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My Crysis Review

I know Crysis is'nt new but I just finished it and I've got to say, that was a brilliant experience. I was so immersed in the game and had more fun in a video game then I've had for a very long time. I've played a few FPS's recently COD4, Frontlines, Bio-Shock, Timeshift, UT2007, and this one stands above them all. Here's my review.

The Basic Storyline:

A good storyline for a video game, better quality then most action movies, the story begins with your character being part of a US Special Forces team sent to a remote pacific island to rescue an American research team captured by North Koreans after making a discovery of what seems to be an temple of an Ancient Civilization.

Your Character is equipped with whats known as a Nanosuit, it has 4 abilities Armor, Strength, Speed and Cloak, the abilities use up energy and only one is used at a time.

You fight your way to rescue the team and discover what is on the island. There are many twists and turns with the plot, chilling horror like scenes, epic battles and sneaky covert operations to mix things up.

I wont spoil it, its best to play it through, you'll enjoy it. Takes about 8 hours to complete without dieing much.

 - 9.5 / 10 -

So good, love the characters, love the flow of the story. Left me wanting more! Cant wait for the sequel.


The FPS genre is well developed and competitive, and Crysis does not disappoint. The controls are smooth and responsive, the action is well paced, and also its hard to get bored with the Nanosuit's abilities. You can use the special abilities of your armor to engage your enemies and navigate the world, heres a run down of the abilities and how their used in the game: 

Armour - This is the Default Setting, it allows you to absorb gunfire and explosions, it consumes energy when you hit. Similar to energy shields in Halo.

Strength - Allows the user to pretty much one-hit KO most foes in melee, allows you to throw objects further, smash through doors and walls, and also jump much higher.

Speed - Allows you to consume energy for short sprints, also increases your run speed.

Cloak - Allows your to go invisible for a short time/distance, shooting un-cloaks you.

*Activating the abilities is done by pressing "V" and moving the mouse towards the desired move, then releasing "V".

Each encounter can be unique, use speed to flee when over whelmed by foes, you cloak to snipe for head shots and quiet kills, use strength to rip apart foes in melee.

Also most weapons in the game are customizable you can add silencers, scopes, flash lights, laser sights, reflex sights and grenade launchers. You can change it on-the-fly quickly with a neat little interface.

The vehicles work fairly well, not too much to complain about. Weapons are fairly standard your basic Pistol, SMG, Rifle, Sniper Rifle, RPG, C4, Minigun, Gauss Cannon.

The AI is strange, i cant say its good cause sometimes they seem a bit blind, they toss grenades silly sometimes and dont use cover effectively, they're cannon fodder basically, but later on in the game they become tough as nails and much more challenging.

- 9 / 10 -

Great playability, fun engaging missions, I want a NanoSuit! Awesome fun with abilites.


This is the Selling Point of the game, this game has by far the greatest graphics of any game ever made to date!! You don't even need DX10 to see this is a gorgeous game. The textures are sharp, the Effects are movie like, the lighting, the atmosphere, the particle effects, the environment, the characters, the animation all top-notch!! This goes beyond just presentation, this is what immerses you into the game.

Beats COD4, beats Bio-Shock, beats everything.

The requirements to run this game smoothly and look good are pretty high need atleast(imo):

Core2Duo 2.6Ghz

8800GT 512MB

2gb RAM

Anything less and your not gonna be running the settings high. And it'll look pretty average.

- 10 / 10 -

Breathe taking. A joy to watch.


The gun sounds, distortions from explosions and under water effects are great, voice acting is great, the Korean bad guys taunts are funny. The only let down is perhaps the sound track, it feels uninspired boring at times, a far cry from the Halo Soundtracks for example which added a lot to the game.

- 8.5 / 10 -

Sounds Fine, but a better soundtrack can really make a game more fun.



Story -9.5

Gameplay -9



Overall(not average) 9.5

If you like FPS this is a must buy, make sure your PC can handle it though. Its good to take a break from MMOs and play a decent game once in a while. Such a great story, cant wait to play Crysis: Warhead and the next games they make. You might think I'm Crazy to rate this above COD4, but seriously the story and immersion is just so much better.

I wont make a judgement or comparison for the multiplayer, I don't care much for online multiplayer, the lag is pretty bad in Australia.


A sorta brief review, i loved playing the game so much that i felt compelled to write about it :) cheers.


  • MylonMylon Member Posts: 975

    Sorry, the only good thing about Crysis is the graphics. The story is meh (nothing compared to Deus Ex or heck, even Fear. The level design of CoD4 is better), the actual gameplay is pretty stupid, as it all boils down to how many headshots you can get before you have to cloak, run somewhere else, and repeat, given you don't get much ammo and trying to use any power other than cloak or armor = instadeath.


  • bluberryhazebluberryhaze Member Posts: 1,702

    i read there was a mod that makes crysis more pretty and at no cost of frame rates...let me get that article for you...

    k, crysis natural mod.

    from pcgamer:

    "you've got to see one to believe it. Pydon has actually modded crysis to make it look even more realistic and succeeded in a rather spectacular fashion. the original game was a looker, but this mod lessens some of the more cartoonish lighting effects and removes some color banding. best of all, there doesn't seem to be any performance hit."





    -I will subtlety invade your psyche-

  • DraenorDraenor Member UncommonPosts: 7,918

    I've only played a bit of Crysis, it was pretty meh

    Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.

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