Every damn game that comes out..."WoW Killer! AMIRITE?" Seriously, give it a rest guys.
well its cuz WoW is the most QQing of all MMOs after well lets say SWG lost everyone. Plus WoW fanbois think they own everything which is soon about to end.
I disagree. The combat is so bad in WAR I don't see it succeeding at all.
Ignore him, he ll say i m an elder tester and i know blah blah blah. Well guess what so am i and i feel the complete opposite of him. It s his opinion it sucks let him have that and have your own opinion. I don t hink it will beat WOW but who cares it s a fun game and thats all i give a shit about.
DAMNIT MAN we dont want it to kill it, ONLY be a competator. Why? because if you have 2 games competing then the consumer wins because that means they will work harder to win.
In response to the OP, nice parody thread concept, but uncertain execution because you over estimated the level of Troll response, and under estimated the number of thoughtful responses you would receive.
I was going to make a couple points, but one poster beat me to the World of Starcraft killing WoW serious analysis, and another poster beat me to the Hello Kitty Online killing WoW funny analysis. Personally I don't forsee any WoW killers in the current batch of MMORPGs on the immediate horizon, but I will be having fun playing WAR regardless.
I approve everything said in this thread, because it's so original.
----------------------------- Osbourne Cox: You are the guy from the gym.
Ted Treffon: I don't represent Hardbodies.
Osbourne Cox: I know very well what you represent. You represent the idiocy of today.
Ted Treffon: No, I don't represent that either.
Osbourne Cox: You are part of a league of morons. Oh, yes. You see you're one of the morons I've been fighting my whole life. But guess what. Today, I win.
No, no leach players... no, not hurt it... just plain kill it... in 1 year. WAR will be the most played MMO in the occident.
I thought WAR would not be able to beat WoW beacuase, imo, most of the MMO population doesn't like PvP. And, after all, RvR is PvP. I thought WAR, in the best case, could reach 1 million players, becoming the second most played MMO. And in the worst case, it would have like 200-400k
But after seeing AoC still have 400k (onyl God knows how) and after seeing all these WoW trolls that come here desperated to bash WAR... I am starting to think this is like when animals perceive an apocalyptic event is coming.
I believe the WoW fanbois feel the end is near.
They are experimenting the five steps of Gried. Denial the truth about WAR. Some are already in anger (trolling and even lying). Soon we will see them bargaining. Then they will get depressed and, finally, they will accept the truth and buy WAR.
Don't worry, WoW fanbois, we will always accept you all... you wont have to create new MMO accounts to post in here (hiding the you convert yourself). We understand your frustration. Your game suck big time and it lacks of PvP (anyone thinking WoW has PvP should go to see a shrink). We will create some program to recover you all. Maybe we will call it "How to have fun without pve raiding for 36 hours?".
Welcome to the end of WoW!!!
(Yes, I have to troll... come on! After all the trolling I have had to read these past days, don't I have the right to, at least, troll once?! hehe)
The only serious thing I will say in this post to the people coming to these forums looking for truth facts: try the game and see for yourself, if you like it or not. If you like it, play it. If not, don't. All the rest discussed here are just opinions.
OMG NO, keep the stupid assholes in wow plz. Don't need another barrens chat, or a bunch of morons that think they can own everything on there own.
well its cuz WoW is the most QQing of all MMOs after well lets say SWG lost everyone. Plus WoW fanbois think they own everything which is soon about to end.
Ignore him, he ll say i m an elder tester and i know blah blah blah. Well guess what so am i and i feel the complete opposite of him. It s his opinion it sucks let him have that and have your own opinion. I don t hink it will beat WOW but who cares it s a fun game and thats all i give a shit about.
In response to the OP, nice parody thread concept, but uncertain execution because you over estimated the level of Troll response, and under estimated the number of thoughtful responses you would receive.
I was going to make a couple points, but one poster beat me to the World of Starcraft killing WoW serious analysis, and another poster beat me to the Hello Kitty Online killing WoW funny analysis. Personally I don't forsee any WoW killers in the current batch of MMORPGs on the immediate horizon, but I will be having fun playing WAR regardless.
I approve everything said in this thread, because it's so original.
Osbourne Cox: You are the guy from the gym.
Ted Treffon: I don't represent Hardbodies.
Osbourne Cox: I know very well what you represent. You represent the idiocy of today.
Ted Treffon: No, I don't represent that either.
Osbourne Cox: You are part of a league of morons. Oh, yes. You see you're one of the morons I've been fighting my whole life. But guess what. Today, I win.
OMG NO, keep the stupid assholes in wow plz. Don't need another barrens chat, or a bunch of morons that think they can own everything on there own.
Barrens Chat WOOT!
Where do you want me to start with putting "your mom" at the start of everything you say or with "Chuck Norris Facts"
See you in WAR