I'm guessing "nobody leaves". Current SWG players are probably so used to getting screwed over and over again that they don't mind it anymore and take pretty much anything as "oh great changes/stuff".
Bioware licensed Perpetual's billing/support/server software prior to being bought by EA. With Perpetual going belly up, and EA now in the picture, SOE would bring nothing to the table. I don't see SOE being at all involved in the new game. It would be an unneccessary expense.
On the other hand, I also don't see LEC forcing SOE to shut down SWG. Considering it is all but unavailable, It won't do much harm to the new game's box sales, aside from the folks who's SWG experience will cause them to avoid the new game.
Again, SOE doesn't have anything to offer as far as the new game is concerned, aside from the baggage of SWG's history. Offering them a role, no matter how insignificant, would not benefit the new game.
Ah, I didn't know that. Interesting. And good news, as far as I'm concerned.
It doesn't mean that they won't be involved, just that the chances are pretty good that they won't be. As a business decision, it wouldn't make much sense for LEC to offer SOE a role, even setting aside SWG's history. Add in SWG's history, and LEC offering SOE a role in the new game becomes a bad decision. Considering the folks at LEC have a long history of making bad business decisions, especially where Star Wars games are concerned, and the possibility of SOE being involved is still there.
Since Bioware did license the tech to cover any role SOE would possibly have had, I'd bet that they won't be involved. With EA now in the picture, it makes even less sense for SOE to have a role, since EA can offer everything SOE could, and LEC wouldn't have to deal with another party (meaning they would have to further split the revenues).
I'm guessing "nobody leaves". Current SWG players are probably so used to getting screwed over and over again that they don't mind it anymore and take pretty much anything as "oh great changes/stuff".
Most of the current SWG players will likely leave during the first three months after the new game is released. Pretty much all the "I'm only here because it's Star Wars" players will leave for the new game. I doubt the announcement will have much effect on new players of SWG, especially since there are so few of them to begin with. It might actually have caused a brief uptick in old players resubbing, until they remember why they quit in the first place (the game being a horrible unfun mess), if it wasn't for the fact that SOE offers free vet trials every couple months.
Where's the "no change" option? People are obviously talking about it, but that's about it. Not that I'm outright ready to believe the latest rumour. It still seems fishy to me. Why is the CEO of EA supposedly announcing this title, which he has apparantly said is going to be huge, yet there's no announcement at the Bioware site or the LucasArts site? Why did LucasArts just sign up with SOE on a new Star Wars trading game that's heavily intergrated with SWG? With so many cries of wolf over the last few years, I'm still not so sure there's a competitor on the way for SWG.
Jeeze Obraik, you really know how to spin stuff.
Don't you think BioWare would have refuted the story if it was a fabrication?
I said 25% of them will be leaving, but not due to the announcement. As people gain levels and get epics in the game and all that they'll eventually retire, that's what I did. I tried NGE just to get all my good crap and leave. Thats what about 25% of the population will do. Or they'll PvP for hours and hours just trying to get GCW to get their epic Crusader Armor OMG PWNZ!
Where's the "no change" option? People are obviously talking about it, but that's about it. Not that I'm outright ready to believe the latest rumour. It still seems fishy to me. Why is the CEO of EA supposedly announcing this title, which he has apparantly said is going to be huge, yet there's no announcement at the Bioware site or the LucasArts site? Why did LucasArts just sign up with SOE on a new Star Wars trading game that's heavily intergrated with SWG? With so many cries of wolf over the last few years, I'm still not so sure there's a competitor on the way for SWG.
Jeeze Obraik, you really know how to spin stuff.
Don't you think BioWare would have refuted the story if it was a fabrication?
Nevermind Bioware, how about Lucas Arts? I'm sure they'd be quite disappointed that a corporation is claiming to have access to their IP if it were not true. Undoubtedly there would have been a retraction by now if it was a lie.
Sometimes it's the silence that speaks louder then words.
Where's the "no change" option? People are obviously talking about it, but that's about it. Not that I'm outright ready to believe the latest rumour. It still seems fishy to me. Why is the CEO of EA supposedly announcing this title, which he has apparantly said is going to be huge, yet there's no announcement at the Bioware site or the LucasArts site? Why did LucasArts just sign up with SOE on a new Star Wars trading game that's heavily intergrated with SWG? With so many cries of wolf over the last few years, I'm still not so sure there's a competitor on the way for SWG.
Jeeze Obraik, you really know how to spin stuff.
Don't you think BioWare would have refuted the story if it was a fabrication?
Nevermind Bioware, how about Lucas Arts? I'm sure they'd be quite disappointed that a corporation is claiming to have access to their IP if it were not true. Undoubtedly there would have been a retraction by now if it was a lie.
Sometimes it's the silence that speaks louder then words.
Agreed. It had to be SOE's SWG is the total reason the new game has not been announced before now.
Agreed. It had to be SOE's SWG is the total reason the new game has not been announced before now.
Might be a part of the reason , I doubt it's the total reason though . Neither LA or Bioware release much information in the early stages of their products , They are both masters at dealing hype in small doses . EA on the other hand .... yeah.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
I think the only people left playing SWG now are hardcore fanbois and they wont leave to play another mmorpg, sure they'll playa nother mmorpg but they'll keep playing SWG till it dies.
---------------------------------------- Talking about SWG much?
Where's the "no change" option? People are obviously talking about it, but that's about it. Not that I'm outright ready to believe the latest rumour. It still seems fishy to me. Why is the CEO of EA supposedly announcing this title, which he has apparantly said is going to be huge, yet there's no announcement at the Bioware site or the LucasArts site? Why did LucasArts just sign up with SOE on a new Star Wars trading game that's heavily intergrated with SWG? With so many cries of wolf over the last few years, I'm still not so sure there's a competitor on the way for SWG.
Near 9000 hours on SWG............... you need to go outside man.
---------------------------------------- Talking about SWG much?
Where's the "no change" option? People are obviously talking about it, but that's about it. Not that I'm outright ready to believe the latest rumour. It still seems fishy to me. Why is the CEO of EA supposedly announcing this title, which he has apparantly said is going to be huge, yet there's no announcement at the Bioware site or the LucasArts site? Why did LucasArts just sign up with SOE on a new Star Wars trading game that's heavily intergrated with SWG? With so many cries of wolf over the last few years, I'm still not so sure there's a competitor on the way for SWG.
Near 9000 hours on SWG............... you need to go outside man.
So sayeth the guy posting on an internet forum about MMORPGs.
Where's the "no change" option? People are obviously talking about it, but that's about it. Not that I'm outright ready to believe the latest rumour. It still seems fishy to me. Why is the CEO of EA supposedly announcing this title, which he has apparantly said is going to be huge, yet there's no announcement at the Bioware site or the LucasArts site? Why did LucasArts just sign up with SOE on a new Star Wars trading game that's heavily intergrated with SWG? With so many cries of wolf over the last few years, I'm still not so sure there's a competitor on the way for SWG.
Near 9000 hours on SWG............... you need to go outside man.
So sayeth the guy posting on an internet forum about MMORPGs.
I don't spend a year of my life playing all the games put together in 3 years lol and he's done it just on one.
2000 hours on all the games I played put together since 2004 for me.
---------------------------------------- Talking about SWG much?
LoL koToR MMo is coming, but not for 4 to 5 years so why wouldn't LA and SOE suck as much money out of SWG. All the stuff they have added to SWG is EQ2 stuff with a new skin.
what is the logic of this question. assuming we have a great kotor game, perfect one in all aspects, it is still due to come. in. 1 year? 1 year and a half? 2 years? So what is the reason that would make 50 or 75% of the players quit SWG in the next three months - or even any other MMO- for a game that will come in 15 or 20 months? oh wait lets all that play swg or any other mmo stop and play tetris for the next months... if even the nge didnt shut down swg you really think an anouncement of a kotor game due to come in such long time will have such effect? you really think that if bliizard anounced wow2 for 2010 . 50 or 75 % of current wow populace would leave? People knew AOC was coming... i didnt notice LOTRO, WOW, whatever losing even 25% of their players before (maybe even after) AOC was anounced. but hey. we are talking about SWG.... when it comes to SWG any logic is throw away and everything serves as a throwing weapon. Save such poll for when KOTOR is close to release. then it might be pertinant. Right now it is more close to trolling than anything else.
Its not so much that KOTOR itself would cause SWG players to cancel. Its the eventual shutdown of SWG.
What would be the point to mine the latest steel, run the factory, work on dungeon set pieces, etc if the game has a end date ? Are you really going to bother stockpiling the latest flora spawn or stock your vendors ?
Personally I think that 75% of the remaining players will immediately cancel once a shutdown date is announced. These players hate the current game and despise Sony. They only stuck it out on the slim hope of classic servers coming, a rollback, or a miracle fix to the game
SWG is nothing more than a chat room with some pvp mixed in. I doubt anyone will be left to turn out the lights and lock the door on the last day
If the games are fun in the now, not for fun sometime in the distant future, odd some people don't understand that. So if the game is fun for me now why would i quite it on the possiblity it might shut down sometime in the future? (A) all MMO's even WoW will eventually shut down. So in essense we can only play for the now. Doing otherwise is a wasted effort. (B) I haven't actually seen anything yet that suppoorts your arguement that as soon as Biowares game is out that LA will jerk away SOE's ability to run SWG, Thats like a company saying Hey look we really don't need this free income from this other game lets shut it down so we only have.
I think that perhaps the real purpose of the OP's post is some inner need to gloat or to feel vindicated that SOE has or will be punished for the NGE. Pointless waste IMO.
Making any sort of assumption now, i believe, is frivolous until we know at least some basic details of this MMO. For all we know it could be a MMO FPS with jedi poking out of its ears, targeted at 6 year olds (unlikely i know). If we see something thats comparable to SWG, but obviously updated, then yes, most of the playerbase will leave SWG. If we find out it lacks some of the key features that SWG has (good player housing, cities, crafting etc), then the effect may be somewhat different.
Im going to wait and see how this one turns out, it could go anywhere at this point, which is exciting.
Most of the people that still play swg only play it because its the only Star Wars mmo available, as well as being one of the few sci-fi mmo's. If Bioware can make a complete mmo (not a single player game game with multiplayer capabilities like Neverwinter Nights or Diablo) then these people will abandon the sinking SS Failship like rats. Once the new mmo is announced, I believe swg will start to see a slow reduction of population the entire time up until shortly before Biowares mmo is released. At that point, the exodus will be swift and sudden, with only the die hards clinging on. At that point, any kind of profit swg has been making for soe will be gone and they won't have a choice but to shut it down. Of course by that time, swg will most likely be 7 or 8 years old so its closure won't have as big an impact if it were to happen now.
Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?
Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.
Everyone who has already left has already left. The current trend of picking up and losing players will continue. This news will have no drastic effect on their subscriber base. Now once it is actually released that is a different story.
Where's the "no change" option? People are obviously talking about it, but that's about it. Not that I'm outright ready to believe the latest rumour. It still seems fishy to me. Why is the CEO of EA supposedly announcing this title, which he has apparantly said is going to be huge, yet there's no announcement at the Bioware site or the LucasArts site? Why did LucasArts just sign up with SOE on a new Star Wars trading game that's heavily intergrated with SWG? With so many cries of wolf over the last few years, I'm still not so sure there's a competitor on the way for SWG.
Its called viral marketing dude.
They let a tad slip and it drives the would be players nuts then they buy the game as there is so much hipe.
The game can be good or bad don't mater to them as they get the sales the first month.
Some examples are AoC, PoTbS, Vanguard.
Then good old uncle $oE steps in and buys the failing game lol (Example Vanguard)
actually you put there a point that is pertinent... we are all assuming that SOE is out of the picture in relation to this new game when in fact SOE might even be the server park supplier....
With so many cries of wolf over the last few years, I'm still not so sure there's a competitor on the way for SWG.
That's the only sure fire thing in all of this, there's undoubtedly going to be another Star Wars mmo, SWG's 5 years old, it's had 2 major "revisions" that cost it most of it's playerbase and it's development team is being used to break in new devs to be moved on to other projects. Whether you chose to believe the BioWare mmo is Star Wars is up to you, one thing's for sure though, one way or another there's going to be another Star Wars mmo.
I'm sure there will probably be another Star Wars MMO too...but will it be in a year or 10 years?
SWG still has a healthy number of Vet devs working on it, such as Blixtev, Shadowbrak, Swede, Loche and DevH. The only Dev I can remember that's moved onto a different SOE game was Helios. It's also still one of SOE's top 3 MMO's
It's also still one of SOE's top 3 MMO's
That one quote says so much about the state of $oE's online games.
Where's the "no change" option? People are obviously talking about it, but that's about it. Not that I'm outright ready to believe the latest rumour. It still seems fishy to me. Why is the CEO of EA supposedly announcing this title, which he has apparantly said is going to be huge, yet there's no announcement at the Bioware site or the LucasArts site? Why did LucasArts just sign up with SOE on a new Star Wars trading game that's heavily intergrated with SWG? With so many cries of wolf over the last few years, I'm still not so sure there's a competitor on the way for SWG.
Dude you remember the new mch stuff in the exspation that was never there then 2 weeks later bam NGE lol and no more MCH.
Sorry dude i have no faith in $OE.
they will gladly take you money and when told to turn off the servers they will and not even look back.
I would disagree with this. Every time I use a vet trial to check things out the population is smaller. The game is still losing people on a daily basis and not bringing in any new people to replace them.
they will gladly take you money and when told to turn off the servers they will and not even look back.
And? thats is no surprise. what is described is typical, conventional , rational standard business behaviour. I think you are old enough to know that all corps are after your cash and their biggest problem is that they have to actually offer something in turn. Most executives dream is to actually rake the money form the client without offering anything (and that doesnt happen that much just because there is laws)
I'm guessing "nobody leaves". Current SWG players are probably so used to getting screwed over and over again that they don't mind it anymore and take pretty much anything as "oh great changes/stuff".
It doesn't mean that they won't be involved, just that the chances are pretty good that they won't be. As a business decision, it wouldn't make much sense for LEC to offer SOE a role, even setting aside SWG's history. Add in SWG's history, and LEC offering SOE a role in the new game becomes a bad decision. Considering the folks at LEC have a long history of making bad business decisions, especially where Star Wars games are concerned, and the possibility of SOE being involved is still there.
Since Bioware did license the tech to cover any role SOE would possibly have had, I'd bet that they won't be involved. With EA now in the picture, it makes even less sense for SOE to have a role, since EA can offer everything SOE could, and LEC wouldn't have to deal with another party (meaning they would have to further split the revenues).
Most of the current SWG players will likely leave during the first three months after the new game is released. Pretty much all the "I'm only here because it's Star Wars" players will leave for the new game. I doubt the announcement will have much effect on new players of SWG, especially since there are so few of them to begin with. It might actually have caused a brief uptick in old players resubbing, until they remember why they quit in the first place (the game being a horrible unfun mess), if it wasn't for the fact that SOE offers free vet trials every couple months.
Jeeze Obraik, you really know how to spin stuff.
Don't you think BioWare would have refuted the story if it was a fabrication?
I said 25% of them will be leaving, but not due to the announcement. As people gain levels and get epics in the game and all that they'll eventually retire, that's what I did. I tried NGE just to get all my good crap and leave. Thats what about 25% of the population will do. Or they'll PvP for hours and hours just trying to get GCW to get their epic Crusader Armor OMG PWNZ!
Jeeze Obraik, you really know how to spin stuff.
Don't you think BioWare would have refuted the story if it was a fabrication?
Nevermind Bioware, how about Lucas Arts? I'm sure they'd be quite disappointed that a corporation is claiming to have access to their IP if it were not true. Undoubtedly there would have been a retraction by now if it was a lie.
Sometimes it's the silence that speaks louder then words.
Smedley will keep SWG up and running for the next twenty years. Just for the sole purpose of pissing you people off.
Jeeze Obraik, you really know how to spin stuff.
Don't you think BioWare would have refuted the story if it was a fabrication?
Nevermind Bioware, how about Lucas Arts? I'm sure they'd be quite disappointed that a corporation is claiming to have access to their IP if it were not true. Undoubtedly there would have been a retraction by now if it was a lie.
Sometimes it's the silence that speaks louder then words.
Agreed. It had to be SOE's SWG is the total reason the new game has not been announced before now.
Agreed. It had to be SOE's SWG is the total reason the new game has not been announced before now.
Might be a part of the reason , I doubt it's the total reason though . Neither LA or Bioware release much information in the early stages of their products , They are both masters at dealing hype in small doses . EA on the other hand .... yeah.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
I think the only people left playing SWG now are hardcore fanbois and they wont leave to play another mmorpg, sure they'll playa nother mmorpg but they'll keep playing SWG till it dies.
Talking about SWG much?
Near 9000 hours on SWG............... you need to go outside man.
Talking about SWG much?
Near 9000 hours on SWG............... you need to go outside man.
So sayeth the guy posting on an internet forum about MMORPGs.
Near 9000 hours on SWG............... you need to go outside man.
So sayeth the guy posting on an internet forum about MMORPGs.
I don't spend a year of my life playing all the games put together in 3 years lol and he's done it just on one.
2000 hours on all the games I played put together since 2004 for me.
Talking about SWG much?
LoL koToR MMo is coming, but not for 4 to 5 years so why wouldn't LA and SOE suck as much money out of SWG. All the stuff they have added to SWG is EQ2 stuff with a new skin.
Its not so much that KOTOR itself would cause SWG players to cancel. Its the eventual shutdown of SWG.
What would be the point to mine the latest steel, run the factory, work on dungeon set pieces, etc if the game has a end date ? Are you really going to bother stockpiling the latest flora spawn or stock your vendors ?
Personally I think that 75% of the remaining players will immediately cancel once a shutdown date is announced. These players hate the current game and despise Sony. They only stuck it out on the slim hope of classic servers coming, a rollback, or a miracle fix to the game
SWG is nothing more than a chat room with some pvp mixed in. I doubt anyone will be left to turn out the lights and lock the door on the last day
If the games are fun in the now, not for fun sometime in the distant future, odd some people don't understand that. So if the game is fun for me now why would i quite it on the possiblity it might shut down sometime in the future? (A) all MMO's even WoW will eventually shut down. So in essense we can only play for the now. Doing otherwise is a wasted effort. (B) I haven't actually seen anything yet that suppoorts your arguement that as soon as Biowares game is out that LA will jerk away SOE's ability to run SWG, Thats like a company saying Hey look we really don't need this free income from this other game lets shut it down so we only have.
I think that perhaps the real purpose of the OP's post is some inner need to gloat or to feel vindicated that SOE has or will be punished for the NGE. Pointless waste IMO.
Making any sort of assumption now, i believe, is frivolous until we know at least some basic details of this MMO. For all we know it could be a MMO FPS with jedi poking out of its ears, targeted at 6 year olds (unlikely i know). If we see something thats comparable to SWG, but obviously updated, then yes, most of the playerbase will leave SWG. If we find out it lacks some of the key features that SWG has (good player housing, cities, crafting etc), then the effect may be somewhat different.
Im going to wait and see how this one turns out, it could go anywhere at this point, which is exciting.
Most of the people that still play swg only play it because its the only Star Wars mmo available, as well as being one of the few sci-fi mmo's. If Bioware can make a complete mmo (not a single player game game with multiplayer capabilities like Neverwinter Nights or Diablo) then these people will abandon the sinking SS Failship like rats. Once the new mmo is announced, I believe swg will start to see a slow reduction of population the entire time up until shortly before Biowares mmo is released. At that point, the exodus will be swift and sudden, with only the die hards clinging on. At that point, any kind of profit swg has been making for soe will be gone and they won't have a choice but to shut it down. Of course by that time, swg will most likely be 7 or 8 years old so its closure won't have as big an impact if it were to happen now.
Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?
Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.
Everyone who has already left has already left. The current trend of picking up and losing players will continue. This news will have no drastic effect on their subscriber base. Now once it is actually released that is a different story.
Its called viral marketing dude.
They let a tad slip and it drives the would be players nuts then they buy the game as there is so much hipe.
The game can be good or bad don't mater to them as they get the sales the first month.
Some examples are AoC, PoTbS, Vanguard.
Then good old uncle $oE steps in and buys the failing game lol (Example Vanguard)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha that he would
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha lol lol lol.......
that would rock for all the wrong reasons
That's the only sure fire thing in all of this, there's undoubtedly going to be another Star Wars mmo, SWG's 5 years old, it's had 2 major "revisions" that cost it most of it's playerbase and it's development team is being used to break in new devs to be moved on to other projects. Whether you chose to believe the BioWare mmo is Star Wars is up to you, one thing's for sure though, one way or another there's going to be another Star Wars mmo.
I'm sure there will probably be another Star Wars MMO too...but will it be in a year or 10 years?
SWG still has a healthy number of Vet devs working on it, such as Blixtev, Shadowbrak, Swede, Loche and DevH. The only Dev I can remember that's moved onto a different SOE game was Helios. It's also still one of SOE's top 3 MMO's
It's also still one of SOE's top 3 MMO's
That one quote says so much about the state of $oE's online games.
Im sure glad i done own Sony stock.
Dude you remember the new mch stuff in the exspation that was never there then 2 weeks later bam NGE lol and no more MCH.
Sorry dude i have no faith in $OE.
they will gladly take you money and when told to turn off the servers they will and not even look back.
I would disagree with this. Every time I use a vet trial to check things out the population is smaller. The game is still losing people on a daily basis and not bringing in any new people to replace them.
And? thats is no surprise. what is described is typical, conventional , rational standard business behaviour. I think you are old enough to know that all corps are after your cash and their biggest problem is that they have to actually offer something in turn. Most executives dream is to actually rake the money form the client without offering anything (and that doesnt happen that much just because there is laws)