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To public knowledge, the folks at have announced that the pre-order customers will receive the chance to play beta only a week before the game. It seems almost as if they are toying with the notion that we have invested into their company. They have announced that the lucky first 50,000 (which means a minimum 2.5 million dollars invested into this game, not including the limited collectors edition purchases) of pre-order customers will be allowed into the preview weekend. Lucky? We should be limited to playing for 3 days, and cast out to wait until we have only a week to test the waters of our purchase? My fellow fans and warhammer supporters, I believe that we deserve more.
In all fairness, I propose that, after the preview weekend has ended, 50% of the population of closed beta testers should be cleared up to make room for those who have pre-ordered both the limited collectors edition as well as the standard edition games. If these demands should be met, I will personally sacrifice my own opportunity to join in the Beta, so long as other pre-order customers can.
What do you FINANCIAL SUPPORTERS of this company say? Will you sign this petition for change? If you do, please leave a reply to show as proof of your feelings!
Please remember, your replies are needed to show as proof that you agree. If you do agree, please start your reply with YAY!
I can feel a locked thread incomming..
If someone had came up to me in 1980 when I was on my Atari 2600 and said we will be playing games with thousands of people at the same time.I guess my response would have been,"but I only have 2 joysticks"
Then I will post the thread on a new forum and share the link with everyone. That kind of tyranny cannot stand in cyber space.
That would be the perfect way for Mythic to piss of loads of people.
Perhaps they could get rid of inactive beta accounts to make room.. but.. meh, launch is not that far away.. be patient.
As much as everyone wants the OB to come earlier, honestly it doesnt matter. All toons will be wiped anyways and the last thing you want to do is start a toon, work on them, then start over again. A week is all thats needed to stress test the game and give everyone a little taste.
OP reminds of the kind of ignorant people ignore who make their own newspapers on the streets, you know the ones in the fantasy books and then some kind person buys it from them and then gets scammed....that one?
That isn't the point. I won't enter the beta at all if this gets passed. I have confidence that this will be a great game. This is a matter of paying respect to the hands that collectively feed you.
You need to add a "I dont really care" choice to your poll, i think u might get more response. I know id vote then.
I got in, Anyone wanna pay for the privledge of playing the preview? No I am kidding get yer own sammich!
Wow. You know they don't owe you anything. They have had hundreds of thousands testing already so they don't NEED beta testers. If a week isn't enough for you then cancel the pre-order. You will just kick yourself later when you hear all the good things about it and buy it anyway.
lmao if 100k people got in, I'd say anyone in who pre-ordered got in PW
OMG ONLY A WEEK OF BETA /cry /cry /cry
Nobody cares. Seriously.
|Mortal Online|Gnostaria|
That's the problem with this community, nobody stands up for anything, all I hear is negativity. You say that I'm crying about this situation, yet all I have are responses about how people disagree with me. Where are the voters who did agree with me? Where are their posts? We need your posts! Not complaints about those who disagree with my topic!
I guess the OP missed out on the memo that no money has gone to Mythic at all from Pre orders yet. That won't happen until September 18th when the game launches. Until that date any money you might have put down went only to the retailer. (I personally didn't put down any money to pre order my collector's edition from Amazon).
So you currently have provided no financial support to Mythic. You haven't given Mythic anything and should be thankful for any pre play time you recieve.
It seems too many people feel entitled now adays. I remember back when Beta testing was only for actual Beta Testing and no on used it as a free trial for a game. And Definitely no one felt entitled to a free trial for games.
Currently playing:
LOTRO & WoW (not much WoW though because Mines of Moria rocks!!!!)
Looking Foward too:
Bioware games (Dragon Age & Star Wars The Old Republic)
Not sure why you'd want to kick beta testers testing end game content to make way for more people to test beginning game content.
Damn good point.
Bingo. Kicking out long time testers who are doing well is about the dumbest thing I have read on these boards in hours. Well done, OP.
<a href=""><img src="" border=0></a>
Mythic owes you nothing, they don't have to give you a preview weekend, they don't have to give you beta access, and they don't have to lick the bottoms of your feet.
I will tell you the same thing I have told everyone else that is complaining. If you purchased the CE of this game only on the notion that you would get into beta you are a fool. Beta access is only a bonus, you are paying for the mini and the art book. If you don't like it return it and wait for the bloody game to launch.
As of right now you have paid Mythic NOTHING thus they owe you NOTHING.
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You wouldn't understand
The investment was made, and yes, just as in stock, the investment can be taken back. Once again, the post clearly states that I will sacrifice my chance at Beta for another if it is passed.
No, the company does not owe me anything, it owes us, the fans, the supporters all of it's success. Everyone who bought the books, the board games, the miniature figurines, any and all purchase of this title that has added to it's success over the years. It owes the collective fan base that.
I understand that the produces of this game have given what they owe, a well designed (in theory) game that has earned the right to speak for this title. But yes, the investments were made in their entirety, whether people choose to take them back or not is a purely hypothetical examination. I'm trying to deal with the facts of what is happening, and what I feel should be happening.
lock this thread pls ops an idiot
Doesn't matter to me.
I second the motion.
Sure I agree the people who preordered deserve there right to test. They also need to understand there of negligable use at this point compared to the experienced testers which have been put into the beta at this point. There really are very good testers they have selected. Kicking out these people would be developmental suicide.
The developers don't owe the customers. They owe it to there own talent. The good beta testers who have stuck around through the blood and guts of beta transitions and to the dedicated work of so many others. What they will owe the customents is good service and a good game after theyre money is recieved. Im sure they respect you for lining up to pay. In the end your cash means crap compared to there work
This right here is out of control. Get a life OP and wait for the thing to just release. They owe you jack, if you don't like it dont buy it. You get a free week to try it. That is more then enough...
MODS... lock, delete, bury this thread. Please...