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EVE has the dubious distinction of being the only MMORPG that I bought and then not even finished the free month. The endless boring space-travel, and the endless boring mining, just to have all the wealth you accumulated shot down under you by a PK, was just not a fun game. And most review sites agreed with me here, e.g. Gamespot gave it a 6.6, compared with 8.4 for City of Heroes. And subscription numbers are low as well.
So I was VERY surprised to see EVE at the top of the games ratings list. Is there an unusual concentration of rabid fans here? Or has that rating been manipulated?
well, be surprised.
Not everyone has the same tastes as you as there are many who like the game.
The stats aren't rigged and EVE is one of the only mmorpgs out on the market (non-asian) that their member base is raising and not dropping.
LOL, besides you dont loose all of your money if shot down by a player lol and if you insured your ship you get the money you paid for your ship back. Also, there are many other ways to make money besides mining. I have 28 million isk, a cruiser, a set of blueprints, an assembly line of frigates being made to sell to the public and I haven't mined one rock yet.
Just because you don't like it does not mean the game sucks.
Also, Gamespot review was done one month after the game came out. MMORPGs tend to change for the better or for the worse.
Just some links to show you that your opinion is only that opinion: (this review was made a year ago and the game has improved triple fold since then) (again another review done a year ago with a favorable review)
These links aren't a "shove that in your face" approach; rather, its to show you that your taste is different from anothers. Also, its poor tact to say that rabid fans overstormed the ratings and caused this hike. The admins here has design the rating system to work against people like that.
And trust me, CCP is hardly struggling because of this game. They considered that they would only have a hard cor set of 5000 members on at all time, but now it's 10,000. That may not sound like a lot to you but they're sales hasn't slipped in the taddest. The game also does not feel empty as well. 10,000 people all on one server is a good amount.
Finally, this game was designed more for adults in mind rather than teenagers. I know teenagers that play it but teens these days don't have the patience to sit in a McDonald's drive through line much less sit there and actually try to figure out the rules to a completley in-depth and intellectually challenging mmorpg.
Not saying that all teenagers hate the game and not saying all teenagers are stupid...just saying for us adults, it's a rather refreshing change than the nominal thinkless hack and slash mmorpg. Also, the teenagers who tend to like complicated things tend to like this game. Not putting down teenagers, but that's how it is with this game. Also, there are always people on as there are players in North America, Iceland, England and Finland all playing together.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
The ratings for most games are always being "manipulated" by the fans of those games. When someone votes, they have "manipulated" the score. Fans tend to vote, hence the score is "manipulated".
But that being said, EVE Online is decent enough to deserve being in a top 10 list of MMOG.
The only game I have really enjoyed is Earth and Beyond. A tale in the Desert was a close second (lack of players caused me to quit). Tried Rubies of Evertide, Linage, Dark age of Camelot, and Anarchy Online. Liked none of them.
-SGC Special Ops
Before and after downtime it does yes, but i always count 7-9k...
-- Proud and loyal member of FSG --
[img] files/Thenirs forum image.jpg[img]
The only times whn I see it at 5000 and under is around 2 am and later (central standard time).
I'm looking at the client right now and it says 8.5K. Yestersday it was at 9.5K
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
-SGC Special Ops
EQ: Quantis Erudite 60pal-Bristlebane
DAoC: Vrix Kobold 50skald-Percival
L2: Jorrad DE 25 Palus Knight-Kain
CoH: Funeral 23drk/drk Def-Infinity
AC2: Thex 40 Lug Sage-Thistledown
FFXI: Wrython Elv 55brd/nin-Carbuncle
Other: AC1, AO, SB, EVE, RoE...
---And I still haven't found what I'm looking for---
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
I agree about never being able to catch up. This was the main reason after the trial I did not buy the game I don't like the fact that its time based. I should be able to play hard and move up instead of just waiting and training a skill. I know thier are implants and things to improve the time it takes but you still won't catch up and that really isn't any fun for me.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
I think that EVE online is just a poor, mmo wannabe. Who the hell would be stupid enough to pay for an online RTS rofl.
Don't you think it's a little "extreme" to label people stupid just because you do not like it?
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Pray tell what it is about this game that keeps you wanting to play beyond a few weeks? The repetitive gameplay seems entirely one-dimensional. If you decide to answer this, please provide some good examples.
The play is very multi-dimensional. You can lead the life of a pirate, make money by selling goods to different players, craft hundreds of different weapons, modules, and ships, lead a Corporation, partake in Corporate battles, or work for different types of Agents.
There are some people that are under the impression that the game only consists of mining. However, that is furthest from the truth. As i had stated in a previous post I have millions of isk (currency), an assembly line of frigates being made for player orders, a nice cruiser and a Amarrian Battleship on the way (I have 11 hours left of training to fly it) and I have only mined for a few hours now. That's all...this is in 2 weeks of game play.
My wife has been in game since release and she has probably logged only 75+ hours of mining. So the "its a mining simulation" is very innaccurate.
Also, there are many events that takes place. Last November the Amarrian Empire hosted a championship Frigate battle. The house Winner became the next Amarrian Empire. There are many player initiated events as well. Eve-radio often times has contests to win rare ships or large sums of money, they have battle competitions etc.
If you do not like PvP, you can craft and become an in-game trader of sorts. My wife does this now and currently likes it.
The system is so large there are 5100+ solar systems and each system has fully funcitonal bases, asteroid belts, pirates, jumpgates, etc. Also, the in game travelling isn't as bad as people make it out to be. A typical good frigate will fly around 250-300 m/s which a lot of new player complain about (naturally)...however when you get the skills you can equip micro warp drives and push that same frigate up to 4000-5000 m/s.
You can have ships that cloak, ships that can fly so fast that locking onto them with any weapon or tractor beam would be impossible, the trading supplies are endless if you wished to trade and the item database is nearly endless as well as there are tons of things one can craft.
With the introduction of Shiva, new ships will be introduce, bigger ships, player can construct their own stations (rather than conquering one or renting an office)
Shive should be out in a couple of months. Also EVE is one of the few mmorpgs where they provide free expansions rather than making their players buy them.
There are tons of ships to choose from and very diversed.
The community is very very mature and there isn't the "l33t hAxx0r" player..if there are they are few and far between. If you're the average teenager you may hate it because of the time to take to learn it. If you're an adult looking for a good community mmorpg you may like it
Also, if you posted this in the EVE forum you may get more responses. But to some it up...its a game youll love or hate.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
If I'm not mistaken a few large guilds swooped in and gave the game a 10 rating and you saw the score pop up big time.
EVE is a decent game, in my opinion it's not a 8.1 or whatever the current rating is...but again, that's my opinion.
Until you cancel your subscription, you are only helping to continue the cycle of mediocrity.
Our Free trial of Eve Online really helped boost it's ranking at the site. A lot of people who never tried the game really got to see how the game is and then took it upon the liberty of themselves to rate it on our list. We do not "manipulate" anything, what you see is what the members of MMORPG.COM have rated. Not everyone will agree, but as you can see an overwhelming amount seem to feel that Eve Online is one of the top games out there.
If your interested in ranking the game yourself, by all means try it out first .. on us!
Justin Joseph
-MMORPG.COM Co-Founder-
I bought my EVE account after playing my 14 day free trail from
the level grind is can learn new skills while logged out.there is no skill cap.but it would take a very long time to learn all the skills.
Its a very deep and involved game.that offers lots of choices for any times do suck as a newbie but get better as you learn skills that help increase your speed.
EVE offers mission running,manufactoring goods, mining for supplies,pirate hunting,PVP,corp wars(guild wars) corp controled stations, hunting down pks with bounties, become a player pirate.its options for play style are just awesome.there are more options than that im just new and don't know them all very well yet.
Eve has a big time learning curve so it will take you abit to get down the basics.
anyone who gives it a chance and takes the time to learn about it can't help but be very impressed with this game.I only wish I would have found out about it sooner
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
All reviews are just opinions, including the ones by Gamespot, IGN or whatever the media company.
The ratings list on this site holds more weight imo because its the averaged opinion of a large group rather than an individual.
When I started playing after the Beta I didn't play for long because the game was just boring then. One corp ruled most of the world and there was a big difference between those who played the beta and those who were just starting out.
Now the game is more competetive. It's hard to start with you noobshit and your mining laser. But in few weeks this will be the only game you want to play.
Well first off the review of Eve on gamespot was done more then 1 year ago. A better indicator of the game would be to check the user ratings on gamespot where 249 people gave it a rating of 7.9
A quick read of that gamespot review and you can easily see that the reviewer is another of the many peeps who can not live without the leveling treadmill. In any event the review is out of date in the sense that many things have changed since then. Just ask any long time Eve player. With Shiva expansion approaching that review is about to get even more out of date.
As for manipulation of votes, well there has been of late a strong Eve connection to this site with the free trial and so there are people on Eve who did not know of this site now coming here due to the large influx of new players from here.
As for subscription numbers, they have been steadliy rising and the server population has crossed the 10k threshold of late a bunch of times.
You talk about the PK taking away all your wealth..Well did you insure your ship? Also the endless mining and stuff. Mining is not the only way to make money and also if you join a good corp the fun factor goes way up. Eve is certainly a game you can solo in, but is it a game you would want to solo in? IMO its not a fun solo game, as space is big and lonely. Now thats just one mans opinion because I know players that solo and do nothing but missions or mine and seem to enjoy it. I am into soloing in any MMORPG only till I get to know the game a little then i look to join a good guild.
"I think that EVE online is just a poor, mmo wannabe. Who the hell would be stupid enough to pay for an online RTS rofl"
Just ignore this silly 12 year old. He posted the same junk in the eve ratings area about it being an RTS
RTS space games are like starcraft and such and this kid thinks Eve is like that, nough said
Okay, so EVE is great, and all the other people out there are just too blind to see its beauty? Sorry, I'm not buying that. With 10k of players it just has a tiny fraction of the players that City of Heroes, Everquest, or Final Fantasy XI have. In the famous Sir Bruce chart at it ranks far, far below those games in subscription numbers, so how can it be better?
But if there was a special free EVE subscription here on MMORPG that I missed, it explains why there is such a high concentration of fans here. And don't tell me that "ratings can't be manipulated", it just takes a bit longer here. EVE has nearly 1000 votes, while EQ only has 700.
I did like trading in EVE with buy/sell orders. And maybe the game has gotten better since then (for example you mentioned insurance, which was just about to be introduced when I quit the game). But you still lose your cargo when your ship is being shot down, and I also got podded once and lost skills. So I'm not going to play a game for its nice trading opportunities, if it also has nice waylaying opportunities.