question was, since ive never played before.. does this event ending today mean that its effectivly useless to try the game?
ive got like 14 hours left to download, and if the free trial period lasts untill the 31st will that mean when i get done downloading ill have to pay to try the game? Or does this invite give you a free month from the time your account is activated (mine activated today)
I only ask because i really dont want to endure a 15 hour download, only to find that the event is over when it completes. Or does the living legacy event invites "expire" today without activation...meaning ill still be able to logon and play without subscribing?
if the promotion keys still work, please. thanks
Sent, hopefully it works
Would love a key please ^^
Would most definitely like to try it out:
15 left, hope they work!
Would love a key thank you
Would love a key thanKS
Sent you one
i would be glad to take one of those keys
I would love one:
Both sent, 12 still left.
i would love to give this game a try
I would love one too many thanks in advance
both sent, 10 left
"Live the legacy and fight with legends:
Free Game Play - Free game play for invited players from July 1, 2008 through August 31, 2008. "
So this invite offers free gameplay untill today?
Please say thats not true, i have 15 hours left to download the this thing going to end before i finish my download?
If you sign into your account at
it should say under your acount information subscriptions how much subscription time you have left question was, since ive never played before.. does this event ending today mean that its effectivly useless to try the game?
ive got like 14 hours left to download, and if the free trial period lasts untill the 31st will that mean when i get done downloading ill have to pay to try the game? Or does this invite give you a free month from the time your account is activated (mine activated today)
I only ask because i really dont want to endure a 15 hour download, only to find that the event is over when it completes. Or does the living legacy event invites "expire" today without activation...meaning ill still be able to logon and play without subscribing?