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Hi everyone
Ive played runescape many years before and was never a member and recently played again just to see if its still as i left it and this is what ive come to see as ruining the game.
Note: New content starting from #7.
1. Removal of the wilderness.
Wtf seriously you guys removed the wilderness the only aspect of the game people enjoyed. Also the wilderness in runescape was what made the game unique. its what made people want to keep playing. the risk vs reward involved with the wilderness is fantastic. now that you remove it only bounter hunter left and its definitely not as fun and involving as the wilderness. "MMORPGs thrive on change and updates due to their nature. If the game remains the same way for many years it will stagnate and soon only the "veteran" players remain. MMORPGs need new players all the time, not only for the interests of the company behind them but for the player community to stay fresh." states Jagex Mod Mark H. you guys are not only losing your veteran players but the new players will come to realize wtf is the point of leveling their stats for what benefit to reach uber high level then regretting the time you wasted? and by removing the PvP in the wilderness you added a revenant thing instead? which does what? make noobs go back to pve??
2. Trade limit
By making a trade limit and adding a grand exchange you just fked up and killed the economy. having a trade limit not only ruins the economy of the game it just makes expensive items stay expensive and cheap items stay cheap. HAVING A TRADE LIMIT AND A GRAND EXCHANGE COMPLETELY DEFEATS THE PURPOSE OF TRADING IN MMORPGS. And rather than going to a populated area like varrock to buy/sell i would just pop my item in the grand exchange and i can get back to what i want to do. theres no more of the mmorpg feel in the game anymore. the trade limit killed it. for example i need a redberry pie for knights sword quest and rather then me having to level up cooking to make the pie i would just pop in a few hundred gold in the grand exchange and voila got it but if you didnt have the trade limit i would be trying to buy it for a few 1000's of gold. trade limit also stops people from helping buddies out like giving them a new weapon or armour. you guys really did act before thinking. then again you made item lending... thats got to be a joke. wtf item lending wtf were u thinking. lending an item then getting it back...
3. Bounty Hunter
Sure bounty hunter is reasonably exciting but you didnt have to remove wilderness. Bounty hunter is fking imbalanced. 3 craters. and high. low level crater is lv3-55. medium level crater is lv56-105. high level crater is 106+. that is so fking imbalanced. getting from lv 3 to lv 55 is so much easier done then getting from lv 55-105. the moment i hit lv 56 i was like wow okay no more bounty hunter for me. time to go back to pve..
4. Fist of Guthix
Fist of Guthix's rating system is so stupid. rating doesnt mean anything in runescape why the fk did you even call it rating. rating in runescape is just how many points youve accumulated by playing so much. its not even a proper rating system in which when you win or lose you gain or lose a few points depending on the combat level of your opponent. rather jagex has made it when you win you gain around 12 points and when you lose you lose like <4 points. pathetic rating sytem. its more of how much youve played rather than how good you are.
5. The community
This community has got to be the worst fken community in any mmorpg. Typcial overused phrases and words such as "get a life, nerd, noob, pray noob, safer noob, running noob and nub" etc etc are said everyday like thousands of times. It is so fking annoying. For example in fist of guthix i recall hearing this guy spamming "this 'player' is a noob running, house camping noob". that guy who spammed that is the noob. From what i see that guy who he calls noob is a good player cause he knows how to escape and run and sht. those people who call other people noob and sht should stfu. jagex didnt put houses there for decoration. they put it there CAUSE ITS PART OF THE SKILL INVOLVED IN THE GAME. Jagex didnt put prayer as a skill in the game as a joke. they put it in the game TO ALLOW PLAYERS AN OPTION TO REDUCE DAMAGE WHILST IN COMBAT. the word 'noob' is way to overused in runescape. this community is so bad everywhere you go you'll be seeing people critisizing and getting critisized. what annoys me the most is people who follow you and call you a noob. they should just stfu and play their own game while others play theirs.
6. PvP Worlds
The idea of killing anyone anywhere is brilliant, the level range is fair, the wilderness level is fair and the 10 seconds till immunity is fair but all this is ruined by the fact that you dont get all the gear your enemy carried instead you get either random generated drops or your foes items or a corrupt item. its so frustrating to have a long fight and then get a vial and bones. even if both had skull and gear worth over 25k. the hotspot system is so stupid. wow sitting there for hours then killing someone with skull and fullrune just to hopefully get some good drops is so stupid. subsequently the community behaves worst and always will you hear "get a life, pray noob, safer noob etc etc". i understand why Jagex removed getting all the loot. so they can stop real world item traders and gold farmers and stuff but still cant they just ban them instead like in almost EVERY OTHER MMORPG. why would you ruin your game just to solve the gold farmers problem? Solving the problem while making the game worst doesnt solve the problem. why cant Jagex just ip ban like every other game. why dont they ban or suspend accounts who buy and sell. there are many reasons for and agaisnt but still its evident that having a trade limit and pvp random drops is ruining the game. Jagex take a look at this link and read everything. dont exactly copy them but get an idea of how other games deal with real world item trading without ruining the game.
everything above was over a year ago.
7. Bounty Hunter +1 Item worlds (world 32 for nonmembers)
Seriously this bounty hunter + 1 item worlds is flawed. It has become what practicially is a waiting game. It just a bunch of people waiting by sitting down. Heaps of players are just sitting around waiting for their EP and the circle to fill so they get a target. its a bloody waiting game. for example you get a target who happens to be in a clan and is always in the multiattack zone and will not leave it. they dont seek to kill you but you seek to kill them. you see them in the multiattack zone and u wont go there as their clan and your target will kill you. Hence you waste your time as you initially have already waited soooooooooooooooooo long in the wildy in the first place to get a target and then you random a target who is just some as$hole who doesnt want to do the objective of the server which is to bounty hunt and would rather stay with a group o fkwits and waste all their targets time. basically you waste time either way. either way you lose. as you can go hit ur target but its a guranteed suicide mission or you can log out and log back in and you will still have to wait for the circle to fill again which takes a extremely long time.
8. Lack of new content for F2P
This game is almost exactly the same as it was 5 years ago. the only new thing for nonmembers was the graphics and fist of guthix. almost everything new released is for members. the game is almost the same as it was when it first came out. except now its worst because theres trade limit and pvp in wildy was nerfed for the worst. seriously all the quests same. no new quests for nonmembers. basically there is nothing to do but grind the skills or pvp. but the pvp is sht now cause of trade limit. and who would want to grind the skills of like woodcutting anyway thats just so fking sad. why invest time doing the same repetitive action over and over again. and once u reach that max level . what do you gain? oh you can chop trees faster than everyone below you and u can chop the best tree. but for nonmembers its yew logs. and that requires lv 60. i have no idea whats in the minds of people who just grind these skills.
Honestly i think this game has a lot of wasted potential. it couldve been a really good game if they didnt implement things in like trade limit which has significantly impacted the economy of the game and also ruining the pvp aspect of the game. Also their comment about why they removed trade limit was the most ridiculous thing ive ever read. why coudlnt they have done this or something similar.
I know many of you would just argue dont play the game at all if you dont like these changes but the thing is the only reason i bother typing up all this stuff is that there may be a slight chance the game will be nerfed for the better.
Yeh since this is a thread anyone can feel free to comment on my topic.
Thanks for taking the time to read.
Seeing as you are upset with Jagex for what they have done, Welcome to the POES (pissed off ex scapers).
I suggest you read these threads:
"the FLaws of Runescape"
"Update from E3"
"this game is too depressing to play"
"we vets need a name"
We have been trying to get our messege through to them about what they are doing to this game for some time now, but they really do not seem to care what the majority of the paying members in that game thinks because it is obvious now why they had done what they did. Their agenda was not Just RW traders, they are gearing their game up to be a totally child safe and friendly game. They have now admitted that is the direction they are going in. Which we know that small children do not like to die and lose their stuff, so from the looks of this the removal of the wilderness was all just a part of this master plan they have for the game. Since your absense alot has happened in the game, there have been riots mass protests, and many players wrongly banned now for trying to tell Jagex what they want. I do believe now that our pleas have fallen on deaf ears. They only want under 13+ age group playing their game otherwise they would not have chosen this route.
Please explain why bounty hunter is more dangerous than the wilderness if they got rid of it because of kids complaining that they were losing their stuff.
Bounty hunter is not more dangerous than the wilderness. It is not even a poor substitute. In the wilderness players could solo pk an entire clan in multi combat if they wished. In the wilderness you have players there for all types of reasons not just to fight. Players went there for clue scrolls, dragons, mage arena, mini quests, kbd, and runecrafting and could be killed doing other things. Bounty hunter is a controlled area for single player pvp with a bank outside so you can bank your valuables and only has players in there for fighting. There is no other reason to go in there, this taking the unpredictability out of the concept. see kids want the area for fighting to have nothing to do with doing anything else.
Mature risk taking players actually preferred to train in the wilderness killing dragons, earth giants ect and then get into a skirmish with some other players in order to break up the tensions. Different clans on different worlds often took over areas such as greens and any one intruding in their territory without permission was killed. This type of concept is common in more mature games but not in kiddie games. when children are killed doing clue scrolls or killing dragons, they get too upset about it and go pout. Mature players were smart enough to not go into the wilderness with anything they could not afford to lose, and accpet the risks and rewards that the wilderness offered.
It was the children that would bring millions into the wilderness get killed and then run around ranting that they were quitting because they were killed in the wildy, because they did not have the ability to think ahead . While I trained crafting I stayed in the wilderness for months killing greens, and to break up the monotony of the otherwise extremely boring skills I would keep other accounts logged out and when pkers would show up I would just log onto those accs and kill the pkers for some entertainment.
Children do not like high risk unpredictability and they cried everytime someone killed them. See with bounty hunter they know that everyone in there is there to fight only and that you c an only fight one person at a time. This gives children time to prepare themselves before entering the small area for combat. This is a very predictable and controlled environment. Predictable and controlled environments are ideal for children.
This game was already a failure to me. Clicking for about a couple hours is really boring... Seriously, I'd rather play my Super Nintendo that still works than this pile of crap.
And there we have it.. what kids will be playing instead. So why focus in game content on children when they cannot compete with what children like , and that is wow fun, fast gamespeed ( because kids do not have the patience to level to 99 in stats on this very time consuming and slow leveling game) . Wii fit > runescape, mario bros > runescape. hell even pacman > runescape in kiddies eyes so they are basically shooting themselves in the gut with this abusrd cruisade of theirs to focus on childern as their target audience rather than improve gameplay for their mature audience. I swear Jagex does not understand the concept of logic.
also i forgot to add the party room.
5. Party Room
the party room is a joke right?
yeah i agree some of the new changes theyve made have been done without thinking. but the grand exchange is a good thing and a bad thing, that means that prices arent really controlled by the player anymore just by the average price players sell it for. and for the PK that was prolly the most stupid thing jagex could have done, that was the one thing that made Runescape, runescape.
Actually, contrary to popular belief, they were thinking when they made all those updates, they were making the game apporiate for users under 13 years of age. Which means if your 13+ you will hate this game and might as well invest in another mmorpg, like i have.
Rip Runescape 1999-2007
Which is really a shame because it was a good game before 2004. RSC's primitive graphics were what turned the kiddies away and i really enjoyed having no knees. I loved that game up until RS2 but now WoW is the obvious choice because Jagex has overstayed its welcome and is now shovelling biweekly fecal matter instead of fun witty content.
Why Jagex would be reading these forums for input instead of their own is beyond me.
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
LMAO.. like they read their own forums or care about what anyone posts there. The only purpose in them reading the forums there is to delete any posts that disagree with what they are already planning to do with their game. They do not care about their customers opinions, they only try to limit what their customers are able to view. No I am not talking about Posts that are against the rules, I am talking about posts that are only removed because they do not want their gaming population to be aware that they have other options than what they choose to do... This is just how they are. Their user opinion polls are just a gimmick. They are only for very minor details, and are very limited in choices as to what they do to the game. They could care less about what players think about important content.
I have to admit that I miss all these aspects of the game, like PKing in the wilderness, and getting free stuff worth over 2M from my friends. But, Jagex had no choice. Many, and I mean MANY MMos have Bots. Well, on RS, bots were paying for RuneScape with stolen credit cards, and overrunning the game. The only way for Jagex to remove the bots, was to cut off the things they loved most, cheating [scamming people out of money] and the wilderness. Real world traders were invading RS and Jagex had to remove the unbalanced trade and wilderness in order to stop the bots.
Epic awesome me
You keep stating that they "had" to do this . No that is incorrect they had many options available to them and they did not have to do it the way they did. Research RMT, and you will find many more options, Think for yourself rather than just allow them to brainwash you into thinking they had no other choice.
One thing Jagex is good at is brainwashing the minds of little kids lol. But yeah there were plenty of options for Jagex regarding real world trading. For one they could simply sell items/gold on their own site like many other mmorpgs do. That way the make more money and everybody is happy. Well maybe not everbody but more people than there are now. They could have also had better macro detection systems to weed out macros better, of course this may have been too time-consuming/hard for Jagex. They could have also actually done background checks on credit card numbers before charging them and giving accounts membership status, so as to prevent macros from becoming members. They could have also given out rewards to players for reporting "actual" bots. Maybe like membership credits or gold coins. These are just a few ideas that I could think of off the top of my head.
First off i'm not a kid.I'm married with 2 children.My family likes this game & so I gave it another try.Once you get into the story & community.It isnt that bad as people say.I do miss the wilderness,but i'm sure with enough complaints it may come back.Just because you guys say this game sux is prolly because you guys are just lazy!I dont like the grinding much,but like the rewards.So no more cry babys crying how jagex is a bad company.
How people expect so much from a game that is on miniclips is beyond me. It's shit and has never been good.
I dont play for graphics smart...
Funny I don't see where I mentioned graphics in my post.
I support your post but it's kind of obvious it won't be coming back because they've made pvp minigames already and are planning to release one this month which allows multi pk run ins.
Just to clarify I never said you were a kid. I admit the story of the game is pretty good. I actually enjoyed most of the quests although I do wish jagex would actually finish some of their quest's storylines. I'll admit I am lazy but this game sux for other reasons, which have been mentioned over and over again on this forum. By the way I'm not crying about how Jagex is a bad company just expressing my opinions on their recent decisions.
1. RuneScape has no story. (just questst, which are pretty good)
2. When you get into the community it really is bad. Look at their forums - the amount of immaturity is unbelievable. Don't even get me started on the F2P servers.
3. It's not being lazy, it's just not fun. Why should I grind away, doing the same things over and over without any change? I shbouldn't! It's not the fact that we are lazy, but that the skills are so boring, repetitive, and take no skill whatsoever.
4. That's not the only reason why we complain. We complain about the updates, the poor custamor service, etc...the list just goes on of why JaGeX IS a bad company.
In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08 - Rest In Peace; you will not be forgotten
1. RuneScape has no story. (just questst, which are pretty good)
2. When you get into the community it really is bad. Look at their forums - the amount of immaturity is unbelievable. Don't even get me started on the F2P servers.
3. It's not being lazy, it's just not fun. Why should I grind away, doing the same things over and over without any change? I shbouldn't! It's not the fact that we are lazy, but that the skills are so boring, repetitive, and take no skill whatsoever.
4. That's not the only reason why we complain. We complain about the updates, the poor custamor service, etc...the list just goes on of why JaGeX IS a bad company.
with Mike. I couldn't have said it better myself. BTW, Rahyuht, the rewards you get out of skills aren't very good anymore without the wildy, and if your kids play this, honestly, it's bad for them. Like it's stated above their is so much immaturity in the game. Your kids are going to be acting like immature brats.
I am almost shocked that you would want to admit that you"got into" the community or allowed your children any where near that community. Isn't as bad as people asy? no it is much worse. I bartended in college and never heard anywhere near the sexually explict ,child ponography, outright sick material that I encountered in my many years of playing this game. Oh the joyous runescpae community: dasie the 43 yr old woman dating a 14 year old boy and giving him phone sex everynight, Tam the 48 yr old woman dating the 16 yr old, bubbles the 53 yr old truck driver dating the 12 yr old boy, and who could forget Peg the 53 yr old grandmother dating the 15 yr old boy. OOh the photos we were sent for clan applications.. the 11 yr old sending us nekkid pics thinkin that this would get them into the guild with graphic text that no 11 year old should be saying to anyone. WE REPORTED THIS TO JAGEX, they did not care, those people are still allowed to play and talk to your children. These are just a few, and I mean very few examples of the severly messed up runescape community. I could tell you about thousands more .. but I really do not even want to think about all that is going on in that game. Not to mention that you cannot log into any world at any time without seeing mispelled prfanity and insults. But yet Jagex thinks this will be a great childrens game. LOL! I have always wondered where these kids parents are while they are doing all these things? The internet is no place for children and it certainly is not a babysitter.
As for laziness.... I guess I was too lazy to train multiple accounts to max stats, that I was too lazy to do every quest in the game, that I was too lazy to train every stat to where I could make every item in the game myself.. oh yea I already did that. I guess I am just too lazy to argue with Jagex anymore about what players want and think is fun.. Yea I think I am throwing in the towel after 8 years of trying to get through to them. Rewwards? what rewards.. because this game does not believe in rewards LOL. no instead when you get a maxed stat you get to pay them $ for a stupid cape that instead of helping you not burn manta rays, or helping you chop magics faster it then instead makes countless noobs follow you around asking you to do stupid emotes. Harrassment is a punisjment not a reward. When you get to the skill levels to do the higher level things in the game , it is less profitable, and more time consuming per hour than just doing the low level stuff instead. That is why so few players chop magics, even with 99 wc, no instead they are either at yews or willows because they are better per hour than the items you earned to do. steel bars are more profitable per hour than mith , yews are more profitable per hour than magics...
The reason so many people are angry with Jagex is that they do not know the meaning of customer service, their staff is outright rude. Hope you do not care about your accounts that much because they sure do not care about the time and money you invest into them. Your account is the sole property of Jagex ltd, and they can choose so at anytime to lock it, and ban you from the game without evidence when you do not even break any rules. No, I have not been banned, but last year I witnessed mass wrongful bannings of many law abiding players without evidence and no recourse. They banned teachers for helping students, parents for helping their children, grandmothers for helping their grandsons, clan leaders for giving away clan prizes, and many more players for giving birthday gifts, christmas gifts, and other acts of charity. YES KINDNESS IS BANABLE ON THIS GAME.
They remove posts in their forums not for breaking any rules, but if the posts give their players any ideas that do not follow within the current framework of what they are already planning for their game. Prior to Jagex announcing that they were going to remove trade and the wilderness they were given many more options to stop RMT, tried and true methods that other games have used, but yet they removed those threads stating only" This is a matter that Jagex takes very seriously and we regretfully have to remove this post." They do not want their general player audience to know they have any other options, they are stating in convention interviews where they are headed with this game, but yet they do not bother to tell the players in their own forums.
The report abuse system is so abused that they need to overhaul their entire proceedure and rexamine all past decsions. Here is how their system has worked for years and currentyl works: player A scams Player B, Player B gets upsets and starts yelling at Player A, Player A reports Player B along with everyone else they scammed. PLayer B gets banned, Player A is made into a player mod.
PLayer C insults player D, Player D insults back, PLayer C, and C"S friend Player E both report player D Player D is banned and Player C is made a mod.
The sad thing about this is that I saw it happen so many times in my years with this game that it became " the norm" I knew so many mods that were under 12 when at that time they weren;t even allowed to play the game with it's 13+ age limit. It was really that bad.
Now for the story line and quality of quests. The quests were more like chores rather than "getting into the game" I mean you look at games that cost less than this that have wayy better story lines and you wonder what am I paying for here? The quests in runescape were not challenging , and the AI is poor. After I had completed them all on my maxed character, and I was doing them on my noob with 1 defense and never once encountered the chance of dying, I realized how easy these quests really were. I mean even the highest level monster in the game was so predictable I defeated it 3 times with my nooblet... pked in the lousy cape reward and had to go get it again .. and again .. LOL Nothing in runescape is hard, just time consuming. It is a time sink with no rewards, and once you accomplish all of those in game goals you have it leaves a bad taste in your mouth. It leaves you disappointed because all of that work in the game really was for nothing.
My advice: "spit that thing out before you chew it too long!"
The game was made for kids devil, what else would you expect? Give kids anonymity and you get this sort of shit.
To the guys trying to defend/get this game changed.. don't bother. It's a childrens game, perhaps its time to move up to a big boy MMO?
i understand that most people might not like runescape that much anymore y dont u try wow ders a free 10 day trial ahead FREE...
but if you are seriouslly that anoyed try moparscape