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Here's an excerpt of what I thought was a pretty good walkthrough to get to mid level quickly:
"Comming from WoW, your going to feel right at home, controlls will be familiar plus starting and doing quests will be a no brainer. When you log in, pick up all your PvE quests, remember: they are not " ! " , they are little green books above NPCs heads, but before you start questing Que of for your first scenario. When they said you could PvP all the way to 40, they were NOT lying. But if you want to reach 40 faster and have a little more fun youll want to mix in some PvE.
Each racial pairing has 1 starting Scenario. Greenskins vs Dwarfs is the gates of Ekrund for example. Simple map of capture the node, but the dynamic way tanks work and teams work with tanks makes this map fukn sweet with the tight door ways and choke points. When i first started playing this BG, it was a common Zerg fest, by the end of the 3rd week of testing, tanks were using Gaurd and Hold the line plus group members were actually staying behind the tanks keeping us alive for 10 to 15 min of solid battles, i shit you not. it made for some of the most bad ass shit ive ever had the pleasure of playing on my PC or console for that matter. Sorry im digressing.
So you que up for your BG and begin questing, you should recieve a GO within 30 sec to 5 minutes. (have seen way longer but server population was around 500 people 350 Destrux, 150 Order). Play your BG, get some EXP and Renown.
Renown? Whats Renown? Renown is pretty much your PvP Level. As you kill players in the world zones, and in BGs you will recieve Exp and Renown, there are other ways to earn renown, but were not talking about that right now so listen up, renown gives you the ability to purchase PvP gear from merchants in the level 1 to 11 warcamps. After that you must capture a keep and then renown rewards will be avail to your side. Gear requirements for instance are Level 14 and renown rank 10. Your Exp and Renown are seperate, Exp is the Brown or orange bar and renown is the smaller purple bar below it.
While your leveling, you MUST hit up the public quests. They are FKN 1337. Ive been known to cancel out of a BG que a time or two because i was in the middle of an intense ass boss battle in a PQ, plus you can win some lewts and get massive exp and Influence.
Influence? Whats that? Well think of it as Quest Hub Reputation. There are three levels of influence for EACH quest hub in the game, and 2 to 4 PQ associated with said quest hub allowing you the ability to earn influence to get 3 sets of rewards. So you go knock out some PQs and you get to the first level, youll know because there is a GREEN meter on the side of the screen with 3 cells inside, this will fill as you complete PQs and earn influence. You return to the Quest Hub and there will be a Teal Blue Icon above an NPC head with 3 skulls inside, when you see teal, that means you have Influence rewards that need to be claimed. These are PVE items.
so remember, Renown is for PvP gear, Influence is for PvE gear. Got it? Lets move on."
Good read..seems like a good mix of RvR and PvE, thiers somthign for everyone... looking forward to the WAAAAGH
Later on in the write up, it's explained that there is PvP gear and PvE gear. It's all gear you can use in either PvE or PvP, but some gear you can only get in PvP, and some gear you can only get in PvE.
If you want the best gear, you need to do both.
Here's the player's guide for beta:
Player's Guide