Ah ic. So if i wanted a char (Order) that would be more on the frontlines holding everyone off, i should go to a known tank of like an ironbreaker or something? Thanks
I honestly think that iron breaker is the best tank in the game.
I have played Choosen, sword master and black ork... and i think that the dwarves kick there butt.
if you got a rune priest or an archmage with you then your unstoppable.
Simple question, are there alot of invisible walls in the game? (i love to run around exploring and stuff when im bored)
There are some cliffs and stuff you have to run around, but for the most part everything is open. The game has a good set of roads that can lead you from place to place but if you just jump off the path and run across the countryside there are plenty of things to see and do.
The world does feel like a world and not a giant Hallway from place to place like some games do.
Yeah. If you're looking to be the person holding the line and being a threat, then tank would be the way to go. Of course, you'll need healer backup.
The classes aren't designed to be self-sufficient in RvR. The closest ones I can think of that are would be ranged DPS and Archmage, as they can keep threats at a distance while still damaging them. But you only get reknown for kills and capturing objectives, so it becomes a stalemate type of situation. I remember in one situation where I was playing a Sorcerer against a Shadow Elf and a White lion. I had a witch with me. We pretty much tore them a new one, but only because the lion was bugged or something as it wasn't doing much. Heh. But I could do far more ranged damage than the shadow elf, though when a second came along, they got me. In another, I was an Archmage and was on the losing side. Did our best, but we got outnumbered. It still took 3 or 4 of them to take me down though at lvl 11. You'll find that it's better to travel as a group rather than wandering around by yourself. You might get lucky and find someone alone, but more often you'll find a group, start running away and run into someone who came up behind you, slowingh you down enough that the others catch up.
As to the least played classes, it will always be the one that you need it seems. I started as an Ironbreaker and it seemed everyone else was an engineer. But all of the classes have a function and when you find that out and fill your role, you will dominate.
wow great! i'm pumped! i get to go to the preview weekend starting this week and will have to determine what i want my main to be! hows an engineer though. There more ranged DPS, correct? or no?
But I do have a couple of questions, I keep hearing the statement that you can level from 1-40 by just pvping.. how well is this set up?
Do you get owned by higher levels in like a bracket type of pvp levels like WoW, or does it buff everyone to the same level like COH... this is is RvR instanced type things.. I think?
Lets say i have 2 friends that are planning on playing with me, what would be the best 3 man combo in your experiences.. we are trying to decide tank/healer/melee dps or ranged dps, but dont have that hold you back on your suggestion. Thanks!
Cool thread! But I do have a couple of questions, I keep hearing the statement that you can level from 1-40 by just pvping.. how well is this set up? Do you get owned by higher levels in like a bracket type of pvp levels like WoW, or does it buff everyone to the same level like COH... this is is RvR instanced type things.. I think?
I play my toon from 1 - 10 in nothing but RvR. When you join it will average out your level. I can normally get from level 1 to 3 level and Renown rank 3 in my first session and I never really fell to underpowered VS the people even 10 levels higher then me.
Cool thread! But I do have a couple of questions, I keep hearing the statement that you can level from 1-40 by just pvping.. how well is this set up?
Do you get owned by higher levels in like a bracket type of pvp levels like WoW, or does it buff everyone to the same level like COH... this is is RvR instanced type things.. I think?
Lets say i have 2 friends that are planning on playing with me, what would be the best 3 man combo in your experiences.. we are trying to decide tank/healer/melee dps or ranged dps, but dont have that hold you back on your suggestion. Thanks!
1: its set up pretty well. you can loot enemy players bodies the same way you loot mobs, so you can get some gear and even a little money. also you can use your gathering profession on them. and you get both renown and XP for every kill. you WILL be a bit strapped for cash if you level only with PvP, but if you can find a way to get some cash, the gear you can buy with your PvP level will keep you nice and powerful.
2: in RvR areas you are boosted, not to the max level, but to a higher level. so in tier 1 if you are under level 8 you get all your stats boosted up to level 8, but you are stuck with your lowbie skills. I found it very interesting my first time in at level.. 3 or 4.
there are SO many 3man groups that would work well. I'll just go for order.
Archmage, Ironbreaker, Bright wizard.
Warrior priest, white lion, bright wizard.
rune priest, witch hunter... bright wizard?
Bright wizard / sorc are just amazing at DPS, but REQUIRE a healer. tanks are very important so my first suggestion is the best for PvE and PvP, the other 2 are more for PvP where a durable healer or a high healing healer can make up for the lack of tank to give you more DPS.
Everything creates huge amounts of negativity on the internet, that's what the internet is for: Negativity, porn and lolcats.
there are pets you can ride that speed up getting around and you also have a "Flight Master" the flight master takes you to different parts of the world fastly and they are not that far apart from each other.
I know Warhammer is PvP based game but i have one question.If there is enough instances where u can kill bosses and elites with party/raid? Plz answer that question because i need to know.
I'm going to answer you, since your question seems to keep getting skipped over. Actually, the answer can be found in the production podcasts. Everyone that has questions about WAR should really go read all of the information and WATCH all of the informational videos that the devs have put up on the official site. Very informative stuff there. THEN if you still have questions, or just want to confirm what you think you understand so far.....ask a beta tester.
But nonetheless....
Yes, there are dungeons for killing bosses and raiding. However....to my knowledge there are no "25 man raids" for these dungeons. You don't have to put together a massive raid group to run the dungeons, I believe it has been stated they can all be run by a group of six, and that they are very challenging. They have several "wings" (sections) in them and can be run over the course of several separate evenings if desired. Each "wing" takes about 1.5 hours to run, so you can figure a full dungeon probably takes around 5 hours, if you run it all in one evening and don't have any major setbacks???
Also....we all should probably stop calling the game "PvP-based". It's RvR based. That's a different animal. And from everything I have read and watched....I see VERY VERY little about this game that resembles WoW or WoW's PvP in any way, shape, or form.
Someone made the comment (paraphrased) "I don't think the realms will all get together, hold hands and sing." I have to admit....I laughed....loudly. But I think there is some misconception about how RvR works. This is NOT LIKE WOW PVP. Everything you do actually affects the gameworld (as in the living cities that grow WITH you, and become more prosperous as your REALM prospers). Everything you do in RvR affects your realm. The better YOU do, the better the realm does, the better the realm does, the better YOU do.....etc. So in this way.....the developers have tried to build a game that REWARDS COOPERATION! THIS is not what we've EVER really seen in WoW.
In World of Warcraft, there is so much fighting even within one's own faction, there is little or NO cooperation, except MAYBE.....maybe.....during world PvP, such as a massive raid on Stormwind, or something similar. In World PvP in WoW, you fare far better when you work as a massive organized WHOLE, rather than weaker individual parts. WAR is set up to work like that ALL of the time, from what I can see.
SOOOO.....maybe the realms WILL be "hand in hand drinking a Coke" and working cooperatively for the GOOD and GAIN of ALL. That dynamic remains to be seen....or not seen. I can say, that from what the developers have said....cooperation as a realm....is the path to success. So maybe we will see LESS of the juvenile and petty bickering in trade chat (zomg i pwnzor u n00b, lrn2play, imma rayd yo momma stfu) garbage.....
WHICH is another GREAT reason to NOT have a "trade channel," which is usually just a magnet for every immature idiot in the game to show off their enormous (/sarcasm) epeen and attempt to convince the rest of the server how uber "1337" they are. I'm HOPING that WAR will be a complete turn off to those types of people, so that they will just go play some other game.
another question, can you go to the other races zones fairly early on? or will you be stuck in your races area until higher tiers. I know its been said about being able to fly anywhere atm, but did you see people go to other races zones and do thier quests thier with thier friends?
Oh and one thing I haven't heard any of the beta testers mention YET.....is the game mechanic of being CHICKENIZED.
For the WoW gankers that have wet dreams about coming to WAR and griefing the lowbies in the starting zones....there will be none of that. Bwahahahahah! You just HAVE to love Mythic's solution to this idiotic waste of time in other games. I love it, I love it, I love it.
Oh and one thing I haven't heard any of the beta testers mention YET.....is the game mechanic of being CHICKENIZED. For the WoW gankers that have wet dreams about coming to WAR and griefing the lowbies in the starting zones....there will be none of that. Bwahahahahah! You just HAVE to love Mythic's solution to this idiotic waste of time in other games. I love it, I love it, I love it.
Firstly, I'd like too correct you if you don't mind twhint.
There will be three servers are launch. Core, Open RvR, and a Roleplaying server.
Core is the way the game was meant to be said. Thats all.
Open Servers are when you are always flagged, always. So its possible to have some massive battles outside of rvr pools.
Roleplaying. Just like core, stricter naming policies and such . Not sure of the mechanics of this server though.
Now the chicken thing. Oh man. I was all for it until it actually happened to me. I was in the tier one open rvr pool area when i leveled one level past its requirement. It was a 1-12 area, and I was level 13. Instantly BAM turned into a chicken. I giggled and thought no biggy, I'll just avoid enemy players and finish my quests there. Didn't happen.
See, whenever you enter an open RvR area and are flagged, you will turn into a chicken, if you are above that areas level. This is a great system to encourage people to move on and discontinue ganking or griefing. But I instantly saw many flaws when I was turned into one.
First off, you have one health and an attack that does one damage. Even npcs one shot you. For Tome of Knowledge and obsessive players like me who like to get every quest in the area done( which is quite simple btw) It is a night mare. This mechanic means you cannot finish any quests you have in an rvr pool area. Now this does't mean you cant stay in tier one. It just means you can't open world rvr.
Secondly, this will be a huge disadvantage to Open world rvr server players. Seeing how you will always be flagged this mean you cannot go back to a previous tier at all without being chickenized. I can think of a few things Mythic could have done better. But thats not what this thread is for.
The reason for the chicken method, is plain and simple. Everything you do contributes to the effor. Quests, Keeps, Scenarios, Pqs. It helps ranks up your cities and give players benefits.(Which was why the inevitable city is always one step ahead of us.) This stops higher level players from coming into low tiers and contributing points to thier side.
I honestly think that iron breaker is the best tank in the game.
I have played Choosen, sword master and black ork... and i think that the dwarves kick there butt.
if you got a rune priest or an archmage with you then your unstoppable.
There are some cliffs and stuff you have to run around, but for the most part everything is open. The game has a good set of roads that can lead you from place to place but if you just jump off the path and run across the countryside there are plenty of things to see and do.
The world does feel like a world and not a giant Hallway from place to place like some games do.
Yeah. If you're looking to be the person holding the line and being a threat, then tank would be the way to go. Of course, you'll need healer backup.
The classes aren't designed to be self-sufficient in RvR. The closest ones I can think of that are would be ranged DPS and Archmage, as they can keep threats at a distance while still damaging them. But you only get reknown for kills and capturing objectives, so it becomes a stalemate type of situation. I remember in one situation where I was playing a Sorcerer against a Shadow Elf and a White lion. I had a witch with me. We pretty much tore them a new one, but only because the lion was bugged or something as it wasn't doing much. Heh. But I could do far more ranged damage than the shadow elf, though when a second came along, they got me. In another, I was an Archmage and was on the losing side. Did our best, but we got outnumbered. It still took 3 or 4 of them to take me down though at lvl 11. You'll find that it's better to travel as a group rather than wandering around by yourself. You might get lucky and find someone alone, but more often you'll find a group, start running away and run into someone who came up behind you, slowingh you down enough that the others catch up.
As to the least played classes, it will always be the one that you need it seems. I started as an Ironbreaker and it seemed everyone else was an engineer. But all of the classes have a function and when you find that out and fill your role, you will dominate.
wow great! i'm pumped! i get to go to the preview weekend starting this week and will have to determine what i want my main to be! hows an engineer though. There more ranged DPS, correct? or no?
Cool thread!
But I do have a couple of questions, I keep hearing the statement that you can level from 1-40 by just pvping.. how well is this set up?
Do you get owned by higher levels in like a bracket type of pvp levels like WoW, or does it buff everyone to the same level like COH... this is is RvR instanced type things.. I think?
Lets say i have 2 friends that are planning on playing with me, what would be the best 3 man combo in your experiences.. we are trying to decide tank/healer/melee dps or ranged dps, but dont have that hold you back on your suggestion. Thanks!
I play my toon from 1 - 10 in nothing but RvR. When you join it will average out your level. I can normally get from level 1 to 3 level and Renown rank 3 in my first session and I never really fell to underpowered VS the people even 10 levels higher then me.
leveling in RvR is MUCH faster then doing quests.
1: its set up pretty well. you can loot enemy players bodies the same way you loot mobs, so you can get some gear and even a little money. also you can use your gathering profession on them. and you get both renown and XP for every kill. you WILL be a bit strapped for cash if you level only with PvP, but if you can find a way to get some cash, the gear you can buy with your PvP level will keep you nice and powerful.
2: in RvR areas you are boosted, not to the max level, but to a higher level. so in tier 1 if you are under level 8 you get all your stats boosted up to level 8, but you are stuck with your lowbie skills. I found it very interesting my first time in at level.. 3 or 4.
there are SO many 3man groups that would work well. I'll just go for order.
Archmage, Ironbreaker, Bright wizard.
Warrior priest, white lion, bright wizard.
rune priest, witch hunter... bright wizard?
Bright wizard / sorc are just amazing at DPS, but REQUIRE a healer. tanks are very important so my first suggestion is the best for PvE and PvP, the other 2 are more for PvP where a durable healer or a high healing healer can make up for the lack of tank to give you more DPS.
Everything creates huge amounts of negativity on the internet, that's what the internet is for: Negativity, porn and lolcats.
there are pets you can ride that speed up getting around and you also have a "Flight Master" the flight master takes you to different parts of the world fastly and they are not that far apart from each other.
it is pretty easy to get around if you ask me.
I'm going to answer you, since your question seems to keep getting skipped over. Actually, the answer can be found in the production podcasts. Everyone that has questions about WAR should really go read all of the information and WATCH all of the informational videos that the devs have put up on the official site. Very informative stuff there. THEN if you still have questions, or just want to confirm what you think you understand so far.....ask a beta tester.
But nonetheless....
Yes, there are dungeons for killing bosses and raiding. However....to my knowledge there are no "25 man raids" for these dungeons. You don't have to put together a massive raid group to run the dungeons, I believe it has been stated they can all be run by a group of six, and that they are very challenging. They have several "wings" (sections) in them and can be run over the course of several separate evenings if desired. Each "wing" takes about 1.5 hours to run, so you can figure a full dungeon probably takes around 5 hours, if you run it all in one evening and don't have any major setbacks???
Also....we all should probably stop calling the game "PvP-based". It's RvR based. That's a different animal. And from everything I have read and watched....I see VERY VERY little about this game that resembles WoW or WoW's PvP in any way, shape, or form.
Someone made the comment (paraphrased) "I don't think the realms will all get together, hold hands and sing." I have to admit....I laughed....loudly. But I think there is some misconception about how RvR works. This is NOT LIKE WOW PVP. Everything you do actually affects the gameworld (as in the living cities that grow WITH you, and become more prosperous as your REALM prospers). Everything you do in RvR affects your realm. The better YOU do, the better the realm does, the better the realm does, the better YOU do.....etc. So in this way.....the developers have tried to build a game that REWARDS COOPERATION! THIS is not what we've EVER really seen in WoW.
In World of Warcraft, there is so much fighting even within one's own faction, there is little or NO cooperation, except MAYBE.....maybe.....during world PvP, such as a massive raid on Stormwind, or something similar. In World PvP in WoW, you fare far better when you work as a massive organized WHOLE, rather than weaker individual parts. WAR is set up to work like that ALL of the time, from what I can see.
SOOOO.....maybe the realms WILL be "hand in hand drinking a Coke" and working cooperatively for the GOOD and GAIN of ALL. That dynamic remains to be seen....or not seen. I can say, that from what the developers have said....cooperation as a realm....is the path to success. So maybe we will see LESS of the juvenile and petty bickering in trade chat (zomg i pwnzor u n00b, lrn2play, imma rayd yo momma stfu) garbage.....
WHICH is another GREAT reason to NOT have a "trade channel," which is usually just a magnet for every immature idiot in the game to show off their enormous (/sarcasm) epeen and attempt to convince the rest of the server how uber "1337" they are. I'm HOPING that WAR will be a complete turn off to those types of people, so that they will just go play some other game.
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
awesome replies, thanks for making it speedy to!
another question, can you go to the other races zones fairly early on? or will you be stuck in your races area until higher tiers. I know its been said about being able to fly anywhere atm, but did you see people go to other races zones and do thier quests thier with thier friends?
Oh and one thing I haven't heard any of the beta testers mention YET.....is the game mechanic of being CHICKENIZED.
For the WoW gankers that have wet dreams about coming to WAR and griefing the lowbies in the starting zones....there will be none of that. Bwahahahahah! You just HAVE to love Mythic's solution to this idiotic waste of time in other games. I love it, I love it, I love it.
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
Firstly, I'd like too correct you if you don't mind twhint.
There will be three servers are launch. Core, Open RvR, and a Roleplaying server.
Core is the way the game was meant to be said. Thats all.
Open Servers are when you are always flagged, always. So its possible to have some massive battles outside of rvr pools.
Roleplaying. Just like core, stricter naming policies and such . Not sure of the mechanics of this server though.
Now the chicken thing. Oh man. I was all for it until it actually happened to me. I was in the tier one open rvr pool area when i leveled one level past its requirement. It was a 1-12 area, and I was level 13. Instantly BAM turned into a chicken. I giggled and thought no biggy, I'll just avoid enemy players and finish my quests there. Didn't happen.
See, whenever you enter an open RvR area and are flagged, you will turn into a chicken, if you are above that areas level. This is a great system to encourage people to move on and discontinue ganking or griefing. But I instantly saw many flaws when I was turned into one.
First off, you have one health and an attack that does one damage. Even npcs one shot you. For Tome of Knowledge and obsessive players like me who like to get every quest in the area done( which is quite simple btw) It is a night mare. This mechanic means you cannot finish any quests you have in an rvr pool area. Now this does't mean you cant stay in tier one. It just means you can't open world rvr.
Secondly, this will be a huge disadvantage to Open world rvr server players. Seeing how you will always be flagged this mean you cannot go back to a previous tier at all without being chickenized. I can think of a few things Mythic could have done better. But thats not what this thread is for.
The reason for the chicken method, is plain and simple. Everything you do contributes to the effor. Quests, Keeps, Scenarios, Pqs. It helps ranks up your cities and give players benefits.(Which was why the inevitable city is always one step ahead of us.) This stops higher level players from coming into low tiers and contributing points to thier side.
Keep em questions rolling.