No time is wasted if you are having fun. A big portion of our lives is dedicated to non'constructive activities that feel relaxing or fun to us - we rest and relieve stress that way. Can you imagine how horrible life would be if you only did things that have a result in the end and have some real worth attached to them.
There are alot of hobbies that dont have anything physical to show in the end, but the process of doing it is what is supposed to be fun. Humans are not a one channel beings and you can do multiple things. No one says that you can't play sports, go out with friends, work, learn AND play WoW. I for example think that 2 hours infront of the computer game is much more positive then 2 hours infront of the TV, because in the game, you are being actively entertained, while watching TV is a passive entertainment.
If you however get entirely obsessed with any hobby or any side activity, to the point that you neglect everything else, that is off course unhealthy, and you need to get out of it just like any other addiction.
Questioner: "What have you been doing the last 2 years?" WoW_addict: "I've levelled 6 WoW characters to 60 and have full tier 6 outfit on 2 of them !" Questioner: "Great...." Unlike many hobbies, playing MMO leaves you with nothing to show for it in real life, thus the feeling you have wasted your time while you could have learned to play an instrument or practive a sport more regularly.
WoW is not a hobby, It's entertainment. Watching a movie leaves you with nothing to show for it in real life. Watching TV leaves nothing to show for it in real life. Listening to music leaves nothing to show for it in real life. Yet all of these things are perfectly acceptable forms of entertainment.
Studies have shown that the average american watches about 28 hours of TV a week. Studies have also shown that the average WoW player plays about 21 hours per week and watches about 7 hours of TV a week. Amazingly they both average out to 28 hours a week of entertainment.
I can honestly say that I think I'm better off for "waisting" 21 hours of my week playing WoW than watching reality TV. Yep, no problem with that statement at all.
Well, Ill play MMO a few hours every day instead of watching TV. Yes, it is a waste of time but so is watching TV and doing everything else non productive like go to the pub or whatever. However my brain needs to relax after work and a few hours of fun isnt that bad.
Some players spend a big part of their life playing, I know a few who quited their jobs to play, some who got divorced cause their wifes felt they were playing all the time and so on. They do have a problem but it is their life to do as they wish.
I don't regret playing even though I sometimes wish I played a little less on days I'm free from work, You know the feeling: Just an hour, Ill go to the beach afterwards... Why is it dark outside?
But the guy the OP talked about isn't a weirdo, he is addicted, know it and can't stop. Not a nice feeling whatever you are addicted to.
Does it really matter what you do with your pathetically short time on this Earth? Must we all run to one side of the spectrum or the other? Do what you want, have fun; productivity is a farce.
We have such a limited time on this planet, and that short time is precarious as it is, whatever you do, as long as there are no victims, is worthwhile as long as you enjoy it.
Does it really matter what you do with your pathetically short time on this Earth? Must we all run to one side of the spectrum or the other? Do what you want, have fun; productivity is a farce. We have such a limited time on this planet, and that short time is precarious as it is, whatever you do, as long as there are no victims, is worthwhile as long as you enjoy it.
You brought a tear to my eye, seriously good post.
Does it really matter what you do with your pathetically short time on this Earth? Must we all run to one side of the spectrum or the other? Do what you want, have fun; productivity is a farce. We have such a limited time on this planet, and that short time is precarious as it is, whatever you do, as long as there are no victims, is worthwhile as long as you enjoy it.
You brought a tear to my eye, seriously good post.
Couple of lazy bums, that's what you are with that kinda talk.
Playing an MMO is all about experience for me and nothing else, coz they ain't gonna benefit your life in any other way.
- Some people like the lore/stories/etc.
- Some people like the little missions/quests/exploring.
- Some people find that stuff boring as hell and just like killing others, preferably in a fair fight (that would be me).
- Some people like the social side, making friends and stuff, and as one guy put it, it's a sh*tload cheaper than the pub.
Now if none of these things appeal to you, DON'T PLAY THE BLOODY THING! Finally, some people do this (a lot of people in WoW)...
- Play to get the 'Carrot on a Stick', err I mean gear.
These people are fools unless they actually enjoy one of the other points above, because these games have constantly shifting goalposts due to patches and expansions and even if they didn't have either of those, what do these morons think they're gonna do when they turn the game off eventually? You can't list LORD PWNZORS SWORD OF DOOM on your CV as an achievement... yet.
You don't book a holiday to some place you hate, have a crap experience but whine that you didn't come away with anything 'tangible'; you choose an experience you hope you're gonna enjoy. And if you can't find such an experience in the gaming world or you need solid stuff to feel good, go play a sport and get a trophy, go back to Uni and get a certificate or start saving ya pennies for a Porsche.
Playing: Ableton Live 8 ~ ragequitcancelsubdeletegamesmashcomputerkillself ~
No time is wasted if you are having fun. A big portion of our lives is dedicated to non'constructive activities that feel relaxing or fun to us - we rest and relieve stress that way. Can you imagine how horrible life would be if you only did things that have a result in the end and have some real worth attached to them.
There are alot of hobbies that dont have anything physical to show in the end, but the process of doing it is what is supposed to be fun. Humans are not a one channel beings and you can do multiple things. No one says that you can't play sports, go out with friends, work, learn AND play WoW. I for example think that 2 hours infront of the computer game is much more positive then 2 hours infront of the TV, because in the game, you are being actively entertained, while watching TV is a passive entertainment.
If you however get entirely obsessed with any hobby or any side activity, to the point that you neglect everything else, that is off course unhealthy, and you need to get out of it just like any other addiction.
WoW is not a hobby, It's entertainment. Watching a movie leaves you with nothing to show for it in real life. Watching TV leaves nothing to show for it in real life. Listening to music leaves nothing to show for it in real life. Yet all of these things are perfectly acceptable forms of entertainment.
Studies have shown that the average american watches about 28 hours of TV a week. Studies have also shown that the average WoW player plays about 21 hours per week and watches about 7 hours of TV a week. Amazingly they both average out to 28 hours a week of entertainment.
I can honestly say that I think I'm better off for "waisting" 21 hours of my week playing WoW than watching reality TV. Yep, no problem with that statement at all.
Well, Ill play MMO a few hours every day instead of watching TV. Yes, it is a waste of time but so is watching TV and doing everything else non productive like go to the pub or whatever. However my brain needs to relax after work and a few hours of fun isnt that bad.
Some players spend a big part of their life playing, I know a few who quited their jobs to play, some who got divorced cause their wifes felt they were playing all the time and so on. They do have a problem but it is their life to do as they wish.
I don't regret playing even though I sometimes wish I played a little less on days I'm free from work, You know the feeling: Just an hour, Ill go to the beach afterwards... Why is it dark outside?
But the guy the OP talked about isn't a weirdo, he is addicted, know it and can't stop. Not a nice feeling whatever you are addicted to.
Does it really matter what you do with your pathetically short time on this Earth? Must we all run to one side of the spectrum or the other? Do what you want, have fun; productivity is a farce.
We have such a limited time on this planet, and that short time is precarious as it is, whatever you do, as long as there are no victims, is worthwhile as long as you enjoy it.
You brought a tear to my eye, seriously good post.
Who let you in the VIP section?
You brought a tear to my eye, seriously good post.
Couple of lazy bums, that's what you are with that kinda talk.
Playing an MMO is all about experience for me and nothing else, coz they ain't gonna benefit your life in any other way.
- Some people like the lore/stories/etc.
- Some people like the little missions/quests/exploring.
- Some people find that stuff boring as hell and just like killing others, preferably in a fair fight (that would be me).
- Some people like the social side, making friends and stuff, and as one guy put it, it's a sh*tload cheaper than the pub.
Now if none of these things appeal to you, DON'T PLAY THE BLOODY THING! Finally, some people do this (a lot of people in WoW)...
- Play to get the 'Carrot on a Stick', err I mean gear.
These people are fools unless they actually enjoy one of the other points above, because these games have constantly shifting goalposts due to patches and expansions and even if they didn't have either of those, what do these morons think they're gonna do when they turn the game off eventually? You can't list LORD PWNZORS SWORD OF DOOM on your CV as an achievement... yet.
You don't book a holiday to some place you hate, have a crap experience but whine that you didn't come away with anything 'tangible'; you choose an experience you hope you're gonna enjoy. And if you can't find such an experience in the gaming world or you need solid stuff to feel good, go play a sport and get a trophy, go back to Uni and get a certificate or start saving ya pennies for a Porsche.
Playing: Ableton Live 8
~ ragequitcancelsubdeletegamesmashcomputerkillself ~
There are 2 reasons to play any game.
1) To win.
2) To have fun.
Those who strive to do #1 above all else will never accomplish #2.
Those who strive to do #2 above all else have already accomplished #1.