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With the conformation that Bioware's MMO is indeed based on the Star Wars IP (the source of the conformation is by EA's CEO in an online article on the website of a business magazine, not a blog as many people seem to want to call Conde Nast Portfolio), SWG's future seems to be in even more doubt than its dismal subscription numbers alone indicated. Considering the new online card game from SOE, I'd bet that LEC is looking to have SWG continue past the launch of the new game. Unfortunately for those folks who currently play SWG (well, for the ones who play it for any reason other than it is based on Star Wars anyway), I don't see it lasting very long after the Bioware MMO is launched.
The Bioware MMO will offer a Star Wars MMO that is very likely to be a hell of a lot better than SWG (I don't see anyone making one that is worse). That in itself will draw those players who currently play SWG for the simple fact that it is the only Star Wars MMO experience available. The only folks I see sticking with SWG will be the ones who are unwilling to voluntarily give up their in-game 'stuff'' or are there for the 'community'. Since most of the 'community' is going to bail for the Bioware MMO, in a short amount of time the only folks left will be the ones who won't give up their 'stuff'. I don't see their being enough of those folks to make the game financially viable.
Anyway, the beans were spilled in an online article of a business magazine, one of the gaming sites that have covered it (1up I think)contacted the author of the articel and the author confirmed that he straight out asked if the MMO was based on KotOR and that EA's CEO said "Yes", and one of Bioware's developers posted on his blog something to the effect of "When the head guy spills the beans, is it really confidential anymore?" (check the official Bioware Off-Topic forum MMO thread, the exact post is reproduced there, at least for now), but the answer to that question seems to be "Yes" since the post is now a "Nothing to see here" post.
So I basically think the intent is to have both games coexist, but I don't think SWG will be viable once the Bioware Star Wars MMO goes live. I don't see the Bioware MMO drawing anyone away from SWG before it goes live though. I'll bet the card game will see a stand alone version shortly after it goes live (since I don't see it giving any sort of boost to SWG's sub numbers). The card game will almost definitely outlive SWG.
It was Joystiq that confirmed that EA's CEO outright confirmed he was talking about a KotOR MMO.
Well it means smed has to flush soon as hes done dumping on the remaining player base lol
LA will not let another game compete against its new MMO, period.
They will want to capitalise on the failure of SWG and SOE, and as such will want as much of the existing SWG player base for there new game as possible, hence leading SWG to be shut down.
Its literally only a matter of time, anyone with a miniscule amount of business sense will agree.
Rock a FailCom avatar now and express your disgust with pride!
The truth hurts...
Funcom RX
Doesnt the licence for SWG expire next year or something?
What is it with that fucking rumour that has been going since the CU.....
I reckon the people playing SWG right now are hardcore fans who wont leave for another Star Wars mmorpg, doesn't mean they wont play another Star Wars mmorpg but they are fans of what SWG offers and will stick by it even if the game is complete shite.
So one of the two WILL happen....
1. LA shuts down SWG ready for KOTOR Online
2. SWG numbers continue to fall and it will fall faster after KOTOR Online is released becaus enoone new will be joining the game, until it's not making a profit anymore and SOE shut it down.
I can't see LA caring too much about SWG anymore and they havn't ever since the NGE, they just jumped ship and decided to focus on a new one.
Talking about SWG much?
If SOE is consistent with their history, they'll have a big marketting push to suck as much sub money out of the gaming public as possible right before announcing the shut down. There'll be talk of new features and a bright future, yadda yadda, then when they think the subs have peaked, the plug will be pulled.
Hey, maybe they'll do something different, and I'll be pleasantly surprised, but I doubt it.
What does it mean to the garbage mess of a code called SWG?
Three strikes and your out SOE
Right now SWG is free for vets in a last ditch attempt to draw a few bucks. I have been messing around in it. WOW are there lots of bugs. Especially the wookie planet. What a mess.
I played a version of SWG I can't speak of on the forums that puts SOE's mess to shame
and that's not including how much time they waisted of mine knowingly making a change they new would get rid of their (then) player base. A risk to draw in all the kiddies failed with a capital F
SHOHADAKU is Pazaak going to be the official card game of the new Bioware MMO?
What does the Bioware SW MMO mean for SWG? Nothing yet, first let us see a demo/beta/trial or the released version, then we can see what Bioware's new SW MMO might mean for SOE's SWG. Untill then far to many wild speculations.
What is could very possible mean is NO new players coming to SWG. Why start a toon just to say goodbye in a year or less? Why start that city when you won't have time to see it's completion? Takes just about that to "trick out" a toon anyway. Existing subs will get the idea also. Why do all these "building" tasks?
Probably means less and less on the servers until SOE just can't bring themselves to spend the $ to keep them up, anymore.
Probably why the official announcement has been held off as long as it has.
Respectfully I disagree. If I were a new potential SWG player that understands an MMO development process and time need to fully explore this game. I probably wouldn't play this game now. Even if the new game doesn't come till holiday season 09 there will be a 6 month +/- beta before. That gives only one year to play before SWG's bottom completely drops.
I can only see someone totally ignorant of what MMOs are trying and subbing to this game as a new player now. I won't resub now. I was thinking maybe I can try the WS upgrade. Now, I don't see a point. Any acomplishment I would make I feel is going to be a waste.
SOE and LA need to make some anouncements to confirm, deny, comment on, and let current/potential players know what the real future of SWG is now. So far they have said nothing. This lends creedence to what EA said is true.
"Suddenly, thousands of Trekies whose heads are full of facts of things like the stardate when the Cardassians farted on Deep Space nine are irrlelevant." - hardcoremoviecritic
Respectfully I disagree. If I were a new potential SWG player that understands an MMO development process and time need to fully explore this game. I probably wouldn't play this game now. Even if the new game doesn't come till holiday season 09 there will be a 6 month +/- beta before. That gives only one year to play before SWG's bottom completely drops.
I can only see someone totally ignorant of what MMOs are trying and subbing to this game as a new player now. I won't resub now. I was thinking maybe I can try the WS upgrade. Now, I don't see a point. Any acomplishment I would make I feel is going to be a waste.
SOE and LA need to make some anouncements to confirm, deny, comment on, and let current/potential players know what the real future of SWG is now. So far they have said nothing. This lends creedence to what EA said is true.
Unless you have valid inside information about how the game is going to be you can't really be sure IF it would be a waist, unless afcourse you already dislike current SWG then no use even considering going back.
Overall just lets hope that whatever Bioware is brewing will be good or great.
The thing is, many of the current players are very unhappy with the current game, but they continue to subscribe because it is the only Star Wars MMO available. As soon as Bioware's MMO launches, those SWG players are going to leave to play Bioware's MMO. There are also some current SWG subscribers that share the same feelings about SOE that many of the folks who post here do. Even if the Bioware game is bad, they will still play it instead of SWG because it lacks SOE.
The Obriaks are a minority of the SWG population. The folks who play the game because they honestly think it is the funnest game available are a small group compared to the much larger "because its Star Wars" group. I don't see SWG being viable for very long after the Bioware game goes live, even if it sucks (and the Bioware MMO will have to suck very bad to compare to the sucktasticness of SWG's current incarnation).
If SOE is consistent with their history, they'll have a big marketting push to suck as much sub money out of the gaming public as possible right before announcing the shut down. There'll be talk of new features and a bright future, yadda yadda, then when they think the subs have peaked, the plug will be pulled.
Hey, maybe they'll do something different, and I'll be pleasantly surprised, but I doubt it.
Its already happening, they're doing the card game thing.
If SOE is consistent with their history, they'll have a big marketting push to suck as much sub money out of the gaming public as possible right before announcing the shut down. There'll be talk of new features and a bright future, yadda yadda, then when they think the subs have peaked, the plug will be pulled.
Hey, maybe they'll do something different, and I'll be pleasantly surprised, but I doubt it.
Its already happening, they're doing the card game thing.
Don't forget the Vehicle combat on hoth claim by SMED.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Who cares ... SWG is effectively a dead (or stagnant) project today. I suppose for those looking for some sort of closure the Bioware MMO may bring some importance.
Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
What does a Bioware SW MMO mean for SWG?
Means Lucas gets to screw up yet another MMO, once he notices that SW: Old Republic still isnt making him as much as WoW, and decides to force Bioware to try yet another CU. Except may be not so good for him this time, as Bioware tend to speak their mind and will dish the dirt on Lucas this time.
"When people don't know much about something, they tend to fill in the blanks the way they want them to be filled in. They are almost always disappointed." - Will Wright
Why not? SOE also has two Everquest games running and competing against each other.
I think the future of SWG will solely depend on its subscriber numbers. If they are sufficient, the game might continue to run for a long time.
It probably means SOE will have to pull the plug on SWG..And that's partly a sad deal..Sad because it's most likely going to be a year or more before they have to.
I hate SOE.They lied to me,stole 4000+ hours of my time,by deleting all my char's professions.And cheated me out of money,By taking said money for a game expansion and announcing TWO days later that the game would be changed,thus invalidating the expansion.