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Caster Careers

I will be having the opportunity to test these out tomorrow....but I'm curious what the testers think about my current inquiry....


I have always been a caster type, dps and/or support, in nearly every MMO I've played (and there's a long list of em).  The thing that really threw me off some caster types in MMO is the display of their casts.  I've always been a graphically-intense-caster-lover and have quickly been turned off MMOs because the effects/graphics behind spellcasting tend to take an elementary turn. 

I've watched a few videos and am still as yet uncertain which caster class in WAR will quench that love of graphical gameplay.  I have no allegiance to Order/Destruction thus all caster types are open to me...

In the testers' opinions...which and why do you believe a certain caster type might fit this niche.  I don't play casters because their overpowered...or the underdog..but because I love what they do...whether it be direct and/or dot/hot . 

Also...are dwarves male only?


  • jaycee2006jaycee2006 Member Posts: 466

    I'm not a tester, but from all videos I have watched I have always been in awe of the bright wizard throwing fire balls exploding with a huge bang into multiple people.. looks very cool, so id say bright wizard.

  • TonevTonev Member Posts: 462

    No while in beta I have seen plenty of Dwarven females running around and on top of this I can say the casting animation for all classes are different looking.

    There are things in this game that will have you going WOOT and some that will have you saying "WTF".

  • starstar Member Posts: 1,101

    Brightwizard or Sorc. They've got the biggest, prettiest spells around. You might also want to consider the Magus - Chaos magics are very pretty.


  • DataDayDataDay Member UncommonPosts: 1,538
    Originally posted by tp1hobss

    I will be having the opportunity to test these out tomorrow....but I'm curious what the testers think about my current inquiry....
    I have always been a caster type, dps and/or support, in nearly every MMO I've played (and there's a long list of em).  The thing that really threw me off some caster types in MMO is the display of their casts.  I've always been a graphically-intense-caster-lover and have quickly been turned off MMOs because the effects/graphics behind spellcasting tend to take an elementary turn. 
    I've watched a few videos and am still as yet uncertain which caster class in WAR will quench that love of graphical gameplay.  I have no allegiance to Order/Destruction thus all caster types are open to me...
    In the testers' opinions...which and why do you believe a certain caster type might fit this niche.  I don't play casters because their overpowered...or the underdog..but because I love what they do...whether it be direct and/or dot . 
    Also...are dwarves male only?


    I was not in the beta, but i have done enough research to know quite a bit.

    That said you have 3 types of casters/ranged dps.

    1. Magus and Engineer are a support defensive dps class. They are supposed to be harder to kill than a full on magic dps class like #2 below. Their attacks are utility based for the most part and come with secondary effects. Right now they are currently not working out so well and Mythic is looking at how they can become more viable in the game.

    2. Bright Wizard and Sorceress are the true ranged dps classes. They a real class cannon. They can do everything from massive direct damage to explosive AOE damage. So is there a catch? yes. The more powerful and dangerous the spell, the more points the earn towards it backfiring and hurting them in the process. They also are very easy to kill if successfully attacked as their def and armor is low.

    3. Shaman and Rune Priest, Archwizard and Zealot are the other type of caster. They balance DPS and Healing ability as well as some status affects, buffs and debuffs. Much like the Magus and Engineer, they have ways to do dps, though not high, and their other perk comes from healing ability. The only real large damage dealing Magic class are the specialized Bright Wizards and Sorcs, everything else is more of a hybrid and can be just as good depending on playstyle.

    And from what i hear, there are female dwarves as well.

    If you are curious to the most over powered of the casters, that is current the Bright Wizard. Many agree that there will possibly be a nerf concerning the BW and maybe the Sorc shortly. Those two have massive graphical effects to their spells when it comes to anything AOE, though from what i hear Mythic still has yet to add in some effects and animations to them.


  • nightblazerrnightblazerr Member UncommonPosts: 90

    Part of why I'm not rolling an offensive caster in this mmo is because I don't think there are enough impressive spell effects. However, Mythic may have some sort of secret animation patch for release I dunno..


    Ok, so you wan't to be a caster based on how the spells look so here we go...


    Bright wizard has lots of fireballs which is basically a constant flashbang for the enemy zerg. You can make it rain fire, breath fire out your mouth and so on, stuff that has been in other mmos...


    Magus has 3 deamons which are ok looking. The Magus himself and his board look amazing and only get better with gear progression. Depending which way you spec you either get....

    Medium range aoe spec: a nice red aoe tornado effect and a so so vortex effect.

    Long range spec: A purple cloud that strikes lightning down.

    or short range spec: A larger tentacle that lashes out of your disc. (you get a small one anyway)

    (Keep in mind Magus is a "defensive" caster which makes it a little harder to play if your just trying to nuke things.)


    Sorcerers has a really nice spell effect that does a cone aoe where giant crystals grow out of the grond in a line in front of you, also some other less visually impressive spells but is the best single target nuker.

    EDIT: shade of pits for sorc is also really nice...



    Actually, here..   you can see alot of the spell effects in that awsome gameplay trailer. :D

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