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WAR review; a player's perspective



  • iCehiCeh Member UncommonPosts: 884
    Originally posted by hauj0bb 
    My disappointment of WAR comes from my personal yearning for something new and different; I don't want to experience the same things from a game I played prior when I pick up a new game, in fact the reasoning behind purchasing a "new" game is to find a new experience, is it not?


    I know what you're saying, it's the exact reason why I'm here in-fact. I've mentioned before that I'm a FPS gamer and have been since 1998 (first time I got a PC and loaded up Quake 2 online I was addicted). Now I'm at the point where every FPS just feels the same, CS and TF2 might look different, but when it comes down to it you pick your class (or gun in CS) and shoot your opponent.

    I can't blame TF2 for that, it's a good game - it does what it says on the tin. This is the point I'm getting at to you, every MMO that's going to come out you're not going to be satisfied with, unless it meets every one of your standards. Just like TF2 doesn't meet mine, and just like you I want a fresh and new feeling to a game - it's not going to happen. We're nostalgic, we want what was great before.

    Warhammer is something I want because it has something that another game lacks - PvP objectives (good PvP objectives!). I'm here to kill people, I want to destroy things and that's it. The RPG part is irrelevant to me, so is the IP, lore and all that stuff. I just want to jump on Ventrilo, jump on the game and have a laugh with my friends.


  • Fa+eFa+e Vanguard CorrespondentMember Posts: 190

    I agree with the OP on many of the subjects brought up.  But I'm not really all that bothered by killing X amount of X, because the way I see else are you going to level up?  I am not so bothered by the fact that the game takes aspects of other games and expounds upon them...hey if it works, use it.  Some things I am concerned about however are:

    1. The combat certainly does feel very stagnant.  I can count inbetween button presses of attacks, it feels as if I am lagging, although I am running at 60 FPS.  Along with that, I do not like the fact that with classes such as Black Orcs and Blademasters force me to use this attack after this attack because attack on button 2 is locked until I press attack on button 1.  That makes the fact that I am attacking slowly even worse.
    2. I do not like the fact that if I am playing a Black Orc, and think to myself, "Hmmm a Blademaster sounds interesting," that once I try out this "new" character, that I am playing the exact same class with the names of the attacks changed.  Or a Sorceress and Bright Wizard, or Shaman and Arch how many classes are there really in this game?
    3. I feel the customization of the characters is very stale, and by the way, are there only Euro-centric humans in this fantasy world of Warhammer?  No one in this world has any melanin in their skin?
    4. Although I find Public Quests to be very fun and spent probably 50% of my time during Preview Weekend doing them, I do this if they are going to open these mobs up to entire area, that they should be "over-sized".  It's kinda difficult to see what you are hitting when a normal sized mob is jumped by 30 orcs, and blindly pressing buttons is just not fun.
    5. Also, I do not think that Public Quests foster community because you don't have to talk to or really even interact at all with anyone while you are doing them.  It's kinda like having 29 henchmen running around you, helping you finish your solo quest.  Besides, people were too busy trying to get to mobs to be stopping and chatting.  However, since the population is so low on games that truly are designed for group play, like Vanguard, and you end up having to try and solo or make do with duo-ing content that is designed for groups least WAR is designed to allow players the ability to do things on your own.

    Currently Playing: Aion
    Trying Out:
    Retired: The Chronicles of Spellborn, EvE, LotRo, WoW, VG, AoC, CoX, RO
    Waiting on: Blade & Soul, Black Prophecy, Global Agenda, The Agency, SW:ToR, T.E.R.A.
    Working On: The 5th Dimension (coming soon)

  • ZammztZammzt Member Posts: 22

    I can honestly say I've met 1 person I can enjoy talking to and playing with without getting annoyed that will be rolling my server and guild come launch. He's bringing along with him about 9 friends. It took me way longer to meet the people I will be playing with come launch in WoW. About 8 or so. So I've met about 9 people since the two weeks more people have gotten into this game for CE CB and PW. And I talk to them on vent daily without being annoyed. (Trust me people can be way different on vent then in game)

    What I say to your review is not much since it's an opinion. But I don't understand how you can be bored when there are so many options on leveling and playing the game. Get bored of questing? PQ. Bored of PvE in general? Scenarios. Bored of scenarios? World RvR. And these gate standoffs you speak off are fun as hell to me. So once again it's all opinion.

    GL to you on w.e you decide to do fellow beta tester. I will be enjoyin me some waaagh.

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