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Warning! long read..
This guild was not done by me but it`s very useful information which will set you on the right path in WAR.
How to play war..
When you first log in to your shiny new oepn beta/preview weekend account, your going to need to know some warhammer basics to help you on your journey!
Comming from WoW, your going to feel right at home, controlls will be familiar plus starting and doing quests will be a no brainer. When you log in, pick up all your PvE quests, remember: they are not " ! " , they are little green books above NPCs heads, but before you start questing Que of for your first scenario. When they said you could PvP all the way to 40, they were NOT lying. But if you want to reach 40 faster and have a little more fun youll want to mix in some PvE.
Each racial pairing has 1 starting Scenario. Greenskins vs Dwarfs is the gates of Ekrund for example. Simple map of capture the node, but the dynamic way tanks work and teams work with tanks makes this map fukn sweet with the tight door ways and choke points. When i first started playing this BG, it was a common Zerg fest, by the end of the 3rd week of testing, tanks were using Gaurd and Hold the line plus group members were actually staying behind the tanks keeping us alive for 10 to 15 min of solid battles, i shit you not. it made for some of the most bad ass shit ive ever had the pleasure of playing on my PC or console for that matter. Sorry im digressing.
So you que up for your BG and begin questing, you should recieve a GO within 30 sec to 5 minutes. (have seen way longer but server population was around 500 people 350 Destrux, 150 Order). Play your BG, get some EXP and Renown.
Renown? Whats Renown? Renown is pretty much your PvP Level. As you kill players in the world zones, and in BGs you will recieve Exp and Renown, there are other ways to earn renown, but were not talking about that right now so listen up, renown gives you the ability to purchase PvP gear from merchants in the level 1 to 11 warcamps. After that you must capture a keep and then renown rewards will be avail to your side. Gear requirements for instance are Level 14 and renown rank 10. Your Exp and Renown are seperate, Exp is the Brown or orange bar and renown is the smaller purple bar below it.
While your leveling, you MUST hit up the public quests. They are FKN 1337. Ive been known to cancel out of a BG que a time or two because i was in the middle of an intense ass boss battle in a PQ, plus you can win some lewts and get massive exp and Influence.
Influence? Whats that? Well think of it as Quest Hub Reputation. There are three levels of influence for EACH quest hub in the game, and 2 to 4 PQ associated with said quest hub allowing you the ability to earn influence to get 3 sets of rewards. So you go knock out some PQs and you get to the first level, youll know because there is a GREEN meter on the side of the screen with 3 cells inside, this will fill as you complete PQs and earn influence. You return to the Quest Hub and there will be a Teal Blue Icon above an NPC head with 3 skulls inside, when you see teal, that means you have Influence rewards that need to be claimed. These are PVE items.
so remember, Renown is for PvP gear, Influence is for PvE gear. Got it? Lets move on.
Allong the way youll need to pick up scavenging so you can get your mount at level 20 for 30 gold. I THINK you can do this at level 5 or 6. This is the ONLY logical way your going to have 30g at level 20 and trust me, your going to NEED that mount to be as competitive as possible in PvP.
Once you get to level 8 or 9, its pretty much time to start doing Zone RvR. The thing about open area RvR in the first 10 levels is that some nights its Hot, and some nights theres no Fn people in sight. The objectives for open RvR are, open your map, locate an enemy flag, run to that flag, kill the 5 gaurds and hero npc's, click the flag, capture it, flag locks for 15 min, you run to next flag, rinse repeat, hopefully taking over all cap points on the map. Winning the zone for your side. Every time you take a flag or Battle Objective as they are called, you get ALLOT of renown. So if your grinding out that PvP skill, zone RvR can lend a GIANT boost to your gains.
Once you win all flags on map for your side, run to the map adjacent to the map your on currently and start the process all over again, finding new PQs and Questing hubs allong the way.
Dont forget to bind your character to your questing hub by clicking the RALLY MASTER and selecting Bind from the dialouge menuZ.. You have a little book that operates like a hearth stone. just like a hearth stone to be exact. Even down the to cool down.
Once you hit level 12, its time to move on to tier 2. This is when your character will become more developed and you will start to truly see how great of a game Warhammer online rly is. KEEP SEIGES FA SHOOOOO. But before we get to that, i forgot to mention a few minor details.
ANY TIME you enter an RVR zone, your level is raised to match the rvr zone, same goes for Scenarios/BGs. What this means is, if you decide to PvP at level 1, when you enter a BG you will become level 8, you will ONLY have 2 powers, but level 8 stats. Same thing happens in zone RvR. So you may ALLWAYS participate in RvR combat if you choose to, regardless of your level, the only thing that gimps you is the small amount of powers at your disposal.
So starting keep seiges should be ez, you open your map, look for the RED or BLUE castle, and if its not the color of your side, go take it. This wont be ez. The first time you try this, your going to need atleast 6 people total including a Tank and one dedicated healer. If the Opposing side is there, your gonna need allot. Ive seen SO many people on my screen at once, its un imaginable. Seriously last night in one of the tier 4 Keep Sieges, there was a good 2 hour battle to the death with about 100 destruction and what seemed like a 26 inch wide screen monitor FULL of order. Knocking back 10 guys in the air and watching them fall down a cliff to their death is one of the most satisfying rewards next to epix lewts ive ever received.
Once you get to the gate you get some newb to waist 30 silver on a ram (dont do it, theres allways a newb that will waist his gold and bring one, remember your saving for a mount) and drop that bad boy on the siege pad at the gate, if you dont use a ram, that door is gonna be hard as shit to break down while oil is boiling the skin off your fase. Were talking like 5 min of constant beating. If a newb does happen to bring a ram, breaking the gates down wont be so hard. I personally never manned a ram, so i cant explain how that works.
Well once you get the gate down, you take out about 5 or 6 hard to kill NPCs and walk up stairs to the Keep Lord, this son of a bitch is hard if the opposing force is breathing down your neck, so get a tank to tank him and have the raid or "WarBand" take out the defenders then move to the boss. Once hes down, you can go up one more flight of stairs and buy Renown Gear, wepons and Spend your Renown Points.
OmGAWD! Whats renown points? Renown points are points you can pump into renown talents. Its like a talent tree for raising stats and aqquiring new Tactics. So we left off talking about Renown Points. Well how do you get them? and what do you spend them on? Well each time you level up a renown rank, you recieve 1 renown point. This point can be spent to upgrade a specific stat, or simply putchase a renown tactic. I personally saved up my first 2 renown points to purchase the tactic that gives 5% exp bonus for PvP kills. Lets say your a DPS hungry Sorcerer, you could spend your renown point in a slot that Upgrades your Int by 10 (int increases caster dps). Its a rly cool system that allows for a 3rd layer of player customization. Tactics being one of the other.
Whats a Tactic? Tactics are passive buffs. There are hundreds in the game, and 50% are custom tailored for the class your playing. There are 3 types of Tactics: Career, Renown, and Tome. At level 31 you have 3 Career tactic slots to fill, 1 renown tactic slot to fill, and 1 tome tactic slot to fill.
Now lets discuss Carrer points. Or talent points for those of us who come from WoW. This is The main level of character customization. The Number ONE question asked about carrer points is: "Why cant i get my first Tactic, ive filled up the little boxes?!?!?!?!". At level 16 you will have pumped enuff points into one tree to LOOK like youve unlocked the first tactic, but in reality, you need to level up to 17 and put that next point into that tactic. You dont automatically get one. By pumping points into a particular tree you make all powers under that tree stronger. Its not like WoW where you can pick a talent to make your cool down on mortal strike lower, thats what tactics are for, Career points make you stronger in a certian area, and unlock the ability to purchase new powers with career points. Its an awesome system that will look flaky when you start but turn out to be amazing when your level 40.
As you can see the depth of character customization is quite deep. An ArchMage specced for healing can perform 100% diffrent than another Archmage specced for healing. By using Tactics and Renown Points, you can make your guy play the way YOU want to play. Your not limited to ONE talent tree and 3 main specs for your guy. Toss in 4 of your fav morale abilitys and your good to go!!
Morale? What dat iz? Fa sho, Think of morale abilities like Super Street 2 Ultra Remix Ex Finisher moves. Your in the thick of battle fighting to the death, the longer you fight, the more morale you build up. If your a healer your first morale ability will be a instant cast heal. This will dump your morale and NO morale ability can be used again for 60 seconds. Whats nice, is you will be in battle and no doub build your morale back up by the time your cooldown is up, allowing you to use another heal, or save up that morale for a super combo finisher, street fighter 2 style. If your baller enuFF to stay alive untill your 4th ability is charged, you will Unleash some tide turning ability, that 90% of the time, looks bad ass and makes little bitch ass newbs run for the hills and thats no lie. This is just something you have to see for yourself to understand how sweet they can be. Nothing i write on paper could portray to the pure 'Badassery' that are morale abilities.
That pretty much sums it up guys. These are the Basics of Warhammer. One thing you must do, is forget about WoW. Have you ever watched Shawshank Redemption? Remember how 'Red' says "im institutionalized, i wouldnt know what to do on the outside"? Well thats what WoW has done to 11 million people. You get into this mode of thinking your about to play a WoW clone, so you jump in and play it as such. Dont. This is warhammer and its a new game, and its nothing like WoW. . . Believe me, i LOVE blizzard, and if WoW was ANYTHING like WAR, i would have tossed my beta invite in the recycle bin the second i got it. WAR offers you something Blizzard cant right now. A BAD ASS PVP EXPERIANCE. Period.
"The Old King is Dead, Long live the KING".
Please dont take this as a crticisim as English may well not be your first language - but its a guide not a guild.
Nice read all the same.
No offence taken.
Yup, alot of the previews I've read seem to all complain that it doesn't "work like WoW", or "feel like WoW"... well thank god for that!
If WoW was their first and only other MMO I feel really sorry for them...
Good read
God.. you got me hyped, I hate that.
edit: you might want to change the title, it says guild instead of guide?