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Anyone else find that the EU forum mods of Age of Conan seem to lock every thread a player opens? I mean i had a look at the US forums and i would gladly swap there mods for the EU ones. No one can say anything on the AOC boards without it getting locked.
I think the head mod is on a power trip. I remember the days when you could type what you want on gaming boards, now it seem freedom of speech is no longer a choice. I find it very frustrating when i see players threads closed because the punks dont like what they see.
I would of typed this message on the AOC boards, but it would of been deleted. Only place to i can say what i need to say is here.
This thread is gonna be locked in 3...2...
The paramilitary mods on the U.S. forums are getting out of hand as well. It's interesting but I saw a bunch of threads locked here yesterday. Perhaps they're like the Borg?
"Censorship is never over for those who have experienced it. It is a brand on the imagination that affects the individual who has suffered it, forever." - Noam Chomsky
love to be able to post. but not subing just to use the forums . probly only get banned any how
The 8 threads yesterday were locked due to a rogue necromancer.
Sorry guys but i find it very frustrating like i said. If this gets locked then its probably due to a AOC mod asking for it to be locked . But ive never come across a forum like Age of Conans, where your scared to type anything because you will get either an infraction or a ban.
1. Hire volunteer fanboys as forum moderators because your pile of shit isn't pulling in enough money.
2. Let the delusional fanboys with zero customer relations training run wild defending your pile of shit.
3. Impose rabid, iron-clad damage control without having to take responsibility.
4. Profit.
Yes, I filled in the ??? slot intentionally.
Company game mods have no juridiction here. Unless you were posting the addresses and personal phone numbers of the Funcom devs, there is nothing they can say or do about what is posted on these forums.
Keep the discussion civil, and the mods here will leave you alone, as well.
I'm perm banned from the forums because I called the mods on the funcom forums nazis 8/.
Wenn nichts mehr geht
Werd' ich ein engel sein - Für dich allein
Und dir in jeder dunklen nacht erschein'
Und dann fliegen wir weit weg von hier
Wir werden uns nie mehr verlier'n
damage control
the game is in bad state, and are triying to remove all negativesness..
Now get yourself perm banned from the so called "game" itself too, and you will save yourself a lot of pain and suffering.
If that's the plan they better make AoC f2p lol .Don't they realise that this kind of thing just makes it worse ? Some will never learn and AoC looks doomed because of it.
Hehe. I dont really want to get myself banned just yet. I'm currently playing AOC. But it's getting to the stage where i cant because of the constant crashing. Might just keep on playing until Aion hits shores.
Oh and by the way, i got an infraction for typing the word BORKED in there forum.
The censorship on the EU boards has gotten out of control
ALL negative posts that hit too close to home get deleted, moved to off-topic, closed, etc
Tahitoa is on a censorship spree, perhaps to try to make the forum not seem like the entire playerbase of AOC is quitting and shouting angrily on the way out
If they wanted less quitting posts, they shouldn't have let Ellingson do interviews
Yeah this guys is really taking the pee. I really dont understand what his problem is. He must be the worst moderator i have ever seen. It's impossible to start a thread there, as you have to think what you type so it dont get edited, moved or deleted.
This guys thinks he owns the forums or somthing?
The thing is you cant even question him about his decisions. If you do you get a reply back telling you not to question him or his moderation, and be faced with an infraction.
Serious. If any FunCom people read this, please get rid of this guy. He's creating a really bad atmosphere in the forums.
Im starting to see more and more of this behavior on the forums as well. You would be surprised how many posts get deleted because they dont agree with the opinion of the person, bans and warnings are tossed around like confetti at a celebration.
i least not as bad has hellgate having no forums at all when game lunched .
Yeah this guys is really taking the pee. I really dont understand what his problem is. He must be the worst moderator i have ever seen. It's impossible to start a thread there, as you have to think what you type so it dont get edited, moved or deleted.
This guys thinks he owns the forums or somthing?
The thing is you cant even question him about his decisions. If you do you get a reply back telling you not to question him or his moderation, and be faced with an infraction.
Serious. If any FunCom people read this, please get rid of this guy. He's creating a really bad atmosphere in the forums.
Its probably Lufkins twin from the US forums
Ona side note I dont think its damage control. Its actually much more damning than that. Its volunteer mods running amuck...and heres the kicker......Famine and Funcom are doing nothing about it. Lufkin personally has mocked players, locked threads for no reason and went on a complete power trip and Famine and FC havent done a thing about it. That is the damning part.
Would you want to give your money to a company like this? For me personally this is the part that crosses that line ( similar to how SOE did with the stunts the pulled on the loyal players) where not only do I not pay you for your current product but I refuse to play or buy anything from your company in the future as well.
To this have I not only not played anything owned/operated by SOE but i refuse to buy anything connected with Sony or its spin off companies. Too bad for them as I am not shy about buying things , lol.
Fungerer som det skal
This was just posted on the EU forums for AOC
Let's see how long it lasts before it gets censored
[Feedback] Compiled List of AOC Player Concerns
Here's hoping this compilation won't be removed for being too critical. Take it as what it is: a compilation of all the main high level player concerns and problems regarding Age of Conan since launch.
It is EXTREMELY critical of most things about AOC, but I think such an approach is warranted to provide a powerful impetus for change if Funcom wants to try to turn this ship around.
I hope someone who can do something about these issues gets to see this, and I hope it can lead to some open, uncensored discussion about the topics mentioned.
- Prioritisation: Players hit level cap, ask for more endgame content. Yet Funcom spends resources on low level instances and creating a narrow-band 55-60 Ymir's Pass area. Players are given impression Funcom is not working on the things that matter most. Player feedback ignored.
- Roadmap, game design uncertainty: Haphazard weekly changes make future gameplay uncertain for players and give impression of a company unsure of where to take the game all while not listening to player feedback. Game design poor, stats and basics of MMO functionality not present and not fixed 2 months after launch.
- Raid content: Bosses bugged and simplistic, raid interface primitive, GMs unable to assist, entire instances bugged, weekly changes on bugs and difficulty curve. No player feedback listened to.
- Class balance: Huge seesaw nerfing across all classes with no consideration for dire PVE and PVP consequences. No roadmap for changes, no player feedback listened to.
- Itemisation and economy: Itemisation stats poorly designed and visually unappealing, leading to huge imbalances and lopsided incentivisation for both PVE and PVP. BOE/BOP implemented after economy already trashed
- Gems: Massive player feedback within first 3 weeks telling Funcom to adjust gem-stacking fast so more people would not use it. 1 gem per piece suggested as solution. Fix: Huge gem nerf 2 months late across the board that breaks PVP and raid PVE. No player feedback listened to.
- Crafting: bugged quests, multiple feedback threads detailing ways of changing crafting system; no feedback is listened to.
- Sieges: Bugs and lag issues continue to be rampant. Siege wall HP values inconsistent, siege interface and weapons bugged. No player feeedback listened to, no fixes made.
- PVP system: 2 months delayed. Huge number of exploits still present with many player suggestions on fixes on test server. No feedback listened to.
- Exploiters, hackers, goldsellers: No attempts made to police hackers, unsupervised GMs ban haphazardly and often incorrectly, player gold farming spots nerfed instead of actual goldsellers
- Performance issues: Memory leak still not fixed after 2 months, continuous changes in game stability with patching system that breaks as much as it fixes, invisible players, minor hotfixes that miss the bigger bugs and problems
- Communication: Perhaps one of the biggest areas of failure. No communication with players apart from deluded/dishonest damage control by EE and GG. Player feedback on crucial issues discarded, no roadmap communicated giving players any hope for the future.
- Forums: bunker mentality moderators forced to censor all criticism including locking and stealthily deleting all negative threads due to permanent damage control, giving the impression of a game in panic-mode
*Fingers crossed that we can actually talk about these issues openly now*
It is a conspiracy.
If it wasn't for all the Bad Mods and Fanbois on Developer forums many of us would never have come to!
So, who gains here?
Figure that out and you will find the key and figure out who is behind all this...
I've probably revealed too much already...
*Sounds of a struggle...muffled screaming... a blow being struck... and a dull thud...*
Nothing says irony like spelling ideot wrong.
It's not a conspiracy, just mods who take the rules too literally and impose their presence too heavily on the forum
ROFL The post got locked in under 10 minutes:
Thread closed for questioning moderation on the open forum
All other threads are being locked at high speed
A couple of dozen posts have simply been deleted in the middle of threads
The reason People are leaving (6,700 views, 130 replies) LOCKED
30 other critical highly-viewed threads locked by Tahitoa
The brown shirts have taken out their blackjacks and it's time for some quelling
sorry...but that is just ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah you can't call anyone on a forum nazis, but to subtly suggest it as part of a joke is ok
It's the only board where I ever got a warning. I mentioned that I had canceled my account in a post O_o.
Lol I saw this on the thread mentioned above