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My account was banned last year for helping a friend. My friend had some jerk on the game telling him that he was going to hack him because he beat the guy in a death match, then my friend found a keylogger on his computer the next day and asked me to hold his valuables in game for a few days until he got his computer cleaned up. So he had me hold his phats, santas, masks, and other valuables on my account. The next day I go to log in and my acount was locked. I go to find out why and it tells me my account was permanantly banned for real world trading, and I had never participated anything like that ever. I had a lvl 124 character and had played for 5 years never even got so much as a warning before that happened. They declined all apeals and I was not even allowed to talk to them about it or talk to anyone on their forums about it. I found out later that the trade itself set off some system alarm and that was all they needed to ban my account even though there was absolutely nothing in the rules about helping a friend. My friend was banned as well and he had never sold or bought aything on that game with real cash either. That company is messed up in the head. As Long as those whack jobs are running that game I cannot see it ever being worth anyones time to put into a character they can just take away for no reason, and not even allow you to have any say about it.
The game is starting to come apart. When they added the duel arena to free players it caused a huge protest. There were also other huge protests, and if ,on youtube, they were telling the truth there will be more protests the 20th of july 2008 on worlds 1, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 152. They will be at bountyhunter, the duel arena, and other minigames. There will also be a protest at varrock square. Tell all runescape players to go there if you are sick of the crap runescape has been giving.
WTF you've posted the same thing on 3 different threads, spammer.
WTF you've posted the same thing on 3 different threads, spammer.
Why do you care?
WTF you've posted the same thing on 3 different threads, spammer.
Well if it's relevant...
WTF you've posted the same thing on 3 different threads, spammer.
Well if it's relevant...
Still doesn't really mean you post it three times but idc.
WTF you've posted the same thing on 3 different threads, spammer.
Well if it's relevant...
Still doesn't really mean you post it three times but idc.
lol, but seriously I wanted the message to get through to people. If it's true this is another chance to try and convince jagex what they did wrong. If not people are lying on youtube.
Well youtube has had some sucess in starting in-game riots but only when the people posting comments on it are consistent and plan accordingly. However, you really can't always believe everything on youtube. They are just encouraging other people to riot and that doesn't mean a riot will always happen. Besides I think Jagex is dedicated to destroying their game and just ignoring everything else.
LOL .. Do I know you? Because I had a friend last year that had the same thing happen to them! =o you are correct they are messed up in the head. If you are not my friend, then I know someone who went through the exact same thing you have described, but then again they did this to so many players there is no telling how many people were actually banned for helping friends on that game. Games are supposed to be fun and Jagex is like a giant paracite leaching the fun right out of the game. I knew many good players that were unjustly banned and Jagex was no help when they tried to prove themselves. You are right it is not worth your time.