I love how people defend shitty companies like sony, then wonder why you have a flurry of PoS unfinished MMOs flooding the market.
Not everyone has been wronged by SOE before. I have had no problems with them personally, and most people I know who have played SOE games have had no problem either. I have pretty much been a loyal costumer of theirs for almost 7-8years now, and I have only recently stopped subbing to EQ2 because of school workload.
I personally don't hold a grudge against SOE. I'm just upset that their games simply aren't fun. I've never seen a game company throw so much money at content and bells and whistles without first making sure the game itself was fun.
Now they're at a point where they're giving away big blocks of playtime for free. When are these people going to learn that you can't give away something people don't want? I could use some entertainment where I live and I wish they'd work on making their games fun instead of finding new ways to repackage them cheaper to lure old subscribers back.
Hey you know what's not new or original? Trolling.
Hey, he called you out, and now you're mad. This is a troll post plain and simple. Congratulations for getting some attention. Get a cookie from mommy.
I'm pretty sure when I posted it I wrote that the article/mailbag was from 2005 and was just doing so for those like me who had never read it. As someone who subbed to EQ, SWG, and EQ 2, it was a very good read.
It was wrong then just as much as now, you're just digging up 3 year old info to get a rise.
So regardless of what a troll like yourself has to say if any of this is true (which it seems likely is) then the more people that read it, the better.
I knew when I posted it that the following would come out of the woodwork:
See, you even admit it. Nice...
1.) Fanbois in defense of SOE (for WHATEVER reason)
Reacting to a troll, just like you wanted.
2.) Trolls (those who just enjoy trolling and don't need a reason to)
So, people like you...
3.) Those who despise SOE for their unethical business practices
Who jump on the bandwagon for support just like you. It's not like a huge secret on this forum.
4.) Someone who might not realize that things like this go on and might rethink their subs
People who are enjoying the game they're playing regardless of anything you say or dig up from ancient past. If they don't enjoy it any more, they won't play. Simple as that, and nothing you say will make any difference. It's just a cry for attention.
"Granted thinking for yourself could be considered a timesink of shorter or longer duration depending on how smart..or how dumb you are."
You should see how out-of-control Everquest is right now:
Plat-farmers holding camps using hacks to play multiple accounts;
Hackers, using GM-text, to advertise their web pages;
Plat-farmers training regular players to get "named-mobs";
Harassment that is worse than what I have seen in WoW;
100% of player-base in "zerg" (or "uber" or however they call themselves now) using hacks; and
Silence, absence, nothing from SOE.
SOE seems to have a history of bad decisions:
EQ's Plane of Power
EQ II (horrible marketing, bad mechanics - since reformed)
Planet Side
Vanguard (do nothing about everything)
SOE needs new leadership. What I see in EQ tells me that there is complete indifference to the "ordinary" player-base. In fact, it might even be arrogance. I nearly went to the SOE fan fair this year, too.
It gets frustrating when you enjoy a game, Everquest, but people are allowed to hack, cheat, monopolize camps for the purposes of selling gear for real-life money, etc. The only reason why I do not quit is because of my friends and family in real-life. If I spoke with them, they would all quit, including our multipe accounts, which would be like 20 accounts canceling in one day. LOL.
Not sure how many have read this CBS article written in 2005 about John Smedley, SOE, and their lack of business ethics. Pretty crazy stuff. Star Wars Mailbag: The Sequel Former Star Wars Galaxies Players Are Still Crying Foul Page 5 of 9 Dec. 21, 2005
On Tatooine, no one can hear you scream. (SOE/LucasArts)
If you think what they did to SWG was bad, you should see what they do to their other games.
Let me give you a few examples of their business ethics. Handed down from John Smedley.
In EverQuest 2, there is a world event quest that would introduce the froglok playable race to EverQuest 2. Players had to figure out the quest to unlock the race. Well, people started trying to figure out how to go about doing the quest, and working on it. They looked everywhere for clues, used months of play time. When they asked SOE if the quest existed at launch, an SOE community manager stated that the quest was in.
Six months later, SOE added the actual quest. People were in an uproar. SOE basically used a quest that didn't exist to keep players paying a subscription to figure out something that never even existed in the game. Imagine spending 10-12 hours a week for 6 months, and in the end, what you were trying to figure out wasn't even possible, and the reason why SOE didn't say anything was because it lengthened your subscription time.
It doesn't stop there. When SOE took full control over EverQuest, they would release expansions 60% complete and not tell the customer. People would go out and purchase expansions for EverQuest (More content) at $29.99. 6 months later, using subscription revenue, SOE would actually finish the 40% of the content of the expansion that consumers already paid for. For example, the Planes of Power expansion. It retailed for $29.99. The last parts of the game were called Plane of Earth, Plane of Fire, Plane of Air, Plane of Water, and the final reward zone, called Plane of Time. These 5 zones accounted for 40% of the Planes of Power expansion.
Those zones were not complete when people bought the product. Instead, SOE introduced artifical bugs to make sure players could not progress into the next areas. Once they completed the area that consumers already paid for, they would "fix" the bug, and let people advance. It took 8 months worth of subscription revenue from players to finish the development of the final 5 areas in Planes of Power.
I know this because I used to be a member of the Guide program. The volunteer customer service department for SOE at the time. We were given explocit instructions that if we zoned into those areas, we would be kicked from the guide program. Well, I zoned into those areas the day of retail release. And what I saw was amazing. I saw 5 completely barren areas, with strange "developer boxes" everywhere, without a good majority of the environment even done for the zones themselves. I know first hand that the zones were not completed.
This type of business ethic continues at SOE because of their CEO, John Smedley. Little does the public know, that Star Wars Galaxies was scrapped in 2002 and redeveloped in 14 months from the ground up. In a meeting, they asked how they could get away with releasing such an unfinished product. John Smedley stated that people will buy it because it has a Star Wars name on it - and then laughed as they said they would complete the retail product (which consumers have already paid $49.99 for) with approximately 2 years of subscription revenue.
Subscription revenue that was supposed to be going to improvements, additions, and access to the game itself, was being used to finish a game which a consumer already paid for. This happened with every EverQuest expansion after Velious, EverQuest 2, and Star Wars Galaxies.
I would love to see a real write up on this. Please contact me if you have any questions. How a class action lawsuit has not been filed yet is amazing to me. Imagine purchasing a car, and it is delivered without it's engine, and sent to you over 6 months in small pieces if you pay $14.99 a month for 6 months.
OMFG! Some stranger emailed CBS with a 'tell-all' article about the bad things Sony was planning to do to their games AFTER they've already been done?!? Wow, that anonymous emailer sure has the superhuman ability of predicting the .... past?
Wait a minutes... So do I. I'm getting a vision... I see... Auto Assault being cancelled a year after it's release... I also see... Face of Mankind... halting development....<whew> It's gone.
Posting the conspiracy stuff does nothing. The EQ1 Planes of Power expansion was disproved in the past. When Fires of Heaven (THE game-first raiding guild) was ready for Plane of Earth/Fire/etc. the zones were there waiting.
Can I write CBS about being a 'guide' for WoW? and how we are asked not to go to all the unfinished content like the Ironforge Airstrip because Blizzard will ban us? It's not true, but it would make for great conspiracy fodder...
Hey you know what's not new or original? Trolling.
Hey, he called you out, and now you're mad. This is a troll post plain and simple. Congratulations for getting some attention. Get a cookie from mommy.
Yup. Only reason I responded in the first place. Three years is a massive time in the game industry. Especially for MMO Markets. I had to stare at the 2005, and ask "why the hell would someone bring this up, unless they had hurt feelings still?". Then I saw the shitastic reply, and realized it was all hurt feelings.
So Thunderous, you can be mad. But only in 2005. Where you get your news from apparently.
This is not a CBS article. CBS writers didn't do any research or fact check for this. This is their damn second mailbag from a series they ran three damn years ago. As in, they opened the floodgates, and a bunch of vets came in to voice their opinion. This is the exact same kind of stuff you can read on the SWG Vet forums. In fact, looking at the crap in this particular link, the stuff on the SWG Vet forums is a lot more reasonable and a lot more grounded in fact.
Yeah, SOE's customer service is shit. Yeah, they didn't listen to SWG players at all for the whole life of the game. Yeah, the NGE was horrible and ruined the game even more than it was already ruined. Everybody knows these things who played SWG or any other SOE title for any significant duration.
But everything written on _that page_ in particular of that mailbag is complete and utter crap. It has already been discredited by the community. Don't bring it back up without context, man. People are just going to believe it all. I don't know who showed you this or why you linked this, but you only did people a disservice. I guess you didn't know better or something. Most of the other pages of that mailbag are OK, but that one needs to be tossed.
Amen. A-men. I think you really hit the nail on the head. SOE like every company has done things that have offended, and disappointed it's fanbase. Only difference is that their mistakes and follys get more exposure, because people need a "bad guy" to whine about.
Threads like this show that they're not above getting lashed out at by anti-fanboys. So it gets hard for those NOT in the know to understand and decipher valid concerns versus brash opinionism.
here's my major issue. This is not article. It is not even close to an article. It is a "mailbag letter" submitted by a reader. I could have written it.
Anyone could have written it. Brad McQuaid could have written it (joking, joking).
But I know who didn't write it. CBS News, the site where it is hosted.
here's my major issue. This is not article. It is not even close to an article. It is a "mailbag letter" submitted by a reader. I could have written it. Anyone could have written it. Brad McQuaid could have written it (joking, joking).
But I know who didn't write it. CBS News, the site where it is hosted.
SOE has its problems (not that i had any with them) but alot if not most gaming companies do. All i know is SOE gave the MMO world EQ and that was a wonderful game. The only thing i dont like about EQ is that it ruined me for all other MMOs.
I'm not certian but I think SOE bought EQ but didn't develop it, but as to the main post it was an interesting read for meI had never seen it and besides having went through the buggy game that SWG was in the earliest days I had enough of them jerking me around to have quit before they did the NGE or CU or even before they erased my all time favorite mmo class/profession CH but I have to this day been highly skeptical of a company that has such a long track record of angering their customers.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
Hey you know what's not new or original? Trolling.
Hey, he called you out, and now you're mad. This is a troll post plain and simple. Congratulations for getting some attention. Get a cookie from mommy.
Yup. Only reason I responded in the first place. Three years is a massive time in the game industry. Especially for MMO Markets. I had to stare at the 2005, and ask "why the hell would someone bring this up, unless they had hurt feelings still?". Then I saw the shitastic reply, and realized it was all hurt feelings.
So Thunderous, you can be mad. But only in 2005. Where you get your news from apparently.
This is not a CBS article. CBS writers didn't do any research or fact check for this. This is their damn second mailbag from a series they ran three damn years ago. As in, they opened the floodgates, and a bunch of vets came in to voice their opinion. This is the exact same kind of stuff you can read on the SWG Vet forums. In fact, looking at the crap in this particular link, the stuff on the SWG Vet forums is a lot more reasonable and a lot more grounded in fact.
Yeah, SOE's customer service is shit. Yeah, they didn't listen to SWG players at all for the whole life of the game. Yeah, the NGE was horrible and ruined the game even more than it was already ruined. Everybody knows these things who played SWG or any other SOE title for any significant duration.
But everything written on _that page_ in particular of that mailbag is complete and utter crap. It has already been discredited by the community. Don't bring it back up without context, man. People are just going to believe it all. I don't know who showed you this or why you linked this, but you only did people a disservice. I guess you didn't know better or something. Most of the other pages of that mailbag are OK, but that one needs to be tossed.
Amen. A-men. I think you really hit the nail on the head. SOE like every company has done things that have offended, and disappointed it's fanbase. Only difference is that their mistakes and follys get more exposure, because people need a "bad guy" to whine about.
Threads like this show that they're not above getting lashed out at by anti-fanboys. So it gets hard for those NOT in the know to understand and decipher valid concerns versus brash opinionism.
I personally don't think I "need" something to whine about I just think companies such as SOE should get a little Bizzard in them and learn not to piss off their client base so much.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
Hey you know what's not new or original? Trolling.
Hey, he called you out, and now you're mad. This is a troll post plain and simple. Congratulations for getting some attention. Get a cookie from mommy.
Yup. Only reason I responded in the first place. Three years is a massive time in the game industry. Especially for MMO Markets. I had to stare at the 2005, and ask "why the hell would someone bring this up, unless they had hurt feelings still?". Then I saw the shitastic reply, and realized it was all hurt feelings.
So Thunderous, you can be mad. But only in 2005. Where you get your news from apparently.
This is not a CBS article. CBS writers didn't do any research or fact check for this. This is their damn second mailbag from a series they ran three damn years ago. As in, they opened the floodgates, and a bunch of vets came in to voice their opinion. This is the exact same kind of stuff you can read on the SWG Vet forums. In fact, looking at the crap in this particular link, the stuff on the SWG Vet forums is a lot more reasonable and a lot more grounded in fact.
Yeah, SOE's customer service is shit. Yeah, they didn't listen to SWG players at all for the whole life of the game. Yeah, the NGE was horrible and ruined the game even more than it was already ruined. Everybody knows these things who played SWG or any other SOE title for any significant duration.
But everything written on _that page_ in particular of that mailbag is complete and utter crap. It has already been discredited by the community. Don't bring it back up without context, man. People are just going to believe it all. I don't know who showed you this or why you linked this, but you only did people a disservice. I guess you didn't know better or something. Most of the other pages of that mailbag are OK, but that one needs to be tossed.
Amen. A-men. I think you really hit the nail on the head. SOE like every company has done things that have offended, and disappointed it's fanbase. Only difference is that their mistakes and follys get more exposure, because people need a "bad guy" to whine about.
Threads like this show that they're not above getting lashed out at by anti-fanboys. So it gets hard for those NOT in the know to understand and decipher valid concerns versus brash opinionism.
Wow, I have a new forum-fan. Thanks for subscribing.
The last thing I am going to get is mad over what someone calls me or says about me on an internet forum, so don't give yourself or the original troll a bit of credit there kiddo.
Secondly, I stated in my first post on this thread, and I'll make the print REAL BIG SO YOU CAN UNDERSTAND IT...
Not my exact words but the point was obvious.= for anyone with an IQ above 50 or so.
So keep on flaming away, it makes the thread more interesting. However, and let me repeat this, no amount of trolling, name calling, insulting you do to me, will support your point of view (which is clearly on the side of unethical business dealings) more than anyone elses.
In fact, I'm glad you are my new forum-fan. Please don't ask me to cyber with you. I'm really not into that.
Originally posted by jaxsundane Originally posted by safwd SOE has its problems (not that i had any with them) but alot if not most gaming companies do. All i know is SOE gave the MMO world EQ and that was a wonderful game. The only thing i dont like about EQ is that it ruined me for all other MMOs.
I'm not certian but I think SOE bought EQ but didn't develop it, but as to the main post it was an interesting read for meI had never seen it and besides having went through the buggy game that SWG was in the earliest days I had enough of them jerking me around to have quit before they did the NGE or CU or even before they erased my all time favorite mmo class/profession CH but I have to this day been highly skeptical of a company that has such a long track record of angering their customers.
EQ was developed by a subsidiary company spun off by SOE and ran by Smedely. When EQ started making money SOE reabsorbed this subsidiary into SOE and gave Smedley a promotion.
Games I've played/tried out:WAR, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, AoC, EQ1, EQ2, WoW, Vangaurd, FFXI, D&DO, Lineage 2, Saga Of Ryzom, EvE Online, DAoC, Guild Wars,Star Wars Galaxies, Hell Gate London, Auto Assault, Grando Espada ( AKA SoTNW ), Archlord, CoV/H, Star Trek Online, APB, Champions Online, FFXIV, Rift Online, GW2.
Not everyone has been wronged by SOE before. I have had no problems with them personally, and most people I know who have played SOE games have had no problem either. I have pretty much been a loyal costumer of theirs for almost 7-8years now, and I have only recently stopped subbing to EQ2 because of school workload.
I personally don't hold a grudge against SOE. I'm just upset that their games simply aren't fun. I've never seen a game company throw so much money at content and bells and whistles without first making sure the game itself was fun.
Now they're at a point where they're giving away big blocks of playtime for free. When are these people going to learn that you can't give away something people don't want? I could use some entertainment where I live and I wish they'd work on making their games fun instead of finding new ways to repackage them cheaper to lure old subscribers back.
My youtube MMO gaming channel
SOE is the devil and anyone who disagrees with me is worse than Hitler.
watch Redeye!
Hey you know what's not new or original? Trolling.
Hey, he called you out, and now you're mad. This is a troll post plain and simple. Congratulations for getting some attention. Get a cookie from mommy.
I'm pretty sure when I posted it I wrote that the article/mailbag was from 2005 and was just doing so for those like me who had never read it. As someone who subbed to EQ, SWG, and EQ 2, it was a very good read.
It was wrong then just as much as now, you're just digging up 3 year old info to get a rise.
So regardless of what a troll like yourself has to say if any of this is true (which it seems likely is) then the more people that read it, the better.
I knew when I posted it that the following would come out of the woodwork:
See, you even admit it. Nice...
1.) Fanbois in defense of SOE (for WHATEVER reason)
Reacting to a troll, just like you wanted.
2.) Trolls (those who just enjoy trolling and don't need a reason to)
So, people like you...
3.) Those who despise SOE for their unethical business practices
Who jump on the bandwagon for support just like you. It's not like a huge secret on this forum.
4.) Someone who might not realize that things like this go on and might rethink their subs
People who are enjoying the game they're playing regardless of anything you say or dig up from ancient past. If they don't enjoy it any more, they won't play. Simple as that, and nothing you say will make any difference. It's just a cry for attention.
"Granted thinking for yourself could be considered a timesink of shorter or longer duration depending on how smart..or how dumb you are."
You should see how out-of-control Everquest is right now:
SOE seems to have a history of bad decisions:
SOE needs new leadership. What I see in EQ tells me that there is complete indifference to the "ordinary" player-base. In fact, it might even be arrogance. I nearly went to the SOE fan fair this year, too.
It gets frustrating when you enjoy a game, Everquest, but people are allowed to hack, cheat, monopolize camps for the purposes of selling gear for real-life money, etc. The only reason why I do not quit is because of my friends and family in real-life. If I spoke with them, they would all quit, including our multipe accounts, which would be like 20 accounts canceling in one day. LOL.
OMFG! Some stranger emailed CBS with a 'tell-all' article about the bad things Sony was planning to do to their games AFTER they've already been done?!? Wow, that anonymous emailer sure has the superhuman ability of predicting the .... past?
Wait a minutes... So do I. I'm getting a vision... I see... Auto Assault being cancelled a year after it's release... I also see... Face of Mankind... halting development....<whew> It's gone.
Posting the conspiracy stuff does nothing. The EQ1 Planes of Power expansion was disproved in the past. When Fires of Heaven (THE game-first raiding guild) was ready for Plane of Earth/Fire/etc. the zones were there waiting.
Can I write CBS about being a 'guide' for WoW? and how we are asked not to go to all the unfinished content like the Ironforge Airstrip because Blizzard will ban us? It's not true, but it would make for great conspiracy fodder...
Hey you know what's not new or original? Trolling.
Hey, he called you out, and now you're mad. This is a troll post plain and simple. Congratulations for getting some attention. Get a cookie from mommy.
Yup. Only reason I responded in the first place. Three years is a massive time in the game industry. Especially for MMO Markets. I had to stare at the 2005, and ask "why the hell would someone bring this up, unless they had hurt feelings still?". Then I saw the shitastic reply, and realized it was all hurt feelings.
So Thunderous, you can be mad. But only in 2005. Where you get your news from apparently.
This is not a CBS article. CBS writers didn't do any research or fact check for this. This is their damn second mailbag from a series they ran three damn years ago. As in, they opened the floodgates, and a bunch of vets came in to voice their opinion. This is the exact same kind of stuff you can read on the SWG Vet forums. In fact, looking at the crap in this particular link, the stuff on the SWG Vet forums is a lot more reasonable and a lot more grounded in fact.
Yeah, SOE's customer service is shit. Yeah, they didn't listen to SWG players at all for the whole life of the game. Yeah, the NGE was horrible and ruined the game even more than it was already ruined. Everybody knows these things who played SWG or any other SOE title for any significant duration.
But everything written on _that page_ in particular of that mailbag is complete and utter crap. It has already been discredited by the community. Don't bring it back up without context, man. People are just going to believe it all. I don't know who showed you this or why you linked this, but you only did people a disservice. I guess you didn't know better or something. Most of the other pages of that mailbag are OK, but that one needs to be tossed.
Amen. A-men. I think you really hit the nail on the head. SOE like every company has done things that have offended, and disappointed it's fanbase. Only difference is that their mistakes and follys get more exposure, because people need a "bad guy" to whine about.
Threads like this show that they're not above getting lashed out at by anti-fanboys. So it gets hard for those NOT in the know to understand and decipher valid concerns versus brash opinionism.
here's my major issue. This is not article. It is not even close to an article. It is a "mailbag letter" submitted by a reader. I could have written it.
Anyone could have written it. Brad McQuaid could have written it (joking, joking).
But I know who didn't write it. CBS News, the site where it is hosted.
here's my major issue. This is not article. It is not even close to an article. It is a "mailbag letter" submitted by a reader. I could have written it. Anyone could have written it. Brad McQuaid could have written it (joking, joking).
But I know who didn't write it. CBS News, the site where it is hosted.
EQ2 fan sites
I'm not certian but I think SOE bought EQ but didn't develop it, but as to the main post it was an interesting read for meI had never seen it and besides having went through the buggy game that SWG was in the earliest days I had enough of them jerking me around to have quit before they did the NGE or CU or even before they erased my all time favorite mmo class/profession CH but I have to this day been highly skeptical of a company that has such a long track record of angering their customers.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
Hey you know what's not new or original? Trolling.
Hey, he called you out, and now you're mad. This is a troll post plain and simple. Congratulations for getting some attention. Get a cookie from mommy.
Yup. Only reason I responded in the first place. Three years is a massive time in the game industry. Especially for MMO Markets. I had to stare at the 2005, and ask "why the hell would someone bring this up, unless they had hurt feelings still?". Then I saw the shitastic reply, and realized it was all hurt feelings.
So Thunderous, you can be mad. But only in 2005. Where you get your news from apparently.
This is not a CBS article. CBS writers didn't do any research or fact check for this. This is their damn second mailbag from a series they ran three damn years ago. As in, they opened the floodgates, and a bunch of vets came in to voice their opinion. This is the exact same kind of stuff you can read on the SWG Vet forums. In fact, looking at the crap in this particular link, the stuff on the SWG Vet forums is a lot more reasonable and a lot more grounded in fact.
Yeah, SOE's customer service is shit. Yeah, they didn't listen to SWG players at all for the whole life of the game. Yeah, the NGE was horrible and ruined the game even more than it was already ruined. Everybody knows these things who played SWG or any other SOE title for any significant duration.
But everything written on _that page_ in particular of that mailbag is complete and utter crap. It has already been discredited by the community. Don't bring it back up without context, man. People are just going to believe it all. I don't know who showed you this or why you linked this, but you only did people a disservice. I guess you didn't know better or something. Most of the other pages of that mailbag are OK, but that one needs to be tossed.
Amen. A-men. I think you really hit the nail on the head. SOE like every company has done things that have offended, and disappointed it's fanbase. Only difference is that their mistakes and follys get more exposure, because people need a "bad guy" to whine about.
Threads like this show that they're not above getting lashed out at by anti-fanboys. So it gets hard for those NOT in the know to understand and decipher valid concerns versus brash opinionism.
I personally don't think I "need" something to whine about I just think companies such as SOE should get a little Bizzard in them and learn not to piss off their client base so much.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
*Keep it civil people*
Thank you
Hey you know what's not new or original? Trolling.
Hey, he called you out, and now you're mad. This is a troll post plain and simple. Congratulations for getting some attention. Get a cookie from mommy.
Yup. Only reason I responded in the first place. Three years is a massive time in the game industry. Especially for MMO Markets. I had to stare at the 2005, and ask "why the hell would someone bring this up, unless they had hurt feelings still?". Then I saw the shitastic reply, and realized it was all hurt feelings.
So Thunderous, you can be mad. But only in 2005. Where you get your news from apparently.
This is not a CBS article. CBS writers didn't do any research or fact check for this. This is their damn second mailbag from a series they ran three damn years ago. As in, they opened the floodgates, and a bunch of vets came in to voice their opinion. This is the exact same kind of stuff you can read on the SWG Vet forums. In fact, looking at the crap in this particular link, the stuff on the SWG Vet forums is a lot more reasonable and a lot more grounded in fact.
Yeah, SOE's customer service is shit. Yeah, they didn't listen to SWG players at all for the whole life of the game. Yeah, the NGE was horrible and ruined the game even more than it was already ruined. Everybody knows these things who played SWG or any other SOE title for any significant duration.
But everything written on _that page_ in particular of that mailbag is complete and utter crap. It has already been discredited by the community. Don't bring it back up without context, man. People are just going to believe it all. I don't know who showed you this or why you linked this, but you only did people a disservice. I guess you didn't know better or something. Most of the other pages of that mailbag are OK, but that one needs to be tossed.
Amen. A-men. I think you really hit the nail on the head. SOE like every company has done things that have offended, and disappointed it's fanbase. Only difference is that their mistakes and follys get more exposure, because people need a "bad guy" to whine about.
Threads like this show that they're not above getting lashed out at by anti-fanboys. So it gets hard for those NOT in the know to understand and decipher valid concerns versus brash opinionism.
Wow, I have a new forum-fan. Thanks for subscribing.
The last thing I am going to get is mad over what someone calls me or says about me on an internet forum, so don't give yourself or the original troll a bit of credit there kiddo.
Secondly, I stated in my first post on this thread, and I'll make the print REAL BIG SO YOU CAN UNDERSTAND IT...
Not my exact words but the point was obvious.= for anyone with an IQ above 50 or so.
So keep on flaming away, it makes the thread more interesting. However, and let me repeat this, no amount of trolling, name calling, insulting you do to me, will support your point of view (which is clearly on the side of unethical business dealings) more than anyone elses.
In fact, I'm glad you are my new forum-fan. Please don't ask me to cyber with you. I'm really not into that.
Tecmo Bowl.
I'm not certian but I think SOE bought EQ but didn't develop it, but as to the main post it was an interesting read for meI had never seen it and besides having went through the buggy game that SWG was in the earliest days I had enough of them jerking me around to have quit before they did the NGE or CU or even before they erased my all time favorite mmo class/profession CH but I have to this day been highly skeptical of a company that has such a long track record of angering their customers.
EQ was developed by a subsidiary company spun off by SOE and ran by Smedely. When EQ started making money SOE reabsorbed this subsidiary into SOE and gave Smedley a promotion.
Games I've played/tried out:WAR, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, AoC, EQ1, EQ2, WoW, Vangaurd, FFXI, D&DO, Lineage 2, Saga Of Ryzom, EvE Online, DAoC, Guild Wars,Star Wars Galaxies, Hell Gate London, Auto Assault, Grando Espada ( AKA SoTNW ), Archlord, CoV/H, Star Trek Online, APB, Champions Online, FFXIV, Rift Online, GW2.
Game(s) I Am Currently Playing:
GW2 (+LoL and BF3)