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Not the bugs, the crashes nor the errors will become the downfall of Age of Conan, but a much deathlier weapon called boredom. The lack of incentive and the total deficiency of reasons to farm, gather or craft, leads to hours of mind numbing dullness. Players that wonder what to do, will in the end wonder why to log on.
In the pursuit of that ‘final ding’, it’s easy for any MMORPG to keep the masses content. Give people a goal to pursuit, give them a feeling of achievement with every step they take, and they will come back for more. But it’s only temporary. Within no time these players are at level cap and will be looking for a new incentive. Now the real challenge starts for the developers: give the people a reason to play and get them addicted! And this is where FunCom (still) fails.
Once you hit 80 and have gathered your tier 0 gear – which takes a few hours farming epic Keshatta or a cheap trip to the Trader – the game leaves you with little to do. For a limited time a week you can enjoy yourself raiding or gathering mats and money for your guild city. And than what? There is no enticement to farm money, as there is nothing to spend it on; There is no enticement to farm mats, beside for your guild city; There is no enticement to craft, as there is nothing special to make; There is no enticement to play, except to raid.
I truly hope that FunCom doesn’t underestimate this invisible assassin that will give this game its deathblow if not dealt with swiftly. I'm not ready yet to give up on AoC, but I find it harder and harder to find a motivation to play. It's only my guildmembers and the raids that still bind me. So I beg you: Battle the Boredom and give us reasons to play!
We all already knew AoC was a snore-fest. Nothing new in this post.
Turned out to be a crappy game, now lets all move on.
I find it funny that we wait years for an MMO that is only fun to play for a couple months.
I fully agree,boredom will be AoC's killer.The only thing youve actualy got left at 80 is to make another lvl 80 wich I did.I lvled both my chars without any lame apprentice boosting.. I lvled a 2nd char to 80 with hopes that there will be more to do once ive finished my alt,too bad I was wrong.
The OP is the EXACT reason why i left AoC after 7 weeks. Couldn't have said it better myself. Hit the nail on the head
Another gem:
"dammit Scotty, need more power"
I started with UO beta and moved to SWG played until EvE launched and have have played EvE since. During this time I have explored Vanguard, WoW, Pirates of the Burning Seas, Lord of the Rings, and a few other MMOG's that didn't make it. I have been an avid Fanboy, built a new computer for my wife so we could play together, pre-ordered, the full-meal-deal.
My Point:
My reason for quitting is that AoC is more like playing Oblivion with Vent running in the background than a true MMoG. There is no debth to the game. I mean once you have run one quest you have run them all, and everything in AoC is quests, I mean everything. It is a single players wet dream. But, for me I need debth, a learning curve, something to keep me there besides pretty pictures, and once the new wears off of AoC it is an empty shell. It can be a great game but, even if crafting was working it still will have very little debth/complexity. Just more missions. Unless you grind, LOL, yea Grind for hours. Where is the fun there?
Lets face it, I am an end-user. I bought what was on the friggin' box that what I liked and that is what was sold to me, right? I don't wanna pay $15 a month for the potential or promise of what can be a fun game if I just wait. Why would anyone? Is that even logical? To pay for someone to tell you it is gonna get better ?? lol
Anyway, I just believe that Funcom and the player base should understand the reasons ppl leave. Also, where they are going. For me it is EvE and a little PotBS(not a great game, but it is a slightly new perspective on mmogs).
Happy killin' to you all,
wonder how long will that last until its deleted and the poster gets an infraction for "trolling" lol. Maybe they just hired that guy that posted for damage control.
Yep, they spent all their time on cosmetics and screwed the whole game. The end game is pathetic.
"Censorship is never over for those who have experienced it. It is a brand on the imagination that affects the individual who has suffered it, forever." - Noam Chomsky