This proves that Funcom can't hire good help, and it's simple this was probably a GM that was layed off from his job and cause a bunch of Chaos, talk about good security measures. It's just proof that funcom is gonna fail
Heh, you're talking to a full-on Benny Hill, Red Dwarf, Monty Python loving nerd my friend. Don't get me started on my uber nerd rage pocket protector +5 Greater Forum Stoneskin.
[|GM|]: um what’s fapping (not up to par on the ling) lol
That line right there shows that the GM is like 17 years old maximum, i don't understand how he even got that job with his horrible grammar and naive attitude, he indeed talked like a 14 year old that entire conversation and was convinced it was a real Cyber sessions until.
[|GM|]: lol why did you want this then lol you gay?
[|GM|]: are you serious?
Only little kids believe full out that females talk like that on the internet anyone older would have known it was a guy.
I still don't see the big deal really. As long as legitimate petitions were not being ignored, it was a private (albeit awkward to see from the outside) fun and games chat.
Yeah, they "hired" volunteer mods, do they pay the GMs?
That said, the GM in question should be relieved of duty, and pretty embarrassed.
I still don't see the big deal really. As long as legitimate petitions were not being ignored, it was a private (albeit awkward to see from the outside) fun and games chat. Yeah, they "hired" volunteer mods, do they pay the GMs? That said, the GM in question should be relieved of duty, and pretty embarrassed.
Hmm, 'Getting Relieved of Duty' for 'Getting Relieved on Duty', it's almost poetic.
It's a good job his real identity is secret or he would be like the 'Star Wars Kid' by now!
If you can't "Have your cake & eat it too", then how can "The proof of the pudding be in the eating"?
I still don't see the big deal really. As long as legitimate petitions were not being ignored, it was a private (albeit awkward to see from the outside) fun and games chat. Yeah, they "hired" volunteer mods, do they pay the GMs? That said, the GM in question should be relieved of duty, and pretty embarrassed.
All GMs are hired and paid by funcom. They are not volunteer. They will have in game CSRs that will be volunteer but right now these GMs are paid by Funcom.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
and i cannot believe anyone here is saying it was okay for the GM to play along...
people in authoritative-postions DO NOT have the leway to do this.
i go to college, i'm in my 20s (as are most of my classmates). and i can guarantee that if any of my professors flirted (which is exactly what cybering is...) with the students (who are of age) they would be immediately fired at worse and definitely put on administrative leave.
but now if they flirted with some random chick (or dude) at a bar it's fine..why? because they're not on the job. when you are on the job your either act professional or your are removed from the job.
there is no excuse, no was wrong to do this. if the GM wanted to RP. he should have made a standard character to go play around with the players.
and if there are still none-believers..if you're in America (i'm pretty sure Funcom has based right/wrong on American-ethics) find me a job (LEGAL) where it says it's completely exceptable to flirt with fellow staff and/or customers. that's right...the only one that comes up is Erotic Dancing, Porn Industry, and maybe Prostitution (i think some states have it legalized). so unless Funcom is now a Strip Club or a Porno Studio, they have a serious breach of ethical rules
Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising everytime we fall.
That was totally awesome, but this is a mature game, I'd prefer if the GMs were naked and female and willing to cyber with you on demand. It would be great if they had special sex animations as well, like /emote bob_knob, and /emote receive_facial, and males should have some good ones too, /emote pearls_on_swine.
This was interesting. Funcom I so tried to like you, but this little scandal is going to cost you some in the end, along with being an ass not listening to your players and adding bugs while supposedly fixing others. Tsk Tsk.
Oh yeah and the player is an ass as well so no sympathy there, but the GM.. /facepalm There's no excuse.
This post made my afternoon. TBH its one of the funniest things i ve read in a while. To both parties they were wrong but as many stated the GM is the most wrong for his / her actions and he clearly knew it when he asked "you are 18" for all he knew that person could have been 14 / 15 and cybering with that age is a crime boy or gurl. As an official representative of that company he never should have allowed this to happened, for all he knew this could have been a test from the company itself being recorded ... bad decision making. He should be penalized and the player as well.
Now on another note this is exactly what they need. First it comes with a mature rating so this may not blow up at all, and secondly even bad publicity could be good publicity. Think about it , the game is considered too mature so parents stop letting their teens that shouldnt be playing and are doing the most whining stop .. this keeps only the most mature players and ppl whos parent s dont care. The ppl they wanted in first place so they could have naked bodies and a game full of gore. If they wanted to they could try to throw these things into the game and allow such acts .. and play off of the bad publicity itself.
But what they dont want is this to turn into a media fiascal cos they would have a field day with this especially w/ the really conservative ones. And lets not even talk bout what would happen if some government official heard of this ... i know that souds a bit far but remember right now the gaming industry and its values have been taking alot lately especially since that GT incident. And all it takes is for the right person to read the right post and make it more publicly known.
"Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die."
This thread is now in the Norwegian news! I think Erling Ellingsen is going to comment / has commented on it. I can't read Norwegian
Sex- skandale i Age of Conan
Funcom og Age of Conan har vært i hardt vær i det siste, med fallende spillertall og misfornøyde brukere. Nå avslører en spiller å ha hatt cybersex med en Funcom-ansatt i spillet.
Begynte uskyldig
Det hele begynte da spilleren tilkalte en av spillets Game Masters. Som oftest tilkaller man en Game Master, eller GM, ved tekniske problemer i spillet. Denne spilleren ville imidlertid ha mer fra GM-en, og innledet en samtale av en helt annen natur.
Spiller: (...) Jeg holder meg gjerne til mitt ene, store sverd.
GM: Så du liker det hardt, antar jeg?
Spiller: Såklart, jeg er en forbanna steinsniffer. Jeg kan holde på i hele kveld.
GM: Wow, dette tenner meg, haha.
Det hele utviklet seg til en rimelig kinky situasjon. Spilleren ble teleportert til GM-en, og begge valgte å kle av seg. Samtalen ble grovere og grovere, helt til spilleren avslører at han lurte GM-en fra starten av, med det populære utsagnet «This is Sparta!».
Funcom er klar over hendelsen
Dette er selvfølgelig ikke akseptabel oppførsel for en GM. En Game Master skal vokte spillets regler, og passe på at alt går riktig for seg. Cybersex er ikke med i arbeidsbeskrivelsen.
- Vi kjenner til denne saken, og nødvendige tiltak har blitt iverksatt mot vedkommende. Vi har klare retningslinjer for alle ansatte i Funcom, ikke minst de som jobber med kundeservice, og hvis retningslinjene brytes medfører det konsekvenser, forteller Funcoms Erling Ellingsen til ITavisen.
Han poengterer også at samtaler av denne arten bryter mot retningslinjene som er lagt for en GM.
Fikk sparken
Oppdatert: Funcom forteller ITavisen at GM-en ikke lenger jobber i Funcom.
- Dette er oppførsel som ikke aksepteres av Funcom, forteller Erling Ellingsen.
Boredomcom has told Norwegian news that the GM has been fired. They admit the situation (and seem to communicate a lot more about the issue with the local press than with their playerbase, heh)
No hint of the reason how the GM was caught, at laest how I undertood the article using my abysmal Swedish skillz. From the tone of the article I got the feeling the GM was caught based on the screenies.
If there are no ability to log chats, even at the server level, just seems outright silly. Back in UO days every volunteer action was logged (and you had to keep logs as tabs for daily reports as well). Well I reckon anything is possible in AoC...
I think it is safe to assume that anything written anywhere in any MMORPG is being logged and that Funcom can go back and review or search those logs. In this case you had all the words, so it would just be a matter of searching for the words that were spoken.
I agree that while the player's attempts at provocation from this GM could be seen as an immature act I am sure he never intended to elicit such a response. The fact that the GM responded the way he did is just mind-blowing to me. Not only was he completely inappropriate but he was not very bright. He really should have seen the player was up to something, and even if it was a hot chick who just so happened to be in the need of some hot GM roleplaying (dream on, buddy) that he should not have gone on with it.
Some argue that GM's are allowed to be human beings as well, and I agree with that (the occasional light-hearted remark or informal approach can make a customer support experience less mundane), but this is just way over the line. It's ridiculously unprofessional and if this is indicative at all as to his general intelligence or skills as a GM, then he deserved to get fired just for that. If it was two people in-game whispering one another that is their business, I am not morally judging the act of cyber-sex, but the fact is that he was an employee of Funcom and thus a representative of the company who was being paid for his time.
Those of you that defended his actions might need to take another look at the big picture. I don't condemn the act itself, but rather the circumstances under which it happened.
Damn Umbral, the way you defend this guy makes me wonder if YOU weren't the GM! You also said the guy's language "wasn't that heavy"? The next time I dial information and it's a female operator maybe I will throw in a "joke" about the act of cunnilingus and see if she laughs You also said it is normal in your culture for teachers and students to flirt with one another? I'm no uptight conservative or anything but DAMN, which country do you live in?!
Either way, a sad and funny (in a sad way as well) incident that shouldn't be indicative of Funcom's general customer support service. I personally have had no problems with them.
doesn't matter if the OP is the person in the chat. Fact of the matter is it happened and the GM got paid to do it on Funcom's "clock"
I was clarifying another post , Where I pointed out the intent of this thread(according to the OP).
As for this GM sure he screwed up , His actions were idiotic.I never said they were justifiable or proper.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
This proves that Funcom can't hire good help, and it's simple this was probably a GM that was layed off from his job and cause a bunch of Chaos, talk about good security measures. It's just proof that funcom is gonna fail
<cue Benny Hill theme>
Great 'Pop Culture' reference, I'm impressed!
If you can't "Have your cake & eat it too", then how can "The proof of the pudding be in the eating"?
Take the Hecatomb? TCG What Is Your Doom? quiz.
<cue Benny Hill theme>
Great 'Pop Culture' reference, I'm impressed!
Heh, you're talking to a full-on Benny Hill, Red Dwarf, Monty Python loving nerd my friend. Don't get me started on my uber nerd rage pocket protector +5 Greater Forum Stoneskin.
[|GM|]: um what’s fapping (not up to par on the ling) lol
That line right there shows that the GM is like 17 years old maximum, i don't understand how he even got that job with his horrible grammar and naive attitude, he indeed talked like a 14 year old that entire conversation and was convinced it was a real Cyber sessions until.
[|GM|]: lol why did you want this then lol you gay?
[|GM|]: are you serious?
Only little kids believe full out that females talk like that on the internet anyone older would have known it was a guy.
I still don't see the big deal really. As long as legitimate petitions were not being ignored, it was a private (albeit awkward to see from the outside) fun and games chat.
Yeah, they "hired" volunteer mods, do they pay the GMs?
That said, the GM in question should be relieved of duty, and pretty embarrassed.
Hmm, 'Getting Relieved of Duty' for 'Getting Relieved on Duty', it's almost poetic.
It's a good job his real identity is secret or he would be like the 'Star Wars Kid' by now!
If you can't "Have your cake & eat it too", then how can "The proof of the pudding be in the eating"?
Take the Hecatomb? TCG What Is Your Doom? quiz.
well, i wouldn't really care if it was set up, if it was cyber, if it was joking
its just plain funny to read it
There is no spoone - The Matricks
All GMs are hired and paid by funcom. They are not volunteer. They will have in game CSRs that will be volunteer but right now these GMs are paid by Funcom.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Anyone in any company (except maybe a porn company) would get sacked for doing that on the job.
And the GM is either a moron or a young person that should have known better!
now I see why my petitions take 5-7 hours to be answered.
this is absolutely Golden.
and i cannot believe anyone here is saying it was okay for the GM to play along...
people in authoritative-postions DO NOT have the leway to do this.
i go to college, i'm in my 20s (as are most of my classmates). and i can guarantee that if any of my professors flirted (which is exactly what cybering is...) with the students (who are of age) they would be immediately fired at worse and definitely put on administrative leave.
but now if they flirted with some random chick (or dude) at a bar it's fine..why? because they're not on the job. when you are on the job your either act professional or your are removed from the job.
there is no excuse, no was wrong to do this. if the GM wanted to RP. he should have made a standard character to go play around with the players.
and if there are still none-believers..if you're in America (i'm pretty sure Funcom has based right/wrong on American-ethics) find me a job (LEGAL) where it says it's completely exceptable to flirt with fellow staff and/or customers. that's right...the only one that comes up is Erotic Dancing, Porn Industry, and maybe Prostitution (i think some states have it legalized). so unless Funcom is now a Strip Club or a Porno Studio, they have a serious breach of ethical rules
Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising everytime we fall.
One of the most fun things about this post is:
If you link it on the AOC forums in the EU or the US, your post gets deleted immediately
It's such fun to watch people try to find new ways to sneak it in, I think it's been up for a good 5-10 minutes sometimes before getting deleted
Today, 10:31 Report Post Elylith is online now #1
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EN Wildsoul PvP
Default funcom petition support...
and i wait 2hours for my petition...
Today, 10:38 Report Post Elylith is online now #1
Elylith's Avatar
EN Wildsoul PvP
Default why?
why my topic is deleted?
Another one XD
Let's see how long this takes to delete:
Gm Cyber Sex FTW!
vbmenu_register("postmenu_1810623", true);
Pure gold --->
vbmenu_register("postmenu_1810649", true);
vbmenu_register("postmenu_1810651", true);
Hmm. I am wondering now, how he got the postion of GM Lol - pathetic
This was interesting. Funcom I so tried to like you, but this little scandal is going to cost you some in the end, along with being an ass not listening to your players and adding bugs while supposedly fixing others. Tsk Tsk.
Oh yeah and the player is an ass as well so no sympathy there, but the GM.. /facepalm There's no excuse.
This post made my afternoon. TBH its one of the funniest things i ve read in a while. To both parties they were wrong but as many stated the GM is the most wrong for his / her actions and he clearly knew it when he asked "you are 18" for all he knew that person could have been 14 / 15 and cybering with that age is a crime boy or gurl. As an official representative of that company he never should have allowed this to happened, for all he knew this could have been a test from the company itself being recorded ... bad decision making. He should be penalized and the player as well.
Now on another note this is exactly what they need. First it comes with a mature rating so this may not blow up at all, and secondly even bad publicity could be good publicity. Think about it , the game is considered too mature so parents stop letting their teens that shouldnt be playing and are doing the most whining stop .. this keeps only the most mature players and ppl whos parent s dont care. The ppl they wanted in first place so they could have naked bodies and a game full of gore. If they wanted to they could try to throw these things into the game and allow such acts .. and play off of the bad publicity itself.
But what they dont want is this to turn into a media fiascal cos they would have a field day with this especially w/ the really conservative ones. And lets not even talk bout what would happen if some government official heard of this ... i know that souds a bit far but remember right now the gaming industry and its values have been taking alot lately especially since that GT incident. And all it takes is for the right person to read the right post and make it more publicly known.
"Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die."
This thread is now in the Norwegian news! I think Erling Ellingsen is going to comment / has commented on it. I can't read Norwegian
Sex- skandale i Age of Conan
Funcom og Age of Conan har vært i hardt vær i det siste, med fallende spillertall og misfornøyde brukere. Nå avslører en spiller å ha hatt cybersex med en Funcom-ansatt i spillet.
Begynte uskyldig
Det hele begynte da spilleren tilkalte en av spillets Game Masters. Som oftest tilkaller man en Game Master, eller GM, ved tekniske problemer i spillet. Denne spilleren ville imidlertid ha mer fra GM-en, og innledet en samtale av en helt annen natur.
Spiller: (...) Jeg holder meg gjerne til mitt ene, store sverd.
GM: Så du liker det hardt, antar jeg?
Spiller: Såklart, jeg er en forbanna steinsniffer. Jeg kan holde på i hele kveld.
GM: Wow, dette tenner meg, haha.
Det hele utviklet seg til en rimelig kinky situasjon. Spilleren ble teleportert til GM-en, og begge valgte å kle av seg. Samtalen ble grovere og grovere, helt til spilleren avslører at han lurte GM-en fra starten av, med det populære utsagnet «This is Sparta!».
Funcom er klar over hendelsen
Dette er selvfølgelig ikke akseptabel oppførsel for en GM. En Game Master skal vokte spillets regler, og passe på at alt går riktig for seg. Cybersex er ikke med i arbeidsbeskrivelsen.
- Vi kjenner til denne saken, og nødvendige tiltak har blitt iverksatt mot vedkommende. Vi har klare retningslinjer for alle ansatte i Funcom, ikke minst de som jobber med kundeservice, og hvis retningslinjene brytes medfører det konsekvenser, forteller Funcoms Erling Ellingsen til ITavisen.
Han poengterer også at samtaler av denne arten bryter mot retningslinjene som er lagt for en GM.
Fikk sparken
Oppdatert: Funcom forteller ITavisen at GM-en ikke lenger jobber i Funcom.
- Dette er oppførsel som ikke aksepteres av Funcom, forteller Erling Ellingsen.
For hele samtalen og skjermbilder, gå hit.
Boredomcom has told Norwegian news that the GM has been fired. They admit the situation (and seem to communicate a lot more about the issue with the local press than with their playerbase, heh)
Playing: AC2
Played: UO, DaoC, Horizons, Ryzom, WAR, LotRO, Eve, VG...
How did they know who it was? chat logs I guess?
If so then why can't GMs use chat logs, as they keep saying on forums
No hint of the reason how the GM was caught, at laest how I undertood the article using my abysmal Swedish skillz. From the tone of the article I got the feeling the GM was caught based on the screenies.
If there are no ability to log chats, even at the server level, just seems outright silly. Back in UO days every volunteer action was logged (and you had to keep logs as tabs for daily reports as well). Well I reckon anything is possible in AoC...
Playing: AC2
Played: UO, DaoC, Horizons, Ryzom, WAR, LotRO, Eve, VG...
I think it is safe to assume that anything written anywhere in any MMORPG is being logged and that Funcom can go back and review or search those logs. In this case you had all the words, so it would just be a matter of searching for the words that were spoken.
It's in the news LMAO. That's hilarious.
Tecmo Bowl.
Oh dear...
I agree that while the player's attempts at provocation from this GM could be seen as an immature act I am sure he never intended to elicit such a response. The fact that the GM responded the way he did is just mind-blowing to me. Not only was he completely inappropriate but he was not very bright. He really should have seen the player was up to something, and even if it was a hot chick who just so happened to be in the need of some hot GM roleplaying (dream on, buddy) that he should not have gone on with it.
Some argue that GM's are allowed to be human beings as well, and I agree with that (the occasional light-hearted remark or informal approach can make a customer support experience less mundane), but this is just way over the line. It's ridiculously unprofessional and if this is indicative at all as to his general intelligence or skills as a GM, then he deserved to get fired just for that. If it was two people in-game whispering one another that is their business, I am not morally judging the act of cyber-sex, but the fact is that he was an employee of Funcom and thus a representative of the company who was being paid for his time.
Those of you that defended his actions might need to take another look at the big picture. I don't condemn the act itself, but rather the circumstances under which it happened.
Damn Umbral, the way you defend this guy makes me wonder if YOU weren't the GM! You also said the guy's language "wasn't that heavy"? The next time I dial information and it's a female operator maybe I will throw in a "joke" about the act of cunnilingus and see if she laughs You also said it is normal in your culture for teachers and students to flirt with one another? I'm no uptight conservative or anything but DAMN, which country do you live in?!
Either way, a sad and funny (in a sad way as well) incident that shouldn't be indicative of Funcom's general customer support service. I personally have had no problems with them.
Haha! That was a hilarious read.
He was probably paid to go out and cause some controversy.
Guerrilla marketing ?