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i have pre-ordered, and got the pre-order box.
But im really not sure if i acturly gonna buy the CE version, or just wait for the normal version and go to the store and buy it.
Reason: last time i bought a CE version (Age of Conan), i didn't get it before 3 days after the game whas released, and the only reason i got it whas for the benefit items.
1. a ring that increased xp up to lvl 80. (and this item whas nerfed to lvl40 a week or two after release.)
2. The drinking cape, this item whas also given away to more or less everyong that had signed up for newsletter for Free..
so it really felt like a scam, so after that i become really optimistic.
so is the CE version really worth getting, or should i just buy the normal version in the local store?
Want to play: Lego Universe
If you don't care about art books and all the extras in the box then no, it's not worth worth it and no CE ever will be. The in-game items with WAR CE should be a good deal better than Age of Conan's at any rate though.
well with the CE you get beta.....and head start....two items that i think Mythic will keep balanced to an extent to give an advantage early but nothing great...not sure about the tent TBH...and IMHO the character faces you get are by far the best part of the package..then you get an art book (i love the art of warhammer so i will enjoy this) and you get the figure wihich you can paint (don't think i will though since i don't have an army anymore)
so it is up too you... i got mine for beta /headstart/character faces/art book
so i am happy
If you make 50K+ a year and no kids and your looking for something to spend your money on then yeah its probably worth it... ....worth is all relative in any case. For someone on a college budget who perhaps is going to find a hard time even coming up with the $50 that the normal game will cost it will most definately not be worth it.
Whether its worth it to you..that really is a question only you can answer. Besides all the CE boxes are gone as far as I know, unless you happen to get a really lucky find somewhere.
Well if your account is flaged as CE and you put in SE codes, your account goes ?????????? and you wont get to keep your ingame stuff or your headstart charicter.
Only you can awnser that. If all the items, just not IG are worth it to you then yes. If you just want the IG stuff you have to ask yourself if the extra money is worth that. If yes, then keep it, if no then dont. Its really not that hard to figure out.
Ive purchased a lot of collectors editions for MMO's (vanguard, guild wars, lord of the rings, D&D online, age of conan, tabula rasa, world of warcraft)
this is by far the best CE ive seen put together
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a robot foot stomping on a human face -- forever."
Well, it's possible to break it down objectively. On the assumption that OP doesn't value the art book or character miniature in the box, then it means he's paying for items which have no value to him and therefor he's not getting his money's worth. That or he's paying more than everyone else for just a couple in-game character faces and handful of items.
I buy CEs for the whole package and I'm quite content with WAR's.
true. However, I think the whole point is moot since (to the best of my knowledge) you can no longer purchase the CE
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a robot foot stomping on a human face -- forever."
Samething will happen with WAR CE, its a marketting gimic. basically it lures those that can afford to spend the extra $$ and then after release they provide the same items to the rest of the players over time, so no IMHO its not worth it, besides WAR will not make it past 12 months, the game is set to fail, too many good MMO's coming out that are actually new and bring something fresh to the MMO industry unlike WAR which is nothing more than a WOW clone.
maby.. i don't know how the pre-ordering works in US..but in norway, it worked this way:
- Buy a Pre-order box with beta/headstart codes for 99NOK (about 18 dollars)
- And than i can buy the Collectors Edtion in september. (if i have bought a pre-order for it)
I have the preorder box with the codes already..
but after some helpfull inputs from you guys, i think i gonna buy full package afterall.
Want to play: Lego Universe
Samething will happen with WAR CE, its a marketting gimic. basically it lures those that can afford to spend the extra $$ and then after release they provide the same items to the rest of the players over time, so no IMHO its not worth it, besides WAR will not make it past 12 months, the game is set to fail, too many good MMO's coming out that are actually new and bring something fresh to the MMO industry unlike WAR which is nothing more than a WOW clone.
Hehe I love people who have no clue. Rather, I love how these people will get a big suprise either when the NDA drops or when they actually try it.
Samething will happen with WAR CE, its a marketting gimic. basically it lures those that can afford to spend the extra $$ and then after release they provide the same items to the rest of the players over time, so no IMHO its not worth it, besides WAR will not make it past 12 months, the game is set to fail, too many good MMO's coming out that are actually new and bring something fresh to the MMO industry unlike WAR which is nothing more than a WOW clone.
If warhammer is so OMGfail then what the hell are you doing in its forums ? To get attention from people? Or are you the kind that was super hyped by aoc and then think all the mmo's with good hype will fail. Or are you just afraid of warhammer.
If this was a wow clone then plz explain to me how you know ? Have you played it? Or are you just a dickhead that thinks he knows everything about warhammer when in reality he knows shit. Even though I am a fanboy of warhammer, I hate the kind of people that bulshit without having a damn clue.
Everything in warhammer is totaly different then wow. PLZ tell me where in wow is there actually a feeling of conquering something? getting rewards from a SIMPLISTIC pvp addon or getting a dumbass region buff is not a feeling of conquering . Can you sack orgrimar or undercity? The only thing they have in common is the basic mmo stuff which comes from UO / EVERQUEST. And also the battlegrounds. So plz tell all of us what is it the same as wow? The races are different, the combat is pvp balanced, everything you see is different.
If you gonna bitch about the fact that warhammer looks graphicly like wow then you are WRONG cause warcraft is taken from warhammer SO actually its wow that looks like warhammer.
Ow and another thing EVERYTHING. Yes mythic wants a piece of that pie that blizzard is having. ALL the companies want that. SO if that is what wow clone means to you then EVERY mmo out there wants to be a wow clone. I mean wtf I want to have 13 euros * 10 million a month. Who doesn't?