucked in a few insults and a bit of name calling too. Well its all just extra ammo that all members of the JRT are encouraged to use when facing members of the NFRS. Feel free to strike back at your oppressors or simply take the high road and refuse to stoop to such low levels. You are a Jedi arent you? Surely your training should allow you to combat evil beings such as myself, especially as I have such a low self esteem. Be warned though for I am about to rise to level 10 in my ranking system so you will find me VERY hard to defeat. Here goes.........
He didn't say you were evil in any way, he basically said you're a prat.
I Players trying to make up their own game WITHIN a game?
While you made me laught and i tend to agree with you on the RPG antics, there is one point you have to concede. in a sandbox mmorpg. and it is not just SWG is any sandbox mmorpg; players are supposed to make their own game within the game itself.
Yes I do concede that........they are indeed meant to set their own goals and objectives. However if what they are doing has nothing to do with the game they are playing then why bother? Certainly there is nothing wrong with making things up. Its all totally harmless afterall but I think the line gets crossed into "I am a sad twat" territory when you log into a game to do something that has nothing to do with it. Then again maybe it is just the game itself that is sad because it clearly doesnt give the players the freedom they need to do what they want.
The OP is clearly annoyed that SWG doesnt have the ranking system he wants. Making one up doesnt solve the issue though. The fact that he enjoys that kind of makes me feel sorry for him to be honest. I dont mean to be mean but I think you have to be in a pretty desperate state of mind to start pretending that something is there when it isnt, simply to cover over the fact that the game just isnt what you want it to be. Why not go and play with some star wars figures or something? Or just accept the fact that SWG doesnt have a ranking system and get on with playing the game as it is.
If I logged into Counterstrike and tried to get people to pretend it was a roleplaying game where the terrorists are actually demons and the SAS are demonhunters and by killing the demons you get special demonhunter ranks......well.....I would expect people to take the piss out of me for being a very sad individual.
Despite your attempt at justifying your douchebaggery, the only thing that is sad here is the fact that you obviously have such low self esteem that you feel compelled to insult other people to make youself feel better. If you dont like "imaginary" RP systems...then dont take part in them. Its that simple. The fact that you feel the need to go that extra mile and insult the people who DO enjoy something you dont only reveals the kind of person you really are.
Yes you are correct. I am pure evil. I was born in the lower regions of Hell and as a result I find it hard to result from stooping to a lower level of behaviour. I try my best to be a nice and fluffy person but I very rarely succeed in that task.
However as much as I try to open myself to a feeling of guilt at my horrific and mentally scaring attack on yourself, I just cant seem to quite get the feeling to manifest. I really have tried but I guess my demonic upbringing and self-loathing just seems to block any feelings of remorse or regret. Its a shame really as I wish I could experience such feelings as other mortals do. I promise to keep trying though.
No I dont like imaginary RP systems. I like roleplaying in games but what you are doing has nothing to do with the game you are playing. It has no impact on it at all. Feel free to deny that if you think you can. Of course I dont mean to infringe on your personal ways of enjoying yourself. However you have openly advertised your "imaginary RP system" on the internet and have therefore openly invited me to attack your silly, pointless and innefectual system.
Yes I have chucked in a few insults and a bit of name calling too. Well its all just extra ammo that all members of the JRT are encouraged to use when facing members of the NFRS. Feel free to strike back at your oppressors or simply take the high road and refuse to stoop to such low levels. You are a Jedi arent you? Surely your training should allow you to combat evil beings such as myself, especially as I have such a low self esteem. Be warned though for I am about to rise to level 10 in my ranking system so you will find me VERY hard to defeat. Here goes.........
You truly are amusing. I never said you were evil, I said you were sad. Look up the two words and you will see they have quite different meanings. I have no problem with criticism. As you said, posting something on a public message board is virtually asking for criticism. But just as there is a difference between "evil" and "sad", there is a difference between "criticism" and "insults". The fact that you choose to do the latter only reveals what a sad person you really are. I hope you can one day mature beyond your current state, but until then you have my pitty.
While you made me laught and i tend to agree with you on the RPG antics, there is one point you have to concede. in a sandbox mmorpg. and it is not just SWG is any sandbox mmorpg; players are supposed to make their own game within the game itself.
Yes I do concede that........they are indeed meant to set their own goals and objectives. However if what they are doing has nothing to do with the game they are playing then why bother? Certainly there is nothing wrong with making things up. Its all totally harmless afterall but I think the line gets crossed into "I am a sad twat" territory when you log into a game to do something that has nothing to do with it. Then again maybe it is just the game itself that is sad because it clearly doesnt give the players the freedom they need to do what they want.
The OP is clearly annoyed that SWG doesnt have the ranking system he wants. Making one up doesnt solve the issue though. The fact that he enjoys that kind of makes me feel sorry for him to be honest. I dont mean to be mean but I think you have to be in a pretty desperate state of mind to start pretending that something is there when it isnt, simply to cover over the fact that the game just isnt what you want it to be. Why not go and play with some star wars figures or something? Or just accept the fact that SWG doesnt have a ranking system and get on with playing the game as it is.
If I logged into Counterstrike and tried to get people to pretend it was a roleplaying game where the terrorists are actually demons and the SAS are demonhunters and by killing the demons you get special demonhunter ranks......well.....I would expect people to take the piss out of me for being a very sad individual.
Despite your attempt at justifying your douchebaggery, the only thing that is sad here is the fact that you obviously have such low self esteem that you feel compelled to insult other people to make youself feel better. If you dont like "imaginary" RP systems...then dont take part in them. Its that simple. The fact that you feel the need to go that extra mile and insult the people who DO enjoy something you dont only reveals the kind of person you really are.
Yes you are correct. I am pure evil. I was born in the lower regions of Hell and as a result I find it hard to result from stooping to a lower level of behaviour. I try my best to be a nice and fluffy person but I very rarely succeed in that task.
However as much as I try to open myself to a feeling of guilt at my horrific and mentally scaring attack on yourself, I just cant seem to quite get the feeling to manifest. I really have tried but I guess my demonic upbringing and self-loathing just seems to block any feelings of remorse or regret. Its a shame really as I wish I could experience such feelings as other mortals do. I promise to keep trying though.
No I dont like imaginary RP systems. I like roleplaying in games but what you are doing has nothing to do with the game you are playing. It has no impact on it at all. Feel free to deny that if you think you can. Of course I dont mean to infringe on your personal ways of enjoying yourself. However you have openly advertised your "imaginary RP system" on the internet and have therefore openly invited me to attack your silly, pointless and innefectual system.
Yes I have chucked in a few insults and a bit of name calling too. Well its all just extra ammo that all members of the JRT are encouraged to use when facing members of the NFRS. Feel free to strike back at your oppressors or simply take the high road and refuse to stoop to such low levels. You are a Jedi arent you? Surely your training should allow you to combat evil beings such as myself, especially as I have such a low self esteem. Be warned though for I am about to rise to level 10 in my ranking system so you will find me VERY hard to defeat. Here goes.........
He didn't say you were evil in any way, he basically said you're a prat.
The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.
While you made me laught and i tend to agree with you on the RPG antics, there is one point you have to concede. in a sandbox mmorpg. and it is not just SWG is any sandbox mmorpg; players are supposed to make their own game within the game itself.
Yes I do concede that........they are indeed meant to set their own goals and objectives. However if what they are doing has nothing to do with the game they are playing then why bother? Certainly there is nothing wrong with making things up. Its all totally harmless afterall but I think the line gets crossed into "I am a sad twat" territory when you log into a game to do something that has nothing to do with it. Then again maybe it is just the game itself that is sad because it clearly doesnt give the players the freedom they need to do what they want.
The OP is clearly annoyed that SWG doesnt have the ranking system he wants. Making one up doesnt solve the issue though. The fact that he enjoys that kind of makes me feel sorry for him to be honest. I dont mean to be mean but I think you have to be in a pretty desperate state of mind to start pretending that something is there when it isnt, simply to cover over the fact that the game just isnt what you want it to be. Why not go and play with some star wars figures or something? Or just accept the fact that SWG doesnt have a ranking system and get on with playing the game as it is.
If I logged into Counterstrike and tried to get people to pretend it was a roleplaying game where the terrorists are actually demons and the SAS are demonhunters and by killing the demons you get special demonhunter ranks......well.....I would expect people to take the piss out of me for being a very sad individual.
Despite your attempt at justifying your douchebaggery, the only thing that is sad here is the fact that you obviously have such low self esteem that you feel compelled to insult other people to make youself feel better. If you dont like "imaginary" RP systems...then dont take part in them. Its that simple. The fact that you feel the need to go that extra mile and insult the people who DO enjoy something you dont only reveals the kind of person you really are.
Yes you are correct. I am pure evil. I was born in the lower regions of Hell and as a result I find it hard to result from stooping to a lower level of behaviour. I try my best to be a nice and fluffy person but I very rarely succeed in that task.
However as much as I try to open myself to a feeling of guilt at my horrific and mentally scaring attack on yourself, I just cant seem to quite get the feeling to manifest. I really have tried but I guess my demonic upbringing and self-loathing just seems to block any feelings of remorse or regret. Its a shame really as I wish I could experience such feelings as other mortals do. I promise to keep trying though.
No I dont like imaginary RP systems. I like roleplaying in games but what you are doing has nothing to do with the game you are playing. It has no impact on it at all. Feel free to deny that if you think you can. Of course I dont mean to infringe on your personal ways of enjoying yourself. However you have openly advertised your "imaginary RP system" on the internet and have therefore openly invited me to attack your silly, pointless and innefectual system.
Yes I have chucked in a few insults and a bit of name calling too. Well its all just extra ammo that all members of the JRT are encouraged to use when facing members of the NFRS. Feel free to strike back at your oppressors or simply take the high road and refuse to stoop to such low levels. You are a Jedi arent you? Surely your training should allow you to combat evil beings such as myself, especially as I have such a low self esteem. Be warned though for I am about to rise to level 10 in my ranking system so you will find me VERY hard to defeat. Here goes.........
He didn't say you were evil in any way, he basically said you're a prat.
Oh thats ok I can live with that
While you made me laught and i tend to agree with you on the RPG antics, there is one point you have to concede. in a sandbox mmorpg. and it is not just SWG is any sandbox mmorpg; players are supposed to make their own game within the game itself.
Yes I do concede that........they are indeed meant to set their own goals and objectives. However if what they are doing has nothing to do with the game they are playing then why bother? Certainly there is nothing wrong with making things up. Its all totally harmless afterall but I think the line gets crossed into "I am a sad twat" territory when you log into a game to do something that has nothing to do with it. Then again maybe it is just the game itself that is sad because it clearly doesnt give the players the freedom they need to do what they want.
The OP is clearly annoyed that SWG doesnt have the ranking system he wants. Making one up doesnt solve the issue though. The fact that he enjoys that kind of makes me feel sorry for him to be honest. I dont mean to be mean but I think you have to be in a pretty desperate state of mind to start pretending that something is there when it isnt, simply to cover over the fact that the game just isnt what you want it to be. Why not go and play with some star wars figures or something? Or just accept the fact that SWG doesnt have a ranking system and get on with playing the game as it is.
If I logged into Counterstrike and tried to get people to pretend it was a roleplaying game where the terrorists are actually demons and the SAS are demonhunters and by killing the demons you get special demonhunter ranks......well.....I would expect people to take the piss out of me for being a very sad individual.
Despite your attempt at justifying your douchebaggery, the only thing that is sad here is the fact that you obviously have such low self esteem that you feel compelled to insult other people to make youself feel better. If you dont like "imaginary" RP systems...then dont take part in them. Its that simple. The fact that you feel the need to go that extra mile and insult the people who DO enjoy something you dont only reveals the kind of person you really are.
Yes you are correct. I am pure evil. I was born in the lower regions of Hell and as a result I find it hard to result from stooping to a lower level of behaviour. I try my best to be a nice and fluffy person but I very rarely succeed in that task.
However as much as I try to open myself to a feeling of guilt at my horrific and mentally scaring attack on yourself, I just cant seem to quite get the feeling to manifest. I really have tried but I guess my demonic upbringing and self-loathing just seems to block any feelings of remorse or regret. Its a shame really as I wish I could experience such feelings as other mortals do. I promise to keep trying though.
No I dont like imaginary RP systems. I like roleplaying in games but what you are doing has nothing to do with the game you are playing. It has no impact on it at all. Feel free to deny that if you think you can. Of course I dont mean to infringe on your personal ways of enjoying yourself. However you have openly advertised your "imaginary RP system" on the internet and have therefore openly invited me to attack your silly, pointless and innefectual system.
Yes I have chucked in a few insults and a bit of name calling too. Well its all just extra ammo that all members of the JRT are encouraged to use when facing members of the NFRS. Feel free to strike back at your oppressors or simply take the high road and refuse to stoop to such low levels. You are a Jedi arent you? Surely your training should allow you to combat evil beings such as myself, especially as I have such a low self esteem. Be warned though for I am about to rise to level 10 in my ranking system so you will find me VERY hard to defeat. Here goes.........
You truly are amusing. I never said you were evil, I said you were sad. Look up the two words and you will see they have quite different meanings. I have no problem with criticism. As you said, posting something on a public message board is virtually asking for criticism. But just as there is a difference between "evil" and "sad", there is a difference between "criticism" and "insults". The fact that you choose to do the latter only reveals what a sad person you really are. I hope you can one day mature beyond your current state, but until then you have my pitty.