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Im about to order a Comp from AvAdirect. My question is about my graphics card. I want to get a 4870 but l guess they run hot. Some other web sites have a way to increase the fan speed but I dont understand what the hell they are talking about lol. My question is will ATI fix these heat issues soon? Should I even worry about it? Thanks
If you are set on that GPU, but worried about heat levels just buy another fan or cooling agent. A PCI slot case fan will run you 6-14 bucks and blow directly on the card itself.
Thx for the advice. Are there some better than others? The PCI slot fans.
Yes, some are considerably better. If you go to a site like and look at their list of fans and heatsinks, look under the sub heading of "Case fans" and look at their various fans. They range from smaller 50mm fans all the way up to 140mm fans I think. Each fan has its own speed and its own noise level, air flow, MOST of the fans will have a spec sheet that lists the air flow rating, the fan speed and the noise level. You can look at that info to decide what is better, and what best suits your needs, and price range.
I've found those cheap add-on fans to break pretty easy. When I was still a nooby at modding my case I got 2 of them. Both broke within 2 months. Loud grinding noise type break. The drivers on the HD4xxx series isn't done yet which leads to the heat issues. Many sites got this card and ran it before it was released, however I believe a problem still persists. Its mainly a driver issue with the auto-fan control. I believe this issue should be fixed in-time. However, until it is I wouldn't overclock the card with the default heatsink. It should still work well regardless of this issue. The fan spins faster, just at hotter temps.