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What is Star Trek Online?
Star Trek® Online is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game set in the Star Trek universe. Star Trek Online will be developed for both console and PC formats. Game features will include customizable ships and characters from the Klingon Empire and United Federation of Planets, ground, space and shipboard gameplay and unique options for player-generated content.
HOLY SH!T!!!!...This is a Console Game. Why in the world would you ever make this IP into a Console Game? I can see it now...I UI so simple a Chimp could PWN!...and lets not forget the flood of Kiddies that frequent most console platforms...this BLOWS bigtime!
What is an MMORPG?
MMORPG is an acronym for massively multiplayer online role-playing game. In an MMORPG, millions of players from around the world can interact with each other to socialize or achieve common goals.
no comment
Will a monthly fee be required to play?
We haven't decided on pricing plans yet.
no comment
What is Cryptic using from the previous development?
Star Trek Online is entirely based on Cryptic's design and built entirely using Cryptic Studios' technology and assets. The former studio that we acquired the Star Trek game rights from had a huge amount of concept art created for their game – much of that is applicable, and we are taking advantage of it. But Cryptic's engine, technology platform and content pipelines have become so mature that with a small team we can quickly ramp up a project.
Talk about flip-flop double talk....and that engine UUHHHGGG!!!...WHY? That thing is right out of the realm of Cartoon Network. Lets just call this WOW with STAR TREK skins. NOT GOOD!
Will there be PvP?
Yes. We plan for a faction vs. faction PvP ruleset, but there are also plans for a competitive PvE mechanic.
Will there be PvP, PvE and RP rule set servers?
There will not be separate servers for PvP and PvE rulesets. Open PvP will be restricted to designated sectors of space (far-off reaches of unclaimed territory). Consensual PvP and competitive PvE will occur between the realm borders (the Neutral Zone), where players will be competing over territory and resources with the option to PvP.
What kind of Low-Budget Circus is this? I mean WTF man? The technology is nothing new to this industry. Why can't we have diverse rule sets on multiple servers? Few choices in MMORPGS is a BAD thing. This is not a good sign at all. It really speaks to their commitment to the customer base. SAD VERY SAD!!!
Will there be an economy?
Many of the details are still in the works, but yes, there will be an economy that makes sense in the Star Trek universe. Since the Federation has explicitly done away with money, expect bartering and trading of goods to be an important part of the economy. Less tangible forms of economics such as Reputation are also not out of the question.
All I can say is, if this game has a standard economy I will not be playing. The Heart of the STAR TREK universe is the very unique economy. It should be a resource based economy...NO COIN, CASH, or CREDIT!
What are the system requirements?
We haven't finalized this yet. Suffice to say, we want to make a game that looks great and can run well on a wide variety of systems.
UGGHH...still can't get over the console plans.
Will you need to have to have an internet connection to play Star Trek Online?
no comment
When does the game take place?
Approximately 30 years after the events in Star Trek Nemesis. The game starts in 2409. Technology has advanced and the galaxy is a much more volatile place.
I'll take a wait and see approach on this one.
What races will we be able to play?
The plan is Human, Vulcan, Andorian, Klingon, Orion, Gorn, and several others. You will also be able to create your own race with its own custom look and attributes.
WTF!!!!!...No BORG...No ROMULANS...No JEM' HADAR???? This game is gonna BLOW! Why would you have the Freaken GORN but not ROMULANS? If this game doesn't have the ROMULAN EMPIRE, I won't be playing this sorry ass game!!! I just can't believe this is the direction they are going...SAD SAD SAD!!!
Will everyone be the Captain of their own ship?
Yes, but you will have to earn the responsibility and skill to command larger and more powerful vessels. Remember, in Star Trek as well as naval tradition, whoever commands the ship is the "Captain," even if it is not your current rank.
Well this is gonna suckazz....very much like a very bad STAR WARS game I know. (SWG) A game where Jedi are EVERYWHERE and ANYONE can be one. Will this industry ever learn? STAR TREK ONLINE...WHERE EVERYONE IS A CAPTAIN. UUUUHHHGGGG!!!!!!!!!!..../ FACEPALM* Here is an idea...why not earn such titles as an endgame reward? No No No it makes more sense to just give those ranks away. Can we devalue Rank anymore?
Can I play something other than a Captain like a Doctor or an Engineer?
Everyone is a Captain, (remember, if you command a ship, you are automatically a Captain), and you will command a crew, but that does not limit your role. Your character will still be able to choose from a variety of career paths, such as Engineer, Tactical Officer, Doctor, Science Officer, etc. Your career path is your root, and will affect your skills, and how you command your crew. Consider Jean-Luc Picard, Beverly Crusher, Worf and Kathryn Janeway. Picard was an archeologist and diplomat, Crusher was a doctor, Worf a security/tactical officer, and Janeway was a scientist. Each eventually chose a career in command and became ship captains. This does not mean the game will limit your ship choices based on your profession – far from it. The examples are simply an example of how the game design was inspired.
Way to twist the Cannon around to fit in your little suckazz universe. Way to go Cryptic, you are well on your way to Butchering the next best IP in the world. Yep...go ahead follow Darth SMED and the SOE underlings in destoying another great IP...Thanks a pant load guys!!!
Do I need to be well-versed in Star Trek lore in order to play Star Trek Online?
No, even the most casual Star Trek fan will enjoy and appreciate the world. For those not familiar with the Star Trek universe, Star Trek Online will be a new experience with as much depth as each individual is comfortable with exploring. However, the world will be rich with lore from every series and movie that will satisfy even the most devout Trek fan.
I won't hold my breath
How will I be able to play with my friends?
In space, you can form teams and do missions together. Space battles will occur between multiple player and NPC vessels. When you do a ground mission, the mission owner can build an away team that consists of other players. Outside of combat, there will be numerous community building features, locations, hubs and events that will bring players together.
Well it's good to see they are planning for MULTIPLE PLAYER VESSELS...If they keep them that is. My bet is, they won't...for now I'll wait and see.
Will console and PC players be on the same servers?
We would like that to be the case. There is nothing technologically keeping us from making it so.
NO FU@KING WAY that is gonna work...I am so NOT gonna play with Console geeks!
Will there be realistic travel times in space?
Travel times will be semi-realistic, with a focus on fun. Space is big, and it can take a very long time to travel great distances. That travel time can be impractically long. We will introduce transwarp conduit technology and worm holes to allow players to travel to distant sectors of the galaxy without needing days or weeks of gameplay to do so.
Once again lets butcher the ip more. Players should have the choice to do one or the other. Not just one or the other. Again Choice is a GOOD this and should be embraced....the comment about "a focus on fun" makes me very nervous. That is dev-speak for we are gonna do what we want you to do and we dont care what you think!
I have to be honest...
At this point in development (going on 6 years now) it doesn't look good for the Hard Core STAR TREK fan. It's SAD but it seems Cryptic is taking the SOE approach to game development. IMO..This game is going to FAIL before it ever gets a chance to get off the ground. It is under-funded and the dev-team has set thier sites very low. It seems to me they are just attempting to make a quick buck with no thought to the future or even what the hard core fans think.
NO...If things don't change quick, I will NOT be playing this steaming pile of Crap. I suggest the rest of you DEMAND MORE from the Industry. DO NOT settle for the what they put on your plate!!! DEMAND MORE!
I gotta be honest I don't really care why your not gonna play. We need a game centered around hard core Trekkies like we need a Game centered around ( and catering to ) The Hard core Star Wars vets. In other words you represent just one small little play style group, and i really don't think STO should be built to only please such a small little nitch.
In the end STO will probably not gonna be out for another 2-3 years so if your already giving up on it without even ever trying it then I think STO is better off.
you can't honestly be upset that you can't play as the Borg. How would this make any sense? They aren't individuals.
"Capitalism is currently working as intended."
So, it took me a while to answer all your points, but I think I got them all covered. Anyway, Those are "MY REASONS WHY YOUR REASONS DO NOT MATTER IN THE SLIGHTEST".
Oh, and also, Caps in the Title do not make your post more important. Aaaand, Hard Core fans are typically people who ruin games. They continue to bicker and bicker over minute details of a game which are, in the grand scheme of things, unimportant and demand they be heard more than anyone else, tzhinking they have a divine right to be part of the game creation process because in their world, their opinion is all that matters.
I sincerely hope they do not listen to the Hard-Core fans. I hope they make their game good and solid and then we will see what kind of game it is, if they listen to input from ALL sources and weigh the options against each other. The opinions of the casual player should be heard just as much as those of the so-called Hard-Core crowd. opinions. *shrugs* Cheers!
Edit: Geee, I am ashamed. I misnumbered a movie. It was supposed to be Star Trek VIII not IX. Forgive me.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
Very good post sings. I personally play both pc and console games. I guess that makes me a geek and inferior to those that just play pc games. Console players can in no way hurt the game, it can only help the game by adding an extra way to get a larger population. Also I believe the kiddie arguement failes, because the last time i looked that was everyones biggest complaint against WoW, and I didn't know WoW was a console game. Not that I have anything against WoW, but you will find kiddies everywhere, and just to put down those that like playing on consoles makes you seem very ummm childish.... almost kiddie.
Lets just wait until the game is released, or until more information is released before we put it down or speculate. As for console or pc, if the game is any good I will have a tough decision to make as to which version to get. To be able to play star trek online while i watch it on tv, if i get the pc version. Or, bigger screen and relaxing on the couch while i play a console version. Isn't freedom of choice a great thing to have.
I would have no problem playing an MMO with people on a console, as long as they too were required to use a keyboard and mouse. It does hurt a UI if it's compatible for gamepads.
"Capitalism is currently working as intended."
Good thing you aren't playing. You sound like a little kid.
Glad to see you will not be playing as who really cares what you think.
totally agree....and thats the lesson we have learned today... never let your 8 year old who knows nothing about Star Trek on the internet because he will just waste more precious minutes out of each of our lives.. I am quite looking forward to STO tho.
You know, I was gonna give this a miss but if Realm-Reaper or whatever isn't going to play it then it has one thing going for it.
Hmm i was just starting to wonder when the big bashtrolls would turn up:) and the jem hadar + romulans will be in after launch:)
oh btw i dont care if you are gonna play it or not:)
Let me add my "I don't care if your play" as well. I'll make my judgement if I can play the beta or actually play the game when it goes live.
You sir are the reason developer's don't take the player community's seriously anymore, you sir are a embarrassment to us all.
The OP is right about the above. Sure, he couldve phrased it diferently but its still a valid point. Those who fail to see what this will do to the game (no, I wont explain it - you either figure it out or you dont) should be ashamed.
M M O S S I N C E |1998|
T I M E I N V E S T E D |uo|swg|wow|fe|
B E T A T E S T E R |rz|tr|hgl|potbs|potc|gw|hz|wish|fe|wow|df|war|allods|cog|lu|
w w w . c l o w n g u i l d . o r g
The OP is right about the above. Sure, he couldve phrased it diferently but its still a valid point. Those who fail to see what this will do to the game (no, I wont explain it - you either figure it out or you dont) should be ashamed.
Actually, anyone thinking along the lines of the OP in this regard lines should be ashamed. Just because the game will be released for consoles doesn't mean it -needs- to be a simple UI. Nor are all Console-Players idiots as you and your ilk seem to believe.
Get a grip. Playing a game on a PC doesn't make you more mature. And realize that Keyboards and Mouses can be attached to any console. Plus, I don't know how a well-structured and simple UI makes a bad game. Seriously, I don't see it. What about a simple (but good) UI makes a game suddenly just for idiots? Really, someone needs to explain this to me.
People cry about all the kiddies and the simplicity of WoW all the time, yet that is a game only on PC (and Mac). So the PC is not a guarantee for a super-mature game, is it?
Seriously people, you console-haters need to get a grip.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
The OP is right about the above. Sure, he couldve phrased it diferently but its still a valid point. Those who fail to see what this will do to the game (no, I wont explain it - you either figure it out or you dont) should be ashamed.
Actually, anyone thinking along the lines of the OP in this regard lines should be ashamed. Just because the game will be released for consoles doesn't mean it -needs- to be a simple UI. Nor are all Console-Players idiots as you and your ilk seem to believe.
Get a grip. Playing a game on a PC doesn't make you more mature. And realize that Keyboards and Mouses can be attached to any console. Plus, I don't know how a well-structured and simple UI makes a bad game. Seriously, I don't see it. What about a simple (but good) UI makes a game suddenly just for idiots? Really, someone needs to explain this to me.
People cry about all the kiddies and the simplicity of WoW all the time, yet that is a game only on PC (and Mac). So the PC is not a guarantee for a super-mature game, is it?
Seriously people, you console-haters need to get a grip.
A UI designed for use with a gamepad will be far more restricting and simple than what can be used by a mouse and keyboard. If the console users are required to use a mouse and keyboard, that is fine. But if they dumb down the PC UI so the console players can play with a controller, that is not fine.
People have many reasons for not liking consoles. I can list a few of why I don't want to see MMO's making their way to consoles.
1) If a game is designed for a console, it is usually dumbed down to accompany the limited controls a console provides. Granted, the MMO industry as a whole is already on a downward spiral into stupidity as every game that comes out seems more and more dumbed down, this is a concern.
2) I don't like consoles, I don't like their controls, and I don't own one. I don't want to have to buy a console just to play a new MMO that I really think looks good. The majority of people already own PC's, so making a PC game very scalable makes far more sense to me than making it for consoles.
3) Have you played any online console games? Well I personally haven't, but I have watched room mates play X-Box Live, and the people on their are far more immature than the average WoW player. Frankly, I don't want people like that spilling over into what is supposed to be(but again in a downward spiral) a more mature gaming genre.
I dunno, just my reasons.
Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic
Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW
Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike
Loved: Star Wars Galaxies
Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.
Ah ha, I see Realm Reaper is at it again to stir things up. Great to see passion at work, helps to make for a long discussions instead of the bland tea talk, unless there is lumps involved.
Keep it up!
My take on those comments:
What is Star Trek Online?
I got to agree with this in terms of the use of Consoles. Consoles is cause for simplification and means targeting the mass market. This also is an indication of the demographics, as console gamers and PC gamers are two different types. When there is a toss up with a certain issue, the side that will win will be the consoles. The big bucks are with the console market.
What is an MMORPG?
I think STO will be more of a MMOG than a MMORPG. The RP is just there for those who want to act, but the system will not support or reward Role-Playing. But it is still early and hope to be proven wrong, however the involvement of consoles diminishes the capability of Role-Playing support.
Will a monthly fee be required to play?
The correct comment would be, "We haven't decided to release the pricing plans yet."
What is Cryptic using from the previous development?
Actually it is good to reuse existing systems to help speed up development. As for cartoony looks, that is all about the use of shaders. What kind of bugs me though about this platform is the hype they make of it. I know it is good to stand-by your product, but the engine isn't all that mature either.
Will there be PvP? and Will there be PvP, PvE and RP rule set servers?
I think that Cryptic has this backwards for how PvP and PvE is to be done. The borders is the place for Open PvP, though at times may be restricted due to treaties. Whereas out in the frontiers is where the PvE and PvP duels should be done. The reason for this, is that PvP players want a lot of action and where is that at, the borders. Wars occur at Borders (99.9% of the time). So with all of the PvP players at the borders, PvE players can go happily out exploring the far reaches of space with no worries of griefers. Win-Win right?
Will there be an economy?
In all truth, the economy can be anything since it was never really defined. There are space traders and the small big ear aliens, but otherwise anyone can make the economy into anything. But I will agree that whatever the system, some form of an economy is required and needs to work.
What are the system requirements?
This won't be known until the models are completed, along with shaders, population density and perception range. So not yet into alpha, more in the conceptual stages.
When does the game take place?
I think it is a good thing to be in the future. That way there is no canon restrictions in terms of the timeline so if players were to effect the timeline, they could. But Cryptic doesn't seem to be taking that route, rather they will manage the timeline.
What races will we be able to play?
I like Gorns and to be a playable race, excellent! But Romulans I think are expected for use down the line.
Will everyone be the Captain of their own ship?
I think this is pretty much a requirement as I think those who don't want their own ships are a minority (remember mass marketing is in effect).
Can I play something other than a Captain like a Doctor or an Engineer?
The problem of being a Captain, the Captain cannot be the specialist of the given task either due to skill or vital importance of the ship. If a particular Captain has a career with Security, does it make sense that the Captain should be on the combat scene blasting a boarding party or commanding from the combat center fighting the ship?
Do I need to be well-versed in Star Trek lore in order to play Star Trek Online?
I don't think Cryptic can play to both those people who know not or little of the lore to those who are highly versed. One side will need to be chosen and my bet is for those with no to little knowledge.
How will I be able to play with my friends?
I thought there was to be no multiplayer ships for combat? Has this changed? Or I must have misread it somewhere... the reason is, if every player is a Captain of a ship, how can there be more than one Captain in anyone ship?
Will console and PC players be on the same servers?
It will be done.
Will there be realistic travel times in space?
While I can understand there needs to be alteration to travel time, I do hope Cryptic does not make the same mistake as Flying Labs with Pirates of the Burning Seas. That "focus of fun" was a commonly used statement by them as well...
And that is why...
Conservatives' pessimism is conducive to their happiness in three ways. First, they are rarely surprised -- they are right more often than not about the course of events. Second, when they are wrong they are happy to be so. Third, because pessimistic conservatives put not their faith in princes -- government -- they accept that happiness is a function of fending for oneself. They believe that happiness is an activity -- it is inseparable from the pursuit of happiness.
Ah but such a niche would be a loyal niche, unlike the mass market.
Take for example Eve-Online. It is a "small little niche" that now commands 250,000 accounts and continues to grow.
So never rule out the Hard Core Trekkies. They exist, they would be loyal* and their numbers are not small.
* They would be loyal because there would be no other such game for them to compare to. That is what a niche market is all about.
And that is why...
Conservatives' pessimism is conducive to their happiness in three ways. First, they are rarely surprised -- they are right more often than not about the course of events. Second, when they are wrong they are happy to be so. Third, because pessimistic conservatives put not their faith in princes -- government -- they accept that happiness is a function of fending for oneself. They believe that happiness is an activity -- it is inseparable from the pursuit of happiness.
I can't believe I actually read the OP's first post in this thread...all the way through...
"The OP is right about the above. Sure, he couldve phrased it diferently but its still a valid point. Those who fail to see what this will do to the game (no, I wont explain it - you either figure it out or you dont) should be ashamed."
You should explain. Such a great mind shouldn't have any trouble explaining these things to us mere mortals.
Or are you ashamed? See what I did there?
You get one too!
That Guild Wars 2 login screen knocked up my wife. Must be the second coming!
The OP is right about the above. Sure, he couldve phrased it diferently but its still a valid point. Those who fail to see what this will do to the game (no, I wont explain it - you either figure it out or you dont) should be ashamed.
Actually, anyone thinking along the lines of the OP in this regard lines should be ashamed. Just because the game will be released for consoles doesn't mean it -needs- to be a simple UI. Nor are all Console-Players idiots as you and your ilk seem to believe.
Get a grip. Playing a game on a PC doesn't make you more mature. And realize that Keyboards and Mouses can be attached to any console. Plus, I don't know how a well-structured and simple UI makes a bad game. Seriously, I don't see it. What about a simple (but good) UI makes a game suddenly just for idiots? Really, someone needs to explain this to me.
People cry about all the kiddies and the simplicity of WoW all the time, yet that is a game only on PC (and Mac). So the PC is not a guarantee for a super-mature game, is it?
Seriously people, you console-haters need to get a grip.
A UI designed for use with a gamepad will be far more restricting and simple than what can be used by a mouse and keyboard. If the console users are required to use a mouse and keyboard, that is fine. But if they dumb down the PC UI so the console players can play with a controller, that is not fine.
People have many reasons for not liking consoles. I can list a few of why I don't want to see MMO's making their way to consoles.
1) If a game is designed for a console, it is usually dumbed down to accompany the limited controls a console provides. Granted, the MMO industry as a whole is already on a downward spiral into stupidity as every game that comes out seems more and more dumbed down, this is a concern.
That is a subjective thing. As I said, who says a simple UI can't be good? Is it necessary to be totally complicated to be good? I personally don't think so, but hey, that's just me. And as consoles progress, particularly in the multiplayer sector, more MMO's will be ported to consoles or even developed for consoles AND PC's. That's a business thing. *shrug* If it is done well, I do not mind.
2) I don't like consoles, I don't like their controls, and I don't own one. I don't want to have to buy a console just to play a new MMO that I really think looks good. The majority of people already own PC's, so making a PC game very scalable makes far more sense to me than making it for consoles.
Nobody needs to buy a console to play this particular game. On the other hand, there have been Console Titles for ages which have only been available on Consoles which I would have liked to play (no, I didn't get the Console for it). That's the way of things in the business. However in this particular instance, there is no reason to bring up this argument, because you will be fine with the PC.
3) Have you played any online console games? Well I personally haven't, but I have watched room mates play X-Box Live, and the people on their are far more immature than the average WoW player. Frankly, I don't want people like that spilling over into what is supposed to be(but again in a downward spiral) a more mature gaming genre.
I've played FFXI for quite a while and to be quite honest, I didn't have any more immaturity around me than I had while playing numerous PC Only titles. Of course you will have idiots on consoles...just like you will have idiots on PC's. In my opinion, the choice of gaming platform has nothing to do with ones intelligence...but again, that's just me.
I dunno, just my reasons.
As I said, the elitism with which PC players strut around is kinda funny really. I personally like PC's better than consoles, I think they have more potential and can accompany more variety of things. I do have a Nintendo Wii, but I have that one for fun with friends at home, not for MMO gaming.
Again, give me one reason why a well-done, but simple UI is a bad thing? Just because a console can handle it? That's not a real reason, is it? Personally, I liked FFXI. The UI was "all-right" certainly not the best I have ever seen, but I've seen worse, too and the game was fun for a while, particularly with the friends I was playing with (some of them console gamers, yes).
So opinion. *shrugs*
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
The OP is right about the above. Sure, he couldve phrased it diferently but its still a valid point. Those who fail to see what this will do to the game (no, I wont explain it - you either figure it out or you dont) should be ashamed.
Actually, anyone thinking along the lines of the OP in this regard lines should be ashamed. Just because the game will be released for consoles doesn't mean it -needs- to be a simple UI. Nor are all Console-Players idiots as you and your ilk seem to believe.
Get a grip. Playing a game on a PC doesn't make you more mature. And realize that Keyboards and Mouses can be attached to any console. Plus, I don't know how a well-structured and simple UI makes a bad game. Seriously, I don't see it. What about a simple (but good) UI makes a game suddenly just for idiots? Really, someone needs to explain this to me.
People cry about all the kiddies and the simplicity of WoW all the time, yet that is a game only on PC (and Mac). So the PC is not a guarantee for a super-mature game, is it?
Seriously people, you console-haters need to get a grip.
With such an answer to my post I can only asume you think of me as a console hater? Im also inclined to belive you belive I think of pc games as more mature. You are wrong on both accounts. Regardless - my post wasnt about a) console-hating or b) maturness on either platform. It had to do with impact on game design, I'll give you that much
M M O S S I N C E |1998|
T I M E I N V E S T E D |uo|swg|wow|fe|
B E T A T E S T E R |rz|tr|hgl|potbs|potc|gw|hz|wish|fe|wow|df|war|allods|cog|lu|
w w w . c l o w n g u i l d . o r g
With such an answer to my post I can only asume you think of me as a console hater? Im also inclined to belive you belive I think of pc games as more mature. You are wrong on both accounts. Regardless - my post wasnt about a) console-hating or b) maturness on either platform. It had to do with impact on game design, I'll give you that much
My post was targeted at Console-Haters in general. if you do not fall into that category, then no need to feel adressed. *chuckle*
Anyway, yes, about Game-Design. I still maintain that a well-made, simple interface can be a good thing. Which is after all what this was all about,...I think?
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
The OP is right about the above. Sure, he couldve phrased it diferently but its still a valid point. Those who fail to see what this will do to the game (no, I wont explain it - you either figure it out or you dont) should be ashamed.
Actually, anyone thinking along the lines of the OP in this regard lines should be ashamed. Just because the game will be released for consoles doesn't mean it -needs- to be a simple UI. Nor are all Console-Players idiots as you and your ilk seem to believe.
Get a grip. Playing a game on a PC doesn't make you more mature. And realize that Keyboards and Mouses can be attached to any console. Plus, I don't know how a well-structured and simple UI makes a bad game. Seriously, I don't see it. What about a simple (but good) UI makes a game suddenly just for idiots? Really, someone needs to explain this to me.
People cry about all the kiddies and the simplicity of WoW all the time, yet that is a game only on PC (and Mac). So the PC is not a guarantee for a super-mature game, is it?
Seriously people, you console-haters need to get a grip.
A UI designed for use with a gamepad will be far more restricting and simple than what can be used by a mouse and keyboard. If the console users are required to use a mouse and keyboard, that is fine. But if they dumb down the PC UI so the console players can play with a controller, that is not fine.
People have many reasons for not liking consoles. I can list a few of why I don't want to see MMO's making their way to consoles.
1) If a game is designed for a console, it is usually dumbed down to accompany the limited controls a console provides. Granted, the MMO industry as a whole is already on a downward spiral into stupidity as every game that comes out seems more and more dumbed down, this is a concern.
That is a subjective thing. As I said, who says a simple UI can't be good? Is it necessary to be totally complicated to be good? I personally don't think so, but hey, that's just me. And as consoles progress, particularly in the multiplayer sector, more MMO's will be ported to consoles or even developed for consoles AND PC's. That's a business thing. *shrug* If it is done well, I do not mind.
2) I don't like consoles, I don't like their controls, and I don't own one. I don't want to have to buy a console just to play a new MMO that I really think looks good. The majority of people already own PC's, so making a PC game very scalable makes far more sense to me than making it for consoles.
Nobody needs to buy a console to play this particular game. On the other hand, there have been Console Titles for ages which have only been available on Consoles which I would have liked to play (no, I didn't get the Console for it). That's the way of things in the business. However in this particular instance, there is no reason to bring up this argument, because you will be fine with the PC.
3) Have you played any online console games? Well I personally haven't, but I have watched room mates play X-Box Live, and the people on their are far more immature than the average WoW player. Frankly, I don't want people like that spilling over into what is supposed to be(but again in a downward spiral) a more mature gaming genre.
I've played FFXI for quite a while and to be quite honest, I didn't have any more immaturity around me than I had while playing numerous PC Only titles. Of course you will have idiots on consoles...just like you will have idiots on PC's. In my opinion, the choice of gaming platform has nothing to do with ones intelligence...but again, that's just me.
I dunno, just my reasons.
As I said, the elitism with which PC players strut around is kinda funny really. I personally like PC's better than consoles, I think they have more potential and can accompany more variety of things. I do have a Nintendo Wii, but I have that one for fun with friends at home, not for MMO gaming.
Again, give me one reason why a well-done, but simple UI is a bad thing? Just because a console can handle it? That's not a real reason, is it? Personally, I liked FFXI. The UI was "all-right" certainly not the best I have ever seen, but I've seen worse, too and the game was fun for a while, particularly with the friends I was playing with (some of them console gamers, yes).
So opinion. *shrugs*
It's not about simple vs. complex, its about restrictions vs. no restrictions. Lets just take World of Warcraft for instance. How do you suppose you would be able to play that game on a console controller? You have to be able to...
Move forward, back, left, right. Jump. Look around. Be able to choose specific targets(a "Target next" button isn't always the best), pick things up/open things on the screen, target your friends, not to mention the vast amounts of different attacks, heals, buffs, potions, bandages, quest items and mounts you have to be able to use.
This is a relatively simple game in terms of MMO's, yet the controls would be nearly impossible to port to a controller, and even if you did, it wouldn't allow the freedom and effectiveness that a mouse and keyboard applies.
This is why MMO's would have to be dumbed down for a console. It has nothing to do with simple vs. complex, but the fact that most MMO's require you to do so much more than what a controller can handle.
Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic
Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW
Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike
Loved: Star Wars Galaxies
Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.
You could do all that in FFXI. And it worked. *shrugs* Of course, things were simplified, but it worked. Perhaps the developers just have to think a bit harder to make it happen. besides, I also mentioned that a Keyboard and Mouse can be used on a Console, too. *shrugs* Who knows, in this specific instance?
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
You could do all that in FFXI. And it worked. *shrugs* Of course, things were simplified, but it worked. Perhaps the developers just have to think a bit harder to make it happen. besides, I also mentioned that a Keyboard and Mouse can be used on a Console, too. *shrugs* Who knows, in this specific instance?
Thats why I said I didn't care if an MMO was also on a console if they required the console players to use a keyboard and mouse. My biggest issue is that I don't want my game restricted and simplified so that console players can use a controller.
Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic
Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW
Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike
Loved: Star Wars Galaxies
Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.
Thank you OP. We are all now dumber for having read that.